Friday- April 24.1036 faep GOING wliKg .EL iJJJ 3 sV Kellogg's PEP Bran Flake ire popular with active appe titea. They contain enough extra Iran to be mildly laxative. Always ready to eat. Delicious with milk or cream. Buy a package from your grocer. Enjoy these Letter bran flakes for Ireakfaot, lunch or eup-per. Made hf Kellogg in London, Ont. PEP mam rums WHIAT r-. - 'nig. m LANIl ACT t Ire of Intention to apply to team I .and Id Prince Rupert Land Recording Dls trlct of Range 6 Coant, and situate done to OtUloway Rmplda Bridge, near Prince Rupert, B. C. Take noUce that I, Martin Miller o Prince Rupert, B.C, occupation Lumber mm Intends to apply for a lease of the Wloflng described Ppreshore lands: Commencing" at' a pott 'plaited ab-prcitmately 3.000 ft. north of Lota USUI, D. L 231, Range 5 Coast Dlatrlrt Unce about 500 ft. south to opposite tore thence northerly following the ihnreiine to post of commencement ind containing 1 14 acres, more or leas MARTIN MILLER Dated March 8. 1038. IV THE MTKKMK rOVKT Of" IIUIT1SJI (OUMIIIA IX HtOIUTK In the Matter f the u.ilmlnlMratlen Act" And In the Matter of the Estate of Oeorjjr A. Culliiirn, Deeeased. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge Fisher dated the 34 th " of March A.n. l(Mfl T wm an. Noted Administrator of the Estate nl rwUWn. t. - " .... . . . wMourn late of AUin. Britien Columbia. Miner, Deceased and all P&rttea hflVlnir plalm. .ffiiln.t tVtA mhtA taste are hereby required to furnish T" ("vperiy veriried to me on or bs uie 4th day of May 1936 and ell ona indebted to the Estate are re juired to pay the amount of their In "Mednnw to m forthwith. Ww-d the 24th day of March 19S4. HERBERT F. OLAB3EY, Official Administrator, ATLIN, B. C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. fcarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 n 50 Rooms Hot 6t Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box ISO ii i mi ; - i iMiUMiMai LOCAL NEWS NOTES , ! ' Hoinff out of business, thine must i. Bargains rratl6h Variety Store. LAND ACT Every-galore. (98) "Lest we forget." Tag day, Saturday, April 25, for Soldiers' graves, Queen Mary chapter, I.O.D.E. Ground Is being prepared on Fourth Avenue East a short distance west of Hays Cove Circle for a new residence to be built by Harold Helland. James Denholme, after a brief visit here to receive treatment for his arm which was Injured recently, will sail by the Prince John tonight on his return to Tlell. Mrs. John Williams of Massett Is paying a visit to the city, having arrived on the Prince John Wednesday night from the islands. Mrs. Williams is a daughter of Dr. J. Cecil Dunn of Massett. Lieut. Henrietta Thlersteln, formerly a member of the local salvation Army corps and for some time stationed in Alaska, arrived in the city on the Princess Korah yesterday afternoon from Ketchi kan. Rev. R. F. Pedersen of Wrangell: Alaska, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday af ternoon going through to Seattle whence he will proceed to New York" to attend an Important church gatherlha: as a delegate from Alaska, James McNaughton, cashier of Behrends Bank at Juneau, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday arternoon going through on a trip to Seattle. While here he met Reid L .McLennan. local barrister and a member of the same college fraternity. Announcements Saturday, Night Dancing Party, Commodore Cabaret, April: 25. Cambrai Chapter Dance" April 24. "Leap Year Rebekah Bridge, dance, April 29. United Spring Bale, April 30. "Johnny Grows Up," Anglican Church, April 30, May 1. Oyro Hoedowh, Moose Hall, May 1. tanadian May 13. Anglican Tea. May 14. Legion Spring Saie, Mrs. C. H. Ormc. Sons of Norway Independence Day May 15, Moose Hall. Elks' Kiddles Flag Day May 25. vnlr nf Intention to apply to !.eae Land in Prince RUoert Land Recording Dls r4rt nf Ra,h 8 COOfit. SJld SltUSt OP Kalen Island close, to Oalloway Rapids Take notice that I, Martin MUler of Prtnce Rupert. B.C, occupation Lumber, man Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a poet Panted an- proxlmatley 3 000 ft. north of 10U U5- 11B D L. 351, Range S Coast thence 860' feet west; thence 760 ft- south thence 660 feet east: thence 260 ft. north thence foUowlng the shore line to post of. commencement and contain- lnr ing ten ten acres, sc, more or less. miXn Dated March 6. 1936. ftefish which made Prince RupertFamoas "Rupert Brand SMOKED - BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Co., Ltd C. O. It, Anderson sailed last night, on the Prince Rupert for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Miss Gunbonr Pearson R.M. of the nursing staff of the Hazelton General Hospital sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a vacation triji to Vancouver. Kitclienuare, dishes, washday needs, tools, baggage, at closing oui prices. Gralton's Variety Store, 2nd Avenue. (98) Look Ladies! Monday April 27 we have a special 2 for 1 on ladies clothes (except white wool.) Onn day only, so call early Monday and get in on It. Phone 818, Idea( Cleaners. (981 IIS i WB4I WALKING ORTURE. BUNION SALVES Ptk 5ft m M.e ,n fan! HMd by alt Drug snail Vut Lhrtnbuurt bt Ham V Riutufc lempai. Uul mmM The fire department was called to three grass fires yesterday, there being no damage in any instance. At 11 o'clock In the morning there was a call to Eighth Avenue and Green Street, at 3:45 In the afternoon to McBride Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues and at 8:15 In the evening to totem Pole Hill. Brigadier Walter L. Carruthers, divisional tommahder of the Salvation Army for Northern British Columbia and Alaska, arrived in the city on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon from his headquarters at Wrangell and will be In this district for the next two or three weeks visiting various corps. Among other points he will visit Metlakatla, Port Simpson, Hazel-ton and Prince George, O. W. A. Wlllett of New Westminster Is expected to arrive here on Thursday of next week aboard the Princess .Norah from the south to take over his duties as accountant In the local branch of the Bank of Montreal. C. W. Dawson. transferred from here to Pentic-ton, and Mrs. Dawson and little daughter expect to leave May 4, a week from next Monday, aboard the Princess Norah for their new home In the Okanagan. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug Daly, Capt. Charlie Edwards, left at noon yesterday to take a tow of lumber from the Blllmor Spruce With traffic, ns Is usual at this time of year, almost entirely in the northward direction, there were left the vessel here while three boarded here at this port for the! south. The Princess Norah will I make one more trip on the Alaska' route before Uie Princess Louise comes on the run for the summer. C. P. R, steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. 8. K. Gray, is due In port at 4 o'clock this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Try a Dally News classified td. DAILY NXWI. PAOC THR1T4 Come In and tee the sensational bargains at the going out of business sate. Gratton's Variety Store. 193) Mrs. O. H. Oower arrived In the City on the Prince-Rupert last evening from Stewart and leaves on this evening's train for Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Jackson, who have, lived fbr years In. Stewart, were passengers aboard the Prince Rupert last evening bound for Victoria where they' will take up future residence. Frank Lewis hhe purchased their home at Stewart. Annual Church SertleeHf Prince Rupert Lodge No. G3 I.O.O.F. wll! be held Sunday April 2Cth, at 7 ISO p.m. at the United Church. All Oddfellows and Rebekahs are requested to meet at the Lodge Room at 7 p.m. sharp. W. C.eddes N.G. II. M. Daggett Rec. Secy. (97) Mrs. Wilkinson and family, who have been In Uie city for the past few months, are leaving by to night's train on their return to Macklin, Saskatchewan. Dr. Wilkinson, who came here with a view to practising dentistry, left a few weeks ago on his return to tha prairies. At 10:20 last night S. C. Thom son reported to the city police that his car had been removed from his residence on Fourth Avenue East and left in the ditch on McBride Street between Fourth and Fifth Avenues. In connection with the Incident three boys of Juvenile age, two of whom at least have been causing a great deal of trouble recently, were taken Into custody and are being held at the city Jail. Hotel Arrivals Knox S. Beatley, Kamloops; R. Jack son, Stoney Plains. Central Rudolf Nelson, Alfred Hadjand and H. Petersen, city: J. Pletka and P. J. Rolls, C.N.R. Princjs. Rupert! , , W. E. Walker, Arrandale; Mu. J. H. Oower. Ottawa: Mrs. W. L Newell, Stewart?1 C. Wlnton Thompson, Vancouver; F. J. Cul Verhouse, Hazelton, Royal J. C. Parry, Kamloops: Wah Soon and Sing Hlng, Inverness Magnus Olsen, city. Savoy Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Ocean Falls; D. N. McLeod, Mrs. A. Hus- band and K. P. Highland, Vancouver; K. C. Thwaites, Parks ville; James Denholme. Tlell; E. C. Thompson, city; T. Gosnell Port Simpson; Mr and Mrs. J. Flewin and son, Port Esslngton. mm FOR SALE Mills sawmill at Harbor Porpoise j large English pram. Phone Red to the J. R. Morgan Logging Co.'s 1 444 (97) camp at Sedgewlck Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands. The lumber will be used for construction work at the logging camp. - - - i The power tug Algle, Capt. Reg Green, returned to port last night from Ketchlkah whence It had towed the. American cannery tender St. Nicholas, which broke down earlier In the week off Lowe Inlet', with a broken tailshaft, and ls leaving today for North Island ' with the Union Oil Co.'s tank scow. The tank scow, which was towed north from Vancouver several days ago, will be, as usual, stationed for the summer on the trolling j grounds. FOR SALE Wicker Phone Black 594. baby buggy. (99) Gentlemen Personal drug sundries. Highest Grade Latest. Delivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver. SEALED Tenders Will be accepted by the undersigned for the purchase of fully equipped salmon t roller "Hope," 8 h.p. heavy duty Vivian engine, now moored a Armour's Salvage Dock, up to noon, Monday, April 27th. Terms strictly cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted Norman A. Watt. Administrator of estate of Frank Aker, dee'd. FOR RENT only fourteen passengers aboard ' 1 afternoon from Skagway and otheri - (98 the stprimpr Prints Nomh whirh CLEAN, Well furnished modern arrived In port at 3:30 yesterday! apartment. Phone Red 444. I Alaska point, sailing at 4:15 for MALE & FEMALE HELP Vancouver Via Butcdale, Ocean --' - i Falls and Alert Bay. Two persons 275 CLERKS Wanted at Ottawa by Dominion Government for 1936 Prairie Census. 6 to 18 months employment at $75 per month' with Dosslblllty of tjermanent do- I jdtlnn In the Civil RprvW An. polntment by Written examination to be held , across Canada. Men and women between 18 and 35 (ExServlce men no age limit) with three years high school may obtain full Information and advice free from the M, C. C. Civil Service School, Winnipeg or Toronto (10). Dominion-wide and oldest In Canada, (tf) MUSEUM IS DISCUSSED A. E. Parinw Telts of Some of Alms Lauds Local Totem Poles "The collection Is still small and incomplete but is even now well worth a visit and forms a nucleus which we hope will grow in time into a really notable exhibit," said A. E. Parlow, district forester, In a radio talk last night on museum matters. "The intention Is to make the Prince Rupert Museum represent the northwest portion of this province, and there will be sections devoted to minerals, fish, timber ahd native work. "Commissioner Alder has also placed the city's collection of totem poles in the custody of the museum board. Incidentally I have seen all' the collections of totem poles in the towns on this coast from the state of Washington to Skagway and I have seen none that can compare with the fine collec tion Prince Rupert will have when the rest of the poles, now In the city, have been set up. "Our museum should be of great value to the community In several ways. It Is educational, showing our natural resources, as well as curiosities and the handicraft of the primitive early. In habitants, before the white man came. It should be a tourist attraction. We can show them Interesting and curious things, peculiar to this part of the world, and the tourist trade Is becoming an Increasingly Important source of revenue." Mrs. W. H. Fairbalrn of Queen Charlotte City is paying a visit to town, having arrived on the Prince John Wednesday night from the Islands. STEER REEF Pot Roast 4 On no- Ih XAlC Prime Rib per lb 18c Cross Arm per lb A 0" Comet Rutter tZg 2 lbs ' MILK FED VEAL Shoulder per lb Rump per lb i Breast per lb 15c 20c 10c Fresh Cottage 9 ftp Cheese, per lb. Ayrshire Bacon Ofin per lb API, Fresh Killed &rZn Fry Chickens . UtM Honey Spiced Ham, A lb. . Weiners per lb Bologna per lb. 28c 22c 20c Rats and Beaver We have a big order for both and in order to induce trappers and dealers to ship their skins we are offering more than market prices. Ship them in and we will wire the money immediately. GOLDBLOOM the Old Reliable When down on the Waterfront call at the U & I CAFE for our special 25c DINNER Any Time i Tea Tim "SALADA" TEA ' YOUR OLD FRIEND BACK AGAIN Harmony Rose Glycerin Soap Glorious for the hath. Satisfying for everyday use. 15c cake; 2 cakes 25c TRY THIS NEW RELIEF Puretest A.S.A. Cough Drops Better than a gargle for simple throat irritations, dryness, tickling. 10c pkg. Ormes Ltd. TZtiA Pioneer Drttqgists rr.e Kexall 8Ur Phones: 81 & 82 Open bally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT every Thursday, 10:30 p.m Canadian National Steamships V8-36 Ready Roofing For the summer cabin that needs' repairs" to the roof, Ready Roofing is (he ideal material to use. Easy to apply, the roll covers 100 square feet of surface and is complete with roofing nails and cement. Rolls are 3G inches wide and are supplied in light, medium and heavy weights. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Union Steamships. Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 P.M. Due Vauouverj Monday a.m. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Naas River, Sunday, 8 p.m. Further information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE SLUMBER KING SPRING Guaranteed And the price is only $13.50 They are built for sleep. PHONE 775