Today's Weather Prince Rupert- &p ' .light northerly wind; ba.- s0 O'9.50; temperature, 30; sea Vol. XXV., No. 8. VANDERH00F MAN NAMED Shirley (!. Triton Is New District Agriculturalist At Smithers VICTORIA, Jan. 10: (CP)-Shlr-ley O, Preston of Vandcrhoof ha: been appointed district agriculturalist at' Smithers, succeeding Donald Sutherland, recently transferred to Kamloops. Junior Chamber Variety Program Futuristic riaylct And Number Of Other Interesting Items On Weekly Broadcast A futuristic and Imaginative sketch dculctlne Dosslblc scientific developments one hundred years hence featured last night's weekly broadcast of the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce William Fldler and Bert Bartlei' taking the leading part. Other Hems on the air program which was of a variety nature, In eluded saxa phone duets by Johnn; Saunders and Fred Williams, a" companled by. C. P. Balagno; voca' solos by Mrs. R. O Large, accompanied by Miss Swanna Olafsnn; selections by a harmonica band led by Gene Fltznatrlck and con sisting of Allan Durbank, Peter Grass, Francis Miller, Marcd Dlaln. Paul LnDorte. Huah Smith and Mario Bussanlch; a reading y Mrs. J. T. Mandy and vocal soios by J. s. Wilson, accom panlcd by Mrs. C. E. Cullln. The historical sketch of early days In Prince Rurxrt was r.rmtlnupd. J. Clifford Gllkcr. "sace of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, was, as usual, heard, and Roth Gordon nade his farewell appearance as announcer. , (CP) Reliable sources reported today that Great Britain.,and Uni ted States had reached an agreement to return to consideration of Japan's demand for equality at the international naval conference here. TODAY'S STOCKS (CuurtcAj 3. D. Jon n ton Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel. .21 ti. Big Missouri. C8. Bralomc, 6.40. B. R. Cons., .03i. B. R X. Oold. .11. Caribou Quartz. 1.25. Dentonia. .33. Dtinwell, .03Vi. Georgia Rtvcr.OHi. Golconda. .13. Indian. .01'2. Minto. .11. Meridian. .03"2 Morning Star, 02V. National Silver, .02'2. Noble Five, .04. Pcnd Orlclle. .93. Porter Idaho, .04 12. Premier. 1.85. Reeves McDonald, .10. Reno, 1.09. Silver Crest, .OOV2. Salmon Oold, 12 V2. Taylor Bridge. .15. Wavsidc. .19. Whitewater, .04 ij. Waverly Tangier, .00o. Grange, .02m. Toronto Central Patricia. 2.92. Chtbougamau. .35 '2-Lee Gold, .03?'2. Granada, .20. Int. Nickel, 40.25. Macassa. 3.30. Noranda, 46.00. Shcrrltt Gordon. 1.11. Slifcoe, 3.07. Ventures, 1 69. Lake Maron, .04'2. Tcck Hughes, 4.99. Sudbury Basin, 3.25. Smelters Gold, .03 Vi-Can. Malartlc. 1.19. Little Long Lac, 7.15. Stadacona, .20. Pickle Crow, 4.46. McKcnzte Red Lake, 1.49. Oods Lake, 138. Sturgeon River. .55. Red Lake Gold Shore, .67 z. San Antonla, 3.25. Perron, 1.24. She GERMANY IS DISTURBING largely Responsible For Present Chaotic State of Affairs In Europe, Says Speaker Heading Her Off Interesting Talk Consists Mainly Of Enlightening Interpretative Review Oermany's obvious preparation under Adolf Hitler for conflict was ascribed as one of the principal causes of the present chaotic state of international affairs as far as Europe Is concerned by Dr. F. H. Soward, professor of history at the University of British Columbia, in speaking before an audience which taxed the capacity of tire city council chamber last night. "However," observed Dr. Soward, "It takes time to re-arm under the present specialized methods of warfare. Re PROVINCIAL LIBRARY" VICTORIA, B.C. liable opinion says that It will take ; Germany at least two years to bring her military machine to a: state of efficiency comparable with: that, of Great Britain, France ot ' Russia. This may afford time to organize among the powers a coM, lectlfe system In the meeting of thelr economic problems, an accep tance of the spirit that no nation. should Impose Its will upon another by force and a general belief that peace must be guaranteed before justice can be obtained. Bar un-t foreseen circumstances, it may yet be possible to check the menace of j Oermany." Prof. Soward 's discourse on the subject of "Germany and Europe," occupying about an hour and a half, took the form largely ot an enlightening Interpretative review of the history of the German Re public from the end of the war In 1618 to the present time which saw the country re-arming at a rate which was causing alarm to every foreign office and chancellory In Europe. Tills militaristic movement had arisen with, the ascent to power of Adolf Hitler In 1933. Dr. Soward then proceeded to outline events In German history from 1918 leading up to the rise of Hitler. 81x men had figured principally In the evolution of Germany between 1918 and the present ttrre. First came Frledrick Ebert, president of Germany from 1918 until the time of his death In 1925. Finding the country In virtual revolution,, he had chosen to halt the movement towards the left and, with the assistance of the army, Treaty of Versailles was steadily developing, breeding a spirit of Intense nationalism. Gaining Confidence VOICE NOT Talking Career Succeeding Ebcrt was Oustavc smooth. outstanding matters arising out of I the war had been settled upon Germany had assumed heavy bur-Continued on Page 2 SUITABLE Pictures Of Late Ended Screen John Gilbert HOLLYWOdD, Jan. 10: CP-lohn Gfhirt, who died at his home here yesterday from a heart attack, became known during th old silent p cture days as ths "Great Lover of the Screen." One of the most popular of stars before the advent of the talkies, the new. moving picture technique spelt doom for h'ls career, largely on account of a peculiarity of his John Gilbert Whose death occurred sudden.y yesterday voice which did not record w?'1 He made few appearances on the en since talking pictures be came the vogue. His romantic career was a hectic one and he had been married several times. Thirty-eight years of age, Gilbert was takenly 111 only a few days ago but no fears were .entertained until yesterday morning when his condition became alarming with death soon ensuing. VANCOUVER STABBING Mother of Three Children Near Death and Husband Charged With Attempted Murder VANCOUVER, Jan. 10: (CP) Violet Fong, mother of three chil- death In Vancouver was near had established order In the coun-'?". try. Under him a new constitu' Ion ; - "u uL HnnfrH and n democratic had slashed by knlfe wounds. It Immt hart been ad-1 The Chinese woman's husband, F"e " LaP' ls wlth opted. There was a mass of poll- f? r . n t fpmntnH trmrrinr fnllnuincr an tlcal parties, however, and govern-:--""- .--...0 -.. early morning affray In their Kee-with ment was essentially by coalition Icr Street house bargaining between groups, compromise. , Intrigue and weaken-! Atra,0' ?00d fr,T bl " ...... snattprH huHrnnm loH (hp rllrn ing of respect for constitutional -- - 0 the point where the woman col-wavc government. At the same time a laPsed " the 5'dewalk- of resentment at the treat-, ment accorded Germany unaer inc Today's Weather Triple Island Clear, light north cast wind; barometer, 29.50; sea Strcsseman in control from 1UJ3 Langara Island Part cloudy, until 1929. His policy was to regain, fresh northeast wind; sea choppy, confidence of the rest of Europe ln Terrace Clear, northeast wind, Germany. Under him Germany had 26. Joined the League of Nations and Anyox Clear, calm, 20. Stewart Clear, calm, 16. Hazelton Clear, calm, 18. Smithers Cloudy, calm, cold. Burns Lake Dark, fog, 8.' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1935 t -J I J-l Ll In the Prince Edward Island gen eral election, July 23, 1935, Mr. Lea, is leader of the Liberal opposition arty, carried on the campaign from his Victoria home where he 'ay ill. The Island's first farmer imnier was able to' attend only one political meeting In his own constituency. But the success of his campaign for rigid economy was overwhelming and the Conservative government lost every one of its 16 seats. The premler-eleot found himself In the unusual position of leading a houseful of 30 supporters. Born February 10, 1874, Walter Iaxfield Lea was educated In the tubllc schools of Prince Edward viand and spent all his life on the farm. His fame as a breeder of .lolsteln cattle and Percheron lorses was widespread. For 10 years le was a director of the Holsteln Breeders Association of Canada. Followed Father's Steps His father, William C. Lea, was in .ha legislature before him, being a ontemporary of Coles and Whalen, lathers of responsible government in the Island province. Walter Lea's irst political victory was in 1915, In the fourth district of Prince. Reelected in 1919 he was appointed to the cabinet as minister of agrlcul- iure and provincial treasurer. The 1923 election was disastrous to the Liberal party. Only four of Its candidates were re-elected, Mr, Lea went down to defeat. But in 1927 he came back and assumed his former portfolio of agriculture In the government led by Hon. A. C 1 Tomorrow's Tides High 3:04 a.m. 20.4 ft. 14:59 p.m. 205 ft. Low 9:0f a.m. 6.9 ft. 21:25 p.m. 3.0 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS VIOLENT STORM AGAIN IN BRITAIN At Least Fifteen Dead As Result ot Another Tempest in Old Land Widespread Damage Done and Country is Again Threatened With Floods Shipping Forced to Shelter And Airplanes Tied Up LONDON, Jan. 10: (CP) The second violent storm to strike Great Britain vithin a week left 'at least fifteen dead today and forced shipping to seek shelter as well as causing widespread damage. A number of ships flashed distress signals as the gale reached a velocity of 100 miles per hour.. Air services to the Continent were cancelled 1 ... . Hand telegraph and telephone ser- fYAMYTC1 Ki llMIIV FlTf fS 1 1 I I vlces heavy rains disrupted. increased Accompanying the flood IS PASSED Debate Held In House at Washington Thursday and Vote Taken Today WASHINGTON D C. Dec. 10:-Thc united bill providing for the Immediate cash payment of soldiers' bonuses was brought up In the House of Representatives yesterday for debate and a favorable vote was taken today. Payment of the bonuses will represent an outlay of $2,282,000,000, It K tstlmaW, but only $t. 000,000,000 will be required at once. A crushing House of Representatives majority drove the bill Uiroujh the lower chamber and the measure now goes to the damage In many parts just as they were recovering from the serious floods of a few days ago. Reconsider Jap Demand: TOMnOM .Tnn 1ft- SMITHERS MAN IS BURNED TO DEATH PREMIER 0le Shove Perished IS DEAD wl r- n f Hon. Walter M. Lea, Head Of Prince Edward Island Government, Passes . Won Every Seat First Prime Minister in Current British History to Have No Opposition CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I., Jan. 10: (CP) Premier Walter M. Lea of Prince Edward Island died this morning In Charlottetown of double pneumonia at the age of 61 years, In ill-health for some time, he became seriously ill a few days go". Mr. Lea was the first political :ader In current British, history to head a party which won every seat n parliament, completely routing the opposing forces. rrfieii 1 tie veauvyzu Building He Occupied Badly Burned Body Was Taken Out While Conflagration Raged Was Sixty Years of Age and Had Lived Some Time in Interior Town SMITHERS, Jan. 10: Olof Skrove was burned to death when his building at the edge of the town was destroyed by fire at 2 o'clock this morning. It is not known how the fire originated but it had a good start when first seen and the alarm was sounded. The chemical engine was oon at the fire and a hole was cut through the wall of he building and the .body of theH unfortunate man was removed, badly burned about the head and arms. The building was totally Mr. Skrove hid lived In Smithers for quite a long time and was a bachelor about sixty years of age. Profit Taking Wave Withstood Yew York Market Stands Up Well With Commodities And Utilities Strong NEW YORK, Dec. 10: Thers was a wave of profit-taking In late trading on the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday after new ilgh levels had been reached, utll- 'ties bounding up to the highest point since 1933. Commodities eases tp somewhat but the close wa head of the day previous. The day's turnover totalled 3 530,000 shares and closing average1 were as follows: industrials, 146.16 'p 1.24; rails. 42.60, up .16; utilities, 31.05, up .08, and bonds, 99.99 up .33. Funeral Service Held Here Today Remains of Mrs. Peter Cameron To Be Taken Tonight to Vancouver Where Interment Will Be Made A brief and simple funeral service for the Jate Mrs. Peter Cameron, whose death occurred Wednesday night, took place this afternoon at the chapel of the B. C. Undertakers 04" :: , 'and the remains will be placed to uu Mre might aboard the steamer Cardena Saunders to the Supreme Court , In fee Vancouyer where Mr' Lea De,came r, "K,,f interment will be made a year In 0 ce.Hta party wa s then tor of Presbyterlan churchf routed bj rth Conservatives under smlce tfAH T Cfonrurr l f I .Pa VPm , malned leader of the opposition ... . , n the to the until he turned the tables so completely in 1935. organ accompany hymns, Peter Cameron, the widower; Mrs. F. White, a sister, and Miss Ill Lilt; LaUlllCv owuiii uivvi uiiivv . . . ... ..Matsie Cameron, daughter, will ac- ,e ,0 , to, ,flC uSu,v .company the remains to Vancouver, mler president of the council, pro- a. number of floral offerings have vincial secretary - twasurer and tendered by friends, minister of agriculture. 1 Progressive Farmer - - - ,-- - was one of the first promoters of .methods. the co-operative cream gathering j Mr. Lea was married In 1900 to system on the Island. He .was a Helen Maud Rogerson of Crapaud. firm believer In mixed farming os There were two daughters and against specialization In potato three sons, Marlon, wife of W. F. A. raising. He travelled to Eurupe Stewart, who Is one of Mr. Lea's several years ago studying Danish, ! "solid 30" In, the House of Assem-Scottlsh and English systems of bly; Edith, Chester, Clifford' and farming and on his return spoke in Oordon. every part of the province, adding Mr. Lea was a United Church-to his fellow agriculturalists' know- man.. FISHERMAN FOUND DEAD Harold Galbraith Suffered With Heart Attack and Boat Went Aground . VANCOUVER. , Jan, , 10 : ; ( CP . The body,. . of Harold Galbraith, forty-eight year old fisherman, who had been missing since Monday, was located by provincial police Wednesday In .the cabin of his partly submerged boat near Frane's Landing on the North Arm of Burrard Inlet Police believe that he suffered a heart attach and that the boat ran ungulded on to the rocky shore. Pensioner At Hazelton Has Lost His Home Divisional headquarters of ths orovlnclal police here have been idvlsed of the total destruction by Ire on Monday of .the cabin of lenry Cook, an old age pensioner U Hazelton. An overheated stoye- oipe Igniting the roof was the cause of the fire. 0KALLA IN QUARANTINE No Visitors Allowed At Prison On Account Of Scarlet Fever Twelve Cases VANCOUVER, Jan. 10: (CP)--Okalla Prison Farm has been quarantined to visitors and twelve prisoners have bsen Isolated following the outbreak of a mild form of scarlet fever. Charge Against Jockey Dismissed As a progressive farmer, . Mr, Lea 1 ledge of marketing and distribution I "Smoky" Saunders is Held Not Responsible in Connection With Woman's Deatli LOUISVILLE. Jan. 10: (CP) An indictment charging Willie (Smoky) Saunders, Calgary Jockey, who won the 1935 Kentucky Derby, with being an accessory to tho murder of Mrs. Evelyn Sllwlnskl was dismissed lri criminal court here yesterday. .