mm L wryt ft! tern TEA is delicious Prepared Daily By L W4.JJ i -1J SOI Health Guards Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil Extract of Malt and Cod Liver Oil Extract of Malt and Halibut Liver Oil Halibut Liver Oil Capsules Halibut Liver Oil . Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil We siiffgcst that any of the above will guard your health during the winter season See our display of these remedies Ormes Ltd. yfi Pioneer DruQpt'ats The Kexall BUM Phones: 81 Si 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. til! 10 p.m. SuhKajj (nd Holidays From 12 noon till 2 pjn, 7 p.m. tin 9 p.m. New Years Resolution Sale i CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL HUGS sm 7ix&-KeguW price $7.50. S5.S0 LINOLEUM RUGS SIfcK 6X9 Regular price $7.50 Q ft oaie i'rice . . .............. SISal' flp1?i"r"l,rit" iS-OO." $9,75 PRINTED LINOLEUM llr Snimvo Ynv1 I Regular price, 90c square yard. Qf Sale Price, square yard New Year's Sale Continued n , NEW REDS COMPLETE HarSr-35-00- $29.oo 1 IVC , r f J-... ...... 1 .... ... T - L ELIO -Exchange ftefisA uiAi'cA made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand9 SMOKED LACK COD Canadian Fish & CoM Storage CoM Ltd. PKINCE RUPERT, B.C. toll 4- For messf ritf r of tixf phone 65. Tonight's train, due from the east at lr):2(j, was reported this morning to be on time. You can rent car at Walker's as" tow ai 11.50 a da, plui 76, "t Henry Hansen of the Armour Salvage Cb. stair left on last eye- nlng's train for a two Weeks' trip to: Viking and Murison. Alberta. Miss Gertrude MacKenzie returned to the city on the Catala this morning , alter spending the New Year holiday season visltlnr with friends at Premier. Mr. and Kirs. Noel Traversey of llyder were passengers aboard the Catala this morning going through on a trip to Seattle. Mr. traversey Is a well known Hydcr merchant. - Mrs. Edward S. Arnold of Smi thers Is making satisfactory progress at the Prince Rupert General' Hospital where she recently underwent a major operation. ' The case of Wong Jong Ping Chinese, charged with havln? oplnrrt in his possesion, has been further adjourned until tomorrow lh city police court. Election of officers for 1036 whl take place tonight, Tuesday, January 7, at 7:30 prri. "Members requested to" attend. Deep Sea Fishermen's Federal Unloh of Prinee Rupert, B.C. (5f Master Jack Carson, soh of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Carson, returned Home on the Catala this morning after spending the Christmas and Mew Year holidays visiting with friends at Premier. Miss Viola Johnson left by last evening's train for Dorreen to re sume her school teaching duties after spending the Christmas ahd ffew Tear holiday season at her Home here. Owing to the activities in con nectlon with observance of tfniver-i sal Week of Prayer, the regular rrionthly meeting of the Prince Ru- pert Ministerial Association, scheduled for yesterday, was called off. Miss Elizabeth Pitt returned to tile city On the Catala this morning to resume her studies here after having spent the Christmas ahd New Year Holiday season visiting at Premier with her mother, Mrs. D. L. Pitt. Miss Catherine Mussallem R. K. daughter of .Mr and Mrs. N. Mus sallem, returned to the city oh the Catala this morning after havln? spent the past month relieving on the staff of the Port Simpson General Hospital. Prof. F. H. Soward of the University- of British Columbia, who, it coming to the city tomorrow from Vancouver to give lectures here in connection with the university extension courses, has ,iccepted an invitation to address the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at Its regular weekly lurtcheOn tomorrow". His" subject will be "Looking Back on 1935." The regular monthly, dinner meeting of the Junior Section of the Prince1 Rupert Chamber .of Cdmmerce', .scheduled for this eve ning, has been cancelled. Tomorrow night there will be ah ihformal dinner with Prof. R H. SoWard who i coming from Vancouver' tofnor row mofhihg to deliver a course of lectures' lri corlneeitloh with the" University of British Columbia ei tension scheme. Announcements L. - i n m - r .in ii I. Junior Chamber Snowball Frolic. January 24. Moose Hall Moose Lodge meets WEDNESDAY ao'ctock. Nomination of Officers program. DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES J. Hadfand of Oona Rivet sailed this afternoon on the cJatala for a trip to VaneiJuver. Father Mehlenberg of Stewart ar rived in the city on the tJataf.1 this morning from the north for a brief visit to towrt. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kasper Of Stewart were passengers aboard the Catala this morning gtrfrr through for a trip to Vancouver. The case of Roy Fisher, charged with frequenting a disorderly house, has been adjourned until Thursday lri city: police court; For messenger dr taxi phone 65 Lillian Jenkins appeared before Magistrate McClyrriortt In City police court this afternoon on & eharge of being the keeper of S disorderly house artd was remanded until Thursday. Dr. Soward, professor of history at the University of B. c will speak Wednesday ahd Thursday evenings at 8 In the' Council Chamber of the City Hall. No ad mission charge. Both addresses will be broadcast. The Junior Chamber of Commerce Is sponsoring the PROTEST IS MADE Salmon Fishermen Object At Skeena Boundary. Removal V ' '-Remote Politics Frtfni ' Boat Hiring At a mass meeting of Prince Ru pert district salmon fishermen, held last night at the call of the Northern British Columbia Salmon Fishermen's Association and the Skeeha Fishermen's Association, a resolution wis passed protesting at the plan of the fisheries depart ment to move the gill-net fishing boundary on the Skeena River this year from its present point Just be low Skeena City to Point, Lambert, a distance of eight of hlrie" miles. Another resolution asked for the restoration of the bouAfy on half seals which was removed in 1931. Hair seals, the meeting held, were increasing at an alarming rate and were becoming a real menace to the salmort fishery. v A thfrd resolution asked, that the Department of Fisheries be given complete control irt' the matter of hiring of gasboats for salmon fish eries patrol purposes i arid that political Influence be removed. The meeting, which was attended by about 150 fishermen and over which Jack Roberts presided, adjourned to meet again when an answer is received from Major J. A. Motherwell, chief supervisor of fisheries. Trail. Hotel Arrivals Pritiee Rupert Ltti. Barrett. Inverness, Central ' Kenneth Campbell: A. Garten. C McLedd and B. McLeod, city; Mr. arid Mrs. P. LeHoss. Pacific: 1. A Bradford, CXR.; J. Hadland ahd W pav'ls, Odria River. Kriftx -CrawfoTd. Jasper; Toriy' BN- keTi Edmonton; S. Davle3 arid M, McTavlsH. Vandouver; Joe Burris arid R MacLeod, clty 0. B. Pyef District N ews TERRACE deorge Little and two daughters. Misses' Cldfa and Dorothy, have' re-tttrned flotn Smithers, to which plate they went for New Yeats. Mrs; b. It. I. Shlidrlck left t'CN rdce last Thursday for VancotlVef t which city her husbatid has" been transferred lit the Service of the; Batik Of Montreal Miss Marlorle Kennev has re" turned to Vifctoria Where she1 Vili icohtlrtue her studies at Provincial NOrWdi Sefiool, The Little mill Is closed tempor arily for the annual stocktaking,. FIRST OF MEETINGS Universal Week of Prayer Opened In Prlriee fttlpevt the first of the series of united Protestant congregational meetings lri connection with the observance of Universal Week of, Prayer In Prince' Rupert was held iart night hi St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral with a fair attehdahceV the theme of the meeting was "Repcntantc" aHd the speaker was Rev. Dr. F. W. Uafoe, pastor of First Baptist Church. The meeting was led by Vtry Rev. James i$. Gibsoh dean of the Ca thedral, and opened With the singing of the hymn "Rock of Ages" after which there was prayer fry the Dean and recitative reading of Psaim Wo. 130 led by the Dean. The hymn "When Wounded Sore the Stricken Heart Lies Bleeding and .Unbound," followed. In his address On the theme of 'Repentance,'' Dr bafoe read from John IV 1-19. Realizing that he was speaking to a Christian congrega tion, the Speaker took as his spec! fie subject ''The Sin of Prayerless nessi' He urged Christians to lead PRESIDENT OF BOARD W. M; Blackstoek Heads Chamber Of Commerce -J, J. Little, Vice-President Walter M. Blackstoek. manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, has been elected. president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce for the year 1938 by acclamation, there haying been no other nominations, J. J. Little is vice-president for the coming year I and Arthur Brooksbank Is re-elec ted Secretary-treasurer. At the annual dinner meeting to be held this Friday night fifteen members bf the executive council for th? year will be elected from amoni? forty-one nominees as follows: W. J. Alder, W. P. Armour, G. Arnold, G. Bryant, J. E. Boddle. H. Breen, T. Collart; W. L. Coates-, W: E. Drake, F.. Dlbb. J. Dybhayn W p. Fulton, R; Gordon, J; T. Harvey, M Hellbroner, S. D. Johnston, J. G; Johns. P. Lakte, T. N. LePage( P. orenzeh, Q, O, Minn's,- F. A. Mac-Caliurri, W. R. McAfee; M. P Me Caffery, T McMeekln, G. A. McMillan. V. Moore, J. W. Nicholls,G. ".V; Nlckerson, C. ,H. Orme, H. F Pullen S. E. Parker; F. E. Robertson; P " ! w::wj:: m. Tinker, r. m. wmsiow, a. wood- A : " I l "rlland. W. WatU, F. Wesch. uuiy lur piajrci uuu lot icjjruvautc of the sin of ptayerlessness. "Pray er chahgeth things," as&uted Dr. Dafoe as he continued l helpful prayer talk. The hymn "Approach My Soul, the' Mercy" Seat," was followed by twd short litanies led by the Dean "Confession" and "Deliverance" Interspersed With the hymn "Just as I Am." The closing hymn was Work of giving the steamer Timely Recipes lis uJLiJiLuin,i ui- u jeor a looser waiK wun uoa. k,.i. ,i,v, . J Rt. Rev. O. A. R1X D.D.. Bishop otieooy 1nt j,Tnk(n, rthirai i. . i iu. i. -ji.' r ' " " tlon. Peter Lien presided at the pipe oTgart. Tonight's, meeting, at the Salvation Arms' Citadel, Will be lec". by Cranberry Apples One cup cranberries, 1 cup sugar I cup water, 6 apples. a coarse sieve. Add sugar, bring to a boll, add apples peeled, cored and cut In eighths. Cook very slowiy until apples are clear ami have absorbed the lulce. Cool and Adjutant Eva Laycock and Lieut.! serve with whipped cream as a Hilda Bridge and Rev. C. D. Clarke i dessert. uVe apples which do not will speak on "Faith " break up in Cooklrtg. Spy. Delicious RUsset or Tolman Sweet are- good varieties for' this purpose. ' Prince Rupert her annual over-t hdul at the local dry dock will lnii Mr. and Mrs. J. L. -McEwen of elude docking of the vessei On t'.e ' Smithers, who have been here for pdntoons for hull work. The Over- the past week as guests of Mr; haul work. It has been annOuncei arid Mrs, Olof Hanson, left by las at local Steamship offices, will evening's train on their return commence this Week. 'to the interior SATIN-GLO Start the new year right .'by resolving to Use Satin-Glo Varnish Satlri-Gto Enamel Satin-Glo Finish Baped Paints I)e Lliie Wall Finish Agents nrn THE THOMPSON MAkOWARE CO, LTD, THE OLD, OLD WISH IVc isli you all A l(Al'iV AND I'KOSI'I-iltOUH SKW. YWAlt Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. Modern Range 'the fiew McClary Quebec Range Is the: last Word In beauty and efficiency in kitchen fahges. Finished in beautiful cfe'am enamel it Is an asset to the appearance of any kitchen. Ideal for use with coal ot wodd, or rriay be purchased stripped 6f linings and grates for oil burner Installation for whlcH Is is most admirably suited. For 8ate By GORDON'S HARDWARE Wai RADIO it FOUND PAOX THBE1 FOR SALE Ads FOft Rtim FOR. RENT Furnished 4-room apartmenti Phone 547. (tf) FR'eM Fish for sale aboard Helen n, c3w say. (tf) FOUND-Bunch of keys in leather1 case. Keys rusty, evidently been lost some time. Apply Dally News, (tf) AVIATION .THE Only 'sthopl approved by lead ing manufacturers and government .officials offering both resident and home study courses In Canada. Real opportunities t In these 'modern; ttnerowded fields. New classes now starting. Special scholarship offer with free trip tq .'Toronto. Write stating your age and present Occupation io Vocational Director, Radio College of Canada, 863 Bay Street, Toronto. IV THE 81'PRF.ME (Ol ItT OF nUITISH OOLI'MBIA In Prohntf In the Mutter ot the "Administration In Inr Mattrr of thr Estate of 4am TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hla Hcftior Judee FUticr, Local Judge 3l IM Supreme Court of British Columbia, made .the 6th day of December 1935, 1 we appointed Administrator 01 tn Estate of James1 O. Patslcas; Deceased. Intestate, late of Prince Rupert, B.C. All persons haTlng claims against the said Estate art hereby required td fur nish, .same -properly verified to me on otherwise disposition of the said Estate win De made without regard tnereto. All parties Indebted to the said Estate are" required to pay the amount of their inaeDteonew to me lortnwitn. DATED this 9th day of December 1935. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. ' . Prince Rupert, B.C. tND ACT Votlre ai Intention to apply to Lease Una In. PRINCE RUPERT Land Recordlnc District of Range S Coast, and situate Ibout l-"3 mile soitth of the W. A Brown Hotaiestte Lease' on Sklaki Bay; Stephens IMand. Take' notice that Wtlilam Anthony Brown of Sklakl Bay, Stephens Isl. .occupation Fisherman and Trapper Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore' lands: Commencing at post planted on a small island witnm an iniex or asi- akl Bay; about 20 Feet west of my boathouse; which "U located approximately .3-4 miles aouth of the W. A. Brofwn HomeSite Lease thence West 1.200 Feet; thence North 900 Feet thence East 1.800 Feet: thence South 900 Feet: .thence West 600 Feet to point of .commencement and containing Thirty acres, more or less. , WTLUAM ANTHONT BROWN Dated November 4th. 1933. CERTIFICATES OF IMPftOVEMENTS 8iLVXR KINO No. 1; SILVER KINd No. 2; SILVER KINO No. 3: SILVER KINO No. J 4; SILVER KINO No. 8; SIL VER KINO O. 6: SILVER KINO No. 7; SILVER KINO No. 8: BLUEBIRD1 No. 1 it BLIJEBIRD No. 2 MINERAL CLAIMS, BltiMte ln. the.AUtn Mining Division of Oaaslar District. . Where located: Whitewater Creek. Tufcequah' River; TAKE NOTICE that D. C. Sharpstone, acting .as' .agent for Raymond L. Walker, Free Miner's Certificate No. 84891-D; Daniel H. Moller, Free Miner's Certificate No.j64877-D; Harry C. Bracken, Free Miner' Certificate-Noil 64876-D; Arthur Hed- man. Free Miner's Certificate No. $4890-D; Alaska Juneau Oold Mining Corpora tion. Free Miner' Certificate No. 98028-D:i Walter Barron. Free Miner's Certifi cate No. 64888-D; D. J. MacDougall, Free Miner's Certificate No. 64889-D, Intend sixty day from' the date hereof, to ap ply to the Mining Recorder for Certiri- eates'-of. Impnovementa for the purpose of 'qbUilnlng . Crown uranta of the above claims.. And Further take notice that action, under section 85 of the Mineral Act, fnust be oommericed before the .Issuance of such Certificates of Improvements. uaiea mis iirsi aay oi ucceraoer, ivtfo. Don't Pxii a Dollar On Ahy New Car Until i'oq See the ... New Chevrolet Solid Steel Turret Top Perfected Hydraulic Brakes Improved Six Clylnder Motor Fisher No Draft Ventilation kriee Action Front Wheels Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 ,1 :: my lilt! .I li .Ids M m;p. K 'l'.V. M;i Jll . ..tfi ;ii y.-'A lull to 7 KVV ' ) at