NEGOTIATE ON STRIKE!: Hopes Still Held for Early Settlement Australian Ship At Hawaii Affected SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 24: Members of seven maritime -workers' unions to the number of five thousand' gathered here in carao of -the Australian steamer Limerick which arrived here from Vancouver with 2700 tons of supplies, mainly foodstuffs, for the Ilawalln Islands. The cargo wa3 discharged by hand. It was the first foreign ship to be affected by the strike. ARMY OF BELGIUM Parliamentary Approval Secured For Peacetime Strength Of 81,000 Men BRUSSELS, Dec. 24: (CP)-Bel-gium gained Parliamentary approval of her peacetime - army of 84.000 men yesterday and moved to bulwark her defences against BAR SILVER DOWN NEW YORK, Dec. 24: (CP' Bar silver was down 'fce at 44Tc per; ounrc cn the New York metal i market yesterday. . . RUSSIA CELEBRATES CHRISTMAS SEASON UNDER LAW CHANGE , 1 MOSCOW, Dec. 24: After twenty years, Christmas trees art general in Russian homes again. Santa Claus pictures are shown in shop windows. The celebration of Christmas . having been made legal, sale mass. of tovs has been ereater than I " o meeting yesterday to unify their at any time since the present raims ami lonsiucr ins sinKc suu- , government came into office ation. Aiming matters discussed j even if prices are high and were the relation of the Pacific, the ran nf wnnn n9rrnw Coast strike to the eastern situ-j ation and also the relation of ' the machinists union strike. Harry, Bridges was the principal speaker.) Meantime, changes of an early agreement being reached between' the shipowners and unions arsj . aid to be again brighter. Negotiations arc continuing with a ncv torn promise plan olfircd by thei .hlnowncrs The shipowners' committee has issued a statement blaming Harry Bridges, fiery head of the International Longshoremen's Association on th's roast, with delaying fh? settlement. The shipowners say they are prepared to tie up thcJr b?4ts for two years.. Harry Timrbertr. executive sec-tvlirv of the Seamen's Union, ard ' i J. E. Fcrauson, firemen's union. Late Telegraphs FRANCE WARNS GERMANY I'ARIS France has warned Germany that a new mass "invasion" of Spain by Nazi troops on the side of the insurgents will force her to aid Madrid, responsible reports said. Authoritative sources said that the threat to abandon French neutrality had been delivered by Foreign Minister Yvon Delbos to Count Johannes von Welcseck, German ambassador. From Spain came left yesterday for Portland where reports that government troops an agreement was reported to had made a clashing three mile have been reached between grain advance northwest of Madrid exporters and handlers for handling grain to cars but not to ship?, at a wage increase of l5c per hour-Westerners In Pickets BALTIMORE, Dec. 24: Pacific Coast seamen made their appearand this week among the plck-etcrs on the Baltimore waterfront cnd-ivorlng to prevent strikebreakers frcm loading ships in this pott. AuVrnlian Ship Affected HONOLULU. Dee 24: Union longshoremen atascd a "sit down" .strike here in refiwal to handle yesterday, insurgent lines giving away without struggle and leaving- many dead- and wounded; some of the latter of which, it is said, were executed by the loyalists. Rebels poured shells into Madrid but with little effect oh the already almost destroyed city. Negotiations for a Christmas exchange of hostages are reported to have broken down. CUBAN PRESIDENT OUSTED HAVANA Miguel Mariano Gomez was today ousted from presidential office in Cuba after losing a bitter fight against Army leaders whom he accused of wanting to establish a "Fascist, military dictatorship." Anticipating his impeachment by a hostile Senate tribunal, Gomez ted moving his effects out of the presidential palace yesterday. There is, however, a large measure of public opinjon In favor of him and his colleagues who i may be forced to flee the country. TROTH IS DENIED BRUSSELS There was official denial last night of reports that King Leopold was contemplating marriage with Princess Theodora of Denmark, 2C-ycar old niece of King Christian and cousin of the lovely Queen Astrid, Who was killed in 1935. ITALIAN KING ILL ROME King Victor Emmanuel is noW suffering an attack of bronchial pneumonia, the aftermath of an operation for hernia three days ago. His condition Is said to be not serious. ! PREMIER PATTULLO'S . CHRISTMAS MESSAGE In the joy and festivities of the Christmas Season we should riot fail" to remerriber that Christmas Day J commemorates the birth of the ureal waster so u snort anuii. anu aim iraii; nb' - - .V,1, , in ii .i iu. nm,f nf oTinrlvvill to all men. in greetings and best wishes My family join me to ail for Christmas and the New Year. T. D. PATTULLO MERRY CHRISTMAS To meet the food shortage, ap peal. Is being made to householders to save even their breadcrusts. 1 Use of fish, which may be caught at home,, Is being urged. i Official Toast List Announced Name of Dowager Queen Mary Follows That of King And Queen Duke of Windsor Last LONDON, Dec. 24: King George VI. yesterday approved the Horn a Secretary's new official, toast list. The name of the Dowager Queen Mary follows that of the King and Queen with that of the Duke of Windsor, the former King Ed-; ward VIII, coming "after that of his youngest brother, the Duke of Kent, If mentioned at all. CONQUEST RECOGNIZED ROME Belgium arid Switzerland last night announced official recognition of the conquest of Ethiopia by Italy, Funeral Notice The funeral of the late Donald McLeod and also of the grandson, John William McLeod, will take 'place Saturday at 2 pjn. from .the J . Presbyterian Church. The Daily News Wishes Everyone a Joyous Yule tide Season , WHAT WILL HITLER DO? Unemployment Insurance Is -I- Being Adopted ST. PAUL, Minn Dec. "24: The Will Have to Take Attention Of f ' Minnesota State Legislature, after Domestic Situation Which Is J an all night session, passed the Becoming Serious j state unemployment insurance bill, - j enabling the state to share In ben- LONDON, Dec. 24: (CP) The'efits of the Social Security Act. threatened economic collapse In I Michigan Also Germany may force Chancellor LANSINO, Mich.. Dec 24: The Adolf Hitler to embark upon ex-. Michigan State Legislature, after plolts abroad, observers suggest. a stormy session, passed a state Drastic action In 'connection with ' unemployment insurance bilL spam may pe taicen. uiuer con- ferred yesterday with Herman; Goerlng. 1 Call To Peace CORDELL HULL BUENOS AIRES, DCf. 24: In a dramatic message at tho conclusion of thj Inter-American Pva?e Conference here- last night, Cordell Hull, Secretary, of State-1 for the United States, called upon the rulers of the world to work for,, peace. : , "The people of the world must destroy war or be destroyed by it." declared Mr. Hull in referring to the destrustive possibilities of the instruments of war ::;,whlch had been devised. " War, .'.As not an 'act of God but "a: ;, crime of man.' 1 xm DONATION OF$1,500 ! Carnegie Fund Contributes To Fitting up of Local Musetiht In Handsome Manner The Prince Rupert Museum Board has received from the National Gallery of Canada at Ottawa, acting for the Carnegie Corporation, a check for $1500 to be expended under its reorganization and educational program. This will enable the Museum Board to very greatly Improve its facilities. The money must not be used in maintenance so it will not relieve the 'need for continuous support of the museum. Another check received from Ottawa is from Hoii R..B. Bennett, former premier, $10 for a life membership,, EARCH IS . HAMPERED t It Fog and Snow Again Prevents Wrecked Mail Dane la Idaho ; Being Reached j t KELLOG. Idaho, 'Dc 24:-Fog mlty with the Most Holy Will." -Of-the 'efforU6r'Crorhurilsm" in Spain,, the Pope declared; "Here are signs and portents of terrify ing reality of what is being prepar 6d for Europe and the whole world If they do not hasten to look up the necessary remedies, of defence." The Pontiff spoke with his personal physician at his side ready to administer first aid should the strain prove too great, Cardinal Pacelll, Papal Secretary of State, was also present. The aged Pope will have to remain in bed for at iedst two or three more weeks. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Dec. 24: (CP) Wheat was quoted at $1.24'8 on the Vancouver market yesterday. The price jumped to $1.28?'8 today. 4 4 : 4 INFLUENZA -EPIDEMIC V i MARS LONDON XJIAS LONDON. Dec. 21 ! 'jopie 6f London will . Christmas Day a-bed' owing to Sr an epidemic of influenza which Is very general, Among those now down with the mal- f ady are H. O. Wells, the fa- mous author, and Stanley Bruce, the High Commissioner for Australia. Queen Elizabeth and tlv3 Duke and Duchess'of Gloucester are about recovered from attacks. and snow again frustrated ,iffqrti 4,,4,,,,;, ii. air ana grouna searcners to reach the wreck of the" Western Air Express Chicago to Seattle J bound mall plane which was re- ported earlier In the week to hav "een sighted from thb .air about' fifteen miles south of here. Although snqw was still falling last nlfht'i it was hoped that renewed irfortS;t,lay would, result, in foca-. thg'tne wreck.''Piiots Jc LiYermore and, A. A. Hald are believed1 td have perished In the .crash. NEW YORK STOCKS NEW YORK, "j Dec. York' stock ' market 24:-The NqT Industrial av erage was up "1.45, rallsi were up .23 vv. - X . 4 n Today's Weather ?2sai r m Tom Tid orrow s es (8 AM.) Prince Il-ipzrt- -Clear, northeast High 10:35 a.m. 22.0 fl. wind; barometer, 29.C8; sea 23:43 p.m. 18.6 ft. smooth. Low 4:11 a.m. 8.6 fl. 17:25 p.m. 3.1 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXV., NO. 301. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1936 ritiCE: 5 CENTh . , - HEARD BY WHOLE WORLD Urges All Christians ": To Unite Against Evil Forces of Communism Deplores Great Ills Which Have Fallen Upon Humanity Spain is But an Example of What May Be In Store, He Fears VATICAN CITY, Dec. 24: (CP)-Pope. Pius prayed before the whole world today that God would accept his suffering for peace among men and, from His sick bed, called for union of all Christianity against the "evil forces" of Communism. The stricken Pontiff spoke over the radio in a world broadcast. His Holiness spoke of the "bitter- sorrow" caused him by many great 1 ' . evils which these days have fallen i like a scourge on humanity, civil society and the church. Of his own suffering, the Pontiff said: "Brom the fullness of our heart we take opportunity to give thanks for the manifestation of filial affection so loving and so devoted. Although what we have to suffer Is very little Indeed compared with that which, so generously and painfully, people suffer In the world and with that, above all, which the King of this divine church suffered for us, both In soul and body, may He nonetheless deign to accept our suffering which we wish wil lalways be in confor- ARRESTED Thirty-Four More Taken Into Cus tody on Espionage and Fascist: i Activity Charges ) MOSCOW, Dec. 24: Thirty-four more Germans have been arrested by Soviet secret police on charges of espionage and Fascist activity With another Russo-German crisis looming and protests having been lodged through the: German embassy, Foreign Commissar Maxim Litvlnoffrh?Ur promised, -a; public 'trial. Conviction ort these charges may involve the death penalty. MANY GET JOBS NOW More Than Thirty-Two Thousand Are' Placed Under Farm Im-ii. provement Plan 1 ) Placed OTTAWA, Dec. 24: (CP) ments under the Dominlon-provlh-J cial farm Improvement and em-: iployment plan totalled 32,231 on; December 21, the Department of Labor reports. Of that amount ten thousand were placed during the last two weeks. All. provinces' are takins advantage jof the plan exe'ep't Ontario and Nova Scotia which are taking care of unemployed in their own Way: t2 spend Earthciijake . T Toll i Is Placed at 100 Still Digging Bodies Out or Debris In Stricken Central Salvadorc ',' SAN SALVADOR. Dec. 2V TIio toll from the earthquake in Central Salvadore on,Sunday which razed the city of San Vlncente was placed officially yesterday at J0O with 200 Injured. Bodies are still being dug out of the debris. J1 Christmas and New Year Message From Olof Hanson A To the residents of Northern and Central British Columbia, I extend my sincero wishes for a Happy Christmas and a Pros-. peroiis New Year. : If "I 3 5 5 I Si mm? 3 .li