pROVNCAL LIBRARY Today's Weathei Tomorrow's Tides She High 4:44 a.m. 21.1 ft. prince Rupert Cloudy, light 17:09 18.4 ft. p.m. northwest wind; uarometer, 30.20; f.mnprature. 38: sea smooth Low 11:09 a.m. 5.1 ft. vv...r- 23:11 p.m. 5.8 ft. : : V NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXV., No. 23. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1936 PRICE: 5 CENTS ALL EMME MOURNS THE KING'S FUNERAL Joining with the people of all the Empire we bow our heads in mourning today as the last rites are being performed for the late Kins George V. In spirit we arc with those who take part in the Mlenui burial service in London. We hear the sweet voices of the choir boys as they Badly sing the mournful chants over their King who is dead. We watch the proces sion as it passes through the streets to the music of muffled drums. We also pause for two minutes of silence with the workmen throughout England and Scotland and part of Ireland as they pause in their labors and remember that their King is now being buried. They do not make it a holiday celebration but continue their work as usual at the request of their new- King. So in this striking manner we are reminded that the old order, is pawing and a new taking its place. King George the Fifth was representative of the life at the beginning of the century. King Edward Vm represents the middle of the ctntnrjr and will make many rhtnits in the habits and customs of the monarchy. We are reminded that deaths and births are a sign of progress. While we mourn the passlnr of a great King, we do so with the full knowledge that he had fulfilled his usefulness and, in the ripeness of time, has been gathered to his fathers. GUILTY OF NEGLIGENCE Jury Convicts Captain and Chief Engineer of Morro Castle NE WYORK. Jan. 28: Captain and chief engineer of the Ill-fated-liner Morro Castle, which burned ai sea In 1934 with appalling loss of life, were found guilty of en- minai negligence by a jury in New York, The trial had lasted two months and the Jury deliberated for ten hours before returning Its vcr- diet. Murder Mystery In Spokane Now Rody of Italian Girl. Missing For Two Months, Found in Trunk In Hotel SPOKANE, Jan. 28: The body of an Italian girl, who had been missing since November 30 last, was found In a trunk in a local hotel yesterday, Police arc seeking three men hi connection with the case, one of these being from Trail, British Columbia. FORMER GOVERNOR OF ALASKA DEAD . HANta n Ann AT? A rul .Tun 28: -Scott C. Bone, former governor of Alaska, succumbed yesterday. to a heart attack. He 4 had made his homo In Callfor- nla for several years and had been In 111 health for some time. t Honored in death Impressive Service In Local Theatre Marks Tribute ot This City IH. Travis, widow of Rev. R. H. Tra- Solemnity and Reverence Mark Occasion With Large Vis, were bumed to death Attendance Naval And day when fire completely destroyed Militia Units Parade lthe Broddie home. Broddle and two j other wonrsn were rescued but were nnl vrA n v 11 i f t r Tili- T?t1-nvf 111 1 ! bilCi ly bUmed. IVlLli UUC ll'tClLllkC Ullll OUlCilUlll.J , i 1 1I1I.C HUIV1 111 tt spirit of loyalty to the crown monarch, paid r. tribute to the lunerai day louay witn a memorial service in me apiiot Theatre this morning for adults which is being followed: w Sp,.yiVe esneciallv for children this afternoon. The morning service, exclusively forw flrilllts was attended by a con - ! gregation which crowded thciNII Vil9Sr theatre. It was arranged by tn Prince Rupert Ministerial Association at the request of City Commissioner W. J. Alder. Prominent among those In attendance were units from the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Rpsprvo nnd the First North B C. Regiment, both of which paraded to the theatre, mey were scatja nor Harold Hoffman announced In the front centre of the theatre last nlgnt that ne wouid ask the and Immediately to the rear of statg legislature to probe the case them were members of the Can- ,o Bruno Richard Ilauptmann , con-adlan Legion and Woman's Aux- of vlcted of thfi kldnap-murder illary to tne canaaian region wi.u had also paraded, The local naval and military units also paid their respects to the dead monarch by havin?:ernori wno recently granted a 30-guards posted with reversed armsiday reprieve for Ilauptmann, who both In the foyer of .the thea t0 havc been executed ten days and at the tops of each aisle. Lg0 lndlcated that he Intended to The Service I take n(j furtncr single-handed ac- The service was opened with an tlon ln the case jIe wouid not gront introduction by City Commissioner furtncr reprieve, he said, unless W. J. Alder followed by the lnvo5-Atlorney Gencral David .Wilenlr,. atlon by Rev. C. D. Clarke, pastor ;who opposcd tne iast 0ne, agrees, of First United Church, who was Nor does he Jntend to caj, the statc chairman. Board of Pardons together again After the singing of the hymn connection with the case. "O God, Our Help m Ages Past," Rev W. D. Grant iioinngwonn, I pastor of First Presbyterian 1 (Continued on Page Foun King George V. today not only In his own Empire the world. and affection for the dead! late -... King George V on " iis I - - - . - - i REPRIEVE For Ilauptmann Unless Attorney General Wilentz Agrees, Says Governor of New Jersey t TRENTON, N.J., Jan. 28: Gover- charjes Augustus Lindbergh Jr.. If it was considered that later devel opments might Justify an Inquiry. Apart from this, however, the gcv- Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:20. was reDorted thl. 'morning to be on time. 9 d but throughout t ' FIRE TOOK TWO LIVES Mrs. George Broddie and Mrs. U. II. Travis Perish in Brampton, Ontario BRAMPTON, Ont., Jan. 28: (CP) Mrs. George Broddle and Mrs. R. , , D. "ttts.bu.rS nher Lf . "--"s Met With tout flay LOS ANGELES, Jan. 28: William Bell, wealthy Pittsburg banker, who has been holidaying in the south-'west, Is missing. It Is feared that he may have met with foui play. ITS DEAD Millions oi Subjects Assemble In London Streets to Witness Passage to Final Resting Place KING'S SONS I GUARD BODY King Edward and Three Duke Brothers Held Vigil Over Remains of Late Monarch LONDON, Jan, 28: The guard of honor over the coffin of King George V, whose body lay In state for the last night on eartii ati Westminster last night, was le placed Just before midnight by tlv four sons of. the dead mona rch wlr stood vigil for a brief period until the advent cf the new duy It wae In keeping with a customary' ceremony. Kins Edward VIII wore the uniform of a colonel of the Welsh Guards, th-2 Duke of Yorlc and the Duke of Kent wore naval uniforms and the Duke of Gloucester was in the uniform of the King's Hussars. COLD. WET IN LONDON But Loyal Britons Were Not Deter, red in Paying Tribute at Funeral Of King George LONDON, Jan, 28: It was a cold and rainy day In London at the start today of the funeral of the late King George V. This, however, did not deter loyal Briton-from gathering In mighty multitudes to witness the proceeclngs In connection with the last rites for their beloved monarch. Throughout the night thousands stood in tin I wet and bleak streets so that thej might be assured of holding point' of vantage when the processidn passed. Before the rites ended, thf wind changed to southwest and misty rays of sunshine glinted through the clouds on to the spires and minarets of the city. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, Jan. 28: (CP) Ba) sliver was unchanged at 4434C p?r ounce on the New York metal market yesterday. Two Hundred and Thirty Dead in States From Cold; Below Zero Even in South NEW YORK, Jan. 28: It was estimated last night that 230 persons had died as a result of the intense cold wave which has been general in the United States during the past week except for Florida and Southern California. Last night the cold was continuing with little sign of let-up. With transportation facilities interfered with in many parts' of the country, numerous communities report fuel supplies running low while in some localities food shortage is looming. Many roads are blocked and throughout tne country sub-zero temperatures prevail. Even the south is experiencing the coldest weather it has known in many years. Memphis, Tenn., reported three below zero yesterday and Lexington, Ky., fifteen below. Owing to ice blockades, no water passed over Niagara Falls yesterday. BODY OF GEORGE V ENTOMBED BENEATH AN-CJENT CHAPEL AT WINDSOR QUIET RITES AT ST. GEORGE'S FOLLOW DISPLAY OF PAGEANTRY AT WESTMINSTER. LONDON, Jan. 28: (CP) The late King George made his last journey through London today and went to his last resting place in the royal tomb beneath ancient St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle. The funeral procession began promptly as the melodious Big Ben chimed J:4a a.m. (1:10 a.m. Taciiic The new Kinc Edward VIII. his W three brothers and other royal and diplomatic mourners fell in line on foot behind the coffin which was drawn to I'addington Station from Westminster Hall to be placed on a train for Windsor. Queen Mary, heavily veiled, and other women of the royal party rode In carriages immediately behind King Edward and others were walking. The funeral gun carriage was transported by 150 sailors pulling on ropes in. front and fifty holding drag lines behind. All London was a 'highway of mourning. Millions lined the streets, some having slept on the sidewalks all night with newspapers as blankets. Park chairs went for sixpence while protected window seats commanded $50. On arriving at Windsor station the funeral cortege proceeded to St. George's Chapel where the Archbishop of Canterbury, assisted by the Archbishop of York and Bishop of Winchester, conducted , the rites. 1 The coffin was then lowered into the tomb section below the historic chapel. The route of the funeral procession was draped in purple ind black in striking contrast to the starting point of the ceremonies at Westminster Hall where kings, princes, admirals, field marshals I and other dignitaries mustered in glittering array such as London has seldom seen. The Queen .Mother appeared to bear up bravely but King Edward was seen to bite his lips several times in an effort to keep back tears as he followed his father's coffin. King Host At State Dinner? lr of Solemnity and Sorrow Pervaded Affair Held Last Night At Buckingham Palace LONDON, Jan. 28: Six Kings, .wo Queens and three Crown rinces attended the state dinner. pndprprt last nlirht at Buckineham : - ' - J - ?alaet bj Kins Edward vm u.; JSSNES K,rsl plomats of many countries attended ihe reception which followed. There were no toasts and rot ceremonies, an atmosphere of rol-, nnntty and mourning pervading '.he affair. Tried before W. E. Colllson on Friday, T. Torkclson and S. Schge- nr1rt wprn p.ioh flnpH rr 11 days' Imprisonment, for cutting trees on the Metlakatla Indian Re - serve without authority from the Superintendent Gencral of Indian Affairs. KING standard lime). RADIO DID ITS PART Many Prince Rupert Listeners Heard King's Funeral Rites In Early Hours of Morning By means of the radio, many Prince Rupert citizens were en abled this morning to listen to the funeral rites in London of tne late King George" V.'Amerlcah' as well as ' Canadian stations carried the spc-. clal broadcast which came by short wave from London to the Ca Broadcasting Commission at Ottawa and was transmitted from there to all parts of this 'on'Jnent. The broadcast started about 1:15 a.m. when the procession started from Westminster, where the re mains of the monarch had been lying ln state. British announcers de- scribed the solemn march. Between 5 and 6:30 a.m. Pacific Standard Time the actual funeral service v us heard from St. George's Chapel. Windsor, where Interment was .made. Even on the air the rites were deeply Impressive. Dignitaries of the church were heard, great band.) played, cathedral bells tolled, guns boomed and the mournful rites Icould be almost visualized. ATTACK AGED MAN JOHANNESBURG, Jan. 28: (CP . Breaking Into' a home In Turf- -fontcln two thieves attempted to chloroform an 82-year-old man while another rifled a wardrobe, -f The aged man fought off his at- tackers who escaped ! Kingfish's Lieutenant Succumbs I BATON ROUGE, La., Jan Q. ICP frkvn U ttlli wv y VA J V s A nor 0. K. Allen (lied un- Srtany tWs morning Ifom Wnat aS ail- nouiiced as a cerebral hemorrhage. He had re- centlv been elected Sena- Tm. cnpplinn- fVm Info Huey P. Long, whose . first lieutenant he had i been and whom he sue- ceeded m virtual dicta- toi'ial power as far as , this state Was concern- ed. " ;