1 . pads roxra DAILY NEWS Tuesday, January 7, ll3j llll jj jl I lip IN I I "lit mm if nm '1 SI ECONOMY SPECIALS Quality Goods That Mean Real Savings For You ROLOCREAM HEALTH UV 9Qp OATS. 3-lb. pkg. POTATOES Good Qf OC quality, per sack ?XOu I.B.C, FAMILY SODAS AQn per pkg PALMOLIVE SOAP 23 C FRY'S COCOA 99o L Wb. tin SOUP MIX -j Cp 0, 1-lb. cellophane GOLD SEAL HERRINGS 9 p Tr Trtmofn Onmo O fine " We Carry Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at Low Prices WE DELIVER MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollar flyr More Cent ANNOUNCING: 65 Taxi and Messenger Service Bill Stuart Phone: 65 Stand: Sixth Street A complete Taxi and Delivery Service Day and Night FliESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Birch Wood Cedar Wood Jackpine Try a Dally News classified ad. Shower Party At Terrace Enjoyed Mr. And Mrs. Pat MacIIroy Honored At Delightful Affair TERRACE. Jan. 7: A lively Dar- ty In the form of a shower was held in the Orange Hall last Thursday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Pat MacIIroy. who were married on New Year's Eve. Mrs Mar. I 'itroy was formerly Miss Carmen Smith. I To the strain of the wedding march the- bride and eroom wera I ushered to the stage of the hall, followed by little Onnolee Kirkaldy j dressed as a bride and wheeling a" - : i i picuiiy aecoraiea Duggy iaaen( ,with lovely gifts. The crowd gath- cieu luunu m a semi-circie wniis the bride and groom opened and displayed their gifts. Mr MacIIroy, rxn kAltnll til. 1 1 J - - . 1 1.1 . jself, thanked everyone for their kindness. Dancing, consisting of many circle and tag dances, was enjoyed I until midnight music being supplied by Mr. and Mrs. S. Kirkaldy Mrs. Dilling. Miss L Kenney and Rawley Beecher. j Delicious refreshments were' served when a toast to the happy ; couple was proposed by Rev. Adam Crisp to which all present res ponded most he'artlly. The gathering was favored with ; vocal selections and a very unlqu Scotch Reel. In costume, which Was ,r!everlv executed by Sam Kirkaldy and Elwood Brooks. Dancing was ; resumed until 1:30 a.m when all loined hands and sang "Auld Larj Syne." Those invited were: Mr. and Mr W. E Smith, Mr. and Mrs. E. Haushland. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jordan. Mr anri Mrs J TT fimtth 'Mr. and Mrs. C. Couthers, Mr. and Mrs. F Scott. Mr. and Mrs. E. Brooke. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. M. Oi?-sey, M and Mrs. F. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. W. Christy, Mr. and Mr?. V: Olass,. Mr. and Mrs C. Lever. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kirkaldy, Mr. and Mrs. S T. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Agar. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dilllnf. i Mr. and Mrs. F Gibbs. Mrs. Jane Vanderlip. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gavin. iMr. and Mrs. C Michiel. G. Grlf-iflths. Misses E. and D. Head, Mls-Ises Ina Smith. Lorna Smith, Mars. Lewellyn. Margaret Kenney. Lorraine Kenney, Francis Dover, Let' tie Cardinal, Mary Welsh, Lillian Christy, Cathie Finlayson. Adeline Thomas, Rev. Adam Crisn. Jack , Sparks. Fred Mist, John Christy, j Bruce Smith, Lloyd Johnson, Gordon Temple, Harry Attree, Rawle Beecher, Stan Brooks. Lee Llewel lyn, Thos. Walsh and R. W. Riley. Despondent Over Finances, Takes His Own Life PALMERMatanuska Valley, Jan. 7: Joseph Stilwell, a butcher from ;Los Angeles, committed suicide here late last week. Despondent ,qver financial matters, he had been drinking. William Goldbloom returned to the city on- the Catala this morning after maklne the round trin to Anyox and Stewart on business Cavendishs Arrive in New York Lord and Lady Charles Cavendish of London are pictured here on their arrival In New York for a visit. Lady Cavendish was Adele Astalre, former New York stage star, and is sister of Fred Astalre, famous dancing star of stage and screen. Lord Cavendish is known in family circles as "cheffy-weffy," it Is repotted. Joe Crosson Takes Serum to Fairbanks Veteran Northern Flier Makes Trip North From Juneau FAIRBANKS, Jan. 7: (CP) Pilot Joe Crosson, veteran northern flier and hero of many mercy and relief expeditions, has completed a flight from Juneau to Fairbanks with anti-toxin to be used In connection with' the scarlet fever epidemic which has made necessary a general quarantine- here. To maintain the quarantine, the city has been in a virtual state of siege, with police patrolling the streets and the University of Alaska, schools and meeting places closed. Immediately after the arrival of I Pilot Crosson, Dr. F. B. Gillespie, ; deputy territorial health officer, began administration of the serum and today fears of an epidemic were allayed. No deaths have occurred and all patients are in isolation wards. Fifteen persons have been stricken and others are being observed. "TILLIE THE TOILER" prOAH AM OefiaiJ ALL OFF Light List In County Court One Case Dismissed, Leaving But Two For Hearing Eleven Naturalization Applications Heard County Court was in regular monthly session before Judge W. E. ?lsher yesterday with a light list of cases. The calendar for the month was as follows: Northern British Columbia Power Co. vs. Dunwell Mines Ltd., $713, Patmore & Fulton for plaintiff, Williams, Manson, Brown & Harvey for defendant, adjourned to next court. Cora E. Black vs. F. R. McLeod, $50.50, Patmore St Fulton for plaintiff, R. L. McLennan for defendant. Harry Moo vs. Killas & Christopher, $40, Williams, Manson, Brown & Harvey for plaintiff, R. L. McLennan for defendant, dismissed without costs. Eleven naturalization applica tions were dealt with. iTWO LINES j FOR $3.00 Three Cash Prizes to be Given For Best Effort in Rhyming And "fOne Consolation Considerable interest Is being taken In the competition announced with the Laurel and Hardy picture "Bonnie Scotland" coming here at the week-end. All It Is necessary to do Is to copy out or clip jfrom the paper the two uncompleted verses and add the missing j line to each, put them In an en-jvelope with the name of the contestant on the outside and mall or ! hand in to the "Bonnie Scotland Editor," Daily News. The envelopes must reach the newspaper office before noon Thursday so, If mailed, they should be in the post office the night before. The money Is to be awarded for the best lines completing two limericks. First prize Is $3.00 cash, second prize $2.00, third prize $1.00 and consolation prize, two theatre tickets. Here are the limericks: First Limerick Laurel and Hardy have now become Scotch, Their search for money is funny to watch, I With bagpipe and kilt They make the girls wilt, (Line to be completed) i Second Limerick At Laurel and Hardy you'll certainly yell When you see them dressed up as I "Ladles of Hell," As Scotch Sandy and Mac A laugh wallop they pack, (Line to be completed). Death Was Due To Heart Disease Verdict to This Effect Returned In Connection With Finding Of Body at Bella Coola Divisional headquarters of the! provincial police were advised yesterday afternoon by Constable Condon of Bella Coola that a coroner's jury there had returned a verdict of death from heart disease In the case of Frank Kellv. Indian. (whose body was found on the re- possibly to the effects of homebrew. Death occurred between December 31 and January 2 and did not take place at the point where the body was found. The remain had been removed by a Derson or (persons unknown. The possibility ; of foul play, howpver,, has been entirely dismissed. Pick Your Answer CONDITIONS IN UNITED STATES Were .Maintained' At Moderate Level With Reactions Failing To Recur i 'serve there after having been miss-1 ing for three days. According to (UonsiaDie Condon there was no evidence of foul play as suggested by dispatches received from Van-; couver earlier In the day. j Dr Gilchrist of Ocean Falls, who conducted a post-mortem examination of the body, gave the opinion that death was due to over-stimulation of an already diseased heart probably from acute gastritis dui WASHINGTON D.C, Jan. 7 (CP) Economic conditions in Uv United States were well main tained at the moderate leve' reached in the early months of th' year, the marked reactions charac teristlc of the two proceeding year falling to recur In 1035. Industria' production as measured by the in dex of the Federal Reserve Boar consequently showed a gain o about 11 per cent over 1934. A significant factor of the yea was the sharp (rain in the imnc trade of the United States. Tot" Imports were nearly $1,503,000.00' a clear-cut Increase of no less than 21 per cent over the first nln-i months of 1934. Oeneral imnort from Canada were, reported at 203 00 0no against $163.500 000 In the first nine months of 1934, the Increarc being stepped up to 24,3 per cent. I Exports from the United Rtat on the other hand, recorded only a slight lncrpa.se over 1934. The i total of exports and re-exoorts was about $1,568,000,000 In the nine-month period of 1935. showing a train of only 0.4 per cent over the $l,561,000,opo of exports in the same months of the prccedin' year. The caln In thi Canada was 6.0 per cent, the total havlnsf been $243 600 nnn Union steamer Catala, Can-, Tames Findlay, returned to port al "1:20 this morning from Stewar nyox and other northern point, nd sails at 1:30 this afternoon tot 'ancouver and waypolnts. LAST SHOWINGS MARION DAVIES in "Page Miss Glory" With a Grand All-Star AH. Laugh Cast Dick Powell, Pat OUrim, Frank Mrllngh, Patsy Kelly, Allen Jenkins (At 7:30 & 0:35) ADDED WORLD'S NEWS EVENTS (In Technicolor) ".Memories and Melodies" IT'S FINE WEATHER for Washing IJUT-YOU NEED AN EASY SPIN-DRY EASY Spin-Dry is more than a washing machine. It DRIES efficiently without squeezing or crushing. EASY. Spin-Dry washes your daintiest fabrics or heaviest blankets thoroughly yet carefully. Gentle as human hands. EASY Spin-Dry vacuum cups flush hot sudsy water through the mesh of the fabric, removing dirt and grease with a minimum of wear and tear. Positively the easiest on the clothes of any method of washing. EASY Models have many features of practical superiority. Sold on EASY terms at prices the lowest in history. Phone 6 -or enquire for convincing proof of Easy's , finest washing ability. eMaeMvs.Jjd By Wstover Q'CSH, PROMISED MKS"S 1 1 TILUE , NtXJ GOTTA EEl c22$jfh ( MTH cSOOD MAVJNU' Tv7 1 FtTZ ABU llXoROtiES MRS FttZ AND TELL HER PLEASUfc IS 0' ALU (s0Zy3 I I ES itfiffi t LAtCT MJ3KT Atf THE BCSS'LL THAT OROR FOB. SILK J -jfj '- MB J T'M "j V? C" - VfcJ NO HWE AMoTto PROHSETS OP ... S rMS'fAHVtAC SAKS FOVU MbUYeS, BUT TO OtiOP AKOUMD THIS AVJAJ "THAT'S Getting at the Higher-Up i i i 1 BOX HOUetfl cr4k n9iBUTl JKa1 , 'M lm ' "Ho boss ARouwrT wertE tmkl 1 1 I lit JS I.M.r-f V. I.t r jmif J I Wtt MTV It LI V. I II' I I I I I I 11 t III . , Sf J JT-.-TUr y. ' Tm I i j