esat t t PAGE TWO ' ' ! Broadcasting .to all our patrons and friends A sincere wish for a Very Happy Christmas PHONE 357 Just a little wish, 'tis true, Yet with sincerity sent to you. And may this day of all the year Ee filled with happiness and cheer. (Estab. 1908) '5 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA D THIRD AVENUE Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations Christmas Day Thursday, Dec. 24, 1936 A little more patience, a little more charity for all, .a little more devotion, a little more love; with less bowing down to the past, arid a silent ignoring of pretended authority; a brave looking forward to. the future with more faith -in; our fellows, and the race will be ripe for a great burst of light and life. ELBERT HUBBARD. v Keep in Tune With Christmas Happiness is the greatest thing in the wdrld and this is the season of happiness, of joy and of merriment. :';.yineilunnaPPy 01 disgruntled person who is out of tune with the season can -spoil the enjoyment of .a dozen or possibly one hundred others. The meanest person is the one who persists in being unhappy when doing so is spoil-v1ng Christmas for many others. Christmas more than New Year is the time of high re-solve. Let us one and all set out to make the season a happy one for all our neighbors and friends and, parti: cuiarly, those of our own household for this is the onlv Way to gain true happiness for ourselves. t Be m tune with the spirit of the season, the Christmas I Order Out of Chaos :ji - If the nations of the world would all decide to celebrate , Christmas and keep m tune with its spirit, most of the international ills of this world would be solved. There should be less suspicion and more trust; less narrowness wicirtiicej less uoudi, greater laith in the good. The cure for world ills has to come from the leaders of men. Once thev tret the nhnstmuo cni.?f ot,ii u 1 nc Ollttll 1JIJU 11 permeating all down through the rank , and file until the Whole hnnv nnlifi'r ia imlmul t, tL . , , , , c ""uuc" spirit oi mutual helpfulness and forbearance. A Joyful Christmas SELVIG'S t wishes ali customers and friends the Merriest of Merry Christmases and ask all to join in keeping the festive season in a fitting manner Mm A columnist in the Victoria iTimes writes as follows: A wise old newspapsrman say; to me: "You see what has hap pened today. Women are weeping in every town in the British Empire. Men are feeling pretty bad about It all, zoo. People are divided Into those who blame the King and those who are sorry for him. Everybody Is more deenls stirred- by this thing than any thing that has happened since the armistice. "But here is the funny part of it a hundred things of far more importance to all of us have happened this year. What happened to the League of Nations, to (Ethi opia; what happened on the continent of Europe, the rearmament program, the preparations for an other war what is happening in tne United States eltiona1i these things are more important in the long run" to the welfare of everybody in the world, including us, man the abdication of this King and the succession of a better man. It is far more Important what England does about getting into another war than what it does about King Edward and his American Iriend. it's more im portant what it docs about- Soeial- fcm and unemployment and bank ing and Empire tariffs. "Sure, its all mnn !mnni4on but who cares? The public is far more, interested hi, this business because it concerns people of flesh and blood,, not abstract cause, because it appeals to the emotions, not to reason. The public doesn't like to use its reason but, My uoa, now it loves to use its emo tions! .And. herejvas a story that ujjjJtMjea 10 ail or them tn triotism. to nostaglia, to pity, to anger, to mother love, to romantic love.- It had evervthln? tn make a great story, including sex appeal. 'Just remember that, mv w FAILED TO BLOW UP TRINIDAD, Col., Dec: 24: (CP) i wnen you are Inclined to get Im patient with things as they are; when you want to go out and start revolution. nemAmho people aren't guided in tho ma. by their reason cr we would have had a better system 'orig ago. They're guid-d by their emouons and in a 'crisis you don't nnow wnat way they'll iumn. of. ten backwards when you expect mem 10 go forward. That's whv things never work out as Von ev- pect. That's why all these neat copypooK solutions, all drawn out to scale, these patterns for the future that students anH nmao,,. politicians are always working out viKx xneviiaoie mppenlnes on careful calculation . , - - " &j i naywire. Tne public, my boy, Ui ycciuwr, u weeps for a King, sets up a Christmas tree and then goes Christmas shopping., You can't ever figure what ifa going to do nexi. Mrs. j, L. House and a lot of spec- iaiors neia tneir breaths when her car slid down an icy hill ancf collided, with a truck loaded with, dynamite. But there was no explo sion. Experts say dynamite onlv rarely explodes on Impact. DEFENDED HIS WIFE LONDON, Dec, 24: (CP) Part ing his wife, charged, " iiift mi v. l . . . .1 . ' jpuiiukuiB, utu a menial nisiory and asking she be bound over not to is enter' public houses to drink cheap Jwine, a solicitor obtained the wb- gjmaria release on probation. US THE. DAILY NEWS Qp 'communist Parly SVork For Women INTEREST "a?aar an( Dance Abdication Not of Prime Import ance But it Appealed to Everybody Human Nature Are successful In spite of Inclement weather on (Tuesday the Communist bazaar at ithe Canadian Labor Defence (League Hall was well attended by ra crowd in festive spirit. The chll- ... ... ... aren especially were happy and ln- , .,, Ulustration of How Pub he Likes eXgs. teresUd , The tn Emote I m itf a Rather If t i t m m Than Than I V .lll.V. IVUll'l.. IIUII J A , . - . Reason wuincii aisurjDuiea iree canay ana nuts to the children. The dance Wednesday night also held by the Communist party, was attended by a record crowd. AUTO TOLL IS HIGHER Deaths and Injuries Increase This Year in Greater Proportion Than Number of Cars VICTORIA, Dec 24: (CP) Although the increase in numbsr of cars in the province was only f.6 percent to the end of November, a 27.S percent Increase was recorded in ihe number of perrom Injured in automobile accidents in British Columbia, government re cords show. During the first eleven months of this year. 3,570 accidents were reported and 2,174 persons injured, 572 more than In ihe tame period last year. ttiere were eighty-four deaths during these eleven months as compared with last year's eighty-two. Loot in China Was Cook Book TORONTO. Dec. 24: (CP) A woman missionary in the Interior of China writes' that after a visit of a Chinese general pursuing "Reds" all the recipe books in th lonely station had disappeared, No qcner dooks were touched. The only nosslble ejrolanfltirtn could be that he general had, a wvuu. who. coiua.reaa English, and he-decided that- 0gr had- made a good friend. 1 SERVED CAKE AT 107 RHEIMS. France, (De:. .24: (CP) Believed Eurjpe's oldest woman. Madame Lecnice Bdmbaron. at party bn her 107th blrthdav. proudly wearing her Legion of Honor Cross, cut her cake and served it herself. WAR SPY LIVES LONG SARAGOSA. Texas, Dec. 24: (CP) Confederate spy during the Civil War 70 years ago, Mrs. Ira E. Williams has reached her 99th year FELL INTO. THE SEA SOUTHAMPTON, Eng.; Dec. 24: (CP) Running to welcome her brother off a ship from Palestine, Mrs. S. Mills fell from the wharf into the sea but was'rescued LOW fa NEW YEAR I ITWttN ALL tTAriONt' IN CANADA OOlNOl WtDNMOAV, DtC. SO TO. P.M. SUNDAY, JAN. S. nrruRNiNSi lcavc dutina. tion not Later than mio NIGHT, MONOAY. JANUARY 4. (PntStuudtk Ult PARTICULAR FROM ANT AGENT CHRISTMAS WISHES A We thank our customers and friends for their g patronage and good will and wish one and all the pf Compliments of the Season. I Home Oil Distributors Ltd. Is Big Problem I Member of Employment Conunis- JX slon Tells Some Factors' 6f j& Task fo WINNIPEG, Dec 24: (CP) One & of the five women members of ff the Women's Advisory Committee to the National Employment Com-irrcj!on, Mrs. W. J. Lindal in an 'ritervlew told of what he saw and heard while away on "her Job." "We realized the enormity of the cblem that confronted us," she id. "Every region had its story to tell. Involved In the conditions grvernlng the employment of women wsre such questions as trade employment of men, availability of adequate training for potentla' work, and guidance In pointing way to young people eager train themselves for the thing they were best fitted." Since It wouldl be foolhardy to advise with out first being Informed them- elves, ths women of the new .immlttee returned to their homes to study audi .learn more. Domestic employment, one of Mrs. Undal's special Interests h? is one of the women buck of Winnipeg's School for Household Assistants was found a vital question Jn Eastern Canada. "In Toronto there were 579 vacancies fcr household workers, and only 50 qualified persons," she consulted i little notebook, In Montreal the same situation ?xisted. She advised making domestic work on a par with other work; training household workers to regard their Job as a profession. WDY SIMON WANTS ACTION LONDON, Dec. 24: (CP)-JSpeak-Ihg in Memorial Hall, Sir John Simon, BriUsh Home Secretary, said: "My wife has In her house a notice which reads 'What we .want is talkies. more movies and less W. C. T. U. IS C2 NEW jYORK. Dec. 24: (CP) . Xundsd November ' 19 174 fh. e .Vcmen's Christian Temperance jr.lon 1 now C2 years old. i 4 roirmji i Thursday,' December U, m MayYouCChristmas Be Mer&$ Your New Year Happy Margaret's It is a pleasure at this Holiday Season to wish you all A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR May 1937 bring you happiness and a full measure of prosperity. Elite Beauty Parlor Mrs. Sutherland ' t GOD'S IN HIS HEAVEN' Mi erry nnstmas ALUS RIGHT WITH THE WORLDS To you, our friends and patrons In Prince Rupert and adjoining centres, ,, we. wish to take this opportunity and this means of expressing our apf, preciatlon of the patronage you have given us thU year and-to express t also the h0P that our 'relations in the. next year and the years 'to comT'-' will be every bit as cordial as they, have been In the past. Let us extend r also the sincere wish that you enjoy this year the "Merriest otlChti&f-mases and Happiest of New. Years." " ' .i.'-s : rJ BRYANT COMPANY LIMITED 8 M is I 5 n ar . ft I i ?f In Avishing one and,all a Very Merry Christmas jfc f and Prosperous New , Year we take the oppor- tunity to thank our customers for their support, p We particularly appreciate the: continued favors jj of our regular patrons. ''. '' 1 THE REGAL SHOP v .: - The Native Brotherhood of British Columbia wish a ; Merry Christmas and HappyNew Year To All the Natives of British Columbia 8 S I - i.. j ?3 I I s I I & i s fa I I 3 9