Ur. January 10. MM TEA is delicious SIZE 6xl Regular price $7.50 Sain P..;nn A. I. ill; . MZE 9x10 Regular price .$13.00. oaten-ice PRINTED LINOLEUM I .By Square Yard j. Regular' nrice 90c square yard. ' Sale Price, square yard 301 RECALL STORE SPECIALS i SAVK WITH SAFETY AT THE REXALLSTORE 50cRlkers French Balm and Nickellcd Dispenser, both. for. .50c 50c Chest Rub and 25c Cold. Tablets, both for 50c 1 Ladles', Curv-rite Razor and Blade; 25c, and a tube of; Lavender Shaving iieam, aut, uum lor sue l'25tSharl Face-Powder and 25c Snarl Perfume, both, for. .35c 1 Handy, Duster with Handle free with a 50c Una of. 4ySquare Floor wax. 1 25c Writing Tablet and 15c pkgi of Envelopes, both, for 25c j Holder for. Tooth. Paste and Tooth, Brushes and 1 25c Tooth Brusn, doui ior avc 1 50c Writing Tablet and Envelopes (portfolio) and; 1. 25a Me chanical Hencw, doui ior sue 1 25c KJenzo Tooth Brush and 1, 35c Milk of Magnesia Tooth Powder, doui ior ; sac 1 Large Sponge and Chamois, both for 89c 1 75c Bottle of A. 8. A. Tablets and 1 50o bottle of Vapure, for 83c 50i Size Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste, Rexall, for , 25c Hot Water. Bottle! Special, each 50c 75c Jonteel Wave Set for :. , '. 59c 1 $1.00 Bottle of Fragrant Body Rub, 10 oz for 15c 1 lfl-oz; Bisma-Rox Powder, $l,50islzdi special, for $1.60 . , r j a t. i - v. t .i ,il . . I fOE peuti. oi. suui sujinuci'., uuiu uyspepMU, etc.) Kleenex Special. 25c sizo for JJOc Old Fashioned Peppermint Patties and Betty Ann Thin. Mints Chocolate covered, each in 1-lb, boxes, regular 30c- eacn, Special, both for , . 50c t Ormes Ltd. ri.i Keill BWr Phone:, 81. &, 82; Open Daily From K a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays Prom 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. New Year's Resolution Sale CONfiOLEUM GOLD SEAL HUGS SIZE 7Jx9-Regular price $7.50. Sale Price SIZE 9x9Regular price $9.00. sale-Price LINOLEUM RUGS $5.50 $6.60 $5.65 $9.75 New Year's Sale Continued 69c NEW BEDS COMPLETE negUlar price, $35..00.. 00 .aie pjMPfl - D. ELIO -Exchange I: - TheFisk which made Prince RupertFamons "Rupert Br and n SMOKED BLACK COD J Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. DAJLTNEW8 LOCAL NEWS NOIES f We Buy for Less. Kor mrssenger or, taxi phone 65., j Mrs., H. .8. Parker sailed last night oh the- Prince George for a Mrs. Douglas Sutherland, sailed business trip; to Vancouver. last night on the Prince- George The RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Ltd. ifpr a trip, to Vancouver. For messenger ob taxi phone 63.. Tou can- rant. ear it Wilbri as, low u $1.50 , day. Dlu. 7c i mil Charles Ornhtim. lnsrtffltnr1 of mines, returned to the city on. the Prince Georea la.st nleht from ft trip to Stewart on.offlclal duties ; Vicks VapoRub OFFICERS INSTALLED William Grddes Oddfellows' Head For Year Mrs. Barbe- Leader Of Rebekahs Installation of officers of the Oddfellows md Rebekah LodgesJ took place (Jointly at a meeting Wednesday flight when there was a large turn-out of members of both organizations. The Rebekahs were hostesses fpr the evening. The In stallation ceremonies were- conduc ted by Peter Solem, district deputy grand master; of the Oddfellows, and Mrs. Margaret Church, district deputy grand, president oi the Rebekahs. Th officers for the year are as follows; Oddfellows ; Noble Grand,. William Geddes. ; Vice Grand, Charles' Harcadlne. i Recording Secretary, H. M.. Daggett. . Financial. Secretary, Albert Ei Wood. v . - Treasurer-, Norman. Mooj-ehouse. Rebekahs Noble Grand, Mrs',. Alex. Barbe Vice Grand, Mrs. .3.. Vr Cox. Recording: Secretary 'Mrs. JJ S. Irvine. , Financial; Secretary Mrs. W. A. McLean, ; Treasurer, Mrs. ;G. V. Wilkinson. Supper- was served with: . Mrs. Barbe presiding and there were short speeches, by thel-new officers as, well as a sketch approprjate , to the- occasion' by the;: Rebekahs: Community, singing was: also .eiu Xoyod with. .Mrs. J. W,,McKinl.ej s "accompanist. Mrs: Alex Haig, sang a. vocal, solo. The- committee In charge consi'si ted of Mrs. J. M. Slmppon, Mrs;. J L. Mcintosh and-Mrs. w;McLean; Announcements Presbyterian Burns' Tea, Jan. 2$ Junior Chamber Snowball Frolic January 24. Norkag basket social, January 24 MOOSE HALL RENTAL RATES Concerts ..$2J.0Q Dances 20.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A. room suitable for smaller meeting la now available on the ground floor, rental rt, $4.00 For engagements phone' the Club Steward. 840 or Red 413. Anyone- interested: In. Excursion to, Ketchikan, Jan, 1.4, to. 1.6, phone 705 before 8 o!cldcll tomorrow night. 8 3 GERMANY IS DISTURBING. (Continued from page two) For a common assault UDdn Unrt-tn limit nnrmnnv's re-armlnz Sarah Dudoward, whose nose he However, there had; been, no success was alleged to have- broken Petej' jn an air treaty, Hitler, insisting on Heageney was fined 45, with op afc supremacy, tlon of five days' imprisonment, in, No! nation, in Europe could forget city police court this morning. He the enormous-power of' the German is doing the time; amqhxhop MIOICATCO WITH INORtDIIKTS. Of, Axmy. during the Great War, and the capacity of the German people to Support It; Today saw practically alh the other, powers of Europe fprmlng alliances In fear of another.-German drive. To. meet these alljances, Germany, had so far, ap-pabntly, done little except for the 1 alliance with Poland. Now, it was (believed that Germany was at- 1 tempting to ally herself with Hun i gary. The latest rumor, and one that seemed to be quite reasonable in view of' their mutual hatred of Russia, at whose expense both sought to; expand was that Ger many was angling for an alliance with Japan. Real. Disturbing Element Germany was, Indeed, a disturb ing- element in Europe today. She appeared' to be heading towards, a great conflict although, of -course, there was still a chance that some-might be done internationally to head this off before the country considered Itself in a position to effectively take up arms again. The meeting was presided over by Lee Gordon, president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, who. at the conclusion of the address, tendered Dr. Soward a hearty vote of- thanks which was concurred In by the audience with enthusiastic applause. Dr: Soward was .Introduced by City Commissioner W. J. Alder. It was announced that Dc Harry Warren, professor of geology at the University of British Columbia, would be here on February 2(5 and 27 to give lectures, on geological, subjects, the first on. the topic Mining and the World Crisis." and. fhe second on "Mining and the Search for Gold." Want Ads FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished 4-room apartment. Phone '547. (tf) FOUR-Room house, rent free. For full particulars phone Green 411. (8) WORK WANTED VQUNG Woman warfts work by day or hour. Phone 427. (9) LOST L0ST-Brown prayer beads, some tlrfte ago. Valued as keepsake, jjewoj-d. App'ly Dally News. (8) FOR SALE THE Home Physician Book for sale. 240. Eighth Ave. W. (9) FRESH Fish for sale aboard Helen ir, Cow Bay. (tf) FOUND FQUNB'-Bunch of keys, in leather case. Keys rusty, evidently beeni lost some time. Apply Dally News. (tf) OPPORTUNITIES EARN MORE MONEY THIS EASY WAY YOU Can Increase your earnings by learning Hand Lettering, Show Card and Display Card advertising, Thousands of men and wo men are making money this easy way, as full or spare time occu patlons. For free Information write stating age and occupation to. .Vocational Director British American Institute of Art and Advertising, 863 Bay Street, To ronto. 1, : .. - Everything in Clothes for Men and Women, Boys and Girls We Sell for Less Widow of Veteran Churchman Dies Mrs. Margaret McLaren. Dies. In Vancouver. Six. Weeks. After, Her Husband. VANCOUVER. Jan, 10: (CP) Mrs. Margaret McLaren, aged 82t widow of Rev. Dr. E. D. McLaren, pioneer. British Columbia church-, man, who, died six. weeks ago, passed away yesterday. Hotel Arrivals C. D family, Savoy Muir and T. Gosnell Port Simpson. First- Grade Butter per lb and. Prince Rupert. George P. McColl, Port Simpson. Evan Evanson, who has been oni a. week's business trip to Vancou-. ver, returned to the- city from the- south on the Princess Adelaide this; afternoon. W; H: Tobey, CJJJt divisional superintendent, sailed on the Prince George last night for a week's trip to Vancouver on. off! clal business. rmqBaw,KiiwiBimwiwmtiiiw Overwaitea Ltd. PRICES. TO- PLEASE. THE. THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE 3 lbs 88c Oi W. T. Orange Marmalade t'Jgt. -V ilk H 1'lUi Mil B. C. Sweetheart Honey 4i,i-lb. tin CRISCO 3-lb. tin 6-lb. tin KLIM lb. tin. 22-lb. tin $1.60;. 5-lb. tin $3.10 KELLOOG'S ALL-BRAN 20C laigc FRY'S COCOA l.i's l's ..: 41c McCormlck's Pantry Sodas OQp per tin (Blue, Yellow and Green tins) HEALTH BRAN large pkt. Edme's Malt Extract with Cod Liver. Oil. per Jar Johnson's. Fluid Beef 18-02. Jar Shamrock Whole Hams per lb CLUSTER RAISINS 1-lb. pkg Quality Chocolates Q( 1-lb. boxes for Vi-lb. boxes for 21o SCOTCH MINTS; per lb Oranges, Sweet and Juicy Medium size, 2 doz Grapefruit, Good. Size 7 for LEMONS per doz OXYDOL SOAP SPECIALS large pkg LUX 1 large and 1 small pkg Many Flowers Soap 4 cakes with facecloth ... Royal Crown Oatmeal 6 cakes in pkg Royal Crown Witch Hazel Soap, 5 cakes for Royal Crown Jlf Flakes-large pkg 30c 63c 73c $1.38 73c 21c 20 c 79c 95c 30c 20c Overwaitea Ltd Phone 843 Flione 843 i:s;:i:iiJi:iiim:iii!:Mj::;;txa.!)j QUALITY We Have a Few DUCKS. Average 4 lbs. QCf. While they last, each aMV LAMB Loin Roast, lb 25c Shoulder, lb 17c Shoulder Chops, lb. .20c Breast, lb 10c T o GRAIN FED PORK Legs, lb 22c Loins, lb 25c Loin Chops, lb 26c Shoulder; lb 16c EGGS,. A Grade, Large, in carton, 3 doz $1.00 Spread Easy Cheese, pkg. 15c BEEF Pot. Roast, lb 12c Prime Rib,, lb 18c Breakfast Sausage, 2 lbs.. . . Pork Tenders, lb. . .30c Cranberries, lb 22c FRESH WHIPPING CREAM, J pint 20c THE Modern Range The new1 MeClary Quebec Range is the last word in beauty and efficiency in kitchen ranges. Finished in beautiful, cream enamel. It Is an asset to the appearance of any kitchen, Ideal for use with coal or wood, or may be purchased stripped of linings and grates for oil burner installation for which , is" is .most admirably' suited. - For Sale By GORDON'S HARDWARE SATIN-GL0 Start the new year right by resolving to use Satin-Glo Varnish Satin-GIo Enamel Satin-Glo Finish Bapco Paints I)e Luxe Wall Finish Agents THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. UNION STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED Special Low Winter Excursion Rates effective November 1st, 1935 to February 29th, 1936. Prince Rupert to Vancouver and return $32.00. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P-M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY,. 10:30 PJVL Due Vai .ouver, Monday a.m. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart,. Anyox, and Naas River, Sunday, 8 p.m. Further information regarding sailings and tickets from It. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Acent, Third. Ave.. Phone 568 THE OLD, OLD WISH We wish you. qlj A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Phupott, Evitt & Co? Ltd.