paob roim NEW 1936 Tennis Rackets Just in Stock See the World's Fastest and Finest Rackets HENTLEYS and SPALDINGS Come in now and pick your's out Prices From $2.50 to $23.00 Kaien Hardware RACKETS REPAIRED Manure For Sale $1.50 a Big Load Phone Ked 608 Dominion Dairy TRAPPERS AND DEALERS 50,000 MUSKRATS 5,000 BEAVER Wanted at once for immediate delivery HIGHEST PRICES PAID Also all your other FURS at full market value. Ship at once and convince yourselves. J. CLONES Buyer and Exporter PRINCE GEORGE. B.C. Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL "to Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Coal Wood Cartage Storage PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Liberal Assn On Islands In Social Success QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, April 24: On Friday evening of last week a highly successful dance and social gathering was held. under the auspices of the Skidegate Inlet and Moresby Island Liberal Association at Miller's Hall here. The hall was filled to capacity with peope in attendance from Sandspit, Tlell, Skidegate Mission, Skidegate and Queen Charlotte City. Deli-j cious refreshments were served at; midnight and dancing continued until 2 a.m. Excellent music was furnished by two well known orchestras Fred j Russ Harmony Boys and Ed. Cal-t der's Night Owls. E. Regnarle ac-j ted as master of ceremonies. The committee In charge consisted of Mrs. C. M. Mclntyre, Mrs. O. G. Mclntyre, Mrs. A. Duval and Mrs. E. C. Stevens. Silver Wedding Is Celebrated Mr. and Mrs. A. Duval of Queen Charlotte Honored Well Known Nurse 2 squat, 2 tins B. & K. PASTRY FLOUR OAn 10-lb. sack OVK, 1 f FREE! Shopping Bag with each purchase of Kellogg's Ofip ' Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. CLASSIC CLEANSER "i Qp 3 tins AtJl SLOANE'S MALT EX- C 4n TRACT, 2V2-lb. tin JX. J.O GRANULATED SUGAR tZCZn 10 lbs. DDI Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at low prices. Sec our windows. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" r. O. Box 57S Phone 18 District News TERRACE casions to start out at all times of .nave anytmng to do wun tne aa the day or night, breasting storms to attend some sick child or settler or to helD usher Into the wnrlri mv. I other Islander. Reach the most people In city and district with an advertisement I In the Dally News. ECONOMY SPECIALS Every Day. Watch For Them And Save! ECONOMY TEA High QQp O&K, grade, per lb PEARS Polly Prim 07 venture and, although there were some amusing passages, the wo men did the rough mountain trip successfully and also found the treasure without assistance from the sterner sex. Q. C. ISLANDS Mr. and Mrs. Gust Skog on crossed Skidegate Inlet re cently in their motorboat to pay a brief visit with friends at Skide gate and Queen Charlotte City. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kltson and their sons as well as J. Mathers and family were over from Sandspit to attend the recent funeral of Bryant Pallant at Queen Charlotte City. H. R. Beaven, Queen Charlotte City merchant, paid a visit recently to Sandspit where he has extensive interests including a large farm. BOY GETS LASHES A sixteen year old Indian boy at Hazelton has been sentenced to three years at Industrial school with ten lashes for a statutory offence against a five-year old girl. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY rilONE: 58 and 558 "TILLIE THE TOILER" f ; : 1 i 1 f Bapt DAILY NEWH Friday, April 21, ijj, Famous Irish Peer in New York The Duke of Leinster arrives on the ss. Majestic with his duchess, formerly Mrs. Agnes Raffaele van Neck of New York -and Greenwich, Conn., whom he married in London in 1932. His first wife was May Etheridge, a once-brilliant star of thq music halls. ism Held At Skidegate Village SKIDEGATE, April 23: Easter Sundav afternoon a verv imnres- QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, Ap- sive nd nrettv h,ntl.mftl sprvw ril 24:-Last Friday was the silver Mrs. Mcllroy is visiting Terrace 'wa. ronrilIPtPr! ,t. thP- hn nf Mr wedding anniversary . . . . of Mr. and and Is staying with her parents, : and Mrs Frcd Russ Aimost au tne linn A 1 nl 1 .11. m m n 111. mis. a., uuvai oi vueen isnanoue Mr. ana Mrs. w. omun. ! aunts uncles who are pioneers of the Queen i,eot ti, ft. n A Tl .. I n rT- II I rr.1 T , I 1 . . 1 1 1 t 1 . .-I.... and cousins were infant child was iianui, uivy uie : iiiu uiuica viiuiu ouasu u jjiajr ; nameti Marv Fli7ihth nnri nftrr- rcclplcnts of congratulations and In the Oddfellow' Hall on Wcdncs-jwards rcroived the congratulatlons best wishes from many friends. day and there were some musical! f the anw ,,, nri frIpnrt)I Mrs. Duval Is a. graduate nurse items to keep the house happy .,. .., and in the pioneer boom days was, while scenes were being changed., Mclntyre and Mlss-M lady superintendent of the Queen .The whole cast was entirely fem-;Ru delicious refreshments, Charlotte City Hospital. Rightfully inlne and the s ory was of a inc ' called the "Florence Niehtineale womens' club which went on a . . , ' p' of-the Queen Charlotte Islands," treasure hunt on ThornhUl Moun- -J -pa she has been known on many oc-(taln. No men were permitted to Bishop E afiv Black, officiated. rfWaJ? Rev SIX WEEKS AWAY EAST (Continued rrom Pace 1! most every kind in the world. The rounder of the aquarium stated that he thought this place would do more to educate people In natural history than anything I else in which he might invest nis money. One oddity, of the aquarium was climbing fish. To show the Interest taken, no fewer than 71.- 000 people had visited one of the buildings In one day. Mr. Winslow philosophized a little over the fact that big cities like New York had to be continually built up by recruits from tne outside. It did not speak very well for our civilization. He paid tribute, however, to the men responsible for such marvellous structures as Radio City. Rocke feller Centre and the Empire State Building. Only a. few hours were spent In Boston visiting the fish pier where nearly three million pounds' of fish were landed the day he was there. Four thousand people were employed there regularly. After six weeks of travelling and seeing things while about the business of his company, Mr. Winslow said he was very glad to get back to Prince Rupert. THE FAMOUS RUBBING LINIMENT Rub on piin gone. Get the new large economy tire A!o viil-ble in smaller, regular Mission House At Hazelton Nearly Burns Wednesday HAZELTON, April 24: The mis sion house of the Anglican Church local United Church at 7:30 p.m. Great credit is due to the ladies ;who so beautifully decorated the front of the church with flowers, and to the choir who rendered j special music. Two anthems were rendered and Easter hymns were 'sung. The minister delivered an ; interesting sormon on the subject j "Christ is Risen" and Timothy Tait led in prayer. Mrs. Albert Jones, who has been very sick, was welcomed home iThe church was comfortably filled. The Dally News has an audited :irculatlon. Play safe! LLOYD IN FUN FILM 'The Milky Way" Here This Week-End, Said to be Veritable Hurricane of Laughs (at Hazelton was badly scorcneai !and windows cracked during the, I fire which destroyed the O. K. Cafe j Harold Lloyd's latest picture DroDcrtv on Wednesday morning. '"The Milky Way," being featured iSeveral articles of furniture in the on the screen of the Capitol Thea-j mission house were also damaged, tre here this week-end, Is said to 'Many neighbors worked hard to be a veritable hurricane of laugh-prevent the fire from spreading ter. and In assisting to remove furnl- Lloyd is seen as a humorless, shy. ture. Ineflectual milkman whose only aim in life is to deliver more milk , EASTER SERVICES ARE bottles to more customers. When HELD AT SKIDEGATE .a drunken fight champion takes a swing at the milkman who Is an SKIDEGATE,-April 24: - The; at ducking and knocks him- Easter Service was held In the iseu put, uie miiK uuuie uuy credit for a victory and Is launched j as contender ior me miaaieweignt championship. His career from then on is as madcap as It Is hilarious. Adolphe Menjou does a good piece of acting as a fight promoter who takes the milkman in hand and makes a pugilist-dancer out of him. William Gargan and Lionel Stander, as drunken fighting bucks, try their utmost to land hefty rights and lefts on the prize duc-ker of the age. Vera Teasdale, Helen Mack and Dorotny Wilson also have important parts. Minlr from a f'ln''','KBilif(r99K formula "rer2IHI old fjEjTfirf 7jirBj This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. TENNIS NEWS! Exactly on Schedule t KajHAT'S THIS IS eja AMD, MAC . BUT () I T HADN'T (2S65 W'eqrtEEROAV ABOUT IH15 IMEl I I fcOoES FOR. MISS OONES fi -nic i i i uvn' i i i i c-icj i Hfjht- i cri: r i 1 v s .. i New 1!)3G Slazcn-gcr and Wright and Ditson Tennis Raqucts have arrived. Choose the one that suits you while stock is complete. I-. M1UI J KL II. I I l-WI II II V I l 5 I I l-r-v. - y Wil - IvJ VOL) tWfP rruAMTIi ' V lr. V , A Place! bcmeo t-J fsoo& csbu-y. vnu V . "SURPRISE" $2.50 "SCHOLAR" $3.50 PARK $5.00 "PALL MALL" $5.50 "ECLIPSE" $7.50 GOLDEN ARROW" $8.50 VARSITY" $11.50 "QUEENS" $22.00 Slazenger 1936 Tennis Ball, the new super quality, each 50c EXTRA While they last! 1935 British "Club" Tennis Balls A 6 balls in a box t)JLt."U sMaAs.JJd fu;N THERE nVfeV A&E, V4 ) TVAJQ O'CLOCK QM 1 " 1 ' ' -m-Lj TONIGHT ai.d SATITnnT!? HAROLD 4 w I i Last Complete Show at 9 p.m. 10 t,w' ' ,ree hTw long, UOYft MflKY WAY A Poromevnl Pic'vrt wilh ADOLPHE MENJOU YERREE TEASDME HELEN MACK WILLIAM GARGAN GEORGE BARBIER DOROTHY WILSON 'At 7:33 & 9 33 ADDED "BANFF AND LAKE LOUISE" i A. Colored Fitzpatrick Travel Picture Silly Symphony "3 ORPHAN KITTII.S-WORI.I) NKWS Chant. 6 "MIRACLE KIDLK" (Saturday Matinee on'v Fresh Delicious Cottage Cheese Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 CO PHONE 60 Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always in stock. We also operate CO Messenger Service See these Wonderful Novelties MARIGOLDS Dixie Sunshine. Dwarf Mexican Orange. Tall Double Royal Scott, Yellow Supreme sweet scented), All Double African Lemon, All Double African Orange NEW NASTURTIUMS Golden Globe. Scarlet Gleam, Orange Gleam, Golden Glrara and Golden Hybrids ARTHUR BAYNE Second Ave. Phone 635 By Westover MAC DOT I "THAT CSUy MOST) i VJ7AED 1 '1SH 7l i i