Wednesday, JW.? S, iW? CONSTIPATED 25 YEARS, ALL-BRAN BROUGHT RELIEF Pelicloua Cereal Corrected. His Condition Here is Mr. Johnson's letter: "I got n package (of Kellogg's Ali Bran), and before the package was gone I was very much better. "So I have been eating it for two or three weeks, and my constipation has gone, and I was constipated for 25 years or more. Hoping this may help some one to better health. I am a new friend to Kellogg's All-Bran." Mr. J. B, Johnson (address upon request). Mr. Johnson's letter is one of many. Millions find Kf Hogg's All-Bban corrects constipation satisfactorily. It. supplies the "bulk" missing in the average meal. The "bulk" In All-Bran is mild and effective. It absorbs moisture, and gently exercises and cleanses the intestines. Aix-Bran also supplies vitamin B and iron. Isn't it more sensible to use. this natural food instead of taking patent medicines? Just eat two table-spoonfuls daily. If not relieved, see your doctor. - Use as a cereal, with milk or cream, or cook into muffins, breads, etc. It is sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. CenMtipttion dut to (nlufflcimt "bulk" in mo. Rats and Beaver We have a big order for both and in order to Induce trappers and dealers to ship their skins we are offering more than market prices. Ship them in and we will wire the money immediately. GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable LOCAL NEWS NOTES .. . - - - 1 : I "J.' ". ' ! T ' Lutheran Aid Fish Cake Supper, Metropole Hall, Saturday, June 6, ;4 to 9 p.rn, Adra. 50c. (132) Mr. and Mrs, James McNulty, ,Whp have been In California, re- turned to. the city from the south on. the Prince George this morning. j L, H. Haworth, who has been taking a nayal course at Esquimau barracks, returned to, the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. I N. Mussallem, who has been pn an. extended trip as far as Win nipeg for th.g benefit .of, his health, returned to the city from trie south on the Prince George At the meeting of the Junior Chamber of Commerce last night, it was decided to refer back to the Senior Chamber the question, of encouraging the circulation of sliver dollars in the community with the idea of helping the mining Industry. The Juniors received so little encouragement that they decided to abandon the campaign. Play the Game with . . . SLAZENGER'S The "Best by Test" line of Tennis Rackets and Balls. Prove for yourself the real superiority of SLAZEN-GEIIS. Improve your game with a new 1936; Racket. "Queens" $22.00 'Trimax" $13-50 ''Golden Arrow" $8.50 Eclipse" $7.50 Pall Mall" $5-50 Park" 5.00 "Scholar" $3.50 'Surprise" $2-50 Professional and Amateur Players everywhere consistently praise the fine qualities of SLAZENGER products. Let us show you some of them. We specialize in guaranteed rcstringing. Prices from $2.25 to $9,00 according to grade of gut. Why sacrifice your racket with makeshift and amateur 1 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Norman Wllks' Concert is cancelled. He is unable to reach here owing to floods. . (130) Mrs. Q. G. Arseneau returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince George this morning. T. W. Hall, Inspector of schools, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a trip 'to Ocean Falls on official duties. Capt. W. P. Armour, manager of the Armour Salvage & Towing Co,, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a brief business trip to Vancouver. Alex Ferguson, manager of the Nootka Packing Co.'s ca'nnery at Massett, arrived in the city from Fred Wesch, who. has been, on a the Islands on the Prince John motor trip as for south as Mexico, returned to the city oh the Prince George this morning. His son, Fred Jr., who made the trip with' him, will be. back In a day or so, being at present in Vancouver, E. M. Haynes of Victoria arrived in the city on the Prince John this morning after "having made the trip north from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands ion official business in connection with his duties as post office inspector. Mr. Haynes will visit points in the vicinity of the city before returning south. this morning, being brief business visit. here for a A. P. Allison came north from Vancouver on tjais week's trip rjf the Prince John to pay one. pf his periodical visits' to his logging camp at Cumshewa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. The Prince Rupert Ministerial Association has suspended meet ings for the summer months. Thp next meeting will be In the falj There was none on Monday of this week as scheduled. Major J. B. Hartstone, who his been on a visit to the Halda Gold Mine In Skldegate Inlet, arrived In the city front thfe Islands on the Prince John this .mornjng and will proceed to Vancouver tomorrow, night on the Prince George Gordon Brown and L. Falconer, who have been visiting the Gold Harbor and other mining proper ties on the Quepn Charlqtte Isl ands, arrived In the city on the Prince John: this morning and wiji proceed to Premier on the Prince i George this afternoon. A suggestion was made to the Junior Chamber of Commerce last night by A- R. Helps, late of the freighter Hajtington, that useful publicity might be given to the port through the officers and crews of the freight vessels that came to Prince Rupert. In most ports the people took an interest in. these visitors, providing them with reading matter and giving them other privileges. It was stated .by one member that when a Danish crew came ta Prince Rupert they were dined and entertained splendidly but an English ciew received no attention. 1 Announcements Saturday Night Dancing Party, Commodore Cabaret. P. T. A., tea, June 5, at Mrs. Eastern Star Allen's, June 9, 13. tea at Mrs. F. W: Prince Rupert Tenni3 Club annual tournament Saturday, June Canadian Legion Island, June 14. Picnic, Digby Presbyterian Missionary Tea, on June 16. Hill 6q tea at Mrs. Macey's June 17. Anglican tea. Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls, June 18. Elk's Kiddies Day, June 23, Parade, Qlowns, Sports, Football. Baseball, Boy's Band. 25. Catholic Tea, Mrs. Ward's June NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM DOME" Rate fl.01 o SO Room Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 Mrs. Charles Carpenter, of Mas- sett arrived in th city on the Prince Johrf this morning from th. Queen. Charlotte Islands. for. a visit to, tqwn, Sflie is the turner Miss Aileen Dunn, who at one time lived in. 'Prince Rupert, Miss K. Kerr, teacher of the natiye schpol at Old Massett, ar rived in thp city f rorn the. Islands on the Prince John tjiis, morning and. wjll. proceed tomorrow nlgh.t by the Prince Qeqrge to. her home In. Vancouver to. spend the summer vacation. Capt. Gerald Barry, inspector oi Indian schools, writh headquarters In Victoria, arrived in the city on the Prlnpe John, (his morning after having spent the past couple q( weeks or the Queen Chariot'. Islands on official duties and WU' proceed sputh from here. debate pn the subject that Sanctions are Ineffective as a. Means, of Preventing War" was the feature of the program at today's, regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club in .the Boston jv Cafe. The. debaters were Rev. W. D. Grant Holllng-worth and Ni L. Freeman, for the affirmative and T. W. Brown and G. A. Hunter for the negative. Dr. R. G. Large,, the president, was in the chair pver a good-sized turnout of members. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rqpert Mrs. Angus Currie, Mrs; D, Haywood, Mrs. Iain Morrison, Mrs E. A. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. D. V Benedict, Mrs. H. A. MacCavor and Mrs. A. H. Smith, Claxton: Roy MacConnachle, Premier; J. W. Allen, W. G. Mitchell and Nor man Nelson, Vancouver; A. Fer guson and K. M. Ker, Massett. Koyal P. Fotheringham, Arrandale; Munro C. Wright, Cumshewa. Savoy Leo Paulcer, Alice Arm;; R. Q. Cunningham, Port Esslngtqn; Nell McCarthy, Mrs. Helga Hanson and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, Oona; Curt L. E. Rltter, Zurich, Switzerland. OCEAN FALLS The Coastwise Steamship i' Barge Co.'s freighter Amur( which made an emergent call at Ocean Falls recently when her ore cargo shifted in Queen. Charlotte Sound, did not have to stay long. The cargo was speedily reloaded after which the vessel sailed in continuation of her voyage from Stewart ;o Tacoma. ABANDON SUNDAY TRADING. GLASGOW, June 3: (CP) Jewish warehousemen havp decided to abandon Sunday trading, a decision which in effect means a five-day week. TO BEAK KING'S LMAGE LONDON, June 3: (CP)-rMpdals and medallions of orders, to be conferred by King Edward, in his first Birthday Honors list In Jure will be the first tokens to bear the new King's head, MOSCOW SUBWAY POPULAR MOSCOW, June 3: (CP)4lOVR first quarter of 1936 the Moscow subway carried more than 2Q0.000 passengers a day as against 239,000 in December. CHARGE DEVOTED HUSBAND, WARWICK, Eng., June 3,: (CP) Henry William Lea, 57, said tp be a devoted husband, is held for murder of his wife, who was suffering from, cancer. STOLE NECKLACE LONDON, June 3: (CP) Wljllam Iddenden was committed fpr trial when, he appeared In court char ged with theft of a $50Q neckr lace. He sold it for $5. LIFEBOAT DOES SOMERSAULTS PORT ST. MARY, Isle of Man, June 3,: (CP) A motor lifeboat built for a station Jiere, is divided. Into six water-tight cpmparU rnents and, even with a hoje in her bottom, could right Itself in foqr seconds. If you wish to swap something- Try a classified. DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE. CREAM In ii-Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 ALUMNI MEETING Lcal graduates of McGM Vniver-sjty liY Luncheon With, Prof, Ua.rol4 Hibbert Local members ot the alumni of McGlll University had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Harold Hibbert, pror 1 fessor of Industrial chemistry, whp is a visitor to the city, at a lun cheon yesterday in the Commodore Cafe- The feature of a social hour was a talk by Prof. Hibbert on the present situation of the alma mater and tne progress or ine university under the new principal, A. E. Morgan, formerly of Hull, England. Thpse present, in addition tq Dr. Hibbert, were Mrs. A. E. Parlor, arts '14; Mrs. Vf. D. Grant Hplllng-worth, Macdonald College, school of teaching, '26;. p,r. C, H. Hankln-son, medicine, '19; Dr. H. N-Brocklesby, school of "graduate studies, '35; Dr. R. H,. Bedford, school of graduate studies,, '30; Dr. Neai M, Carter, school of graduate studies, '29, and Rey. W. D. Grant Holllngworth, arts, '29. Dr. Hibbert will be the speaker at. the luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club, on Thursday and Will sail the same evening by the Prince George for Vancouver on his. way, back to Montreal. anil FOR REJNT FOR RENT Clean, well furnished, modern apartment. Phone Red 444. (131) will Sub-let modem apartment three months, fully furnished, Uir eluding eleptrip refrigerator, stove and washing machine. Phone Blue 905. U?0) FOR SALE HOUSE For sale. Cheap.. Apply 1026. Ninth Ave. E, Terms can be arranged. Phone Black 394. (132) GENTLEMEN Personal drug sun-, dries. Highest Grade Latest, pel-ivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper), pacific Supply 751 GranviiU. Vancouver. LOST LOST-T-Bunch pf keys between Anglican Church and. Waldron Apts. Return tq Daily News, (127) WANTED WANTED Tent, 1Qx12 feet or larger- Apply Daily. News- (136) Do You Return From Your Vacation 100 Percent FU? URE, When-YottUftUdajr 'THE DUNES' TLELL Write for literature and rates MADAME RAJAUT Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands mmmmmmmmmmmmm PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. ma racaja SPECIALS Klenza Child's Tooth Brush and Rubber Sponge Ball Both for 19c 359 Mi 31 Shaving Cream, and 2Qc Mi 31 Tooth Paste Both for 35c 35c Mi 31 Tooth Powder and 25c Klenzo Tooth Brush Both for 39c Sharp's Assorted or Hum and Butter Flavor Toffee 30c lb. Cacjbury's Dairy MUk Chocolate Buds 50c !b, Ormes Ltd. Z7hn Pioneer Druqc? is ts Tht RfxUj Stft Phones: 81 It 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Princess Adelaide, every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct Princess Louise, Princess Charlotte or Princess Alice, every Saturday at 5:30 p.m. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Princess Louise, Princess Charlotte or Princess Alice, every Monday a.m. For Information and Reservations VY. L. COATES, Gen. A$ent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 VXL Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 P-M. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Weekly sailings to Port. Simpson, Stewan, Anyox and tfaas River, Sunday, 8 p.m. Further information regarding sailings and tickets. fro.m, R. M. SMim Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 D. FURNITURE FOR SALE ELIO lURNITURE EXCHANGE Two Dining Room Suites Six Extra Tables With Leaves Twelve Complete Beds of All Sizes Six Kitchen Ranges Four Folding Camp Cots RADIOS One QTube Kolster Battery Operated Ideal for Camp or Boat One 5Tube Victor Battery Operated One 5-Tube Victor Electric Set We Buy Household Furniture Etc. FHQNE-GRBJflN 421 It's interesting to know when reading the Daity News that the people of the whole district are doing the same.