June 9, 1938 "LOCAL NEWS NOTES j A meeting of 'the executive of the Dora Orey and Connie Moody, (ianadlan Legion was held last ' Indians, are appearing In city nii7ht to take up matters prellmln- ('police court this af ternoon befora .rv'tothe regular monthly meeting Magistrate McClymont on charges tb be heia wmuuuw evening. The Prince Rupert Oyro Club will bp in regular monthly business ses-ion tomorrow with the president, I$r, r. O. Large, In the chair. A number of club matters are to be dealt with. Miss Alice (Happy) Kergln, who jas been visiting for a week at Alice Arm, where she formerly resided, was a passenger aboard the Qatala this morning returning to Victoria. During the present emergency The RcxAU of drunkenness. John Skog la home f rom Los Angeles, Cal., where he has been at tending the National School of Del sel Engineering. He plans' to return lh the fall Anne Miller, clfarged under the" Vagrancy Act with living as prostitute, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment by Magi strate McClymont In city pollca court yesterday afternoon The fire department was called at 9: IS this morning to the lane Inff UTiuna Dions lUtnsit IPIm telegraphic communication with u" "'m. in in ices.- u J and Second Avenues where there tw on.y uv.c "c i was a gfass fire Whiclt thfeW con Y'J . " o . .slderable flame and caused some Dominion JiaUlUHTJCBliipil jr. J. Davles of the Canadian National Telegraphs is assisting at the Government Telegraph office. alarm but no damage. A charge against- Joe Rose' of. keening liquor for salr was dls ; 'missed by Magistrate- MeClymon;! ucui. cAi.v.. in city police court uus mornmgi te Salvation Army scnooi at can- sergeant O; H. GrcenwoqU yon city on we naas mver, ar-, prosecuted And L. w. Patmore" J.... J l 4V.- ... 4V.- rt-4-l. r - ' nveu in Mic .ny uu u win. acted a defence counsel. this morning from tne nortn, ac-i companied by Corps Cadet Edna p'faff who has been assisting her for the past year. They will pro- will return the fall. to the Naas River In IS FINED $100 Ivor Robinson, for supplying liquor to Indians, was fined $100, with option of two months' Imprisonment, on pleading guilty in dty police court this morning. On i similar charge, Hans Johnson pleaded not guilty and was remanded until tomorrow. Mrs. H. G. Ketinedy;, and son Scott, will leave1 by; plane tomorrow for smlthers wnente tney wr feed to the prairies from here forj visit; rMeed to 0e6 rge for a II ley win aci;uiv"ij' . J. T. Harvey, who wai-De going throueh to Vancouver on a vaca tion trip. A. E. Parlow, district forester; who was ckuglit by the recent floods while on a tour between; Hazelton and Burns Lake on off)'-, clal duties, Is due back at head- nnnrtirs here tomorrow morning, via Vancouver aboard the steamcf rrjnce ucutBc - "JitA Pioneer Druqgists .m.il ffwMn II M.Ht. . . . National First Aid Week June 8th to 14th Replenish your First Aid Kits. BE PREPARED for emergencies. Every family, every home, every office and every business place should have its- First Aid Kit. The average- individual should recognize the value of such equipment being available" at a moment's notice. Remember ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN FIRST AID KITS from 35 cents to S13.00 First Aid Packages for boats a specialty; Let us make up a kit to fit your own special requirements. Ormes Ltd. Phones: 81 to 81 till ! p m till 2 W - Sund. and Holiday. From 12 noon The Fish which made Prince RupertFamous "Riinert Brand if - SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. : , ,. OAltl"MBWa PACK VKRMi n i-1 ' T r- ftifi :- - -Mi Ifyoive never Tasted quaker. corrv flakes YOU 0ON7 KNOW HOW DELICIOUS CORK FLAKES- CAN BE Hotel Arrivals Royal R. E. Roberts, Ocean Falls; F. W. Taylor, C.N.R.; Mr. and Mrs. Len-ett and Sam Moldowan, Central t t K. Olson and Gus : NMmani -'cKy; J. Hadland and D; Hadland, Oor.a Jtlver. Knox Mr. and Mrs. B. Shlman, Hardy Bay; C. Burton, Winnipeg ; George Li Davles, Hamilton; J. Stuteh, II. teask and Johnny Ryan, city; M G. Wilson, Vancouver. Timely Recipes ine iuinimeni oi prupucujr oim wit ened wltn confectioner's sugar. setting up of the. Kingdom of Goa. beore seTvins, I . k ..... I ' r jSo absorbing were the discussions that time Went all too quickly ana all agreed that an Instructive and interesting evening had been spent. The soclet ywlll meet again July 13. Miss, Dorothy Bingham who- has bppn identified with the work or the iapanese Mission of the Angli can Church here, sailed this after noon on the Catala, for a trip- to Vancouver. Announcements Saturday Night Dancing, Party, Commodore Cabaret. Eastern Star tea Allen's, June 9. Prince Rupert Tennis Club art nual tournament Saturday, Jure 13. V Canadian .Legion Island, June' 14. MB Picnic, Dlgby Presbyterian' Missionary ; Tea, ' June' 18. , on Hill 60 tea at Mrs: Macey'a June 17. -C''- Anglican tea. Mrs. J. W.4 Nleholls, June 18. , Elk's Kiddles Da, June 23, Par ade. Clowns. Sports, Football. Baseball, Boy's Band. Catholic Tea, Mrs.. Ward's June 29. UWted' Tea, June- 21 Anlicn Sale Novtml?fr 2f. Try a Dally News, want-ad. mm FOR RENT OUR CONTRACT sm Strawberry Season Housewives welcome this season and brtnff out their choicest straw berry recipes. To such collections we would add strawberry cream pie, strawberry Ice cream, straw berry sherbet and' strawberry re frlgerator cake. These all look and taste" like "company desserts," but are really very easy to make Prince Itupe,rt ' Sweetened condensed milk is the Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sinclair" ahC baslc mgredlent which adds to the a. F. TouKh.-Inverness; c. E. oar ter, Haysport; A. Sutherland, Yah couver. British-Israel j Society Meets r general Into5 on Articles Arucies richness and smoothness of uiese dishes and, miraculously enough, t cuts down on the work of preparing them. A delicious arid satisfying dessert such as any one of the following recipes, tops off a light ineal beautifully and, at the same time,, adds valuable milk solids to the day's quota. FOR RENT Flats In the McMor die's Apartments completely re novated. Apply Collart & Mc-Cafferv Ltd.. Third Avenue anil Third Street. (137) FOR SALE 8EEDLrNOS For Sale Shapdras- at Mrs. F, W. ons, Lobelia, Marigolds, Tagetes, Cbltness Dahlias, etc. 20c dozen: Cook's Boarding House opposite United Church, after 5 p.m. (137 GENTLEMEN Personal drug sun dries. Highest Grade Latest. Del lvered'. 15 for $1". (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver. . WANTED WANTED-Tent, 10x12 feet or lar ger. Apply Dally News. (136) WANTED Camp Phone Run Hemlock Green 6ft7 or OH YOUR MONEY RACK! And that is exactly what it means . . . your purchase money will be refunded if you do not thlrik that Quaker Corn Flakes are the best flavoured, most delicious corn flakes you've ever tasted. Quaker Corn Flakes are made from a special recipe that brings out the full, rich flavour of the tun-ripened corn. The thin flakej.toastcd toa golden brown ... stay crisp and crunchy in milk or creant. Try them . . . and enjoy their better flavour. Lor. Write Stanley Blshoprick jr. Princt Rucri PIG WITHOUT LEGS vVTLLINGDON, Alta., June 9: Latest addition" to' the pig family on the farm of Percy Johnson, near here, will never stray far from home; It was born minus all four legs. UNIQUE LODGE EVENT MOOSE JAW, June 9": (CP) At a meeting here of the Sons of England Benefit Society, 22 past presidents answered the roll call, D.....rDv rDcHr oip Foods, 8-oz. jar Informal Discussion on on World World . ... . J 16-oz. jar Events Last Evening Blend together sweetened con densed milk and lemon Juice; Fold tiresent flay worm evenw. , n . (.tr!,u,hp-Hs , Phur Into In various papers,: magazines ana U .ph ,p llnpf, v,lth vanilla books were referred to and opln- Wftfer of grahjittl cracker pie crust. ions given as-to meir oeanng on Cover Wlth whipped cream sweet- THRIFT SPECIALS For AVednesday, Thursday & Friday MAYONNAISE Best vf i 1-0 cups ii tan; awi.c VAI;iLLA EXTRACT condensed milk,, A cup lemon i hnU,p COFFE& Mart well House per lb. TEA Our' "Thrift" Blend per lb. ROYAL CITY' PEAS Choice, sieve 5, 2 tins TOMATOES Royal City No. 2 U11 tin SOCKEYE SALMON rforseshoe, per Vj-lb. tin no' BARS Christie's Fresh, per lb. RIT2 BISCUITS With paint Book per pkg SHREDDED WHEAT per' pkg Mm M. v 36c 16c A a .mall ...... Catherine of members of Pulce. . 'P sllce s"awD"r !s "7! 4-oa. bottle- 31c , : cUp whipping cream, 2 tablespoons tne unn-aei ouc, r confectioner's sugar, Vanilla wafer There being no speaker,- ldlscusslons were entered U VtV.V . 27c 43c 23c 10c 18c 18c Child's 17 c 11c KELLOGG'S, ALL-BRAN special' bellSieu ing Cup with each package at 1 1-ySMN BRUNSWICK SARDINES 2 tins 9c BARTLETT PEARS Royal AQkn City, per tin FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT f OIK S no. 1 una, wi TOMATO JUICE Llbby's No. 1 tins, 2 for HAPPYVALfi PICKLES Sweet or Mustard, 28-oz SALT Iodized or Plain 2 cartons MARSHMALLOWS 1-lb. pkg LEMONADE POWDER Malkln's Best, per' tin CLASSIC' CLEANSER per tin SUNLIGHT SOAP per carton 17c 2fc 15c 28c 23c SEE US FOR FRESH FUUlT ANli VEGETABLES Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 7c 18c Third Ave. Q0AKECORtf FLAKES J W MAvfi J MAMT EXTRA I FfiATUKEff. THEY'RE 1 t.iTTHL J Quaker CornFlakM are the tnh corn flakes; w ax-wrapped and triple-sealed for r MraV treshness, treshness, enriched enriched witn witn neaim-giTing neaitn-sunshine JJvZWW-, f sunshine ritairtln vitarriin "D". "D". and and that that have a valuable coupon in every package. Protect Your Good paint is the' only Insurance that you can put on your home that will protect It from the weather, elements: If your home is not protected against dampness and heat, dry rot is the result, which takes a heavy toll In property each year. Drop in and let us tell you about B-H "English Paint." It carries the manufacturer's written guarantee. For those who wish to mix their own paint and still have the high quality of B-H "English" you-cannot buy anything finer or longer-lasting than 10-30 Paste White. Let us help you with your painting problems. USED GORDON'S HARDWARE Home! McBride Street Phone 311 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE ' AND HOME FURNISHING ;. CURTAIN RODS, "Brass" Extend to four feet, each KIRSCH CURTAIN RODS Extend to four feet, each Extend to seven feet, each WINDOW SHADES, all sizes, each, from Third Avenue Prince Rupert FURNITURE FOR SALE 2 Dining Room Suites 6 Extension Tables With Leaves 10 Complete Beds, All Sizes 2 Folding Camp Cots 2 Baby Carriages RADIOS 1 ?-Tube Victor Battery Operated ;;..:.i5c .....60c ....;85e" Phone 775 in FURNITURE , . DCI ; . LiluiKJ EXCHANGEil ;- . '- I 6-TuI)e Kofster Battery, Ideal for Camp or Boat ,'V 1 o-Tuoe Kiectnc fl ? s 6 Portable Suitcase Gramophones, Ideal for Camp We Buy Furniture PHONE-GREEN 421