THE DAILY NEWS | Local Improvement Notice N tice that the council of the Municipal e at Y eCWs Ce of the City of Prince Rupert intends jt e the following local improvements: ; > Sa | A ten-foot plank sidewalk on both sides of The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B.C. Fourth street, between north side of Second avenue and south side of Third avenue with street crossings at Second avenue and Third Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Daly, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. avenue, and to assess the final cost thereof upon the property fronting or abutting on or to be benefitted thereby, and that a statement and diagram showing the lands to be so specially _Contract rates | assessed for the said tinprovements or work, {s now on file in the office of the City Clerk, and is open for inspection during office hours he estimated cost of the work is $821.00, and is to be paid for in one year. Dated at Prince Rupert this 21st day of October, 1911. | ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk, William Mahlon Davis, | City Engineer. | HEAD OFFICE a Local Improvement Notice | de. ~ Take notice that the council of the Municipal Prince Rupert, B, C. Telephone 98. Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert intends , E , al Improvement AND AGENCIES kk on east side of Third en sout ith side of Stiles place and south 1 avenue and on the west side of Third north side of Second avenue and south Third avenue, with street crossings at Second and Third avenues, and to assess the cost thereof on the property fronting ort Daily News Building, Third Ave. BRANCH OFFICES New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. side of ° bet w street, { side of SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. T . . : : . final LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar | abutting thereon or to be benefitted thereby, Square and that a statement and diagram showing the Square. lands to be so specially assessed for the said improvements or works is now filed in the office SUBSCRIBERS will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of | (fine City Clerk and is open for inspection during n-delivery inattention o » part of the news carriers. office hours. non-delivery or inattention on the p . The estimated cost of the work is $1151.00 and is to be paid for in one year. ia = == Dated at Prince Rupert this 21st day of October, DAILY EDrrion. ae RFID _SATURDAX, Ocr. — ERNEST A. “THE FIRST GREAT BETRAYAL” Wwoops, | City Clerk. William Mahlon Davis, City Engineer. Local Improvement Notice — oy = the ter of the Municipal | is s arnecte ; Vtic 40 sr selecti “a hinet t 2 of the City of Prince Rupert intends It is not to be expec ted that any po’ al le ade r Se lec ting a Cabinet | to make the following local improvements , | can please all his followers. But Mr. Borden in his efforts to secure} _A_seventeen-foot plank sidewalk on both sides | are ; : : c street, between south side of First a ministry of all the talents seems to have been more than ordinarily | aver nd south side of Third avenue, and street ie coh , rc Pan y gs a7 eae . as alin wit OP : ings at Second and Third avenues, and to unfortunate. Tory Toronto, the headquarters of C onservatism in s the final cost thereof upon the property Canada, seems to be very much torn over his Cabinet selections. ing or abutting thereon or to be benefitted - y and that a stateme and diagram showing nds to be so especially assessed for the said The selection of Mr. W. T. White of all the new ministers, is being made the subject of bitter protests. of the Ster Clek acne oan loc Taabeation Ateten The Toronto Telegram, whose ultra violent Conservatism is almost | office hours. a byword has come out in open attack and is asking the Ontario) ;. The es sii taeit bk tee Bree ieee Conservatives to defeat Hon. W. T. White and Hon. Frank Cochrane sopated at Prince Rupert this 21st day of October, at the forthcoming by-elections. The introduction of the French ERNEST A. Woops, } Nationalist and clerica] representatives into the Cabinet is the ground | witiam Mahlon Davis Pra SMe of the Telegram’s bitterest ire. In an editorial entitled ‘The First | City Engineer. | the probably the ablest and ‘strongest | the Great Betrayal”’ it says: ‘ tone Local Improvement Notice | ; ‘ ‘ 4 Nek | ake notice that the council of the Municipa ‘If Hon. R. L. Borden and the Borden Government es oor of the City of Brities Rupert tneends i at Say ‘ ari yur S 3 n ap r ci to make the following local improvements: any real friends in Ontario, these friends will set to work and | + (aie the fone ne eee dion ath sides. of defeat Hon. Frank Cochrane and Hon. W. T. White in any) First street from the south side of First avenue | to the south side of Third avenue, with crossings on Seeond and Third avenues, and to assess the he nar ri final cost thereof upon the property fronting or abutting thereon, or to be benefitte, thereby. |} and that a statement and di am showing the lands to be so especially assessed for said improve- ments or work is now filed in the office of the constituency to which they may appeal in this Province. “The question for Ontario Conservatives to decide is w they will strangle the advisers who have subordinated the R. I Borden Premiership to clericalism and corporationism on the} “CA CI f _ff ray > > | City Clerk and is open inspection during occasion ol the first bet ray% i] ol the people. > office hours. The estimated cost of the work “Or will the true friends of the Borden Pre miership_ hesité rte | is $1,300.00 and is to be paid in one year Datec or » Rupert this 21st « oO ctobe to strangle the worst enemies of that P remiership and give these] i917 * Prince Rupe Zist day of October for enemies time to strangle the whole Conservative party and | ee deprive Canada of the fruits of as noble a victory as a free people | William Mahlon Davis, eight City Engineer. ever won? “The defeat of Hon. Frank Cochrane and Hon. W. T. White | Local Improvement Notice ° ° . ‘ ° Take notice that the council of the Municipal in Ontario constituencies would bring Hon. R. L. Borden face | Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert intends . . ° ° ° . n h ollo zy local impr nts to face with the quality of the folly which he has accepted as} ‘° sPske, the following local improvements: ost First aven Ontario does Mackenzie the voice of of Sir William | side of McBride street fre to south sode of Th } at Second and Third a | final cost thereof upoh the wisdom, and teach Mr. Borden that not necessarily speak in the accents and J. W. Flavelle & Company.” : butiinn’: Charnon oF tebe ‘ted Of course the Telegram's attitude is ureasonable. The Telegram | 4nd, that a statement and diagram showin lands to be so especially asse for the did not object to Mr. Borden obtaining the assistance of clerical and | improvements or work is now filed in the |of the City Clerk, and is open for inspec during office hours The estimated cost of ee work is £89 is to be paid for in one yea corporation allies in its hydra-headed campaign. Why should it object to either the clerical party or the corporations securing rep- 7.00, and resentation now victory is obtained? Dated at Prince Rupert this 21st day of October, _ _It is an interesting speculation as to how the Telegram—which | 1%!) SENBET: Ai WOODS. is the unofficial mouthpiece for the Orangemen of Ontario—will take City Clerk William Mahlon Davis, sity Engineer the proposed elevation of Dr. Sproule to the Speakership. Will it take it with praise and thanks as a recognition of the Orange party, ‘ > . 2 . * Local Improvement Notice or will it condemn it with bitterness as a Machiavellian scheme to Take notice that the council of the Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert iniends Municipal rob the Orange party of its ablest mouthpiece in the Commons, in} to make the following local improvements preparation for the time when the Manitoba school question will] pA, jenfoot, Plank sidewalk on both sides of j avenue and scuth side of Third avenue, with street crossings at Second and Third avenues, and to asseso the final cort thereof upon the property be re-opened in the House by the clericals. The Telegram’s attitude will give the cue to Ontario Orz ingeism. ‘ fronting or abutting thereon or to be benefitted «< € spa z n It is at a moment like this that the opinion of a’newspaper, giving | Tessss of sbuteus thereon: or to be, diagram the direction to public opinion, means much to a political party. | showing the lands to be so especially assessed for + | the said improvements or work is now filed in | the office of the City Clerk and is open for in- PASSING. (COMMENT | spection during office hours. _ The estimated cost of the work is $1,200 and | is ve be paid for in one year. | Dated at Prince , $215 Octobe: The iniquitous state of Jaw admini istratior in the Chilcotin country | 1911" “* Prince Rupert, this 21st day of October, ERNEST A. is a direct result of putting the Attorney General’s department and | the license administration i into politics. Even if we cannot attain high | political ideals the administration of justice should at Jeast be kept out of the swill-tub of party spoils. Woops, City Clerk William Mablon Davis City Ergineer. Local improvement Notice Take notice that the council of the Municipal | Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert, intends to make the following local improvements the late chief Conservative Whip and now Mr. Ge orge H. Perl y, the | | } J I A seventeer-foot plank sidewalk on both sides a member _ Mr. Borden's Cabinet, is the first native born American | of Seventh street, between south side of First hol ° + . avenue and south side of Third nue, with to hold Cabinet rank in the Dominion Government. He was born| street crossings at Second and T avenues y mh ea = }and to assess the final cost thereof upon the in New Hama hire in 1857, property fronting or abutting thereon, or to be benefitted thereby, and that a statement and diagram showing the lands to bo so especially assessed for the said improvements or’ work is now filed in the office of the City Clerk and is open for inspection during office hours. The estimated cost of the work is $1,966.00 and is to be paid for in one year Dated at Prince Rupert this 21st day of October Mr. W. J. Bryan, the chai ampion ‘“‘also ran’’ of the United States polities, i in a recent religious address spoke strongly against gambling: “During the three campaigns when I ran for the presidency I always advised my friends not to bet. And,” he added, amid a shout of laughter from the audience, | 1"! ERNEST A, WOODS “they always appreciated the advice after the election.” William Mab'on I eee a , . . . . . . ; Miam Mah'onr Ja\ rhe News regrets it did not print this story early in September. City Engineer. ! Imprevement Notic at the council of the City of Prinee Ruy »wing local improvements: k sidewalk on the west side of een the south side of Wayne ide of Third avenue and on the xth street between the north side ond avenue,and south side of Third avenue treet crossings at Second and Third avenues, apd to assess the final costs thereof on the property M unicipal intends AT THE EMPRESS THEATRE _- fronting or abutting chereon, or to be benefitted qy| thereby, and that a statement and diagram iL) | showing the lands to be so especially assessed for lak the said improvements or work is now filed in fi the office of the City Clerk and is open for in pms during office hours. The estimated cost of the work and is to be paid for within one year TO-NIGHT |=: is $1,075.00 einen at Prince Rupert this 21st day of October, EKNEST A woops, City Clerk. t ah Af) | William Mablon Davis, ae | Ie City Engineer | |e 1 4 Local Improvement Notice AS Take notice that the council of the Municipal The Williams Stock Company present the beautiful comedy-drama Corporation of the City intends to make A ten of Prince Rupert, fellowing jocal improvements & sidewalk on both sides of Ne a 1@4) ‘ 9 IRf\ | Fifth street, fod ven north side of Second avenue Ine} jaw; and south side of Third avenue, with street y |@y | crossings at Second and Third avenues, and to jy (ty | assess the final cost thereof upon the property IRS aN fronting or abutting thereon, or to be benefitted iN Ik) thereby, and that a statement and diagram show- (Se) id ing the land to be so especially assessed for the fae 74. | Said improvements or work is now filed in the @s | office of the City Clerk and is open for inspection (ak) | at any time during office hours In connection with the Production of ‘Master and Man’ The estimated cost of the work is $811.00 and is to be paid for in one year, Dated this 21st day of October, 1911, Rupert. ERNEST A. William Mahlon Davis, City Engineer. the at Prince * VAUDEVILLE following woobs, City Clerk. a Sa MISS PINKIE MULLALLY IN FANCY DANCES eae Eten if yh 20 eho ri on ‘ Nin soncs ano paxces” SPECIALTIES =f) con Ketchet, brother of the ei MR. DAVE WILLIAMS in his Great Rube Character Specialty Hate Stanley Ketchel, ie the latest | o i Y | espirant for honors in the boxing} 1 me tere Cousin Joe EEO. ae world. He weighs 134 pour ds and x es Seen es 38 ser ee (R) is said to have ar excellent chance | IN if) in the lightweight divisior. Since | Prices: 50c, 75c, $1.00 CURTAIN AT 8.15 SHARP He. began trairirg here he has had| es SSS ee i Som i = io iy fights as an amateur ard CEES, ROSS | eas ea LLM POLES I iwo professioral bouts, losirg only! Pre one of the iwerty-two, 2 d Nate on @ foul. He is said to heave] Read The. Daily Niue the old time shift thet a his | brother famous and can hit hard. a | Lots 21 and 22, block 43, | staked and | cash, tf Tn remsrmonermalee ITEMS OF. SPORT). et eer re ee et my Careful examinat I the f formances of major gue pitchers for the last ten years i eeded to show that Chri Mathew- son is the greatest pitcher of the day. x OM OR ‘ | President Bob Brow of me Vancouver Baseball Club, will leave shortly for S \ntonio where he will att I nnu meeting of the Nati \ssociation | of Minor Leagues moe OK Chicago won 1! ss from Detroit in the choice for the scene of the opening gai f the 1905 world's series and \ he « ham- pionship; Pittsburg won the toss} from Detroit in 1909 and likewise the series. Philadelphia outlucked } Chicago in the same department} who holds} in 1910 and you know the title at the present time;| New York won th s this year. om Os One of the greatest upsets of the season among two-year-olds _oc- curred at Newmarket when Mr. J. B. Joel's 7 to | shot, the Ab- surdity colt, won the Middlepark Plate, worth $5000, at six fur-} longs. The winner of this race} | often supplies the favorite in winter | betting for the Derby. K uM OK The same owner's White Star, ifull brother to this year’s Derby winner, heavily backed at 6 to 4,| could do no better than third, the| Joel pair being split by the Amer- ican bred colt, Sweeper [1., owned by H. B. Duryea, and which started second favorite at 2 to 1.} The winner is by Sundridge- Ab- surdity, and though he has won some good races had been tried } out inferior to White Star, his brother. He is trained by Morton. | The result was far from popular. | x HK OK Because the eighteenth annual| Dunlop race for bicyclists has| been transferred from the road to the track this year it has been decided to divide the event ir to two as follows: The shield, which formerly went to the team finishing first in the road race will be put up as a prize for a team of 15} miles, four men to a team. There will be individual prizes for the} first five men finishing as well as medals for the winning team. The Dunlop trophy will be contested for as follows: A 10-mile repechage will be put with the usual handicap heats, The winners of these heats will go into the final against the scratch men and the winner of the event will ta the trophy for year. There will be the usual individual prizes. on one Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4. McCaffery & Gibbons Real Estate Offerings: 84 feet frontage with House for $3200 1 lot in section 1, new four-room Terms of $1000 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months. 2 lots on 5th Avenue, section 5, for $2100 the pair. | 1 lot on 6th Avenue, with house, four rooms and bath, ror $2400. $1000 cash, good terms on balance. Lots 15 and 16, block 4, section 5, for $1260 each. Good terms. | Lot 8, block 9, section 5, for $1150. | Double Corner on 8th Avenue, section | », for $1500. Half cash. 2 fine harbor view lots on Borden St., for $3150 pair. Good terms. Lot 9, block 17, section 5, $1800, cash, balance easy terms. Double C 2r on 9th Avenue, 5, for $1350. Easy terms. Corner lot on 8th Avenue, for $975. Lots 15 and 16, block 12, $4000 pair Two lots on 7th Avenue, fifty feet from McBride St. $1400 each. Half | } section | | section 6, section 6, for | | Lot 23, block 1, section 7, for $580. $330 cash, balance good terms. | Lots 14 and 15, block 12, section 7, sixty feet on 6th Ave., for $1200 pr. Lots 40 and 41, block 6, section 7, $1100 pair. | Lot in block 40, Lot 5, block 2 section 7, for $400, section 7, for $550. section 7, for $315 each. Double Corner on 11th Avenue roadway | for $800. Good terms. Double Corner in section 8, for $50 ied | ond $30 per month, | FOR RENT Six-room House on 4th Avenue, 6, for $25 per month. Three-room flat with ington Block. Three stores on Third Avenue. section bath in Wash-| FARM LANDS We offer for sale on easy terms land in the Ootsa Lake country in small blocks of from 120 to 360 acres at $7.00 per acre, At this price this land is an attractive proposition to the small in- vestor, as it is less than the land can be bought from the Govern- ment since the raise in price of Crown Lands. Surveyor’s field notes and full reports on all lands furnished on appli- | cation, | We offer several quarter sections of | lands in the Lakelse Valley from $8, 00| per acre up. Ten acre blocks adjoining Terrace | townsite, within one mile of station, |at $50 per acre. Terms of one-third balance in 12 and 18 months. -INSURANCE McCaffery & Gibbons THIRD AVENUE Teac cae ce ee cee nD SESREIREDSEDEDESESERR ERS ena: Great Story THE DAILY NEWS READERS HAVE ANOTHER TREAT IN STORE FOR wit wotaetwronaorn HEM The News has received so many letters |W of appreciation from its readers for its enterprise and judgment in securing the serial rights of Captain Clive Wol- great story, ‘‘The Tenderfoot’s ” that it has gone still further. ley’s Wooing, The News has secured the serial rights for Louis Tracy’s Great New Story “The Pillar of Light” and will start the story very shortly V Louis Tracy is the greatest writer of fascinating adven- His plots are vigorous. — His There is not a dull paragraph. ture stories in England. characters are lifelike. His stories are models of good English too... . Seeeccccseccces PAOPROFROPROSRO FE dobro beotdotroldebeotrs G é ey Hy What The Pillar of Light Is eo i The ‘‘Pillar of Light” is a sea story of | i love and adventure. As you may guess G the ‘‘Pillar of Light” is a lighthouse. a The story concerns the romance of 8 Stephen Brand the lighthouse keeper G and man of mystery. It is a story of Fe heroic deeds in many lands. It will 5 ——————] hold you to the very last word and de- _——— In the end you the light you all the time. will see the greater meaning of title ‘‘The Pillar of Light. : : This story is exclusive in British Columbia to the Daily New its readers, See that you get the story from the start by ha ° » 9 anbscr! your name entered on the Daily News books as a subse! 0 PRO FRO PRs PRO BR Cees ese SS zx PSS : —-——THE DAILY NEWS, DELIVERED—-—-— : 50ca Month - $5.00 a Year i ih ESSEZSEDSESLEDEERESLEDSESSESEESSES ESSERE ESD ESD COED: TEESSESSLOLSOLYeL otset olor Yoel ol ot oe Yor lotset Hel el el Jol OHsel elt