-....rtliT. March 28, 1W8- IT1""" - iii i II II I II I l . .... !j Train Service connecting at Jasper with IheJContjnental LimHed" For 1'UAIKIB PQINTS .and EASTEKN CANADA Trains leave ITlnce, Kupert G-.00 p.mt YAr I'ares. Reservations CHI TICKET OFtlCli 538 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Latest Novelties in Se eds ARTHUR BAYNE Successor to Olennle's Second Ave. Phone 635 CO PHONE GO Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always in siock. We ais operate GO Messenger Service FKKSH MILK AND CREAM1 DAILY VALKNTIN DAIRY Phone 637 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guarahtccd FAMOIJS EDSON ALBERTA COAL , BULK LEY VALLEY COAL U.NXOUVER ISLAND COAL. HUNCH UUl'HKT FKEI) COMPANY rilONE: fill and 558 Hint on Coal Phuric 51 CENTItAL HOTEL special Chevrolet MASTER SEDAN with Trunk Complete 1936 Licence tiist Like New $950.00 . Kaien Motors Limited ' Ate. Phone S2 CREDIT IS DISCUSSED " ..QMnueu troin Fage l) tide. Actual cash had its llinlta-tions In serving the ever-lncreas-ing trade of the world and the third stage credit-came into being. Credit had been defined as "a yuonAmvu payment or money." The word was employed In ordin ary usage as the ability to borrow. uouas w-ere traded, for credit, ere uv was iraaea for mnnpw anrt money was exchanged for Eoods Actual money was not used to any Brca(, extent in. the business .world today, credit having become the medium' of exchange. When a man went down the street and bought a nat, issuing a check An payment. he was, in effect, exchanging ere. ait at trie bank for the hat he de sired. Thus It was in the majority on transactions large and small. ucmnci it all there was something tangible. The speaker referred to the Importance of confidence in ordinary trade and credit. Dr. R, O. Large,, president of the club; was in the chair and thanked the speaker for his interesting dlsT course. TIED TAIL TO CART PIQUETBERO, S. A., March 26 (CFl Charged with tielng ,hli horses tall to a cart, Christoffcl Brand, a European laborer, wai fined $5 or seven days hard labor; JONES Family Market I'UONE 957 rilONE 957 SPECIALS HUME STEEK BEEF Sirloin Tip, 4 lbs. 1 lb. Bacon ............. T-Bonc Boast, 4 lbs. 6z 1" lb. Bacon Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. is 1 lb. Bacon Rump Roast of Beef, C lbs. St I lb. Bacon Shoulder Roast of Veal per lb. ..I....:.... Leg of Veal 6 lbs. ...:.;...v.q1j,'ij.f-;.r '' Round Stcak-- 3 lbs Sirloin Steak 3 lbs j $1 $1 SI 51 10c $1 50c 50c Leg of Mutton About G lbs. -f On f.uvii Hv Shoulder of Lamb 4 lbs '. Lamb Chops 3 lbs. ., ; Veal Chops 3: lbs: Shoulder Roast Pork per lb. i Leg of Pork per lb. Loin of Pork per lb. Ayrshire Bacon per lb. Side BaconBy the piece per' lb 50c 50c 50c 15c 20c 20c 25c 25c NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelH. Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FUOM nOME" Ratf 1 1. 6 a W rtoomi Hut & Culd Walei Prince UtiDcrl. B.C. Phone 281 . ?0 Box 1M Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Hcd Sockcyc Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by the only Salmon Canning. Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. ti Ancient Greeks ' i ..... Knew Socialism Says Prof e$sHf SASKATOON, March JJ5: (CD- Modern social trends had their counterpart In ; early". history, sild rroi. w. G. Sullvan, of the Unlver-j sity of Saskatchewan, in art, ad-. dress here; In -the fifth century B.C., he said, ' the ,arees;lev.el6pe4 a socialistic scheme, very slmllat to the present movement In pne play the Athenians star ted a suffragette movement which caused women to seek control of the city's government. Even the Romans had their re lief problems, he stated. Julius Caesar aroused resentment by cutting the number of relief re cipients from 325,000 to 150,000. A great fire In 390 B.C. destroyed the ciiy wmcn. men naa a population of 1,000,000. "But a. night: '"club, would not have been a success in Rome," the . . . - - - pensaries were, available, and; many amazing, operatlbns -were performed. Beauty parlors- for. women we're established .throughout, the: ciiyV Chariot racing 'was a javoriti form pf amusement; nd looie pr6- iessionai cnarlotetrs received hug salaries. In some years" 133 davs were public Holidays.' .Sieves did all the w-ork. ' Former Westerii Farmer Citizen Black jSea . UhJ, -7t y IK'" LLOYDMINSTER, 'Sask-r M4rch 20: (CP)- WiUiani TrufCott, once a resident of this: district, Is now a member, of Uie Odessa City Council and in in a a letter..to. letter..to.a a friend here says he ' his former trade in that Black. Sea port. , His letter says- ntisslawas 'bef coming prosperous 'and the need and said the rarrvlnir niit. ihr flv(-o nlon Viorl'lOSt hnrn fno Vf. ottnl. Ku tann I levies. He was anxious to know current prices paid for Canadian farm i PLANT MILLION TREES AMARILLO, Texas,. March ,26' (CP) From 1,000,000. to 1,500,000 trees will be planted on soil, con-j-servatlon service demonstration projects in Texas, Oklahoma, New, Mexico ana uoioraaa wis spruv ciu'n kilm:d in chlrcii DNDEE, S.A., March 26: (CDt-Whcn one Of the walls of a. church hce collapsed during services,- one child was killed, a woman critically injured and five" Others less seriously', hurt. EUROPEANS INCREASE CAPE TOWN, March 26:. (CP) The office of Census and Statistics1 reports that In the decade 1024-34 there was a net gain by mlg-: ration in the Union of 20,330 Europeans. Grotto a Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUR SERVICE Proprietors ilerl Morgan Si ' Hud flarrh Don't forget th? number .156 . P4S.T HlWt PAQETSO&aJ. WHUTLETS From the uterfront ' ; - Another Switch" around among WeI-tentfeg.iiaK5.oIanadhn Ibrd CoTernment Man lubes! National Coas steamsiups is about U).,take place.Chici Engincer'W. k; Batllle' will be going' off the Prince Rupct; .lh two; we.cks. to Join his regular .ship,- the Prince Robert, whch; will be, preparing' Jbrservice igaln this; summer on the Alaska router .William Ballantyne; at pre-seritf chief pi the Prince, John; will go; oyer to the Prince. Rupert .and George Davidson, how second oh the Prince Rupert, will become chletjon the -John. Alex Forbes and William Thompson, second and thlrd;englneers respectively on the Prince .John, are transferring to the) Prince Rupert here tonight, Reclnafd Wiillanvs and N. McFar-iane 'Qlng; bVcr; Irom the Rupert tff. akfi t)velr places- on the - John. Making her. first calt.at ,this port speaker said. Human nature :was.'W i&t fill... tforihlanrr Trans much, the same, as 'today;-, but 'ell jj&ttaa Go's big iiine North Sea, matlc conditions-:and' r;iartin--jc8pt.X.,.fiiKicb,r86iv, arrived in cial lighting caused .the "early to bed and.early to rise" maxiih 'to.be strictly observed. ' . ' Medicine and " surgery .Teached port; at 4 p.'clock -yesterday, afteri noon; Irdnv -Alaska and, after dis- charghlg, two carloads- of . fresh halibut from- Ketchikan which was u auvdncca siagp. m, Kome.:qunng tfan.shlp'pd:ita4t?-n last eve vmun. fTec punics ana as?.t nlng. traW,; sailed at 6 p.m. In ontinuatlo.n: -of . 'her. voyage to 6eat(tle The .North Sea had on bjQard yify-eigbV all of yhpn?; went -througH to Seattle iith; .tlie ciceptI6xf; of Norman L. freeman whQV(ji5embarked here: lV.'iieii:si6eoo4'' '.voyase of the ;N9rth!cito Alaska, after having heea; tied up. -for the winter at SeatUe;.It';U expected she; will be a regular' .caller ' here southbound durlng-the' comirig summer; . Tire; local, halibut boats Bayvle w and'ifeneiia arc In with' catches of .roTest- Ranger j B. 'Scott,, with the depfrtrnthtarcruise'r. Lillian arrtv-ettat Skldcgate Inlet Tecentlv ikftea" rough -trip front Prince Ru- j (ior exporting produce was dimln.-'l pert throagh a' 1 ml. I t ; V .. L a i It ' . kjiuiis t-acxv year, joia proaucuonrstorm He will; had exceeded estimates and was .PHnhmMnth be. retnrnlnr tn bringing untold Waitli ,to the ' ; y -countrj. Russian renncri'e.? couldi VdnCOUVer Wheal not handle the heavy- yojiume i: ahd. VAcpUVER, March 26: (CP) gold quartz and sand, had to' be""W"h6at was quoted at 80vic on the sent to foreign reilneritej, -for- j.VanOTvt'Excfehitf.ye'stcidayand'. traction. , . was unchanged today. ' Mr. Truscott cxprcircd-the bp- c ' '-;-.- '-. inlon Russia Would ncycr export OALNST FLOOD. LEVIES .WASHINGTON D.O. March 26: foodstuffs on a competitive basis, chief. dUflculty in p0"? fes s 'cWed yesterday farm products processing THIS NATURAL FOOD GENTLY REGULATES YOUR SYSTEM Furnishes. Needed "Bulk" for , Rcsular Habits tint d6tor will tell yoil that kttpint hctlthy deptnds far mora on, proper diet than, on drugs, thkt common eonstipatloii is usually du to losuljlcient ''"bolk.ih nieals, and that yitent ikiedieines give you only tenipdrary. reliefs ttllogl's AM,-BiN ivlpplie's gefttly ietlht "bulk" which corrttti thi itatfse of eomihon constipation. This, "hoik"; Ukea up moisturt, forming i aoft nilss which helps to cleiiat the systfti.. Aib-BiiK your body the. regulir tnttmtl exercise It needs to prevent sluggishness. Aut-BsiN also farnlshes vitamin B and iron. ' Careful studies on nlen 4nd wo-wn, have shown that thli delicious cereal 'li -perfectly satisfactory. Sery4 kiTftin, regularly for regularity,- with tAilk Jr cieam or.ust lh cooking. ' Twe. tibTespoonfttls. daily are usually sufficient, All-Bban is mueh nabr cnectit than paft-brn product. ;Av6ld disappointment get" Kellojrff's AtL-BnAw at your .gweerV. Made by Kellogg in London,' Ontario, Cil(jK ,. ' U jirin " "Mk." Bamboo Grove Tropic Touch In Esquimalt Plants and Claims They Will Thrive on Island VICTORIA. March 26: (CP) Basil Keys, local horticulturalist, is successfully growing bamboo trees and believes 'the time will come ' when Vancouver Island will be. coyered with tropical trees. I After spending ten years In the i tropics, Mr. Keys returned to his( bachelor's cottage atop Four-Mile Hill, overlooking Esquimalt and began his experiments. Today his home is surrounded by bamboos 15 to 20 feet tall. He has found a dozen varieties will grow on the island. Bamboo, Mr. Keys explained, is nothing more than glorified grass Closely related to corn, wheat barley. The tree requires from 50 to 100 years to flower; after which it Immediately dies. But the plants spread by means'of their roots and one plant would In time form a grove. j The giant timber bamboo being! grown successfully by Mr. Keys is expected to reach a height ofl around 70 feet in 15 years. The new shoot of a 15-ycar old tree of this type, he says, will grow at the rate of 10 feet a week, and In China, some shoots grow two or three feet dally, Besides their decorative qualities, some of the trees arc highly valu able conimercially, , A black bamboo! with canes shining like polished Jet is highly prized for walking-sticks and furniture making. One species, ot bamboo in his grove is i edible. The young shoot, pealed and boiled, .is a great delicacy i among natives and whites in the and. are holding over until' tpmor- row"- fbff sailel , -V. ' ' --w INFECTED BY MUMS srgmlind:.Bhstos3'of.,New r.York fuo. prawieiannounccs inai ne nas puiuuruN. ng., Marcn aa: slgrted ,.up?50JD lotal Irollcrs for -the "'(CP). When chysanthemums coV-ppcralivc ; faikrkctlH? of their I touched her face while she wa3 flshi The plan- is to, inak'c a down' arranging them in a vase, Mrs. friendipayaicrit ad dlstlbijle the "rest of ,Lydia Hawkins suffered chysan-1. '.'"iMPpVasi tiefp:je(ij(l.v after' .the fish are. themum dermatitis, her skin pecl-f off like' thCDark of a tree ' in the Soviet t Union. Union. .: laold:' aW;' AJrv iiri ;jin&tQS5, iBiasLlitittr "after snpnrfirifr spending lng H6 Formrrlv niriffQh. shlnvirrfa -iui , a i i. i. -!.. ..:.( worker, Truscott mlgr'atcdto Cap-Jeonday on- the Princess" Norah. fpr ada 20 years ago. In' 1923'he made lKetcWkap: mw way-10 vucssa an.q rcmrn.ea u) The health protection of COD LIVER OIL PI IIC ADDITIONAL BONE-lI.Ua BUILDING MINERALS Vitamins A and D, concentrated in Cod Liver Oil, build up reserves of health-protecting strength and vitality. 'Quick, easily digestible SCOTTS EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil is rich in these vitamins PLUS additional bone-building Hypophosphitcs of Lime and Soda. PLUS a pleasant taste. SCOTT'S EMULSION THE D1GE3TIBLE COD UVER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUES FON SALE BY YOUR DRUGGIST ATLAS GLAS-KLEEN An ideal preparation for cleaning windows, tile, mirrors and-windshields. It works instantly and will not Injure paint, woodwork or upholstering. Spray on sufficient cleaner to cover Sur- face with fine mist and wipe dry with cloth or newspaper, arid the glass will sparkle. ., 12-oz. bottle, 40c Sprayer, 25c THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTLV The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous I "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co,, lld.? PHINCK KUI'KRT H." If you lose anything, try a classified ad. V. 4 :;:y-y:-'z om-J ; TREAT YOUR FAMILY TO THIS CREAMY , ff POTATO AND BACON CASSEROLE ' l" HERE is a complete one-dish meal at its bestl Sizzling hot and brown rich with the flavour of real, fresh, country cream. It is one of the many wonderful dishes you can make with St. Charles Milk nourishing, satisfying, and so economical 1 Here is the Recipe! 6 potatoes, thinly sliced 6 (trips tide bacon Hi Ublejpoons bacon dripping Hi cups St. Charles Evaporated Milk It cuns hot water Salt and pepper Flour Place layer of sliced potatoes in greased baking dish. Dredge with itour, sprinkle with salt and dot with part of bacon dripping, Kepper, epeat layers. Blend St. Charles Evaporated Milk and water. Pour over potatoes. Arrange bacon slices over top. Cover and bake 45 minutes at 350 F. Uncover and bake until brown, turning bacon once. ( Serves 6 ) St. Charles adds rich, creamy flavour, and extra nourishment to casserole dishes, soups, creamed vegetables and desserts. Makes any . cup of coffee or tea taste better and no wonder 1 It is fresh, full-cream country milk evaporated to double richness and irradiated for extra Sunshine Vitamin D. All the fine flavour and nourish ment arc there. Begin to use this better milk for cooking today. And keep a few tins of St. Charles always on hand. It keeps perfectly in the unopened tin. Be sure to ask for St. Charles Milk with the "Gold Cow" on the blue and white label. IRRADIATE D ST. CHARLES ADD (QUAL QUANTITY Of WATER TO HAKE RICH FLUID MIIK AfWe in British Columbia at South Sutnas. M I LK 1