PA9i Tom i;ipwi ,.ug JONES Family Market PHONE 957 PHONE 051 Kump Roast of Beef, 6 lbs. Q4 & 1 lb. Shamrock Lard Sirloin, Tip Roasjt -f Qn 10U , per lb. T-Bone Roast 9 ft P i5UU . pe'rlb Slrldin Steak 3UL SlIP 3 lbs.' for Round Steak, 2 lbs. & Efto . ,. . , , K S 1 1U, IlUllVJf Short Ribs 3 lbs. Pot Roast of Beef 1 ftf " AUi' per lb Prime Rib Roll 1 ftp ' AOi per lb . sbb A ; 4 fbs. : : Veal Chops 35C ' Fillet of Veal O An nor lh Leg of Veal fi U- rwa.' Rump Roast of Veal 4 ff p ' : per. lb xox .Shoulder Roast of Pork 1 ft ft AOi ' : per lb. fpe? lb. i per id. ..: ,.: Zj.11. ' per lb. Shamrock Lard . per lb. M-OK' i Diamond A Bacon 0s ;pcr lb FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 SPECIAL Chevrolet j MASTER SEDAN with Trunk Complete 1936 Licence Just Like sTcw $950.00 Kaien Motors Limited, CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 For - - COAL LUMBER Building Supplies Phone PH1LP0TT EV1TT & Co. Ltd. 651 and 652 Girl Guides At Story Hour In Demonstration The Story Hour was held this morning In the Elks' Hall with sixty-three children present. The program opened with a story by Miss Winnie Cameron. A group of ten girl guides paid a visit and gave a demonstration of bandaging and signalling. They also sang campfire songs. Miss Noreen Gibson was in charge of the group and spoke for a few moments on the work of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. The others taking part were Betty Wilkinson, Kay O'Neill, Helen Brown, Muriel Eby, Edna McLean, Joan Baker, Audrey Wat- kinson, Norah McCaffery and Betty Borland. Mrs. C. W. Dawson told a story after which the hour was brought to a close with a song In unison. Miss V. Feero was pianist. Next week the hour will be for children four to eight inclusive and will be In charge of Mrs. Neal Carter. Mrs. Nelson Allen and Mrs. G. P. Tinker. We have the finest selection of CANDIES AND CHOCOLATES LIQUORICE ALLSORTS CHOCOLATE BUDS JELLY BEANS COCOANUT CHEWS CARAMELS PEPPERMINT PATTIES SHARP'S TOFFEE BOILED CANDY We have a complete assortment of Penny Goods for the Children Open every night till 10:30 p.m., except Saturday, till 11:30 p.m. MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY 319 Third Avenue TRAPPERS AND DEALERS 50,000 MUSKIIATS 5,000 BEAVEK Wanted at once for immediate delivery HIGHEST PRICES PAID Also all your other FURS at full market value. Ship at once and convince yourselves. J. CLONES Buyer anil Exporter PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. REGAL, SHOP FREE 2 Boxes Monarch Dove to the 2 nearest guesses up to March 7. 1 guess with each purchase of Monarch Yarn. See our window for design. ANNOUNCEMENT: 80 TAXI and Messenger Service Wc have tried to operate our taxi business under the former rates, but find our operating expenses do not compare favorably with the revenue received and are forced reluctantly to make a slight Increase. Commencing Saturday, March 7, the rate will be: To one or two passengers, any point within Hays Creek or Morse Creek bridges, 35 cents; additional passengers, 15 cents each. Outside points, one or two passengers, 50 cents. Messenger service will continue at usual rates. We thank our patrons for past business and request a continuance of the same. MRS. Ii. II. BROWN PHONES t 80 and 131 Stand, near Moose Hall, Third Avenue, opposite First Street Union steamer Venture, Capt. J. E. Boden, on the last of several Voyages on the route of the steamer Cardena, arrived In port at 2:30 this morning and sailed an hour 6r so later on her return to Vancouver. The Cardena will be back on her regular run next week. Inaugurating the ten-day sche dule to Alaska for the spring, C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, Is due In port tomorrow morning from the south on her way to Skagway and other northern points whence she Is scheduled to call here southbound on Thursday afternoon. With party of local badminton players on board for a series of ; games to be played today and to-1 morrow at the smelter town, Ar- mour Salvage Co.'s service boat Al-1 gle, Capt. Reg Green, sailed at 7i o'clock last evening for Ocean Falls. The party Is due back on Monday afternoon. The party consists of Miss Frances Cross, Miss Bessie: CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtuba, Washbasins, Window, and Mirrors. Cannot scratch. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction. Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL nULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PHINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 DAILY NErTS WATERFRONT WHIFFS Activity General in Preparation For Halibut Season Princess Louise Coming Next Week Rc-conditioning Cargo of Maid of Orleans With the halibut fishing season opening on March 16, the early part of the month sees much stir from one end to the other of the Prince Rupert waterfront. Machine shops and boat repairing establishments are all humming getting the fleet in readiness for the year's work. After the quiet of the winter months, the activity on all hands Is crnrH tn swP Thprfl dOPS not nn-I mw , ' pear to be a ripple of any kind to;Thompsoni MLss Margaret McKay, Interfere with a prompt and or- MLss Molly Lawjence, Miss Elsie derly opening of the 1936 season. Davis, Mrs. H."; Horton, R. D. There is also a feeling of general confidence that this may be a better year from the financial standpoint than the last few have been. That, of course, Is something that time alone will tell. C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. S. K. Gray, which arrived In port at 2:15 yesterday af ternoon from the south and sailed at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypoints, after the completion of this voyage, will cross over from Vancouver to Victoria to be withdrawn for annual overhaul, She will be off the run for two or three weeks and the Princess Louise I will be placed on the run during her absence. Perishable cargo aboard the Am erican auxiliary schooner Maid of Orleans, which was brought here this week by the Armour Salvage Co. after having stranded on Sarah Island In the course .of a voyage from Seattle to the Aleutian Isl ands, is now being reconditioned at the dock of the Armour Salvage Co. where the ship Is tied up. No instructions, had been received up to this afternoon of what disposal is to be made of the ship and her cargo. , According to figures compiled here from available statistics, no less than 14,955,400 pounds of fresh fish was landed at the port of Boston alone during the month of January, Cod and haddock, as is well known, are the principal varieties of fish landed at Boston. The figures remind one that Prince Rupert, with its sixteen or seventeen million pounds of halibut per year, is by no means the only fresh fish port of Importance in the world. The great amount of fresh fish produced on the Atlantic may sometimes be lost sight of. Greggor, Walter Cross, Wlzner Bryant, II. Ward, Mike McCaffery, P. Peterson, W. Murray and B. Cross. Having been out of service for the past two weeks to receive annual overhaul at Vancouver, Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Find-lay, will be in port tomorrow afternoon from the south on her way to Stewart, Anyox and other northern points. Herring seining is still being carried on in the harbor with good results by the Gammon & Watt boat Zenardl for the Tucks Inlet reduc tion plant. The run has Increased In volume during the past week although the fish in the harbor are somewhat small. Ole and Ell Skog are seining at Butler's Cove with the Anna S. for the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage. Co., first deliveries having been made during the week to the plant here for halibut bait store, The Scythian basketball team, Intermediate champions In tho city league, sailed on the "Henry J" this afternoon at 1 o'clock for Port Simpson, where they will play a game against an intermediate tonight. The team will return to the city tonight following the game. Knox Hotel defeated Power Corporation by a score of two games to one Thursday in the Ten Pin Bowling League. It was a postponed fixture and was very keenly, contested. The third and deciding game was tied, the Knox Hotel winning out in an cxtra frame. Max Asemlsscn of tho Knox Hotel was high average scorer with 169. t. t; : CHEVROLET GIVES YOU ALL SIX! (1) Hydraulic Brakes ... (2) Solid Steel Turret Top Body by Fisher . . . (3) Valve-in-Head Engine ... (4) Knee-Action on Master De Luie Models ... (5) Fisher No-Draft Ventilation ... (6) Safety Glass throughout. PRICED FROM (Standard Strict 2-pass. Coups) Maitsr Diluii Modilt from $909 6liirf it factory. Oitim. Out Fan, M,tilinl friiM nd Gtmaminl qitritlH Fit inl eitrs. SOCIAL FOR FISHERMEN Delightful Farewell Affair Held Thursday Night by Sons of Norway Lodge Following a regular lodge meeting Thursday niht, a farewell social for halibut fishermen, prior to the opening of the season, was held In the Oddfellows' Hall by the Sons of Norway, the affair proving highly enjoyable to some 150 persons. There was a program of speeches and music after which refreshments were served and dancing enjoyed. The program Included an address of welcome by O B. Sather, who was In the chair, piano solo by Peter Lien, vocal solo by Mrs Anton Dybhavn, vocal solo by Rnv Fossum, reading by Mrs. Hans Un-derdahl, vocal and instrument trio by Ray Fossum, Miss Wick and Dave Hadland and violin solo by Dave Hadland. Music for the dancing was by Dave Hadland's Orchestra and E. Greenstrand was master of The committee in charge consisted of Mrs, Hans Underdahl, Mrs P. Wikdal, Mrs. J. Wick and Mlsa Rensvold. More Trains And Mails Are To Be Requested Prince Kupcrt Chamber of Commerce Will Ask Associated Hoards to Back Up Request The Chamber of Commerce, at its meeting last night on recom mendation of the trade and commerce committee, decided to write to Olof Hanson, the federal member, asking him to use his Influence to try to secure a grant to enable the railway company to provide a mall car four days week ly, i I It was also decided to try to se-', 'cure a four train weekly service i all next winter on the expiry of I the summer schedule and that the support of the Associated Boards ,of Trade of Central British Columbia be asked with a view to . securing the extra train per week. Completed Play at United Church Repeated Large and Appreciative Audience Presentation to Mrs. Manson The play "I Willi I Won't!" un der the auspices of the United Church Ladies' Aid, was repeated again last evening, there being a ITS PERFORMANCE RECORD good crowd In attendance to witness another fine performance. Following the play refreshments were served to those taking part and Mrs. J. Clavrlng, on behalf of the Ladies Aid, presented Mrs. John Manson with a lovely .sandwich serving set, In appreciation of the splendid work done by her In directing the play and making It the success It was. Before the play and between acts splendid music was furnished by Miss Nellie Lawrence's Juvenile orchestra under the leadership of Billy Hadden. Ushers for the evening were Mrs. Elmer Thompson and Miss Dorothy Styles and curtain pullers were Billy Manson and Alf Larson. Today's Weather Triple Island Part cloudy, fresh southerly wind; barometer, -29.55; sea moderate. Langara Island Part cloudy, fresh southerly wind; heavy swell. Terrace Raining, southeast wind, 34. Anyox Heavy wet snow, calm. 38. StewartSnowing, calm. 32. Hazclton Part cloudy, calm, 30 Smlthcrs Snowing, windy, moderate. Burns Lake Clear, calm.27. IN TIIK M I'KDMi: COt Iff 01 I1KITMI ( 1)1 IMIIIA IN pkoiiui; III llir Mutter or the "AilmlnUt ration .t" And III I lie M iltrr of Mil- ltiitr of M. Uifatrttr IWtIs lci-riicil. TAKE NOTICE that by order of ll. Honour Judje W. E. Plsher the 21.: day ot February. AD. 1936, I was appointed Administrator ot the Ettac o M. Lataiyvtte Beets late of Allln Dr.-tljh CcluiiLbU. deceased, and all parllc having claims against the said &rtnl-arc hereby required to nirnlsh sam frcperly verified to me on or before the 13th day of April, AD 1930 ana II persons Indebted to the Estate are rsquitvJ tc pay the amount of their Indebtedness to inc forthwith. HERBERT F. C1LASSEY OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR, ATTJN, B. C Di'.cd tlie Cth day of March, 1930. (Oil) LAST TIMES TOMGT YOU'LL thrill to Chevrolet's performance its 'Knee-Action gliding ride its quick, swerveless Hydraulic braking I Measure the gas and oil you use and you'll get another thrill. The thrill of satisfaction that comes when you see your motoring pleasure go up while your motoring costs go sliding down. Come and drive a Chevrolet yourself today. Compare its Valve-in-Head engine performance and economy and its Turret Top Body by Fisher, Fisher No-Draft Ven-tilation and Safety glass equipment. Easy, greally-reduced time payments under the 7 GMAC Plan. Oo Master Da Luxe Models. W Bsssf jfcj """N. vr I Consider the Company Back ot the Car KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Prince Rupert HOCKB W-THRILLS: Tun In nUUi .t 0 . r ' ' " r Time, lo General Motors Coait-to-Cu.,! Unck,v Broedcast. C-27 Evening Shows at7:0Q & 9;05 The Best Musical Show You'v, Seen in Some Time' "BROADWAY MELODY OF 1936" - with JACK HEN NY Eleanor Powell Robert Taylor 'At 7:24 & 9:29) ADDED MICKEY .MOUSE in 'Tluto-fe Judgment Day- WORLD NEWS Trappers and Dealers Have to fill my orders for all kinds of furs and will pay ton market price. Ship your goodi as soon as received, money wired. Make your shipment and convince yourselves, G O L 1) I! L 0 0 y GO PHONE 60 Kaien Transfer We handle the Fir . ,t Orad of Coal and Wood at marke' prices, Bone Dry Klndllcj always In stock, Wc also operate GO .Messenger Service NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarcllt, Prnprietoi MA HOME AWAV FROM HOME" Kates 11.00 as 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Wi Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O Box IJ