SAILORS REFUSE TO GO TO SEA (Continued from page one) as she stands. She is certified to carry deck cargo considerably | greater than that on board, as| her, stanchions for board com- | partments to hold fish show. Her} steering gear has been tested and} works all right. She is battened | down sufficiently her bunker hatch- | es screwing into place, and her| forward hatch being boarded and| fitted with a tarpaulin under the} coal, I intend to put to sea for| Pacofi as soon as I can get a crew.’ THE EDITOR’S MAILBAG | Fair Play—Your letter has been | handed to the authorities of the| church referred to. It is scarcely | a matter for the public press. ie | fraud | Inquirer—It is not a unless the representations fraudulent. Whether it is a gooc or a bad piece of business for. you to have anything to do with, is another matter. Study the con-} tract before you sign it. If you do not clearly understand it en- gage a lawyer to look into it. The verbal representations would not be binding if they conflicted with the terms of the contract. BOUNDARY SURVEY Work of Running Line North Reaches Within Five Miles of Arctic Circle. J. D. Craig, in charge of the international boundary survey par- ty running the line between Alaska and Canada, who has arrived here from the scene of operations this summer on the Porcupine river, said: ‘'The line was carried prac- tically to the shores of the Arctic Ocean, and the other dpeartments of work were advanced so far that no trouble is anticipated in com- pleting the Yukon-Arctic Ocean section next season. Contrary to expectations, timber and horse food were found in_ practically all the valleys to within five miles of the Arctic circle. The stock came through the splendid condition.” ITALY MEETS A BAD CHECK Reported at Berlin That Italian “GEORGE” LAYS ‘ia | two boats will be amongst the _ OFF FIRST Captain Nicholson Says the . T. P. Fliers Will Go to Vic- toria to be Fitted with Oil- burners. Tt has been definitely announced now by Captain Nicholson that the first of the Grand Trunk fast steamships to lay off for the winter season will be the Prince George. She will go into dock at Victoria after the first of Novem- ber to have a_ thorough over- hauling and to be converted from coal to an oil fuel steamer. This change will be made at Victoria not across the line, ‘‘con- trary,’’ as Captain Nicholson said |with a smile, ‘‘to the idea of the Victoria press which declared that because I happened to be an American I should have the work done in the States.” “After the George has had her! are|alterations and overhauling the) {| Rupert will have her turn, and} when completed in this way these fastest on the Pacific Coast. As regards their comfort nothing is to be spared to make them the most attractive to passengers trav+ elling these coasts. We mean to have the Prince Rupert passenger traffic over all competitors, and nothing is to be spared in efficiency of boats or comfort of passenger service to secure this. “It is planned that the Prince John shall take weekly runs to Stewart, and runs on alternate weeks to Masset, Naden Harbor and Skidegate.”’ HAPPY COUPLE Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Unwin Re- turn From Their Honeymoon on Saturday. By the Prince George on Satur- day there arrived a very popular young married couple, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Unwin, fresh from their honeymoon trip to Victoria and Seattle. Mr. Unwin is a well known old timer here, and his bride is one of Rupert’s ever increasing group of popular girls. Much happiness is wished bride and bridegroom. ANOTHER ELECTROCUTED Another Vancouver Man Meets Sudden Death from Electric Wires. Soldiers Have Been Repulsed at Tripoli. (Canadian Press Despatch) Berlin, Oct. 23.—It is reported here that the Italian forces have met with a serious check outside Tripoli. Fighting took place out- (Canadian Press Despatch) Vancouver, Oct. 21.—William Gooding, a lineman employeed by the B. C. Electric Railway, was electrocuted today while making repairs to the wires at the car barns. GETS VACANT JUDGSHIP side the city in which the Italians suffered heavy losses. IT RAINS AGAIN Philadelphia Seems to be Worse Than Vancouver — World’s Match Has to Wait. (Canadian Press Despatch) Philadelphia, Oct. 23.—Rain has again interfered with the world’s baseball series. There little prospect of a match again today. is Philadelphia, (Later—Rain has again caused the postponement of the baseball championship game. THE HOSPITAL DANCE Don't Forget the Event of the Season—It’s on Friday Night Don’t forget the Hospital Ball which to take place in the McIntyre Hall on Friday evening, | October 29th. The Ladies’ Com- mittee have gone to more than usual trouble to make it a success. Tickets can be had from any member of the committee. 5t 1s “HIGH JINKS" ENJOYED Kaien Island Club Had Good Time Saturday Night In the Kaien Island Club on Saturday night ‘‘High Jinks” prov- | ed a thoroughly successful and most popular devent. The boys turned out in full force and hugely enjoyed themselves. The manage- ment had arranged affairs under direction of Mr. J. Roerig for a| song and musical programme} which was carried out with splendid swing, and the entertainment took the form of a regular “free and easy" group of friends forming circles here and there in the thronged gymnasium and enjoying themselves to the limit. The gymnasium was brightly decorated—a feature being the huge colored programme upon the} wall. This programme contained | some intersting names of per-| formers, but was itself a as) joke. Some of those whose names stared them in the face as con- tributors of song or speech had the surprise of their lives on entering the hall. A liberal re- freshment service ensured the com- ' plete satisfaction of the assembly and the fun did not cease until midnight. J. M. McDougall, of Hull, is Ap- pointed to the Supreme Court. (Canadian Press Despatch) Ottawa, Oct. 23.—The Govern- ment today appointed J. M. Mc- Dougall, of Hull, to fill the va- cancy on the Supreme Court bench made vacant by the death of Justice Champagne. An Honest Finder Mr. P. J. Farrell came into the! News office on Saturday afternoon with a check he had picked up on the street. It proved to be a boy’s wage check, and the News managed to locate the loser without recourse to Lost and Found ad. a A meeting of the School Board will be held on Friday next at 3.30 p.m. in the police court room. Mr. J. M. Alexander is registered as a guest at the Premier Hotel. He records his home address as Ecclefechan—being careful to in- clude also Scotland in brackets. Mr. and Mrs. English went south to day by the Prince George. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cuthbert went below this morning by the George. A. Fortier was a passenger by the Prince George for Vancouver today. Miss Sawle was amongst the passengers by the Prince George south this morning. H. S. Clements, M. P., and Mr. Sproule, his secretary, booked for Vancouver by the George today. Sixty first class and as many deck passengers went below by the George this morning. J. M. Christie, of the Bank of Commerce, was a passenger by Miss Unwin, of the City Hall staff, has left for her holiday. She travelled south this morning by the George. W. Sibbald, an important man Vancouver, | | } | THE DAILY NEWS ty | Ha: ——— | ==Qne Se seen comermncrnerteerttns ses ee | —THEY WI te ers ee ee — Phone 150 Fire Life Marine Accident Plate Glass Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Prepared While You Wait. || Mack Realty & Insurance | | COMPANY, P.S.—Houses and Rentals. Notice Our patrons will please note that all accounts against the individuals of the firm, the Pony Ex- press, will be kept separate from those of the Company, dating from the 1st of October, 1911. E. A. ELLIOT, 01 J. OTIJES, 238-243 FRED PETERSON. RUPERT CASES — AT VANCOUVER Information on the Chinese Cases and Homer Woods Case | | Case by Chief Vickers Just Returned. | Chief Vickers who returned from } | Vancouver by the Camosun in| | the small hours on Saturday morn- | jing mentions that case of pro-| fell| [curing against Mah Hung | through owing to lack of evidence lsufficient to convict. Mah Hung was found. guilty of stealing and his companion, Dr. Lew, of pro-| | curing. | In the Homer Woods case |brought up at the Vancouver} assizes the prosecutor, Alex Math-| |ieson, failed to appear and the case | remains hung up indefinitely with| ja probability that Woods will| }not be held answerable for either the attempted suicide or the al- leged attempted murder. The} | latter charge was, in fact, dropped. | | | | } GIANTS VS. PHILLIES | Live Ball Game Tonight—Reg- | ular World's Championship | | | A live revival of the enthusiasm for indoor baseball takes place j tonight at the Auditorium. Two | teams composed of picked men from the teams of the league and named the Giants and Phillies will meet tonight to settle the |world’s championship as far as | they are concerned in Prince Ru- |pert. Since rain has irfterfered |so much with the settling of this | great event in the East it has been “The News” Cent A Word For Each Insertion== =H | te Classified Ads. LOOKING OVER— LL REPAY .A CAREFUL tes meme et For Rent i | ke Ot HY ee ee Sa Furnished rooms with bath the week. Talbot House. Spec 1665-t al rates w| Neatly Furnished rooms, gen erred Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Ma tf Alder 178-tf Nice Furnished Rooms, Mrs. Greenwood, Block; Third Ave, For Rent—Furnished rooms, Hot and cold water with bath. Digby Rooms, 6th Ave. and Fulton Ss t. tf For Rent—Sons of England Hal!, ©! Dances, Fraternal Societies, So Frank A Ellis, Box. 869 or phone 68 “Ave., for te. Apply 186-tf er er —- : = | For Sale Do away with this. Patromze 2 white White labor only at i Smsrmermmsrmsermermmsptasrmesmermertes reat laundry. 30-30 Savage Rifle, good as new. P. Q. Box 264. 235-; For Sale—Chickon fearon, 2 swoey house, ouse: | Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. A snap if taken atonce. Address Box 368. tf $2000 takes excellent view Jot with substs otial 4- roomed cottage, lot 5, block 2, section 5, Borden St. Enquire on premises or P.O. Box 8. 238-242 We carry everything in the feed line, also gar- | den seeds at the lowest market prices, at Collart's | olg Feed Store, Market Place } PONY EXPRESS Phones 41 or 301 | - cee Permermsrmermma = Insurance Prompt Delivery OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Wanted 8 FO 6 es Ps Ps Stenographer,Wanted—Apply Box 1581 tf Wanted---A good smart boy for provision store. Apply at once Ideal Provision House. 235-tf Wanted Nursing. Residence 829 Third Ave. Wanted. — Cleaning and pressing, alterations nd repairing for men and women. Dressmaking allied for and delivered. Mrs Charles Percher, | 820 Third Ave. Phone 294 Red. e Wanted girl for general housework. Small fam- | ily. Apply to Mrs. N. F. Helmer, 6th Ave. and | McBride St. Telephone 257. 240-242 LOTS FOR SALE Wanted—Al! kinds of embroidery worked at mo-| One lot, Block 5, Section 1, Beach Obstectrics a specialty. | Phone 243 Red. tf | } derate prices. Send your own es and have : pire ’ - them worked. Mrs. W. E. Williscroft, Big Bay | Place. Price $2100, $1000 cash FO. 238-240 | balance 6-12 months. Wanted—Two young men to board and room in One lot, Block 17, Section 1, private boarding house. $30 a month. Apply “* d “gs at box S., Daily News. 241-tf First Avenue. Price $1000 cash, balance 6, 12, and Scotch lady would like situation as housekeeper 18 months. or any position of trust. Thoroughly capable. Apply box D., Daily News. 241-244 Two lots, Block 29, Section 1, > n moe Ietnew OR > ee ad Park Avenue. Price $5000, one- fourth cash, balance 6-12-18 Lost and Found months. One lot, Block 20, Section 5, fine view with two fronts, Sixth | FOUND—2 Small Keys. Eaese * News Office. Avenue and Seventh Avenue. Lcet—Lediea' wateh {i teacelet Price $1365, $800 cash, balance Reward by re- turning to News office. tf easy. One lot, Block 9, Section 5, Sixth Avenue. Price $1525, $765 cash, balance 6-12-18 months. One lot, Block 6, Section 5, Fifth Exchanged by mistake—“ Currie’ Waterproof Coat for one exactly similar but with plumb bob in the pocket. Re-exchange can be affect- ed at News Office. Avenue. Price $1500, $300 cash, Real Estate balance 3-6-12 months. Two lots, Block 22, Section 7, Sixth Avenue, Price $600, one- Will buy lots in Prince Rupert at bargain prices ae half cash, balance $25 per month, for cash. Apply P.O. Box stating location, | decided (so they say) to hold the contest in Prince Rupert ‘‘where | it never-—well, hardly ever—rains”’ A live bunch of the red-bloods| of Prince Rupert will attend the| | game tonight. } SLOAN SUIT CLUB Saturday Night's Winners | Club 12—Jufius Levy. ef 13-——-Fred Reworth. ‘ 14—W. L. Barker. nis 15—H. Hamblin. "f 16—R. A. Stalker. “* 17—W. Hayner. | William Godson, of the Pro- vincial Police Force, arrived on Saturday from Vancouver where he has been a wirness in provincial criminal cases. MUSICIANS’ FEDERATION |Prince Rupert Now Has Or-) ganised Branch Established | by Charter. eae | The official charter of the Prince | | Rupert Branch of the Musicians’ | | Federation of Labor was received }on Saturday by F. Stephens, sec-| jretary, and the federation branch | |will now take active life in the} city. The number of musicians lin Prince Rupert is on the increase, | jand as there is a great demand for their services, the necessity for the establishment of the union on a firm basis became apparent, | and steps were taken to have the charter prepared at _ head- quarters, and forwarded. The office of C. H. Handasyde, | Jr., manufacturer’s agent, will Mr. Handasyde is south on bus- iness. Repentant One Pays One repentant convivialist whose name the News prefers consider- ately to forget paid a fine of $7 and costs this morning. _ Carpenters at Prince Albert, Sask., have organized and started with the Prince Rupert carpenters,| off with a reduction of the workd arrived by the George on Saturday | day frora ten to nine hours, with from a trip below. an increase of five cents an hour. | avenue | occupied for some time by Ludwie Strubiec. I | reasonable prices charged. | be closed until Nov. Ist, walle price, ete. 231-tf One lot, Block 15, Section 7, two ——___—— = fronts, Sixth Avenue and Hays map Cove, with house 32 x 20. ‘ Price $2625. { Business Chances i One half of lot 13, Block 40, Fo te ers ers mmn re rma rm ie Section 7, fronting Ninth Ave- FEED STORE | Comforters The snow is crawling down the mountains ¢ of cold winter. We have opened five bak f comf ers and have put them on sale at the lov at and $2.00. We also have them from $1 tot THE BIG FURNITURE STOR} EVERYTHING FOR HOUSEKEEPING Here Are Some of Our Armchairs, Rockers, Sanitary Couches, Davenp Rattan Goods; Chiffoniers, Dressers and all kinds of Case Go. Iron and Brass Beds, Wares: Bed | re Saby Bugyies Linoleums at all prices. Twenty-five patterns to choose fron Carpets, Rugs, Portiers, Tapestry and | ( and all kinds of Curtain Material For the ‘Steves, Hotel White, Granite ar W es Ki h pots, Beanpots, Buttercrocks, Jugs, | ‘ Itchen complete line of Enamel Ware. ’ Dining Room Furniture of all kinds. English China in sets or by the i a Bedding, Blankets, Comforts, the fa Ost Miscellan Mattress, Framed Mirrors and Mirrorplat: toe toes eous Goods ing, 86x48 down; Jardiniers, Vases, | Glasses of every description, Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, Baskets of al! k ro wW.mART 2nd Ave. and 6th St. Phone 62 PEPPPPPPPEPPPREPEPPPPPPE PEPE PEEP PPP Pree Paraye The Graham Island Oil Fields, Limited CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,000 We are offering for sale a very amount of shares of stock at 25¢ per par value $1.00. These quickly and will soon be off the market THE MACK REALTY & INSURANCE COMPANY SELLING AGENTS ACA CCRCEACEEK 6404666666464 44440044 4444444444444000 A ship load consigned by H. Williams of Vancouver, to be sold on commissior $6.50 to $7.00 shares aré GENERAL STOREKEEPER WANTED nue. Price $400, $200 cash, he moment is opportune and the future assured. , sa @9% J “Li 7N Stand.. Cer Stree Mainly cash, but if with capital to carry settlers balance $25 per me nth. ; Little's News Sta: ° e till Spring in some cases, almost a monopoly of} | ots 19-20, Biock 4, Section 8&8, a large tributary territory can be secured. Best * . >..2 corner lot $150 to build, or store would be erect-| Corner Ninth Avenue, Price ed and rented. Post office wi secured, Ad- eo : “a dress immediately P.O. Box 2, Prince Rupert. $800, one -fourth cash,’ balance : Fg a ; : 241-247 6-12-18 month. LAND PURCHASE NOTICE COAL N a : ee | Lots::2-10, Block 16, Section 8, | és Te Ave > Irice S25 ‘ach. | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 | Skeena Land District ~D b] CARTAGE and Tenth AY enue. Price $250 « as h, Take notice that I, Gordon C. Emmerson of Ai " islands = bree one-third cash, balance 3-6] Prince Rupert, B. €., occupation real estate| Take notice that A a STORAGE | | broker, intend to apply for permission to pur-| Rupert, saddle m a boenet months, | chase the following described fants; : wn i ommnimoner Commencing at a pst planted about 2 3-4 | to prospec c G, T. P. Transfer Agents j miles in a northerly dbretion from the northeast | under the fc > FOR LEASE corner post of Lot 1389, Range 5, Coast District, | Coast of Gra ‘ as Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonabie. o- 1TH + thence north 40 chains, thence west to river Commenci peoot OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone os |‘ X 100 feet on Third Avenue. bank, thence south following river bank to point | of the northe beote 8 stk . I evel Gor rd le ise of commencement; containing 160 acres, more or aenre 80 ch post < ‘ « ’ eas. | chains nor Stores on Second Avenue. Dated Sept. 9, 1911. GORDON C, EMMERSON | commencem ate PHONE 301 P.O. BOX 804 PONY EXPRESS DELIVERY SERVICE For LOTS IN NEW HAZELTON $10 down and $10 per month buys a lot now. Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. FOR RENT... 5 SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents, Rigs or Motor Car day or night Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 301 NOTICE On and after October 27th I will again shave charge of the Shoe Repairing Shop on Second between Seventh and Eighth streets, 5-room House on 8th Ave., section Partly furnished, $22 a month will be pleased to see all my old customers and friends, or any new ones that feel! like giving | my work a trial. | 1 will as in the past three and a half years I have been in business in Prince Rupert, try to | Nothing but the best materials will be used and | | 6t | JOHN CURRIE | Lots 8 and 9, block 34, sec, 8, $600. Easy cash and terms NOTICR | Lot 19, block 26, sec. 5. Easy terns. Auction Sale Lot 22, block 24, sec. 5, $800. } Lot 17, block 49, sec. 7, $350. and $25 per month, Fire, Life, Accident and Liability Insurance JOHN DYBHAVN Pattullo Block. NOTICE is hereby given that James Haggerty, $50 cash has retaken possession of Lot Seventeen (17), Block Twenty-four (24), Section One (1), Townsite of Prince Rupert, under and by virtue of powers | contained in lease from him to James Donahue, Arthur Murray and John Armstrong. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the | said James Haggerty will sell by public auction | the buildings erected by the Lessees upon the said premises, said sale to be held at Prince Rupert, B. C., on the first day of November, A. D., 1911, at three o'clock in the afternoon upon the aforesaid | prerniaen | Ot JAMES HAGGERTY, j tt ee BOYS! START IN BUSINESS oe 0-0-0 -0-> — © 6 6-0-4 FRED. STORK ~General Hardware— Builders Hardware Sell the Daily News. Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves | It’s the easiest and quick- Graniteware Tinware of yourown, Apply at SECOND - AVENUE THE NEWS | est way of earning money | | OFFICE Pab, Oct. 14. Skeena Land District—District Take notice that I, Ben) i. D., occupation rmission to purch , | Located August of Coast Range V | Pub, Aug. 19 4. Fish of Towner, ; son Catlett Skeena Land Distric I 2 , intend to apply he following described a for lands: Commencing at a post planted on the east boundary and about five chains from the south- east corner of Lot 4484, thence north 60 chains, Take notice that A , e Rupert, B. A apply to the Chie Works for a licer thence east 30 chains, thence south 60 chains, | petroleum on a3 : Lue } thence west 30 chains to point of commencement | lands on the Wes a at Dated June 24, 1911. BENJAMIN A. FISH Comme a an Pub, July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent | of the nort ‘ ew 80 chains i é Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Range 5 | chains no Take notice that Hiriam Roy McTavish of | commencement caus Winnipeg, Man., occupation barrister, intends | Fae 7 lal to apply for permission to purchase the following | Date of Location tu | semeriben lands ‘ . . . Pub. Aug. 17 harlot Commencing at a post planted at the southwest | . and Distr Quee corner 40 chang east and 40 chains north from | Skeena Land | Tala pal N. E. corner of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey Coast Take not hat A . District Range 5, thence 60 chains east, thence | Rates Off . orks 60 chains north, thence 60 chains west, thence 60 | there hief ( A chains south to post of commencement containing | oi once to prospect { on 36C acres more or less. s se and under the fol Dated Sept. 18,1911 HIRIAM ROY MeTAVISH West Coast of Graha we nia @ Pub, Sept. 23. Fred W. Bohler, Agent |" Commencing at a | thes Skeena Land District--Dirtrict of Coast Range 5 | of the northeast % “8 Take notice that Lottie McTavish of Vancouver, | 80 chains went ae oecupation married woman, intends to apply I ans vn, Loca for permission to purchase the following described 4 eke at a post planted at the north- Located August Ist, west corner 100 chains east and 2° chains north | Pub. Aug. 19. from N. E. corner of Lot 1116, Harvey . istrict Coast District Range 5, thence 20 ebains south, | Skeena Land I I thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chai Take notic tA thence 40 chains west, thence 60 chains south, Rupert, thence 40 chains west to post of commencement | |) .', hief dontaining 400 acres more or less. neal Dated Sept. 18, 1911, LOTTIE McTAVISH | ood under the ) Pub, Sept. 23 Fred W. Bohler, Agent | Wot Coast of Grahar Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 « ommeneing . 7 ~ Take notice that LeRoy F. Grant of Prince of the saute 5 Rupert, B, C, occupation civil enginee:, intends north ok to apply for permission to purchase the following | south coment. a described lands: eneamences TIN Commencing at a post planted about 8 1-2 miles | " ust Ist, 1911 in a northerly direction from the northeast corner Located Auque s s post of Lot 1389, Range 5, Coast Dietrict, thence | Pub. “ ” east 30 chains, thence north 6) chains, thence = west to bank of river, thence south following | bank of river to point of commencement: con | taining 180 acres, more or teas. B as Dated Sept. 9, 1911. LEROY F. GRANT Pub, Oct. 14, Gordon C. Emmerson, Agent Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that 1, Christopher James Graham of Prince Rup rt, B. C,, oceupation locomotive engineer, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: romenearae at a post planted at the south- | west corner of Lot Ke 1738 vicinity of Lake Lake! and marked Christopher J, Graham N. E. Corner, thence west 40 chains, thence south | 80 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 50 chains to post of commencement; containing 820 acies, more or leas. | TRY 7 HE ‘ CHRISTOPHER JAS, GRAHAM, Locator | | licence to prosp OWN, Lott Al on Nicely furnist Board $4.75 QUALITY Hi ‘NEW W ANT AD ye FINDING aird Dated Sept. 22. 1911, 11.65 A.M.~-Witnessed T. D WAY ‘ Pub. Sept, 80,