SOI - is delicious SPECIALS Klenzp Child's Tooth Brush and Rubber ! Sponge Ball Both for 19c 25c Mi 31 Shaving Cream and 20c Mi 31 Tooth Paste Both for 35c 35c Mi 31 Tooth Powder and 25c Klenzo Tooth Brush Both for 39c SharpVvAssorted or Rum and Butter Flavor Toffee 30c lb. Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate Buds 50c lb. Ormes Ltd. JPtonecr Druggists The ttxatl Btora Phones: HI & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. til! 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till Z p.m.. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE PHONE 775, 24 Only Simmons All Felt Mattresses MAIL ORDERS SHIPPED SAME DAY Third Avenue Prince Rupert Phone 775 D. ELIO DINING ROOM SUITES BEDS All sizes STEEL BABY 'CUIUS TABLE and CIIAIUS DUESSEUS LIBRARY TABLE WRITING DESKS RADIOS SINGER SEWING MACHINES REFRIGERATORS KITCHEN UTENSILS KITCHEN RANGES WASHING MACHINES BOOKS, GUAMOPIIONE BABY CARRIAGES. ETC. HAMMOCK Suitable For Your Vcrnmlnh FURNITURE EXCHANGE Used Furniture rTTTTnsfRr We Buy Furniture Outright PHONE GREEN 121 I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm , If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement to this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer In th$ city, ...... LOCAL NEWS NOTES Elks' May Queen Dance, May 25,- Moose Hall, 50c. Refreshments. Be prepared. Buy now and save. Golng-out of Business Sale. Gratton's Variety Store. 121 Miss Oeorglna Lamb sailed yes terday afternoon on the ss. Prince George for Stewart. Canadian Legion Football Team Players and those wishing a try-out are requested to be at the Ac ropolis Hill tenlght at 7 p.m. for practice. 120 J. A. Calderhead, boiler Inspec tor, who has been visiting the Row Harbor and Naden Harbor whaling stations on official duties, arrived in the city on the ss. Prince John yesterday from the Queen Charlotte Islands and will sail tonight by the Prince George .on his return to Vancouver. Gustav H. Johansson, who his been In the employ of the A. Pt Allison Logging Co. at Cumshewa Inlet, arrived In the city from tha Queen Charlotte Islands on the ss. Prince John yesterday and will i leave tomorrow evening by train for Halifax where he will embark aboard the Swedish-American Line steamer Gripsholm to pay a visit to his native home in Sweden. Announcements Saturday Night Dancing Party, Commodore Cabaret. Presbyterian Tea, May 21. Women of the Moose, Bridge and Dance. Friday, May 22, 8:30, Moose Hall. Elks Kiddles Flag Day May 25. Norman Wllks Is coming. Con- i cert June 3. P. T. A. tea, June 5, at Mrs. Eastern Star tea at Mrs. F. W. Allen's, June 9. Prince Rupert Tennis Club annual tournament Saturday, Jure 13. Canadian Legion Picnic, Digby Island, June 14. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, on June 16. Hill 60 tea at Mrs. Macey's June 17. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Jfiarellt, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM DOME" Rates $1.00 of 80 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Bos 190 Vacuum Cleaners For the QUEEN MARY The task, of cleaning eight miles of carpets, countless curtains, Innumerable beds, armchairs, etc. Is to be carried out exclusively by HOOVER There's a Hoover for, your home for only $59.50 Easy terms If you wish Kaien Hardware PHONE 3 For a Home TrM , Tonight's train, due from tne East at 10:20, was reported this morning to be on time. Extra Specials! Friday and Saturday, Fulton MeaVMarket. Call or Phone 683. Delivery. ; 121 Mrs. Oliver Haveland and child,' .'ifrl'vo1 )n 4h ctttf 'An t.hp Prinr:' .George yesterday from Vancou ver. Charles Graham, Inspector of mines, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George 'for a trip ti Stewart on official duties. Mrs. Jack Woods (Annette Stone) sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for a business trip to Stewart. Drop in and see the wonderful bargains at the Going-out of Business Sale. Oratton's Variety Store. 121 Miss Jessie Rothwell sails tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver. She expects to be away for the summer and will probably make a trip East. R. G. Van der Sluys was thfij speaKer ai me regular weemy t luncheon of the Prince Rupert" Ro tary Club in tne commodore Caio today. President W. M. Blackstock was in the chair Mrs. W. G. Crisp, wife of the manager of the Hudson's Bay Co. store at Kitwanga, will leave by to morrow evening's train on her return to the Interior after having spent a few days visiting In the city. Dr. L. G. Rice and Dr. F. T. Richardson, Vancouver dentists, who are travelling through this district, will sail tomorrow night on the ss. Prince John for Cumshewa Inlet, Queen Chatotte Islands. Hotel Arrivals Royal Capt. A. H. Rlppon and A, Pal mer, Vancouver; J. Von Terblto and M. Sandstrom, city. Prince Rupert E. C. Nevison, H. J. McConnell, W. C. Oarbutt, E. G. Symonds and A. C. Gardiner, Vancouver: A. Moses, Calgary; E. O. Berney, Fallen, Nevada; Dr.M. L. Prltchard, Nanalmo. Central J. Jones, C.N.R.; D. Pedsadnyand A. M. Lund, city; S. Murton and J McDonald, Vancouver. Knox D. W. Webster, Victoria; H. L. Gray, Pentlcton; V. Westman, A Strom, A. Shibb, M. Sandstrom and A. Sand,, Queen Charlotte Islands; Mrs. P. Hanson, city; J, E. Thompson, Bear Lake. Gyro President Of Nanaimo Is Visitor Here Dr. A. L. Prltchard, president of the Nanalmo Gyro Club, was a guest at the luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club yester day and spoke briefly, extending the greetings of the club of the Vancouver Island city. Harold Singleton of Vancouver was an other guest at the luncheon over which Dr. R. G. Large, the presi dent, presided and at which mdv lng pictures of scenes in Trinidad and Jasper National Park, were shown by William Crulckshank. At 6:45 P.M. 13ohUw presents JULES land: CFPR "Romance flHelbdy I ST. CH ARIES EVAPORATED MILK WANTED Camp Run Hemlock Logs. Phone Green 687 or Write Stanley Bishoprick jr. Princi Ruprt Th Is is the best coffee you have ever made what kind is it Alice? You'll be r sally amazed to find how the fresh creaminess of St., Charles brings out all the best flavour and. subtle aroma of your favourite cofTee. St. Charles blends so smoothly that you'll say you never knew before how good cofTee could taste ! And if you like a good, old-fashioned cup of tea the kind that revives and cheers you'll find St. Charles adds the final touch of satisfaction. St. Charles is extra-fresh, full-cream, country milk, evaporated to double richness in spotless Borden Condensaries. In coffee and tea, or any recipe that calls for cream, use it just as it comes from the tin. Try St. Charles, too, for rich, nourishing casseroles, smoother creamed soups, delicious puddings and cakes. To make rich fluid milk, add an equal quantity of water to St. Charles. Be sure to ask for St. Charles Milk in the tin with the "Gold Cow" on the blue and white label. The same kind of coffee, deat it's St.Charles that makes the difference I RRADIATE.D Made In British ColumbU at South Sutnas ST. CHARLES MILK Keeping House Needs Training TORONTO, Ont., May 24 (CP) "Housekeeping is an honorable M .1 ll l.U Iff-. TTT TJ I U JlUicsoiuil, &uiu ivtis. v. uuiiiaui or Gore's Landing, speaking before the Anglican Woman's Auxiliary. She added that mothers residing In the country should train their daughters carefully In this art. "We all know that many coun-j try girls wishing to enter domes tic service In, the city cannot even boll carrots. They do not even know casserole from camisole." j ClAssiFlEO WANTED WANTED Elderly woman want position as housekeeper, fov widower or bachelor preferred Apply at Savoy Hotel. 122 FOR RENT 6-ROOM house, thoroughly reno vated. Apply 709 Fifth Ave., W. FOR RENT 4-room furnished flatj Monarch range. Phone 547. (tf) CLEAN, Well furnished, modern 3- room suite. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444, (120) FOR SALE NEW 1936 Johnson outboard mo tors, Vancouver prices, W. R. Love Electric CO., agents. (124) SKEENA River Sailboats equipped to sail or suuaoie to convert Into gasboats. Haysport Cannery FOR SALE One Hubbard 'portable oven, three decks, as new, Suit able for restaurant, hotel or camp, On view at 211 Ninth Avenue West. (120) GENTLEMEN Personal drug &m dries. Highest Grade Latest. Del ivered, 15 for SI. (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver. James Anslow was fined $10.00, with option of seven days' Imprisonment, in city police court yesterday for creating a disturbance. He Is serving the time. Magistrate McClymont suggested to Anslo"7 the advisability of leaving thli city. SC538 A. D. Mathesoh of Carlisle. C. E. Avis of North Pacific and H. W. Harris of Port Esslngton were among Skeena River cannery managers visiting the city yesterday on business. They arrived on Tuesday night's train and returned to the river last evening. MAKE YOUR GARDEN FLOURISH Sulphate of Ammonia serves a double purpose. It may be used for a summer dressing for Lawns and Gardens and it also kills weeds. Ask us for leaflet giving full directions for application. BONE MEAL - LIME - LAWN SAND - COMPLETE FERTILIZERS We Deliver THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Union steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJW. Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PAL Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Naas River, Sunday, 8 p.m. Further Information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 TheFxsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By '? Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.