PAGE EIGHT II fix. p : Sr... I THE SEASON'S GREETINGS Vnu will l wl.b . I two drllrlnua win frrtm Soulh Africa ... apprlixin and delightful In flavour and quality. ' i ' . ... ..I-. ny many friends and customers, I wish to extend the Heartiest and Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous Max This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 3 HeilbroneK- i Many Claim Top ! With Doughnuts Maine Host Who Started Unique Contest,- Likely to Be Swamped 'ELLSWORTH. Me.. Decv. 24: ' (CP) A hotel keeper who wants to make Hancock County famous for Us doughnuts has offered a 'prize for" the best ones. , He has made; suca a strong appeal that the would-be makers of the best are writing him in large numbers and he has been com pelled J111 to 'broadcast broadcast his his lnstruc rammsuiranrcum lnstruc- 3 yr x tlons rather than go to the bother B i-5 To Greet You Most Heartily at this Holiday Season and to wish you and yours a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Vance's Flowers and Home Arts Green 428 if pf writing. OBangWra;" flavor f It looks as if he would be re- cciving before long because his tj instructions call for each entrant b sending in a dozen doughnuts of S her own make. A recipe muct B accornany-'each-'dozen. : W Names will toe kept secret pend- ing the Judging, each lot being II numbered. Doughnuts are to be judged by uniformity of size, tex ture; coior, Keeping qualities and Ml? v-.-.rvv-svt'(i 'Cv .VojVC Svv;- E. ii 3- 6 ft " - We wish you all a Merry Christinas arid a Prosperous New Year The Staff of ibocurifi I f t fi m . THE DAILY NEWS HOUDAY PICTURES Capitol Theatre Has Special tractions "Stage Struck" For Christmas "Stage Struck," a gay and snappy musical comedy with an all star cast Including such favorites as Dick Powell, Joan Blondell, Warren William and frank McHugh, comes to the screen of the Capitol .Theatre as the especially attractive feature for Christmas and Boxing Days on both of which there will be special afternoon matinees as well as the regular evening shows. In "Stage Struck" Powell has the role of a dance director who Is driven to distraction by his star, Joan Blondell, whom he cannot discharge because her monev backs the show. She has gained notoriety and riches through many marriages and the shooting of her lat est mate. William has the role of a cagy producer who resorts to psychology to control his temperamental star and angel. McHugh plays the part of a comic assistant to Powell. The picture Is filmed on a lavish scale and there arc' three spectacu lar chorus numbers as well as song hits such .as "Fancy Meeting You." "In Your Own Quiet Way," 'The Body Beautiful" and "The Income Tax." A special advertisement today shows special features in the way of entertainment comlne to the Capitol during the Christmas and New Year holidays. Xmas Luncheon Of Gyro Club i C. V. Evitt. president of the Ro-1 tary Club, extended seasonal , greetings of his organization to the ' members of the Gyro Club at the ' Christmas week luncheon of the' latter in the. Boston Cafe yester- i ! day. Mr. Evitt spoke briefly and in I humorous vein. Dr. R. G. Large sang vocal solos, accompanied by C. P. Balagno, and W. H. Tobcv.' Frank Dibb and C, C. Mills also contributed to the program. Guests were C. V. E-witt and Douglas Ste- 1 ' phenson. Carol Singing Y is Appreciated Old English Custom Introduced! Last Nizht at Seal C.nvp I I'Well- ltcccivc'd" Residents of Seal Cove and dis trict were treated last evening to a sample of the ancient custom of English carol singing by the staff and some of the pupils of St. Peter's Anglican Church Sun day School. The choir, under the leadership of C. J. Norrlngton, consisted of .Mrs. W. B. Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Blrchali. Miss Jean I Story, Miss Audrey VieTcck, Missj Margaret Fowler. Mis3 Thelmr.i Skog, Miss Solvelg Sorenscn, Mas-1 ter Reginald Beale and Master Bobby Capstlck. The venture was' well received and the result was' a collection of $16.50 which will, be . used to purchase Christmas gifts for children of St Peter's Sunday School. I TEAKS BRING WELCOME I SLOUGH. Eng., Dec. 24: (CD-Asking with US 1 in her eyes to be allowed to st&s und marry the1 Englishman she loved, Ella Maurer, 32, a German, was sentenced to one day in jail for being in England without permission, but she will not be deported. , mm Let us take this opportunity to wish our friends and patrons A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and , A Happy New Year UCYTrr.V- n-,..... . -i j i pJi day and Saturday. Conlectloncry m store closed Friday, Dec. 25th. M MUSSALLEM'S MM Wf KU The Manager and Staff of the Canitol unl tend to all our patrons the Season's Gron in ix" "Holiday Week Celebration" Prom listed below for your convenience. We are 13 n special holiday matinees every day next week"12 '0' Ending TONIGHT George O'Brien in of the Mi lounties . (At 7:00 & 8:09) plus "The Winning Ticket" (At8:of&io - FRIDAY and SATURDAY Matinees Friday (Xmas Day) and Saturday, 2-30 DICK POWELL and JOAN BLONDELL "Stage Struck" MONDAY and TUESDAY (Dec 28-29) (Matinees both days at 2:30) Franchot Tone, Jean Harlow, Cary Grant In "SUZY" piuj The Jones Family in "Educating Father" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY (Dec. 30-31) (Matinees both days at 2:30) Herbert Marshall, Kuth Chattcrton "GIKLS' DORlillTOUY" Willi tSic new Star SIM ONE SIMON pi r "Charlie Chan at the Race Track" NEW YEAR'S EVE FROLIC (Dec, :)lst) At 11:15 P.M.) FRIDAY and SATURDAY (Jan 1-2) .Matinees both days at 2:30) pa nr. irnitpcnv in "The Song of I4 reedoin 7Venu COMMODORE CAFE SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DINNER December 25, 1936 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Consomme aux Pols 50c Choice of Soup 6 .; or Chicken a la St. Mdudc Roast Young Tom Turkey, Chestnut Dressing and 'Cranberry; Roast Young Goose, Currant Jelly Mashed or O'Brien Gratln Potatoes Cauliflower In Cream or Green Peas Desserts English Plum Pudding with Hard Sauce Lemon Jelly and Whipped Cream Pumpkin, Apple or Hot Mince Pie Vanilla Ice Cream Coffee, Tea or Milk 75c Fresh Crab Meat Cocktail Heart Celery Ripe Olives t T fLintia nf Cm. rumpKin. Appie or not Mince Pie t I Consomme aux Pols or Chicken a la St. Maude-Waldorf Salad. 1000 Island Dresisng I -.1 Choice of Roast ' Roast (Young Tom Turkey, Chestnut Dressing and Cranberry ' O'l una Stuffed Roast Suckling Pig', Baked Apple Filet Mignon a la Champignon Mashed or O'Brien Gratln Potatoes . Cauliflower in Cream or Green Peas Desserts English Plum Pudding with Hard Sauce Lemon Jelly and Whipped Cream it Vanilla Ice Cream Coffee, Tea or Milk - I l economy storf Daily News Chssifipfl AlvneomAnfc Ratify Results