PAGE TWO SHOES For Evening Wear I hey re bems of the Shoemakers' Art H Everyiiodel the las,t word in fashioh'ablexdesign and njaterial . ?v Silver, Black and Silver, Black Faille ' Low and High Heels Just Take a the window for styles Arrived oJd ..and Silver Braided Sandals DAILY DmO Were Most people TV r AMILY SHOE STORE LTJi. PHONE 357 (Estab. J8Q8) THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, .Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor , SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly' period, paid In advance $5.00 Advertising tand Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 8G Member of Audit Bureau pi .Circulations Monday, November 16, 1936 Building The Highway Every person in the Prince Runert district should read the article on the front pace of this paper today .on the cost of the highway and the difficulties of construction and location, it is a patter .that is vital to the city .and also to the people of Terrace and -other interior points. It also has a national significance that should not be overlooked. At'first- glance -the cost of the proposed undertaking seems extremely neavy,. but the jiter of the article seems to Jiav.e omitted mentioning that .the work, if proceeded with, would provide employment Xor a .thousand men for .three years .and .would he a tremendous factor in solving the problem of providing employment for all the people. The tourist value of the highway was not mentioned in the article. At a time when government money js being extended in advertising the, attractions of the country, Prince Rupert has felt that she is not in a position to take advantage of industry as she should owing to the fact that she is not yet on the highway. The same may he said to some extent of the people of the interior for people who drive through that part of the country wish to come as' laras rnnce itupert and Unci, they are una,ble to do so. The steamships -would benefit because hundreds of people' mVl, men wia tu liiute xvMpt;r(t ana tane tnem south on the boats. It is afe fo estimate that .thousands of people would drive to Prince Runert if they were able to do so. While the total cost of the undertaking looks very Jarge when it is .divided into three-year program ,and again divided between .the two governments the cost is not -very faC jrcrtt, jjul Hiure uian mignt oe expected on al transcontinental project. ' H the present rate of progress .the highway will be still under .construction when our .children ar.e old men and women. By making one brief effort the whole thing could be completed n three or four years and this part of the .country would he really a part of British Columbia, something which does not seem tp be the case today except -when the tax collector sends out his notices. It is possible that the highway might be completed for less than the amount .stated in tfie article but it must be remembered that the country is rough and .construction ii, 7 Ti. i y' easuu vi .tne recent iipous is that the lower levels must be avnirlpd .wWovo do5w beemmgly impossible ,undertakinp-s hnv Hooti otA out successfully when those behind them used brains and wwn prumoung tnem ana pushing them to fruition. THE ,QNSOLIDATEJ MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TItAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers ' of Elephant Brand .Chemical Fertiliiejr Ammonium a Phosphatei, dk Sulphate t Ammonia, Superphos-PQte, Complete Fertllliers ' r Podwcfirs ,& einers jof Twlanac Prand Metals Gold, Silver; ElectrolyUo Lead, .Zinc. Cadmium, Bismuth. Mr. and Mrs. R. I). Greggor Are , w. , Pow 183 194 172 163 ,1 911 3rd1 153 1 120i J57, 164 149 Totals j ...786 873 743 Synopsis of Land Act i rKE-iMraiONs TrACAMT, nnieurttd. urtyed Crovs Undi jatl -bt .ptc-cmpUd by flrltUii ubjtcu or II jer of tod br hllant ta declaring intention to btcom BrltliB (ubjtcu. .conditional upon' tii-dantt, occupation nd Unprovemmt. . full Jniormtlon concernini Prt-tmp-tlona U civen la Bulletin No. '.I,' iLand Serlea. "How ,lo Prt-empt Land." -oopiM of which can be obtained lree of' tharie bj addreulng the Department ot libit) victoria. B.C.; Bureau of Provincial, Inform' ,io(i. Victoria, or any Ootemment Aaent. . Recordt 1U be .granted covei'lM only I land eultable for agricultural purpose! I within reaAonablA riiatbnf nr . k.Ai and marketing iacllltlei and .wbjen Ji .not .tlmberland. Le carrying om 'S.ovOrboard feet per cre east of the Coast'Rartge and 1,000 feet per acre west of that"H4pg. Applications tor pre-emptions ifi' to be addressed. to the Land Commissioner of the Land Recording Division In Vhlch Uie land applied for la situated, .on - printed .forms obtained from the Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for .five years and Improvement! made to value ot 110 per acre, Including clearing and cultu vatlng at least five acres, .before a Crown Grant can be received. Pre-emptions carrying part time condl-tlbns of occupation are also granted. rCRCHASI OR LEASE .Applications are received for purchase ot vacant and unreserved Crown .lands, not 'being timberland, for agricultural purposes. Minimum price of flrst-elass urablei land is 15 per acre, and second class " (graalngl land, SJ 60 per acre. Further Information Is given In Bulletin' No. 10. Land Series. "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." AS .a partial relief measure, everted lands may be acquired by purchase In ten equal Instalments, -with the first payment .suspended for two years, provided taiet are paid when due and Improvements are .made during the first two years of not .(ass'than iO ot the appraised value." Mill, factory or Industrial .site -en ' timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions including payment ot itumpage. 1 Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding M acrea, may ,be leased as homesltes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title .being .obtained .after residence and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land lu been surveyed. For grating and Industrial purposes areas not exceeding M0 acres may be leased by .one person .or ,a company. Under the Orating Act the Province la divided Into grating districts and .the range administered 'Under grating regulations .amended from time to time ,to meet varying conditions. Annual grating permits are Issued baaed on certain monthly rates per head of stock. Priority In grating privileges Is given to resident stock pwners. Stock-owners may form anode-.lions for .range management. Free pr partially tree permits available for settlers. vampeie ana 'Waveueia, ap jm aas Totals OAU.TNIW8 Presentation At 'CITY TEN Badminton Meet ; ; j Jjj Totals . 716 Atlln Fisheries 1st Gunderson : 177 1 Knutson 138 jimmy oiccones ana Max Ase-jGrayi 150 missen's challenge bowling teams Menzies . 186 have commenced a series of six Stiles :...!... 147 matches,, the first of which was Handicap 70 played Saturday night with Cic- . ; cone's team taking a lead of 157, Totals ...1...L..'. 868 r ,3' P"is u uie six maicnes Armour Salvage will Hcnlla ttlA If) n ni tltU n .. ' n... uvwuv wa. n Nilicio. Ulgll tt- QurVlCTl 188 lows: Ciccone's 1st 2nd Coverdale 189 Mcintosh 183 Ciccpne 154 Schrlaber :.......139 Smith ...169 Totals- Asemissen's Gunderson Todd Bury. 834 1st J45 .156 464 Morah .167 Asemissen .154 167 179 158 162 148 814 2nd 190 162 176 178 167 199 PLAY er Corporation and Armour iiuimreu icsicrua, nucn.i-u.. d- , j Sunday afternoon was the oc-j f t,ln Fisnfrits casion of a pleasant party on the courts of the Canadian National j Poer - .Corporation 4efeajted Recreation Badminton Club when i Overwaltea tyo games to , one and the presentation of a picture ' Armour Salvage won over Atlln Sunset In Prince Rupert Harbor" ; Fisheries .by a similar score In the was made .to Mr. and Mrs. R. D.Clty Ten Pin Bowling League .flx-Greggor, Mr. Greggor having re-jtures last night. High average cently .received word of his trans- J scorer of the evening was els fer In Sihe service of the forestry Gunderson of AtUn Fisheries with ' department to Vancouver district. 1 97. Gunderson also shot a record The presentation .was made .by F-j hlgh .garne .of, 25J pins.. Jtfiis .being M, Davis, who made the statement! the highest ever shot at the alleys .that' the gift was .merely a tofcen ijn league play. ot the esteem in which the Oe-1 in the Commercial League to- parting members .were held. He i night the games will be: Gyro Club wished ,tem Bon Voyage. Mr. vs. Prince nuuert Butchers: Ranee Greggor, in a fitting acknowledg- j& tlardy vs. Bloi0gical Station. ment, .assured the members that they .would be welcome at his future home and that he .would keep ,the picture on his wall In a prominent position in memory of his many pleasant associations in this city. The afternoon was spent by rival teams, captained by F. M Davis and Percy Mcintosh, hustling the shuttle-cock back and forth over the net, the first mentioned winning the fixture by a narrow margin. Mrs. W. L Stamford and Miss E. Rlvett of ths ladies' committee, with assistants. Saw to the serving of Challenge Bowl Teams Commence Sx-Game Series Individual scores In the City League last night: Power Corp Little Donald .:.....,.. 167 Kinslor L 154 Anderson .SiL::. ...166 Smith Handicap Totals .......i..' Overwaltea Hill Todd :.... Scott . Armstrong Joy Handicap 1st 2nd 164 128 .179 .. 58 157 152 145 177 58 888 817 1st 2nd ..101 126 ...155 ...149 MO ...122 ... 79 209 159 204 130 79 907 2nd 160 154 162 117 165 70 828 Jst 5nd 199 erage - scorer aaiuraay nignt was Armour ' 144 Qrant-Coverdale of Ciccone's team Thompson" "ZZIIl61 167 with 185- J. Comadina .168' 165 Individual scoring was as fol- Asemisspn iao t ; , r F. Comadina -. -145 3rd Handicap ... ,92 92 3rd 14.4 167 156 152 151 58 828 3rd 146 115 143 149 161; 79 793 3rd ,253 165 156 138 161 ' 70 943 ard 108 19 W 476 146 92 ..926: -37s .842 CQST vOF HIGHWAY TO CON-NEC? QUINCE RUPERT WITH JINTEHIOR OVER FQUJi JSllL-WON DOLLARS. Continued rrom Ta,ge I suitable for a highway through I that way. 1 Santa Clara Is JSo Far Unbeaten LOS ANGELES, Nov. Santa Clara .coutlnued the only unbeaten .team In the Pacific Coast grid conference yesterday by defeating St. Mary's 19 to nil. The cost of construction through I uor" FOOTBALL SUSPENDED most Of the country over Which "nwino tn um-Prliin -rpathPr ron. tehighw.ay (Is proposed to be built dUions furtngr play ln theJunlor iouto -ne .apwrwtuuutcijf w.uvu .Pootha,.I.eue has-been susoend. mile. That Is said to be about what the road is .costing at this end. The .question then arises how might this highway be constructed if the cost is to be $4,500,000. The two governments would have to' collaborate on the work and spread- it over a period of about three years, mqre qr Jess. That w.oufd mean the expediture of $1,-500,0,00 a' ;year jfor three ears, of whiqli tlit federal .government migl? put up $759,060 And the provincial, $75000. It it was ,to be cjonsldered a military road the Dominion might s,tand two-thirds 4 of the cost or $1,P00,000 a year for three years and the province .half a m,Ullan a year for three years ed until next spring. -The regularly scheduled fixture for;Saturday af ternoon between Borden Street School and King Edward High School was not played. ' BADMINTON TOUIINAMENT An American .tournament .was playpd off at the Catholic Hall Sunday, to be finally on by M. Coombes and E. Garofanl, Refresh ments were very much enjoyed af- j ter a strenuous afternoon. .l J M., . ... was proposed Jay fl lQiaex goverr-ment to spend ten millions or more on ,a road to Alaska, J.he cost does not seem so great. 'The highway I would hnvo rrpat. .mllkt.nrv These are possibilities. The costi tbe UnJted statcs ta glvlng a( ts heavy but not at all prohibitive What statesmen wjll have to consider is whether the cost of the work would be .offset by the ad-' vantages to be gained by the districts served and by the country as a whole. In Prince Rupert the .people are very Keenly in favor of the md as are .also .the residents of Ui' cess, to that territory by land. So it Is claimed it would .be-o reat 1 value to tqe federal government p Canada to have the highway through to Prince .Rupert, giving! an alternate route to .the coast of greajt tateglc yalue. There are at , present 72 men employed 00 the highway at this end completing the wqrk as far as Tay interior. What will be necessary, lor Lake and, Jf the weather ls! will be to show the authorities good, .this should be completed by : that .the benefits will be sp great the end of the year. No money Is! as to Justify the cost. (at present avallabls for further " When it is considered that it l construction at this .end this year. ' HIDE 1 imi 1 m 260? Canada's Largest Selling Bottled Ale --IS NOW ON SALE IN BRITISH PA WIS COLUMBIA Since its foundatiqo, in JfllJ, Djnves Jkewery, Montreal, has i)rewel more ale than any other Canadian brewery. J)awes "Blaqk florae" Ale lias far outstripped Olivers in popularity. There's a jeason ,for lhs widespread demand . . . outstanding flavour and quality ! Taste for yourself and see. Rational Bj-ewenes Limited, each y.ear, Luyg half "Tl oi tne total hop crop of HritulrCoIuinhia. Illack BLACK I Tl. t - ... I- fl IprAt JVlc JL.made hy Dawep JUe.wej), oiie .of the JU Witi tit .National Brewrifii Limited, Montreal. J HORSE ALE MOOSK HAT 1 Wednesday Nv. 18, at 8 P.M. MAiN EVEffT tlsht 10-M.nute iuundj 255 .thicago) ft Paul I)e H AXOGAvv ood Prrliminari firotto, Lesion. Qt1L nnaninin,. 1 1. I Rex 1 n. t A. . uow mg Club Exchange Blocjk Sixth St. and Third Iw. Phone 658 DELICIOCS , SUMMIT ICE CREAM In ii-Galloni and Gallou 'VALENTIN DAIRV PHONE 6S7 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board ;or by Uie Government of British Columbia w wrnvrnw i W6tlPublled or aj.h.d liy tlie Wquor I I