PAOB FOUH The Body -Building Qualities of COD LIVER OIL PLUS Additional B one- Building Minerals Strong bodies, straight bones and sound teeth are built from the mineral salts and vitamins in Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is vitamin rich Cod Liver Oil emulsified for quick easy digestion and combined with the bone and body building mineral salt Ilypophosphites of Lime and Soda. PLUS VALUES you et ONLY in SCOTTS EMULSION. SCOTT'S EMULSION the digestible cod liver oil with the plus values. FOR SALE BY YOUR DRUGGI$T 1 JM NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 ob SO Rooms Hot ii Cold Watei Prince Rupert. BC Phone 281 ?o Box ion Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Birch Wood Cedar Wood Jackpine About Fifty Couples in Attendance At Affair Wednesday. Night In Masonic TVmnU ted for the occasion with shrinp colors and emblems. Dancing was in progress from 9:30 p.m. until 2 a.m. and at midnight delicious refreshments were served, o. A. Woodland was master of ceremonies and O, H. Munro was. chairman of the committee in charge. S. C. Thomson was - maw also it a u. raisiias, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that bv- order of HI Honor Judge FUher. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia made the 6th day ot December 1938, 1 avpuiiiica Administrator of tht Estat. of Jamea O. Patslcas, Deceased Intestate, late of Prlne. Rupert, B.C .Ml persona having nisimi .train. ... O w .U) . 1 1 ' said Estate are hereby required to fur- . inji--uy vrTiiieq vo me on r before the 15th day of January 1938; .tflurwise disposition of the aald Estat Mil be made without regard thereto Ml parties Indebted to the said Estat.-r required to pay th amount of their Indebtednesa to nie forthwith. I933ATED 9th dy "f Dmb, NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to teaff t-and -J.? ,P.iU1.CE RUPERT Land Recordlne latflct of Range S Coast, and altuste bout 1-2 mile south of the W. A arowri Homeslt Lease on Skiaki Bar ?tphena Island. ' Take notice that William Aathonj Brown ot SkUM Bay, Stephens Isf KxUDatlon FUhrm Bn inH Tpikn.. I tends to annlv Inr.m 1... u lng described foreehors lands: , Commencing st a .poit planted on '' mall Uland within an Inlet of 8kl- M Bay. about 30 Feet wet. of lax iroathouse, whloh Is located approxlm-tlyi 3-4 miles south of the W. A ?fwn Homslt Lease thenoe Weal 1,200 Fet;- thence North 900 Feet 'heie East 1,800 Feet: thence South 900 Feet; thenes Went eno F.f .ti point of commencement and containing Thirty acres, more or less. WILLIAM ANTHONT BROWN Tinted November 4th. 1935. CEKTinCATtS 01' I.Ml'ROVEMENTS SILVER KINO No. 1t Rliuni rtn No. 3; SILVER! KINO No. S: ftn.tnrn KINO No. 4; SILVER KINO No. 5: 8IL-VER KINO No. 6; SILVER KINO No. 7: SILVER KINO No. 8; BLUEBIRD No. 1 It BLUEBIRD No. 2 MINERAL CLAIMS Situate In the AUln- Mining Division, of Cassiar Dlitrlct. Where located: Whitewater Creek Tulpequah River. TAKE NOTICE that D. C. Sharpstone acting as agent for Raymond L. Walker Free Miner's Certificate No. 489l-D-Daniel H MnlUr tv. tcin.. ni,...: . ----- icukuicaie No. 64877-D; Harry c. Bracken, Free Mln. w s vertuicaie wo. 64878-D; Arthur Hed-man. Free Miner's Certificate No. 64830-D; Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Corporation, Free Miner's CerUncate, No. 9802. D; Walter Barron. Free Miner's Certificate No. 64888-D; D. J. MacDougall, Free Miner's Certificate No. 84889-D. Intends sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certlfl-oates of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining Orown Grant of ' the above claims. And Further take notice that action under section 83 of the Mineral Act, must be commenced before the Issuance of such CcrtlTloatea of Improvement. Dated this first day of December. 1933 Try a Dally News classified ad- t Stewardship Of Christians Was Subject of Talk The Pentecostal 41 1. 114 l ber of the committee. Music was hv' was well filled for last nlehfs met- j Walter Howarth's Orchestra, j ing in the Universal Week of Prayer X THE Stl'KKMK CO! RT Of BRITISH 1 Wl.l MIUA In In the Matter or thr "i.i mill lui rallm. AC-t- AnO "In the Matter of the Estate of Janie- which was led hv Pastor V. J North Passing reference was made to lhe sufferings of the early Chris- uans. canon Rushbrook stressed the fact that never was there, a time In the history when it was tant.Eva Laycolck, Salvation Army. as the speaker on "Dedication." There is also to be a meeting at St. St. ePter's Anglican Church with Rev. E. j; North of the Pentecostal Assembly as speaker. Ernest Wilding has returned to the city from a vacation trip to Vancouver and Edmonton. You caiVt Afford to miss these Bargains at DEMERS WINTER SALE HOSIERY 65c & 75c JACKET $3.95 COATS From $10.00 SLIPPERS 40c Crepe Dresses ;From $3.95 Prices Reduced 20 on All Lines of SHOES, BLOUSES and LINGERIE DAJLTKHWt Shrine Club Ball ' jStory of the Mines Readslike A Delightful Event Tale From Fairyland, Says Mandy In Address Before Rotary Club PririPP T?linfvf nonnla VinnUI l.M.., i i j ----- -"ri;rv ri'" nnuw uimr own cuy .ana The banauet hall of the Masnnic Its notpntinlitips nnH in m-rlm. J i i :l . ... .. . . v.. .v., ... utut! iu uif nun. il is necessarv XVlZr Immediate boundaries i prince Rupert shrine club which!" ,c Y'l "V .mn developments going on was a delightful affair, attracting'111 a most a11 directions. It is an inspiring picture of a a crowd of about fifty couples. The,nortnern empire, practically in the front garden of the hall had been attractively decora- - - ' - - clty. That Is the way It was put to the members of the Rotary Club and visitors at the luncheon meet ing yesterday afternoon at the Commodore Cafe by Dr. J. T. Mandy, district mining engineer; who spoke enthusiastically of the mineral wealth of the northern section of the country, and showpn niihivp Assembly 1WV M J Hall la illustrating its wonderful scenic possibilities. The story of the mines, the. doc- i j' ' , ... vur iua, reaa . . muiiivmiiii sometnine like 41. a rt j . . After the opening hymn, there was fairy tale: His dlstriqt embraced-Uie prayer by Very Rev. James B. Gib- bulk of 140.000 square milw of-ter-son, dean of St. Andrew's Anglican rltory or about one-third of the Cathedral. Rev. Canon W. F.Rush- size of British Colombia.; half .of drook. rector of St. Peter's Anglican which drained into, the Pacific and Church, who was the speaker of half info the Arctic. Of this, huge Lhe evehins. read from thp thlrrl area 54.000". n'ia'r mlip hxt iu ' - - ...... . . , uvtn I , chapter of First Corinthians as the partially prospected and thevalue' otupiure portion ana men oirerea ic minerals taiccn jrom It since prayer. ; 1914 was approximately $170,000,006. Canon Rushbrook's topic was Qf that production the Premier, "Obedience and Sprvlrp" nnrt hp which rommpnppH tn thin In imo based his thoughts on the first two provided $50,000,000. arid paid Vl 3,- w.. " - M 11 m M m J fJ AAA 'S verses or me iourtn cnapter oiu.uw in aiviqenas. First Corinthians. Prefacing hfs nrt.i Tlie cornier 'mihp at. A dress with a few general remarks, 1914 to 1934' produced. $95,000,000. ne informed his audience that this ouri Inlet, while working, produced was the nineteenth birthday of the Week of Prayer. The movement had spread until It was now Interna tional, Protestant churches the world over uniting in its The Canon gave a helpful and torceful talk on the stewards' obedience to God and service to man- mna, unnstian responsibility cx 5.oou,oop a gold and the mine now befng operated at' Surf Point on Porcher .Island shipped ore valued at $150,000 annually. Premier was still prod uclns and would continue to prepuce; Alice Arm' was on the brink of mlnuig development, Big Missouri looked well.. At the Taku Dul'utU syndicate; work ing on the -Whitewater, showed prq :luded no one. Christian stewards rnlsc of early production. Of the rc- must guard carefully the divine rnalning area 46,000 square miles property which had been put in territory was favorable for min-Oielr charge. Tlie right of Chris- cral deposits. ;ians to know the precious mvster- r. Mandy urged the dcodIp of Ips nf Cimi mae pnlinmn imnn Tn Prince Runprt. i shnm involtn nnj forget we are Christians," declared confidence in their rich heritace.f IV . i . . . IT. 1 1. 1. . - . I ync speaKer, -means lauure and de-"c U1CU suowea a numper oi-spien- ieat." did pictures .of the country which ne had visited, inpinriiiw tiu ; 1 v.. v. Khutze .River to the south, Porcher Island and, t the, Q.ueen ;Charlotte Islands to the west and to the north ttie Portland, Canal area,. At more necessary than" at present to I,n--the-fitlklne. Taku, Squaw Creek hp lnval tn nhriitt rii,.i. land the UnuV. tlans, with keen, brilliant arid clever Visitors, at ihe luncheon included minds, were solving material nrob- tems'wlth Intensity and enthusiasm but were lax In the things that really count. With much earnest ness, the Canon ureed faithfulnp. in Christian stewardship There was a session of voluntary arayer followed by the closinir hymn and the benediction by Rev. Dr. F. W. Dafoe. nastnr nf First Baptist Church. Miss Ruth Scherki was pianist. Tonight's meeting will take place It First Baptist Church with Adlu- H, F. McLeod. George McColI (Port Simpsphl.Dr. F. H. So ward and R. M. WJn.slow, , Peter Lakle. operated the lantern for the pictures. LOOK! You can start the year right when jou deal at MUSSALLEM'S, the pioneer grocers. Our prices are consistently low. These prices good till next Monday. LIBBY'S TOMATOES Choice, 2iA's, 4 tins . 47c per case of 24 tins $2.73 gallon tins 53c LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE flCp 14 oz.. 3 tins WV LIBBY'S TOMATO SOUP- 3 tins RICE Nice and clean 0 lbs. SMALL WHITE BEANS 6 Up LIBBY'S CATCrlUP Large, per bottle HAPPYVALE PICKLES Assorted, 32-oz. bottle JAP ORANGES per box per bundle GRANULATED SUGAR (Limit 20 lbs. 10 lbs. 25c 25C 25c 18c 30c 62c B & K ROLLED OATS Q7a 20-lb: sack wit 54c .231 MUSSALLEM'S COFFEE Fresh ' ground, pure coffee, QAn i no mixture, per lb. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at Reduced Prices WE DELIVER MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollar Have More Cent?" P. O. Box 575 t. Phone 18 LIMERICK "Ye'U scream' WINNERS Mrs. D. R. Barclay Winner Of Daily News-Capitol Theatre Contest Prizes For Others Mrs. D. R Barclay was yesterdav afternoon declared the winner oi a limerick contest conducted bv the Dally News and the Caplto! Theatre In connection with the Laurel and Hardy week-end pic ture "Bqiinie Scotland." Mrs. D L. Jones, won second prize, Jack Unwin third prize and David R. Barclay, fourth prize; First prize i $3 cash, second prize. $2. cash, third Drlze. $1 cash and fourth prize, two compliment ary tickets to the theatre. The prizes may be obtained by calling at the Dally, News office. The prize-winning, limerick was as follows: , First Limerick Laurel and Haxdy. have .rib w become Scotrh. "V '!' Tlieir search' fof'mbhey is funny to watchT-" With, bagpipe and kilt Thcv matethc-cfrlyrwllt ' a !"' And prpvldc: ;cntrtahirrjent. "top-notch." ' " ' j .' 'Second .Onjericic ' At Laure.) anJ ilardv you'll certainly 7 : yell When jrou see- them',arpss6d up as ,Ladicso,He.,, As Scotch Sandy. and' Mac . A iaiish walloo thpv 'nnrlr Hoot .mohj -jllnna. rhtss It they're 5WCJJ. ; Other Last Line's, The. '.contest was to supnly the best last lines of two - stock' 11m-erlcks;' . ..' " Mrs, Jones' -.last lines ' were : "The lasslfi sure ;think" they're topnotch' . . "For thejrhurnor the house fell cU'm'cU." f-" Jacl? Unwin's .lasV Jlnes: 'Thtse boys, whij are always top-notch." ' ' - "To. see them with laughter youll swcli.'f Mr. Barclay's last "It's furij, without ' blemish or blotch; see It FUESn ;M JLK AND CREAM. DAILY VALENTIN ijAIRY Phone 657 C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived in port at 2:45 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and I -I I I Friday, Januar m .!" Robert Davlp .i . 7 "u nas i. ..woi;iiai arA .. YP.Tr nnnnnv uiq.n i... j OVU VUSlMni. . homp hprp callow u:. .""HI uy tne ph.. They're here ... in Kilts . . . Scotland's Bengal Lan. cers, MacLaurel and MacIIardy . . . Stymied in Scoti land . . . Insane in India . . . and We're Tellin' Ye It'. "A Guid New Year" Tonic For the Blues! r t i ANNIE LAURIE Doesn't Live There Any More! --fHg ' . . And you won t blame her when ypiutj wliat those lowlifcs do to the highland mto- ,assie9l It's their BIG. GEST laugli-hit! aa m : AnnRn In TVwuaJ. of Globe Trotter owner, ire now enjoTin5 new world of fascinating entertainment. To them the striking of Big Ben in London.... operatic gem feont Rome ... or an InfecUou. eiotic rhytim from Sooth America ... J, no unusual experience The thrill, of radio trarel .w,i yoa, too. A JeinOMtritlon t our More will quieUr reveal what the new RCA" Vietat Clobe Trotter Radio mean, la'.UU finer world. perfomanr.. . higher ton. fideUty ...beautiful eibineu. Here'... wide choice of modeU to thoo.. trm .. . at price, to meet .Terr pur. E..r terma. i' -j 'Mi f )1 ' ' ilia See Your Pavnrltn Rtnr. f m.. IOOK AT THISI FIATUlin I. ww st4 I 4 ty c 1 d V "STARLIT DAYS 0 THE LIDO" (In Technicolor) World News Events Chapter 3 "Great Air .Mystery" (Shows a't Saturday Matinee dnlyi laWm NEVER REALIZED RCA Victor 97 RADIO with METAL TUBES Hik .My Im cm Int. T. Tl, um, m uk MlTAl TUlIf TRADE-IIV ...We'll offer a gcneroiM MODEl C1 15 $116.00 Canattli tah h A. 9m