THE WEATHER venty-four hours ending 6 a.m., i} 2. , emt ary Tae 30 024 ma — x —_—_ Ain, Ze Legh gh OY Ww in ULT \ LY NEWS | ~ I Deinees® May,.. “SSq, /91} Prince Rup B, Cs EXT MAILS F SOUTH .. Friday, 8 a.m. ‘oR NorrH Monday, Oct. 28 Wy ® . . ™ Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist I, NO. oe PRINCE Rupert, B.C., MonDAy, Ocroper 28, 1911. See PrIcE Five CENTS VOL. 1 (.1.P. PURCHASE A TOWNSITE NEAR HAZELTON WILL BUILD A NEW ROAD FORT GEORGE TO ST. PAUL _D. McArthur, of Winnipeg, and Wealthy Aneootiliai | Secure Charter for a Line to Run from Edmon- ton to Ft. George, then South to St. Paul | Pacific at Fort George, thus pro- Vancouver, Oct. 23.—A on viding a through route from Van- be built from Ed-|couver to the Peace River district. St. Paul, opening "ap The One of the road ater leaving Jumbia from Fort | Fort George is south through or to Vancouver, according | British Columbia. f Mr. J.D. Me Arthur, | —-—- he well known railroad contractor. Has Got a Charter ( ian Press Despatch) Bri { G, T. P. PURCHASE ,| Reports That They Have Pur- Mr. McArthur, who is a very sealthy’ ‘1 and several of his chased Townsite Near Haz- : ciates are reported | elton. red a charter for the] (Canadian Press Despatch) Oct. 23.—A 350 acres has been purchased iby the G. T. P. south of the town will} of Hazelton, Skeena River, where Trunk the new town is to be located. 1, work upon which | be commenced very | | of Vancouver, tract With America Connect With G. T. P. BY pleted the the road Grand CARTOONS BECOME THE NEXT GREAT ‘“WAR” proposing arbitration favor of it, and the German Press and Parliament “war” ought to be conducted as above,—London Opinion all parties in the OBSELETE approving, the next great NEARLY AS SOON AS BATTLESHIPS (Canadian Press Despatch) San Francisco, Oct. 23.—Latest advices from the Chinese war received here state that the rebels are victorious and that the Pro- vince of Shang-tung has fallen into their hands. A Big Province The province is one of the largest and wealthiest in China, It frouts on the Yellow Sea, and has an area of 65,000 square miles and a population of over theirty millions. Preparing an Attack | The province fronts on the |province of Chile, in which the} | capital of China, Pekin, is situated. The reports state that the rebels }are now preparing to attack the United Kingdom in CHINESE REBELS CAPTURE PROVINCE OF SHANG-TUNG Reports Say That They Are Now Marching to Take Pekin--Captured Province is Wealthy and Has Thirty Million Inhabitants province of Chile and march on to Pekin to take over the reins of government. Pekin, Oct. 23.—From Pekin in the north to Canton in the south, the fires of revolt are spreading. Fifteen thousand rebels met twenty thousand Imperialists under General Tchang today in the mountains. After several hard fighting and heavy losses the Imperialists are reported to have fled leaving their guns and ammunition for the _ victorious rebels. General Li Yung Huen in com- mand of the rebels now helod every pass well fortified. |the battleships in Britain, | ; T 6 1 ee saliarl AR menddite dnt ape but if ; | VENTURE’'S NEW CAPTAIN Ihe above cartoon was published early this year by a London newspaper leh wean ee : OUND te 5 eciaereiaa de Ne ee AT VICTORIA | ee sone F. wan f the build their own vessels in their C: ila. tg ee own lands for the* sake of self- ndrew Howlett’s Body is found) nae prerenees re by all ae Floating in the Inner Harbor | cae Rian : eee t lthe Imperial Government woul ee ltt Wher | 3 a : mee leare d - facilitate their so doing. That Press Despatch) Sete eee Tie er ee | Sir William White is a man able |of a new master. Captain Parks, Victor Oct. 23. The dead | ¢, rmerly of the Union Steamship | to speak with authority cn naval w Howlett, a former frei iter Camila Acie ies Ps matters is well substantiated by yee of the city and latterly moted to be master of the Venture, OIF Wm. White, the Famous Naval Authority, Says that British |i‘ act that he himself designed f \ a ortland Cement | . : ane ate vilo es . € cid Inlet was found |Of"the Cassiar of the same fect | Columbia Has No Naval Enemies to Fear jof war representing a total outlay some y z \ ag . Inner Hi ee tO-lhas been appointed pilot of the oe e tw undre illior ; BvemnaS ae ee | Venture. Besides having new IsH aa [Scwatehe rai )— NEW G. T. P. DIRECTOR VISITS THE PORT ——,.onerstinamera a ie | was renaliied throughout and As President of the British ARISTROCRATIC PARTY | looks eee nme Society of Civil Engineers Sir ir William White, Lady White, DR. DOYLE DISAPPEARS | sree ee | Makes Inspection of the achar, the Dry Dock Site and the Town—Had a Trip to William White has visited the American continent before, but TURKEY SUFFERS _ A GREAT FIRE Large Portidn of. of ‘Stamboul De- stroyed, Including the War and Finance Offices. (Canadian Press Despatch) Constantinople, Oct. 23.—Tur- key has had an additional calamity befall her in a fire which has devastated Stamboul, close to Con- stantinople. Three hundred of the principal buildings in the city are in ruins, including the offices of the war and finance ministers. RESULT OF STRIKE Appalling Conditions in Crow's Nest Pass (Special to the Daily News) jagent of the G. Calgary, Oct. 21.—C. P. Hill, general manager of the coal mine at Hillcrest, Alta., has wired Pre- mier Borden that he had just been through the Crow’s Nest and conditions are appalling. He asked the Premier to arrange some sort of scheme that the miners should go back to work and the trouble be adjusted later. Hill blames the labor agitators from Indianapolis. He says that even if the mines now resume it will be impossible to supply the demand. . and Miss were pas- sengers by the Prince George from Vancouver on Saturday. Mr. W. J. Leary Leary of Skidegate, “Cap" Nicholson Arrives ” Nicholson, the well popular steamship T. P., arrived by the George on Satirday. “Captain known and Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4. SEATTLE HOTEL and Miss White Arive by the| | the End of Steel on Sunday—Man Who Remodelled the Entire British | ins neem: eden aadae sauceahss ne du atbuis : George. |Fears That the Port Physician | Navy Talks on the Possibilities of War—Blames the Press of | Prince Rupert. ’ had a wey } * | great reception in the States when 0 George from V a in eras eo Drowned | England and Germany for Fanning the Flames |Fe came over: ts ne Teoria es rom Mis Launc cr irday ee et | Prince Rupert has a magnificent | Praised the Harbor |William in outspoken manner|of the American Society of. Civil the naval ar ct] . ° : ° vies . Linen 1 4he ass of | ¢ > i 5 td ye , bes (Canadian Press Despatch) | harbor, and one that is well] Sir William made a tour of the bli med the press ¢ oe countries} E Eee and jee Sees ’ Ol « € ak | . . ° . q , g s 1 e > Pe ore: See alifax, Oct. 23.—Dr. Doyle, eT REA ae + it| townsite, paying particular at-|for fanning the spark of unrest|in the principal great cities \ xX, adapted to nay defence but it I I : Miss White. With . oat a ms ea tenti the --dock site. Hel|simply to satisfy the craving of| America. Sir William White’s| 25sistant. port physician for Hali- tes most unlikely that it willuevect tents mo dry-dock site. ‘ ply i TI \ | Veetuadiauy: Sin aniinws® ani hie a > S . . 5 Ost ! ! € tei : ® nsa sts ut re ras sterda . é an § Will , Bi ifax, has disappeared from the ; | expre ssed himself in every way} Sense tiona ists. rat there W st Reeser y : ao hesans : lr, Williams, The par-| : : 1 - | be fortified. : Sena Sd ate any serious risk of war, he was} party including Lady White and quarantine steamer Minoca leaving as impressed with the magnificent \ ) » - Dominion, and| je" : . | This is the gist of the opinior fee ies. , Prince Ry-| not ready to admit. With com-/daughter had a trip up the line | ial «| his coat and hat behind him. It his 1s the gi 1 | \}natural advantages of Prince Ru : : hi f as Va Arsdol and back ) 5 4 4 ; siti t 1 } ons $ ‘reia rela is SK r reac 1g | as a as a 4ATS é ACK. . y special train is feared he has been drowned by|of Sir William White, the famous} pert. He had been familiar with mercial relatior » far er ne i . : . rsdol anc 5 | falling overboard from the launch.| naval architect, whose regime at} the charts of the coast previous|@5 €XISt between ; Englanc ene bees y “ it aus pais i the G : : - - the head of the designing depart-|to coming here, but the actual) Germany, Sir William doubted if} Prince George for the south to ecere Rives Boats R 1 E tat Active in New ment of the British Ac Imire alty | realisation of the harb« or’s situa- war would be declared lor many | Deer Actes C anada by the G, bellowing from) Sea manne marked the revolution in battle-|tion and extent made a great|@ day Still the tendency of | T. P. from Edmonton. ur of the Foley, Hazelton ship building. Sir William who| impression on him. }the press to get hysterical over| ee rt river boats de-| 3 9 lis now a director of the G. T. P.,| AG Desi the war scare both in Germany| Fog to Blame cir winter quarters} Great activity in New Hazelton) ) 15° 4 visitor to Prince Rupert | reat Designer and in Great Britain had a bad | Fog delayed the G. T. P. ) ‘2 wo of them; the|is_ reported at J. H. pene’ over the week end, and accorded | Sir William White has now no | effect on the public mind, and he} steamer Prince George on her way / xy fs e wilt will j office, | the loc ¥ Seen 43 Cee the News an interesting interview. | official connection with the British; condemned it from the south. Saturday. She in, seventeen ots 4 , nar » >» aS re- . : Qe f HS ut will be sent] Semi itm yee saat | Protected by Distance Ni Ly : Deps Jay nt. 7 ha a The Naval Policy | arrived at 3.30 p.m. with pas- | been sold on: 7 ; : | tires rom active work as chie . ' : : _|sengers, freight and mail. | morning. | ‘Who is there to fortify the designer for the Admiralty. The; On the Canadian Naval Policy| Pens buble: A Foe ames 4, ey wrrived from Van-| They are displaying a_ half-| place against?’’ asked Sir William. |}, 5+ Great battle ships to leave the|Sir William was reserved. He City Solicitor Back turday by the Prince|tone cut, showing a bird’s-eye| '‘Not the Janannnes var) a stocks from his design were the! caid the whole essence of success| By tl "< Fae ee Saturday | : i 1 y he see ations, anc - ° 1°: 7 as " ) ¢ view of the townsite and the among th wi eet of natt . ° ’ fightir g machines of the King in the idea of the. Canadian : ae sy rs lici { Pri Pete ch : hicl their interests are on the other! p cata alts ae | Fred Peters, city solicitor of Prince surrounding mountains, which i y . | Edward class, after which came “ ; | Ae | I ) nm “ | : : - comprehensive idea|side of the Pacific, not on this » Dreadnought Navy lies in the fact that the | Rupert, returned from Victoria | cer, of Skidegate, | gives a very comprehensive idea : the Dreadnoughts. Sir William's Cc ee anidinvonre ready: to] I . ; | , e 1S s _ . ana a > > a > 2 ic ye from a visit down|of the geographical lay of the side. hey know 4 well a8] Work on the Kir g Edward class nadian © Peor hi 4 |where he has been acting in an Prince George |new town anyone the importance of fighting | 6, battleships marks the turning build their battleships under advice important criminal case. a naval engagements close to coaling point ir British naval architecture from the Imperial Naval POPPA jstations and repair yards. They!| Which Jed to the tremendous in-|™&"t: This policy appliec > | are quite content to be the English crease in size and gun power of it is to Australia, and as it an be| YOUNG VICTORIA WOMAN MEMORY CAM i lof the Orient, without wanting fighting ships ’ to South Africa will up-build an | to ever risk their fleets in conflicts} * ., oH Imperial and Colonial system of AFTER FOURTEEN YEARS four thousand miles away from Blamed the Press val Defence which will ane |home. War is too costly a matter! On the subject of modern war-| away outclass any naval effor ifor any m tion to plunge into|fare. and the chances of war| of any eas country in the ated! @'sical Operation at Seattle on a Man Named ‘Kelly’ antl today. beiween Britain and Germany Sir| li would be cheaper to build all!| Dead Body of Barbara Robertson Found in the Savoy =n gs Startling Results—He Turns Out to Be . C. Rogers Who Has Been Long Missing wt. KINGSWAY SAILORS REFUSE TO PUT TO SEA (Canadian a Despatch) P ress Despatch) |the name of Kelly, f Seattle, Oct. Ihe dead body es 23.—-A story as/the United States N; wy for seven | 7 5 y told on the stage | years. Since then he had worked | f L_H Only T lof a young, woman registered. ay ight in the hospital|in the saw mills at Washington, | Declare That Their Vessel is Not Safe With Big Deckload of Coal—Has Only HO ae enday GAME te che Gaeoe a mi an ni amed E jandquite recently mi arcledh a BA ae Inches of Freeboard—-Captain Produces Customs Surveyor’s Certificate | Hotel here. By her side was a el las been bro it ir mimediately alle > e 3 é . . " . » wie avy nory, after the ughe ige, the man became violently | Considerable feeling has been|authority, and stood ready to] they are emphatic that they have meee + See tae ev! . t blank for fourteen|insane. He ran out ol the house | aroused upon the waterfront since } meet the cost of this in the event! not deserted the ship, ; ‘ | ‘Came From Victoria ve and lived in the woods, snapping | Sinday morning at 4 a.m. when|of their being proved in the} Interviewed this morning Cap-| The womans was registered as herein Victim and barking like a dog at anyone) the seamen of the trawler Kings- | wrong. The deck cargo occupies ain aaa? eee. i bp vy se: from Victoria, but a note giving I who approached him. | We iy belonging to the Sti indard | the whole space from the fish | from H, M. ap es ‘UstOMS |), uctions BE ca her tirial ‘wae 1887 arts in the year Pressure on Brain |Fish and Fertiliser Company of|hatch forward which it covers Department, to pe Sarne % addressed (to. Mbhinas Singact ot i Rogers was found half pees { rs came to ex-|Pacofi, refused to put to sea, The|to the after end of the engine | fect: his is to certify that 2075 Beach Ave., Vancouver. The wi Hudson River, and] ave i a iis overed that | men declare that the vessel is|room awning, and is packed over|boarded the steamer Kingsway woman who reached Seattle on He | kull terribly fractured, eo his skull we 1s pressing | rendered unseaworthy owing to|the chains of the hand _ steering | at Prince Rupert, B.C., on oe SD | Friday, anneared: 40 hens diane a | et upon and robbed S ro brain, causing the mad-|her large deck of coal. The coz!, gear, morning at 10.35 a.m, anc Dated | thirtyfive years of age. they . thugs, In the fight ~ o They serofrmed a delicate | they say, is stewed SO as to inter- Since Saturday night when the | the said ship fit ant sea. 1H. au | Had Invested Money bludg a me skull with A oeane tion go lift the skull. Im-| tere with the steering gear, and Kingsway finished coaling, the parcher aa ee eee | In her handbag were receipts Hudsod atte gees mediately after this was performed, fue r Eats oe navance -Uncels vessel has been lying at the Foley, (nh you think 78 nubieo ane }showing that she- had recently od eek ver, After Kelly”? became quite normal, and|neath the g hat| Welch wharf without a complete]; ; I “\ invested a sum of $260 in the oatmen, and hi nory came back to him. | properly battened down, and that : i ji her myself if she were not) Naden Harbor Caol, and Olt Co. oes Rog; New York Hosiptal, He pos the doctors of his pas st|she has only two inches of free | crew, only the captain, two en- seaworthy? asked Captain Brown ene eee Tc) aa BB yon mory had completely |e tol hered his old name, | board. They were anxious to}gineers, two mates, and one deck) this morning. “T maintain that The new G.TP. ie Stand life, and remem fahtoh led up to| have the vessel surveyed by Cap-| hand being willing to put to sea/the ship is absolutely seaworthy f Forgot His Past ane ean ae blow on the head] tain Musgrave of the Lillooet, or) in her, Five men have come ___-\for Lowney’s delicious Choco- \f is’ dlechaide ha tants a re. |some other competent independent | ashore demanding a survey,: but CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 lates, fresh from the factory. tf Hotel—Had Left Receipts Showing She Had Re- cently Invested in Graham Is. Enterprise FIVE MEN KILLED Explosion at Bellingham Inter- urban Line Injures Road Gang. (Canadian Press Despatch) Bellingham, Oct. 23.—Five men were blown to pieces and three seriously injured on the Belling- ham and Skagit Interurban Line, when two hundred pounds of dynamite exploded in a cut where a gang was employed. Giants vs. Cubs Tonight Great renewal of indoor base- ball at the Auditorium tonight. Come and see Giants versus Cubs ~picked teams of crackerjack players—fight it out to a finish. Hotter than the world’s champion- ship. Game called at 8.15 sharp. Admission 25c, Skating after the game. SEL EM weegrteng ae ate i ge tee oe a