PAfJI POTTS FT !ar at Waterfront Whiffs Salmon Scarce But All Canneries Still In Operation Only Four Halibut Boats Land Catches During Entire Week ox certain iisning areas to iismngn In order to ensure escapement to the spawning grounds has. further accentuated the scarcity of fish. The run of pinks in Massett In-lat is not up to the expectations of the cycle year although a satisfactory number of fish are reported In the streams. Butedalo area, with the exception of the west coast of Banks Island, was closed to seining dur ing the pst week until further UNRESERVED Auction Sale Of High Class Household Furniture To be Held In the Store Formerly known as BARRIE'S, MOOSE HALL BUILDING on Wednesday, Sept. 2nd. and Thursday, Sept. 3rd. Commencing at 2:15 PJVI. Each Day Instructed by the owner, Mr. E. Davidson of Seal Cove who is leav ing for the Old Country and fori uie convenience of the public Ii have caused to be moved to the j above nremlses and will hi public auction the following: WEBER UPRIGHT PIANO, 10-TUBE VICTOR ALL WAVE RADIO, 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD 8UITE, Walnut Dining Room Suite, Singer Electric Sewing Machine, large Serapi Wilton Carpet, large Supreme Wilton Carpet, several small Rugs, large Mirror, massive Mlr- roredQ.vermanUe,Gumey. Lauren I tic Range (good as new), Dominion i Circular Heater, Zenith Electric Washing Machine, 2 Walnut Bedroom Dressing Tables, Chiffonier, Simmons Ivory Steel Bed with Eeautlrest Spring Filled Mattress, Slumber King Spring. Walnut Bed with Ostermoor Mattress and Rest- moor Cable Spring. Premier Duplex Carpet Sweeper, Kitchen Clock, Kitchen Table and Chairs, Hot Plate, Ice Box, 2 Lawn Mowers, Dishes, Pots and Pans, Pictures, Garden Tools, Hose. 3 Glass Window Sashes, Clothes Dryer, Garden Tools, Etc., Etc. Note: These goods are in exceptionally good condition and can be viewed either Sunday or Monday prior to sale at Seal Cove after which same will be moved Into town for sale. Termi Cash. Geo. J. Dawes AUCTIONEER Blue 471 Phone Red 633 While not a great many fish have been available during the past week, na salmon canneries in Prince Rupert district had finally ended packing operations up to this week end although it is expected that next week will see a num ber close down. There has been a very definite falling off m the run during the last few days and the closing down and the American total 3,588,700 pounds as against 4,371,300 pounds Some thirty of the Prince Rupert halibut boats a larger number than last year are continuing to operate this fall in The more remote Area No. 3 following the closing of Area No. 2 to fishing. The boats continuing operations are Nornen, Dovre B., Atii, notlcf? as well as ail nPt. fkhino Cape Spencer, Marjgallce, Bum, In the Lowe Inlet area. There has Unome, Johan W. I, Joe Baker, been a heavy run of pinks in both Vera Beatrice, Capeila, Ingrid Ft. Butedalc and Lowe Inlet areas si5na!. Tramp, Melville. Cape this year. The streams, however. ! Beale- Southend. Kyreille have become low and the fishing Sea Mald- Toodie, White Hope has been closed in order to glve;DS-T- Thresher, Bay view, North a chance to get Into the i Borland, Teeny Milly, Clipper II. spawning beds. 0sl0. Kalen and Margaret I. With water low and clear and weather bright and sunny late Union steamer Cardena, Capt. August sees gill netters on both , John Boden, arrived In port at 2:45 -Skeena and Naas Rivers, getting i this morning from the south and light catches of cohoes. sailed a couple of hours, later on During the past week only four halibut booats sold catches aggregating 103,000 pounds at Prince Rupert. There was only one Canadian boat, the Takla, whl-h landed 42,000 pounds and received and 7c. Three American bo-Hs brought 61,000 pounds, the Rain Icr and Viking being paid 10.2c rnd 6c for 26,00 and 13,000 pour's respectively and ithe Presidcvt 10.7c and 6c for 22,000 pounds. Landings for the season up to yes- j terday reached an aggregate of! 8.244,200 pounds as against 8,-511,450 pounds at a corresponding date last year. The Canadian to nl i s 4,656.500 pounds )n compari i witn 4,i4U,i50 pounds a year ago her return to Vancouver and Instead of sailing on schedule at j 10 o'clock last night for the south, !C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide soon after arriving from Vancouver I yesterday, sailed on a special voy-jage to Ketchikan to pick up a nortv nt VHirrn nQtincciF nrnrlrfipe DAILY NEWS Saturday, Augs, VETERAN LOYALTY (Contlnue'd irom Pazo 1 to take to Seattle. The vessel re-dltor: c- Bourli"' ,gen,eral F. R. Porter, for- turned here at 7 o'clock this morn- Passenger agent; lng from the north, .sailing at 9 eign fre 8 aBent' a"d, J'. a.m. for Vancouver. The Ketchikan :oa' , supuic..uh, ui party numbered 130. Forty moreW0 ns and reliff M?treal W. a. passengers went aboard here. Montreal; J. F. McTaggart, general superintendent; Canadian National Telegraphs; W. E. Norman, general superintendent, Canadian National Express; F. J. Buller, regional treasurer; J. F. Aitchison, regional im aays 10 unaergo a general . c,,,rtar.t ni inno.V i GOOD LIST FOR MONTH! Eddle Girl,1 Two Flags," Ronald Oolman, Claudette Colbert, Rosalind Russell and Victor McLaglen. September 21 and 22 "Voice ol Bugle Ann," Lionel Barrymore and . r 4! . Maureen O'Sulllvan, and "suiy SomeOutstandAttractlons Are p &ad Robt Booked for Showing at Capitol ' Theatrejoon , w September 23 and 24-"Rythm of Outstanding attractions on the the Range," Blng Crosby, and "Relist Of bookings at the Capitol' turn of Sophie Lang," Gertrude Theatre here for the month oflMicnaei September Include the dancing and musical "Follow the Fleet," with Ginger Rogers and Fred As- uranam, general cnairman. uro- talre; strlke Me pmk therhood of Locomotive Firemen cantor? annual- "First .a September 25 and 2& "Little Lord Fauntleroy," Freddie Bar tholomew, and Dolores Costello Barrymore. I September 28 and 29 "Three iand en&inemen. spoke in behalf of starring the ,popular English ac- Godfathers," Lewis Stone, Chester After having had hk Parlfic Air Alter naving naa nis i-aciuc Air- ' t h p pmnlnvpnc rf n i 1 rm rl whllp ,.,. x t . i . i . 1 . ii .. VfnrHd n n H t Truno TTArvpv- u,,.. "Rmm. iDm. . "'.I - "7YL ,aZ. " . . the veteran officers were represen- l-Rhodes. the Empire Builder Builder." " ' a. 1C u., ut& ted b c R formerly gen-, with Walter Houston- in? Lady, Fay wray ana Kaipn ,itt. Inplnmv. nnH Tnl-Rhnrlrpv flaht overhaul, Pilot Charles Elliott was n'Z ZJt, 7' 'I . . linn n Jinn .1 n narn&Y Tnrnntrv 'trir t 4 t Tbm- tt TTnvinnr i ... it-.. I "P0M!ef ""lhlf-7??5.te-r:: general superintendent of motivelder Two Flags" with Ronald Col- noon and left at 6:30 last evening for Stewart. He took north Mrs. El-liott'ahd little daughter and A. R. Nichols. 1 Southbound from Skagway to Vancouver with a full list of tourist passengers, C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, is due Ip port at 4 o'clock this afternoon from Skagway and will sail at 5:30 p.m. for the south. No boats being in with catches, there., was nq. sale, of halibut on the local Fish Exchange this morn ing, -.v , r. . . . - C.',tA. Procunier, for many years school .teacher at Sunnyslde and mere recently residing . at Osland will 'leave on next Friday'3 train for Kentvlfle, Nova Scotia, where he plans on takjig up future resi dence. power and car equipment. At the conclusion of the ceremony, T. Mulrhead, president of the Canadian National Veterans' Association, Toronto district No. 1, announced that the loyalty roll and Its cabinet would be placed in the Canadian National Railways display at tlje Canadian National Exhibition, and subsequently would be shown In various towns and cities throughout the Dominion. RAINS SPOIL MUSHROOMS LONDON, Aug. 29: (CP) Hay crops, have- been ruined and grain laid flat in many sections of England and, even the mushrooms, which thrive, in wet meadows, are spoiled by tobi much moisture. A. E. Parkw, district, forester, returned to .the city on last night'? train from a trip to the lnteriot an official duties. man and Freddie Bartholomew's "Little Lord Fauntleroy." The complete list for the month Is as follows: . August 31-Septembe lVEailj to Bed," Charles RUggies and Maty Boland; . and "Sudden Death Randolph Scott and Frances ' 1 Drake'. Septmber 2 "Spendtririft," Mary Brian and Henry Fonda,, and "Sky' Parade," Jimmy Allen." 1 September 3, A arid ' & "Follow, the Fleet," Ginger Rogers and, Fred Astaire. September T and 8 ".qtrile Ml Pink'- Eddie Cantor. . . and 12 open.- September- 14 and. 15 -Rhodes, the Empire" Builder," Walter Hius-ton, September 16 and, 17 "Wife 'vs: Secretary,'-' qiark pble, Myrna Loy and Jean Harlow, and "Chan t the Circus," Warner Qland. September 18 and 19 "Under PRESERVING PEACHES ELHEItTA FRRESTONES Small Sizes Owl RP per crate Large Sizes Qf? UU . per crate We have a shipment arriving Monday morning. As the Peach Crop Is now at its best we advise buying . now for preserving. FRUIT JARS, CEItTO, ETC., At Reduced Prices Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 . We Deliver 'wmoanmBB' 1 1 Miss Jean .Martin, who ha, visltine here with v. "tts " --v. iK eranrt ents, Mr. and Mrs. ChartT' . ham, sailed by the Prince S" lalde this morning on her r to her home at Campbell rI? I I I I X II II in LAST TIMES TONIGHT Last Complete Show at 9:ji Going! Going! It's al-most gone. Don't misS your last chance to see this grand musical! "ROSE MARIE" with -Jcanct'tc McDonald Nelson Eddy Commit Monday CHARLES RUGGLES MARY ROLAND in "Early to Red" COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBOD? Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAl PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 551 Willi Hi i SMIM Jllll VHk k ft 1 LHHBBHHBlBBrABH. ifiHiHHl'' Forest Facts you should know . . . I iclurc the drear desolation of mountains covered only by scarred snags . . . lakes that reflect grim skeleton shapes that once were stately trees . . . your favorite trout streams only a series of stag-nant pools, parched for1 want of shade and watershed cover . . . game gone, its natural haunts burned . . . and then you will know C 10 y ' Bri Re sure your match, cigarette or camp fire is dead before you leave it.