PAGE TWO The Family Shoe Store Ltd. nventory Clearance Clearance Price of BLACK St EROWN RUBBER OVERSHOES Zipper and Dome Fasteners, high or medium heels. Q-f ff A Clearance Price ?itlU CHILDREN'S SCHOOL OXFORDS & STRAPS Black or Brown. Heavy Durable Soles. Q-f Qff THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PnfcUshed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prlncj Daily. News, Limited. Third. Avenue. H. r. PULLZN Managlng-Edtor WHO IS WINNING? V'-'t SMALLER CHILDREN'S BOOTS St STRAPS Good makes. Patent or Calf Leather. QtP Clearance Price OOl We hare Just received a shipment of DANCING SLIPPERS. Get the children thfir's now while the sizes last Third Avenue Phone 357 Rupert 8UBSCiRIPTION RATES City delivery, by maii or carrier, yearly period, paid tn advance siv By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and Por lessr periods, paid in advance, per week By mail to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per toco, per Insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line . News- Department, Telephone .. Advertising and Circulation, Telephone DAILY EDITION Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations IJEST FORM OF LOYALTY 86 98 900 1.10 SO 25 At a time like this the.attention of all is drawn to the question of loyalty. We are faced with the problem of how best to show our loyalty to King and country and we are forced to the conclusion that the most loyal person is not the one who makes the most display of his loyalty but, he who does the best work in his chosen calling and who in public life stands for the highest and best. In that way he does more for his country than could be done by any amount of orating and prating. Loyaty consists in acts rather than words. According to the published reports both sides in the ! Italo-Lthiopian conflict are winning. A person living in Italy woud feel that his armies in Abyssinia were sweepr ing everything before them. Judging from the reports emanating from Addis Ababa, the blacks are winning victory after victory from the invaders. What has been evii-dent has been that the Italians have not made the progress they expected and that the Ethiopians have been forced to. retire from a number of positions and a few people have been killed on either side. After a while we shall get nearer the truth of these little war activities. After all they do not amount to much for the country invaded is not very important and the war activities- are confined to a comnaratively small area. Of late, however, there has been brisk fighting as strenuous efforts have been made to force the Italian, advances in order to make some showing before the rainy season commences. UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT 32 Q0 RETURN- All Meals FROM PORT SIMPSON $3535 RETURN. Berth Included, Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1935 and February 29th, 1936,. Inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 193G. Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupertr Ar. Vancouver CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, p.m. S.S. CARDENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday, a.m. v Tickets and All Information from Prince Rupert Agent - R. M. SMITH - Third Ave, Phone 568 or Pursers S.S. Catala and S.S. Cardena. BASKETBALL WASCLOSE Lambie & Stone Have Margin Of But One Point. Over Grotto A fair sized crowd of fans saw Lambie St Stone defeat the Grotto in a fast-checking game of Senior basketball Monday night; It was anybody's game but the Grotto just could not get that winning basket Half time score was 15 to 14 in. favor of Lambie St Stone. The &econd. half started with the Grotto getting the first basket. Then it ;was just give and take until the i final whlsUe with the Clothiers coming out on the long end of a 1 29 to 28 score. i R, B. Skinner ' handled the whistle In fine shape. j Lambie St Stone Armstrong (4). icalderine 5. Lindsay U4), Arney 3i, Johnson (3); total, 29, Grotto Ratchford 8), Morgan 7, McPhee 13i. Smith, Stalker; total. 28. Intermediate League In. a lively Intermediate game Scythians defeated High School by a store of 27 to 21. High School played a fast and furious game but could not get up steam enough to get the required baskets. Campbell turned in most of the points for the Students while the Scythians all seemed to be on the average. Scythians Dominate (6), Murray (4), Beynon (8),- Montesano (4), Gillls, Currie (2), Letourneau 13); total, 27. High School Campbell (10). O' Neill, McMeekin Hi. Davies 15). Naylor (3), Lear (2), Munro; total, 21. Ladies' League Tuesday, Jan. 23, 1036 netitL the Ladies' League with a score of 7 to 6. Annettes Stone (2), Ratchford LEAGUE STANDINGS Senior League W. L. Grotto 2 1 Lambie St Stone 2 2 Moose 1 2 Intermediate League Scythians 3 Canadian, Legion 2 High School 0 Ladies.' League Grottettes 3. High School 1 Annettes 1 Junior League High School 3 Boy Scouts 1 Moose 1 Scythians 0 Willie Hunter . Q 1, 4 0 2 3 0 1 1 3 In Great Form Former Champion, Now 53 Years Old, Wins Final of National Match Play in 'Frisco SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 28:.The Family of. Coaches SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 28: (CP) Twenty-flve percent of Uw Mountain Conference are Rom- neys. E L. (Dick) Romney, coaches Utah State, Brother Ott coaches Brlgham Young University, and their-nephew, Elwoodi Is new coach at Western State, Gunnison, Col. Elwood formerly was star forward for Uncle Ott. DAILY NEWS ruesaay, January 28, ij 'SPORT' Canadian Legion And Printers Defeated Elks and Printer Won Over Power Corporation in Ten Pins, on Sunday. Canadian Legion defeated Elks two games to one In the Ten Pin Bowling League on Sunday while Rose. Cowan St Latta defeated the Power Corporation of Canada also by. a, score of two to one. Ole Franks of Rose. Cowan St Latta was high individual; scorer with 183. The individual scores were as Moose, Canadian Legion W. Power Corporation ...6 Cribbage League And Oddfellows Winners rs Fixtures Prince Rupert Cribbage League (2). E. Morris (2). Stamp-Vincent. ires"1U lafi were as ,ollows: Turgeon; total, 6: High School Blaine 7). McLeod, Davies, Wilson. Llewellyn; total, 7. j Junior League j High School defeated the Junior! Scythians by a score of 9 to 7 in a fast Junior game. Roma turned In, most of the points for the Scythians while Fulton did most of the scor- lnr fnr. th Hiirh Srhnnl gl" Scythians Roma (6). Antonelll (1), Montesano, Murray, Veltch; total, 7. Hieh School Fith ONpIII (21 Moose 16, Elevator 11. Canadian Legion 14, Meat 13. Grotto 17, Sons of Norway 10. Canadian National Recreation Association. 13, Oddfellows 14. The teague standing to date: W. Moose ...59 Grotto 59 Me Packers Lundquist, Yamanaka ID, Fulton rtfoi n C. N. R. A. 58 Elevator 55 Oddfellows 51 Sons of Norway 48 38 37 KID BERG IN SOUTH AFRICA zoneri, Jack (Kid) Berg has de parted; for South Africa. He has jaccepted a match with the South African champion, Laurie Stevens Ice Carnival By Smithers School Hockey Games and Races Public School Wins Over High, School SMITHERS, Jan. 28: The Smi thers Public School held its annual Ice carnival on the local rink on Friday evening, It was well attended and greatly enjoyed by both the participants and the spectators. Hockey games and races of various kinds, were staged; The pupils of the Public School veteran. Willie Hunter, former naa me actlon. of. trouncing champion, now 53 years old, showed tne oWer PuPils from the H1h superb form here yesterday to win 8011001 ln a 1,vely hockey game by the final ln national match, play.l-score of 2 to -. The great old Los Angeles, prof e?-' 1 1 " sional turned In a card of four un- Culf If l:e At der par. M iddlesbrough MIDDLESBROUGH, Eng.. Jan, 28: (CP) Supporters of Middles brough, famous English football club, are hoping the transfer of basketball coaches, ln the Rocky. Cunliffe from Aston Villa will solve the. team's- eft wing problem. Cua-j llffp. has been, a disappointment a:i Villa Park ever since he Joined the! club In company with Ronald Dix,' from Blackburn Rovers ln 1933, but he still retains his tremen-! dous speed and much of his old ability. Famous Hyde Collection of Indian i Curios is Formally Conveyed To ! At a meeting of the- Prince Rupert Museum- Board held iin the office of Dr. J. T. Mandy at the Court House yes- i - - . - - i i and arrangements, were made for it moved from the Canadian National Railway freight sheds where it now lies. to,membet of lhe represen'-the museum room over the library. inr the Junior chamber of Com- The collection, which Is contained in seven cases, arrived In he citv a few days ago. It had -ito get a grant of possibly $1500 from the Carnegie fund, further j-ts 5 4 -- I . 1 . . . Rose. Cowan St Latta . 5 Grotto 4 Canadian Legion 4 Knox Hotel 3 Moose 2 1 iieps naving oeen. Latins. a uiu -.meeUng yesterday toward, the-sec- juring of this. This money, will not. .however, be available for maln-. ! tenance. Dr. Neal Carter reported on an interview with IL Oi McCurry sec-jretary of the Canadian, committer j handling the .Camegie fund at Ottawa. The only thing standin? Play Last Night;IsrlH, I was snown, was. me the grant aesire or in fin Acf tnn Af Vino n!n m roerce. It was decided to hold reg.-ular monthly meetings In the mus eum room at four o'clock on th? . . . . . i , i - 520; 'for the public to see. Also, a cui-. n . 472; todlan will be appointed just, as yxrooms V eW Schriabers. 532. ! soon as funds funds are are raised with UuarterbaCR Power Corporation Little. 411; which to pay him. It Is hoped, to am nji. . . r n 1 1 rrof 1 nanilAnflp n. cima. mrenn DENVER. Jan. 28: (CP George! . ............ , Tvnr 4S ,In the market for good Silver Foxes, riicr.uscH h k,,h , discussed by the board at some; ,,,,- ,Wi 1 1. i i Ins the money reaulred were 'talked over. The matter Is now In j the hands of a committee and thci t (secretary who will recommend a 49 50 the room in the library buildln?' together with light andi heat so' there will be very little money toj raise over and above the honor-j arium to be paid to the custodian' and the Incidental expenses at-1 tendant upon moving and, mount -Ing specimens. A request has beea sent to the Department of Mines, at Victoria asking It to provide cases hr which ito exhibit the mltemt rnltprMrv donated by Dr. J. T. Mandy. If LONDON. Jan. 28: CP Dls- this Is not done, the Board will have appointed by failure to Interest! to be responsible for, the cases, promoters in the possibility of a Three show cases were. repivH London contest with Tony Can- fr0m a member of the board as a uunauun ana are neing removed to the building. This will make four cases already available. It is now possible that someone else may have a spare case which uij8ut oe Qonaiea ior tne same purpose thus enabling the woik oi displaying tne collection to proceed. Anyone having natural history specimens or Indian curios they do not need might also, donate them. Phil Edgecombe was elected a U U IJ U II U U U ill is the best man The Old Reliable Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUR SERVICE Proprietors, Bert- Morgan & Bud Barri? Don't forget the number 15G Rex BOWLING CLUB LIMITED FOUR GOOD, ALLEYS. Weekly Prizes For High Scores HOUSE HEATING HELPS, Elbows, Coal Hods, Stove Boards, Stove Shovels, Dampers,. Stove Pipes, Spark Guards, Furnace Scoops Heaters, from $.fe50- to $22.00- THQMPSOKi HARDWARE CO. LTD. UTILAC The original four-hour enamel, still first In, quality. It rich, satin gloss finish lasts, and; lasts, continued washing, has practically no effect on It. Easily applied, and economical to use. GORDON'S HARDWARE McBrlde St. Phone 311 jMany Evade Duty Un Lamson, Jury ITlUbCUiU DUclIU UV rtUlllllIIMiaiUl only tit of OrieinahPanel of i Left When Trial- Opene TJiis. Moraine SAN JOSE. Cal.. Jan. FRY'S COCOA-i lb. This was placed before Commls-! Ship your goods as soon as receiv- PARAOON TISSUE Isloner W. J. Alder with a request! ed.,w.e re valuation. If price not per roll for action and Is now before XMt"Slir U""' SODA BLSCUTrS- city solicitor. (No. 1 Ranch Minks as high as $15: ; Bed Arrow, pkg. Interior $15; .Martens, as high as ONTARIO HONEX length and possible means of rals-1 p n i n n i n n i I ! 2-lb. tin SHARP'S TOFFEE- ii lb. cello NABOB. MARMALADE 4-lh. Un. iterday afternoon, the lamous riyde collection or maian result of wholesale reauest. t C Win CUr'0S was ormay handed over to the safe keeping; Of excused f com, serving, many claim. "mlthA miKAiim in n lptter from the official administrator ling that they were preludic d r.n. way or the? other, only in of (h original jury, panel of 27Q remained.. toaay wnen we intra, trial of David A. Lamson. former. Stanford University executive, charged with murdering his wife, opened here to- ' day. j en tacen soum ior saie KtxpinKjl3st Tuesday In each month . Dus- j veral years ago and was placed: the actlve organteation period: Racn the most people In. citv n charge of the provincial mus-!R u probable that more frequent and district with-an adwrticemeni I -um. authorltMss. by whom, it naslspeelat meetings will be held. j j, tho. Daily. News. wen classified. It is looked upon Rey Canon w p Rushbrock! I s a very valuable collection, aru also present! presided. tnfre be,ng j he curator of. the- museum at V!;- nnmmi,,,nn(ir w j Aider. A.iaHHWMMaM toria was loath to part with it ' Par.ow Dr t T Mandv. Dr . " Elks Andrews, 528; Murray. 492;- Just as soon as cases for its dis-!Nca) carter. H F Pullen and tlrf wicks, iih; joy, 4io; k. womson, piay. nave oeen prcporcu uie "" secretary ' Mrs J B. Gibson 526. I leetiou. wilL be arranged and opened j Canadian Legion Stacey. Todd. 494: Hill. 451: Storvlck. not dependent on. trus. wont --. tor a . , . : hum uu iiua sxra, Anaerson, .i! nmfMdnnil fnnfc-U. i SAVINGS Rose. Cowan & LaUa-R. Franks. vlng who w 1 look aftrthe mnr- h" PnffA?1"01 465; 550; XfcCavour 491- 01& Franks. eum aunng . ine- ume it is. open to ' , " Mcvavour, uie tTanss,! eentAv he Is eroomin Bill Shen W. D. Vance. 478; MacCallum, e P oe im,WT f7ri: r uCtm Mar. 466. The standing is as follows: . Innrl tnr- lh nimrtrhaplc rmst in connecuoa witn tne ntung up - of the museum, the Board: expects Channel Swimmer per iD of the New Thrift Store Specials Effective Until Monday DOVER, Eng.. Jan. 28: (CP - OLD DUTCH CLEANSER- By swimming non-stop for 50 per tin ' hours, Banl Ohose. 15-year-old SUNLIGHT' SOAP Indian girl, of Bombay, established i per ctn. herself a& a candidate for world EGGS Scott's "AT 'enduranco records. She is training Laree doz now for a try at the English Chan- pork & BEANS nel late in the summer, in an at tempt to duplicate Gertude E-i erJe's feat. TRAPPERS: , Grotto'of the continuity of the museum ! nave bff order for aU (urs Of such as the passing of a city bylaw ! eially MINKS AND MARTENS i Hedlund's, 10-oz. tin 37c 9c 17c 25c! 12c ; FREE CANDY to children accompanied: by adults. Shopping bags foe customers. 19c 7c 18c 15C! 45c! CHOICE PEA&-Royal City tP MX No. 5. 2 tins . SLICED PEACHES Mai- -f Qp kin's. No. 2 tins, each ROYAL CITY JAM-Pure Plum, i lbs. HEINZ. CATSUP per bottle . PURR' LARD per lb. GINGER. SNAPS Oven Fresh. 6 doz. 40c Strawberry or Rasp- CAp ov berry, 4 lbs. (High grade Jam at a saving) KELLOGG S ALL BRAN-per pkg BUTTER First Grade per lb. 3 lbs. MALTED MILK Borden's 16-02. BACON Swift's Diamond "A" per lb 19c 30c SSc 37c 27c i THRIFT TEA A blend that will suit both ydur 43C taste and purse, lb. , 21c 15 c 15c SOCKEYE SALMON u 29C 1-lb. tin ItDnt mm... . t- p.i.a ( n ( n please, per tin FRESH BISCUITS Empire O4C mixed., l-lb. cello TOMATOES Royal" City Qfj no, 2 un DEMONSTRATION. ! of Hedlund's Foods of Quality j 1 All Week. J Fresh. Carrots.. 2 bunches J 4 c , Juicy Lemons, doz. GrapefrulLJulcx.seedlesv3.Ior lJc ; Lettuce, firm, head .7 Bananas, 3 lbs. Apples Delicious., '4, lbs, NAVEL. ORANOES-Julcy. SeedlesJ Three; sizes: Large, pec doz. Medium, 2 doz. Small; 3 doz. 4!c Thrift Cash & Carry 1 IniOur New, Homo-Next Tbomp" Phone 179 Hardware P.O. Bo 160!