x" THE WEATHER tive [A NEXT MAILS ur hours ending 5 a.m., og islall SSap. \ For souta Twe ity four hours ending 0 Le > Cf Rag landless ios) wie 4 “MIN TREMP. BAR, IN. RAIN = Prince ge.. . Monday, 8 a.m, MAN) 20 80.286 .03 OR Nort 1s THE DAILY NEW Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ————} VOL. Il, NO. 241 PRINCE Rupert, B.C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1911. PRICE Five CENTS S.PR BEATRICE IS SAFELY FLOATED AGAIN —— OW COMOX-ATLIN VOTED — BY INDIVIDUAL DISTRICTS | inal Figures are Now Obtainable—In the Two Districts | North of the Skeena, Duncan Ross Was the Man The Three Districts South of the Skeena Gave Majorities for Clements Final figures regarding the elec- |Clements’ majority of 188 for n in Comox-Atlin have been | the whole constituency. Some arised by Returaing Officer may see evil omen for Ross in G. Dawson as. the following | F : ; howae.. 1¢ MAliehie amen the figures showing his Atlin ma- he figures that Atlin and| jority of 23—the hodoo or skidoo tt both gave a ma-|number—but superstition aside, { Duncan Ross, Ross's | neither Atlin nor Skeena district " being in the city’ of}has anything to hang the head rince Rupert itself where his| about in the fight for the Liberal er Clements of 171 is} Cause for Comox-Atlin. Following ns ore of votes below|is the official summary: SUMMARY OF GENERAL RESULTS OF POLL September 21st, 1911. Atlin District ( { 50 cS | 73 Majority for Ross 23 Alberni District 341 | 242 Majority for Clements a9 Comox District ( 574 | R 345 Majority for Clements. .229 Richmond District 39 17 Majority for Clements. . 22 Skeena District Cler 806 R 945 Majority for Ross 139 District Majarities for Clements total 350 D t Majorities for Ross total 162 Potal Majority for Clements 188 | 5 ed Ballots, 47. R ted Ballots, 18. AN UNDERTAKER’S BLUNDER PUT END TO THE FUNERAL Viscovered That the Urn a Kingston Family Were Burying, Was Labelled With the Name of An- other Person—Funer al Was Called Off | was | Springs Hotel at I | the gold days, “DEI GRATIA” IS LEFT OFF Canadian Coinage This Year is| Short of the Ancient Phrase— The Mint’s Error. | (Canadian Press Despatch) Ottawa, Oct. 21.—A- great deal of comment has been created by the disappearance of the words} “Dei Gratia’’ from the Canadian coinage this year. This applies} to the silver ones only. N xt) year’s coin’ will have the stately and ancient motto restored. The fault for the omission lies with the British mint authorities. The dies were prepared in Ergland|is to be fought on the single tax) | issue. and there the mistak: was made.} Because of the urgent need for ldies they were accepted. The 1918 nee rt to the< ancient | sage. SNOW IN MANITOBA Early Snowfall Will Interfere With Threshing Operations (¢ Santadian Pre ss Despatch) Winnipeg, Ocs. 21.—Spr today throughout a_ portion the province. It will have OW a very bad effect on threshing operations. | Single Tax rg Issue Winnipeg, Oct. 21.—(Specia ) Next month's civic election here fell} of | ~|sentenced to death, will TWO SENTENCED TO BE HANGED ‘Ishi, the Port Essington Jap, and Jobes, the New West- minster Wife Murderer, to Die on December 5th. (Canadian Press Despatch) Vancouver, Oct. 21.—For having shot his wife at New Westminster months ago, Henry Jobes was today found guilty of murder and senterced to hang on Decem- iber 5th. On the same date Ishi, lithe Port Essington Jap who was be exe- ;} some | cuted. ‘leaners, PI | Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4, PRINCESS ROYAL GOES SOUTH WITH FULL LIST OF YUKON OLD-TIMERS Frank Manley, George De Lion and Two Hundred Other Wel Known Yukoners Going Out for the Winter---A Merry Scene on the Wharf This Morning To the many old time Klon-| dikers in Prince Rupert today, the passenger list of the C. P. R. Princess Royal this morning was }of particular interest. Lining the steamer’s side as she lay at the | wharf were hundreds of passengers }leaving the Yukon for the season, al d amongst them old timers | here counted many familiar faces. Millionaire Frank One conspicuous figure on board that of Frank Manley, the who ran the Manley Hot ‘airbanks during and one of the best man known of the men north now. He has the reputation of being} |worth millions. He reached the Yukon from Mexico where he ihad cleared himself effectually of charge of murder laid against him He is as well known in Mexico as in the Yukon. A Good moner Running the Hot Springs looked to b profitable Kae siness, but Frank lost $200,000 on that ven- banks, grew a garden and flowers there that was the envy of the whole North. He had a lay-out of lavish luxury with swimming pools, and every appurtenance in keeping After leaving Fairbanks he went to the Iditarod, and has just pulled out from there with the reputation of having made “a pot of money.” Frank hailed his friends here with warm good ture. Howe ver, he of vegetables cheer today. Peter Black of the! Central Hotel, Jarvis McLeod of the Customs Department, Max Heilbroner, J. H. Rogers of the Steamship Agency, were hailed by him. Real ‘Old Timers’’ Other prominent old time mining men on the Roya! were Bill Scouse, once partner with Pete Black on “15 Eldorado,” an unassuming many now worth many thousands of dollars. His brother Tom wes there too, also a miner of ‘97. Doc. Raimer was there from Fait and Charlie Burchler, ‘‘the | resented by bookings for the steam- | obtained ATTEMPTED TO MURDER PURSER CHAS. GUPTILL Foreigner Attacked Him With a Double Pitted Axe at Skagway and He May Die as a Result-—Rob- bery the Motive—Posse Now in Hot Pursuit of the Miscreant siderable feeiing amongst those who have had to do with him in travelling narth. BUILDING PERMITS Only a Little Over $2000 Rep- resented This Week News was brought south by the Princess Royal this morning that just as she was pulling out of Skagway discovery had been made of a brutal attempted murder and robbery there. The victim is Charlie Gupull, purser of the Alaska Steamship Company, and the motive for the crime was ——- ‘evidently robbery as the purser| Building permits representing was believed to have upwards of} buildings to the value of $2475 $3000 on him, the amount rep-| were isuued by Building Inspector McInnis for the week ending 20th er Dolphin belonging to his com-| October. The most considerable pary. | building projected is a_ dwelling At the time the Royal pulled | on Fifth avenue for J. T. Mest out, all that was known was that} costing $1000. The other permits a foreigner had attacked Guptill| range from $100 to $300, and with a double-bitted axe doing | represent small buildings, addi- him dreadful injury, and the first| tions and repairs to houses on news was that he had died within| Ninth, Fourth and Fifth avenues, a few minutes. Later information! Biggar Place and Summit avenue. through enquiry made —- at Juneau where the news’ had Baptist Song Service been wired was to the effect that Lovers of music and song will sunbeam purser’ of the Northern | : il ali ith ' ‘f Navigation Company, Hollis Loon- the purser was still alive, and that} have an opportunity to gratily ey: Bill Handing, ‘Nick Rirlig hopes were held out for his re-| their taste at McIntyre Hall Sun- Pilot Schafer of the White Pass|CVery: The money was believed! day night at i7s 30 p.m. as the Company, Robert Milvane of the to be all in the hands of the) Baptist Church will have a song Russell King Outfit, Milvane and miscreant who escaped, but was service instead of a sermon. Gray's Mclaren;-Caminodore: Batker of being closely pursued, and had) full orchestra will attend. John the Northern Navigation Company. | proba bly been captured by the| E. Davey, organist. Mrs. Chaitie Vifquin; On her way time the Royal reached here. PRR = tn. New “aie, Sica cd McKay, No further news of the matter Business Trip Fishery Inspector, and amongst | !@d reached Rupert by wire up) Mr. C. H. Handasyde, Jr., will many others last mentioned but| °° ene time of writing. > | leave by the Prince George on not least George De Lion, famous| ¢ tl injured aN Charlie P.| Monday morning fo: a week's in the days of the Villa De Lior vuptill, is a very well known| trip south on business. across the Yukon where the ‘‘Mar- @ the present day north, though | — Ijorie” took her crowds of pas-| po Wa nor an old timer of ar BOY WANTED.—To work a, ndike days. e is very well] ‘il a . spoken of all around, and the| steadily or before and after school. Every Berth Full lattack on him is lata. con- eee 8: 2t To the true old timer every}, e name has its associations and a See there were many, many ne CHINA 1S AWAITING RESULT This is the Royal’s second last} trip for the season, the water ir the Yukor being freer than pe OF NEXT BIG 3 ENGAGEMENT of ice just now. every ave a ible berth was booked there being altogether some 220 passengers from Skagway southbound. OUR NEW FEDERAL MEMBER SAYS HE WILL LOOK AFTER RUPERT | elector | Atlin had been desirous to sell) would find Canada better gov-| Some of Princ erned than it had been for fifteen | ih re, it he never should forget | felt when he heard the | saying thi how he results Farmyard Interlude Mr. J. G. Weston farmyard imitations including how the Conservatives crowed on Elec- | tion Day and after the results| were out. Mr. Weston's imitation at Kitselas. | gave some | of catching a bee was exceptionally good. He caught the insect in Aldermen Clayton's bonnet. Several amusing songs followed, | | by Mr. Martin and other popular singers, then after a prelude in the shape of a selection on the | | bagpipes Mr. Clements was in-|} troduced by the chairman, The New M. P. Mr. Clements who was received | with enthusiasm said he was pleas- ed to see all, Conservative. a Canadian he both Liberal and} He was proud as that had not a met single | in Comox- his franchise. Didn't Like Rupert Once He came to Prince Rupert early days he looked at the rock} and timber about and did not see how a city ever could be made} Now - 1 first | the admitted that when he in some- resources of having seen thing of the interior the district, he was assured of| | Prince Rupert's prosperity. Prince | Rupert must become a very great} city indeed, and during his term would while not at Ottawa he Press Despatch) Ophelia Parrington, aged 82. K ) Oct. 21st. \ It is believed that the caskets y ion has been caused| 0. two different persons became Der t is believed Gta che neon each going to wrong des- blunder Just stion The obsequies were ae lof the cremated chad. until the Long Beach & e late David W. a can be communicated —- | . : | ne he al. at] Wi | oo Mr. H. S. Clements Given an Enthusiastic Reception at the Con- F 1 at : 7 ) ie! cl | Ol 2a li ya : the casket containing) Hosiery #1 ae servative Smoker Last Night---Optimistic Prophecies | A : ’ - ! Were Made About Canada’s Future LOBYTE ’ BYTERIAN SERVICES BEATRICE IS With the McIntyre Hall about] Britain—Joseph Chamberlain The Pre sbyterian Club Will, AFOAT AGAIN two-thirds full of staunch Coa-|(Cheers.) It would lead to Canada a up Again on Wednesda servatives and other citizens in- and the. British colonies coming | Evening, y| terested Alderman Clayton opened | in line with a system of protection. C. P. R. Vessel is Now on Her|the smoker held last night to|(Cheers), The old country would | Kerr will has Way to Vancouver for Re-| welcome Mr, Clements, the newly|appreciate the advantage of the| pers oe pairs. elected member for Comox-Atlin. | great scheme, and it would soon} Sunday evening “It was desirable that before|be realised. (Cheers). \ “Is Not This the| (Canadian Press Despatch) he went to Ottawa Mr. Clements} A pianoforte selection followed Morning — service | Victoria, Oct. 21.—The C. P. R.| should get to know the faces of] Mr, Manson's address during} P Church Hall on!steamer Princess Beatrice was/his supporters and be able also which refreshments were served. ' ue, near McBride, at| floated at high tide this morning | call them each and all by name, “Mr. Speaker’s'’ Brother | and is now en route for Vancouver jsaid the Chairman amid applause.| yyy Sproule, brother of the] g meeting of the club] Where she should arrive tonight.| ‘Therefore this smoker. _|newly appointed Speaker of the} Wednesday evening Temporary One: irs will be made | rhe speaker went on terms Of] House, was present and on the | ; Subject: “Govern.| to the hull after which she will go| flowery eloquence to describe the] cali of the chairman took the Commission,” will be| to Benuliials to be dry docked. }resources of peeage Rupe Par: platform, He expressed his pleas- severa ines ticularly touching on the “hardy ne, 2 . ssing 1 audience in| | A ee TO SETTLE STRIKE | fisherman who after casting his the page decyl “gore cordially invoted to | net under the shimmering star-} Atlin, He had seen much of the| ning meeting of the Hon. Robert Rogers Leaves for light draws forth in the daytime district while tré velling with the | Interésting evening is West to Interview the Coal) ;j¢ glittering, silver- sided spoill new member, and ‘‘the estimable | Miners. lof the mighty deep.’’ (Cheers). gentleman whom the citizens had} dan P D ; | Clements Can Cook selected to rule the coming city} (C anadian Press Despatch) Mayor Manson opened his ad-|0f Prince Rupert.” MR. WAGEWORKER Winnipeg, Oct. 21. Phe nae dress with crate! references to “Salt of the Earth" This Concer a Rogers sar . . peers, a the launch trip taken by himself : He told how the hearts of the} ns You the Interior, leave ice ph Atel and Mr. Clements to Bella Coola Conservatives down below had} | <6, | W W invit . ’ pea eee sae fon, Sr y | when Mr. Clemente had PAO ed been cheered by the results coming | x .W. es the| berta lable “to cook for the bunch."’}in from the far away districts ; Of Prince Rupert The Mayor had greatly enjoyed} of Comox-Atlin—surely ihe salt ; public meeting _ be KILLED DETECTIVE ae) mae conan ous by ate of ae earth was. pees |(Cheers| , il Thir : Clements, though he had to wash) from the grains of said salt in the P d of ae ee eee Seattle Man Shoote’s pn auch the dishes afterwards, (Laughter). } hall), . : ‘ i a 8 o'cleok, to dis ont, Protection Plan Bee in His Bonnet 7 ion in we wes in the city Seattle, Oct. 21.—While runming | Referring to the reeent contest An amusing comic song and a “'laway and endeavoring. to avoid|the Mayor remarked that the recitation followed by Mr. Martin, Che y G.T.P, N . arrest, Walter Standbridge, aged| victory achieved under Mr, Bor- and then the chairman called on} for Lowneyts Scie Stand 28, shot and killed instantly De-|den was a most significant one. Dr. Traynor, of Kitselas, to take| lates @. eae delicious Choco- tective Bianchi. The bullet took}/It brought C€ anada in line with| the platform, he congratulated h from the factory. tf} effect in the head. the plans of the great leader in| Mr, Clement. on this victory | reciprocity pact. with ernment Trunk Pacific was the only arent enterprise Liberal Government in the in-| with Mr. Clements and the City terests of Canada. of Prince Rupert depended upon! McLennan op a visit to Porcher First Decisive Victory Either W Way Will Have a Far Reaching Moral Effect on Chinese People—Big Battle is Expected at Any Minute (Canadian Press Despatch) commander in chief is now within Pekin, Oct. 21—The fate of}ome hundred miles of Hankow, the Chinese Empire is now tremb-|@d it is expected that another ling in the balance awaiting the|@nd more decisive encounter be- result o° 2 decisive victory for one} tween the opposing force will mv or the other. c take place in the near future. The climax and success of the revolutionists seems to hinge on the result of the first big en- counter, the moral effect will be far reaching. now apparent that the ae ‘rial Government knew of the new victory of the rebels at Hankow twenty-four hours before it became public. The Imperial is as RAIN SPOILS MATCH peaieotnd every other portion of ‘omox-Atlin—make a point al- ee of advancing the interests} World's Baseball Series at a of Prince Rupert. He did not| Standstill—Need Some Ru- |feel sore at the adverse vote he pert Weather There. met in Prince Rupert but realised that his workers here had founc : ’ a . 1 found | (Canadian Press Despatch) forces against them that they} : ; ‘ had not anticipated. . Philadelphia, Oct. 21.—Raip has Referring to Premier R. L.! again caused the postponement Borden, he said: ‘There is no} of the New York-Philz 1delphia base- one man more capable of leading} ball match. | the } It is still raining today party in power in the Dom-| and it looks like another post- ilon of Canada than R. L. Bor-} ponement. den.’’ He would ever have the renee eed best interests of the Dominion! COUNCIL VS. COMMISSION at heart. Without wishing to say anything to offend any Liberal |Debate, Wednesday Night in |he did not see how any Libe ral! Pret byterian Church Hall on could possible have supported the “ 2 He thought any| @ his Important Question. Liberals supporting that pact must have voted simply for party rea-| . “Municipal | Government by sons. Council or Commission,” is the Wantatha Libarala question to be thrashed out by the young men of the Presbyterian If Liberals would now line up Church on Wednesday night in the party in power they} the new hall on Fourth avenue. Rupert's strongest speakers are to take part, and it is | years. | understood that O, H. Nelson will Gov't. and G. T. P. jlead the battle against Commis- He belittled the Liberal Goy-! sion Government. Over to Porcher Mayor Manson left this morning saying that the Grand| ever entered on by the The fortunes! Assessor and Collector Mr. J. C. and the Conservative] Island to ascertain the needs of not Sppoped to the|that important portion of the —__—.|constituency. The party will re- turn on Monday, the G. T. P. party were (Continued on page 6,) j ae ~ * ee aceon