rAarroutf i , nmr BRITISH COLUMBIA CANCER FOUNDATION announces A campaign to educate the people of British Columbia to a greater knowledge of Cancer, its cause and treatment ... to substitute knowledge for fear in the public mind . . . to provide, in this province, adequate facilities for cancer research and treatment. The British Columbia Cancer Foundation is incorporated under -the laws of this province, comprises a group of public . spirited citizens, who as governors of the Foundation arc giving their time to the end that British Columbia will do its part in combatting the incidence of cancer. . Hwwrarj PrcjaiciK, TV Hon. J. W. For Jbam Joknm Honnarj Prtmitwi; Hon. T. D. Pittullo, R. Robert Coniwli, ML A. ' L '. Haaher, TrnUral; Col. E. B. Wcstbf, TrMiwir Dr. G. F. StfOKf. Him. Sat. VrK('PriJnlt V. H. W.lim, r. J. Swi V Franl Barnard. Ralph E. White BOARD OF GOVERNORS Major Harold Brown. Chairman t. T; A. D. Btll-Irtini C. E. Diab W. C. Ditoian :. J. V. Ttwafwn, M.O. A. K. HaywooJ, M D. p. J. IfarriMn: M D. J. I. Maaon. M D. , A. P. fchirWo, MO. Kaien Transfer For Coal and Wood of all kinds Haulage & General Transfer Work Service is Our Motto PHONE 60 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 For - - GOAL LUMBER Building Supplies Ph one PHILPOH Evrrr & Co. Ltd. 651 and 652 Reach the most people in city and district with an advertisement in the Daily News. A. B. Tr.ni . G W. ProuJ. M.D. 11 H. Milbiirn. M D. Chaa. E. Thompmn Col. Victor Mad-ean F. M. Mi. Nclton H. P. Coumbea, Verm R. W. Dunond, TraJ W. H. Sutherland, M.D RtveUtole s r.j. Hume. New WntninMer S. J. Drake. Victoria G, A. E. Kelman, MD, Feriw H. H. Murpbr. MX), Victoria 4 4 "A Great Campaign for a Great Ted OFFICE: 1IH MED.CAL-DENTAL BUILDING. VANCOUVER p.i REGAL SHOP Mrs. H. Ness, with a guess of 2400, won the First FREE box of Wool in the Monarch guessing contest. This Week's Design Now on Display Surprise Party Last Night For NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY .FROM HOME" , Rates 11.00 up 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Waer Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 186 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm WATERFRONT WHIFFS time, considerable work In the way of engine overhaul Is proceeding and machine shops are being kept busy. That the Prince Rupert fleet will start fishing immediately at the legal opening date of the season is generally anticipated, subject to possible, although improbable, change in plans at a conference of representatives of the various fleets of the coast at Seattle this week. Capt Merrill Sollows,- owner and sklnnpr nf thfi Prinrp TJiinprt. hall. connection ' with the celebration in March aftfir havlnrr snpnt. thp of her birthday. The evening was winter at Aalesund, Norway, happily spent ln dancing, music! , and games and a feature of the WeU-Known Figure of a beautiful leather purse. 1 SALE PRICES On Box Chocolates Every Box Guaranteed to be Good Condition AH the best makes including: in William Putnam, for many years winchman for the Pacific Fisheries at Prince Rupert and a well known figure along the waterfront of the port, died early in the week in the Prince Rupert General Hospital following a brief illness. He hadl reached the advanced age of seventy-eight years but, in spite of, this, had been able to keep on with 1 his work until within a short time i of his death. Before coming to' Prince Rupert he had been identi- j ffied with the grain business in the (Middle States. He Is survived by' LOWNKY'S aiOIR'S & GANONG'S : three sons and two daughters all Rprr tn aa hiving in the United States. There Special $ J.D7 was a good representation from the Reg. $1.25 to $1.50 QQn Special Drop ln and look them over MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY 319 Third Avenue waterfront at the funeral on Thursday afternoon. Appointment of Dr. W. A. Rlddell of Reglna College as scientific assistant ln chemistry at the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Sta tion In succession to Frank Charn-ley, who resigned to join the canned salmon inspection board, has-been confirmed and accepted by Dr. Rlddell who will arrive in Prince Rup ert about May 1 to assume his duties. Dr. Rlddell is a married man. The Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, it Is expected, will have to take its share of a cut of $11,000 made for the fiscal year 103S-37 in the appropriation of the Biological Board of Canada. The total grant this year for the" Biological Board Is $175,000, the same as for the fiscal year of 1933-34. The equipment oof the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental sta- DAILY NEWS gaturday, rebrua Cold Snap Holds Up Preparatory Work of Halibut Fleet News of Experimental Station Co. Operative Marketing of Salmon The protracted cold snap, making it high impossible to carry on such work as painting and caulking, is holding I up preparatory work here prior to the opening of the 1 1936 halibut fishing season on March 16. the date as set by the international fisheries Commission.. A break in the cold weather will, it is expected, see work on the fleet get fully under way at once. Mean-H ' . tllon has been added to with the purchase of a vltameter, an English Instrument used for ascertaining by optical means the amount of Vitamin A in fish oils. The instrument will assist in the program of vitamin research in fish oils in which field the local station has become prominent. The Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station is also for the purchase and installation of semi-commercial canning but boat Relief, and Mrs. Sollows, ! equipment to assist in investiga- after having spent -the winter initions to the canning of marine Nova Scotia, were to leave Yar-: Products. mouth on Thursday ' of this week' " on their return to the Pacific Coast. ! Co-operative Marketing i An important move in connection In the course of a general ovef-'with marketing of troll-caught hauling at the Matsumoto boat ln prince RuPert district yard in Cow Bay, the Prince Rupert was made on Thursday night of halibut boat Joe Baker, Capt. Clar- thls wcek when salmon trailers, at ence Camnbell. is ha vine her stem a largely, attended meeting, decided lengthened by .three feet. The ves- 10 sZn up. with Sigmund Einstoss sel wUl be ready for sea in good of New York for the co-opcratlve 'time for the opening of the sea- marketing of their fish this season, of,Mr- Elnstdss, who has been a fre-Claiencc son. Guy Campbell, partner on the Joe Baker, is due uent vi5ltor in Prince Ruuert dur back in Prince Ruoert earlv in ing the past year, has been in ncgo- i March via Vancouver after havlne , tiatlon witn the Prince Rupert ' ennn f Imp wintpr at hfc nnmo In Alma Dybhi Dvbhavn mport' Nova Scotia .1 flcltA-mA-.n fishermen's co-operative marketing organization for some time and has already made a start on organlza- 11 -!.. a. Cant. Richard Olsk. nwnpr nnH me macninery lor me Some twenty young friends skipper of the Prince Rupert hall- j handling of the fish. During the Joined last night In a delightful but boat Cape Spencer, and Mrs.Dast year he has en marketing surprise party on Miss Alma Dyb,'Glske, with Mrs. Charles Glske, are.salmon of the Southeastern Alaska havn, Atlln Avenue, Westview, in due back In Prince Rupert early irouers co-operatively. Tne move of the Prince- Rupert district fishermen will be followed with much wm ASK YOUR DOCTOR FIRST, MOTHER Before You Give Your Child an Unknown Remedy to Take Every day, unthinkingly, mothers take the advice of unqualified person instead of their doctors' on remedies for their children. If they knew what the scientists know, they would never take this chance. Doctors Say PHILLIPS For Your Child When it comes to the frequently-used "milk of magnesia," doctors, for over HO years, have said "PHILLIPS Milk of Magnesia the safe remedy for your child." Hemember this And A hvaiin Say "Phillips'" When You Buy. Your child deserves it; for your own peace of mind, sec that you Ret it Genuine Phillips' .Milk of Magnesia. Also in Tablet Form : PhillipsVMilk of Magnesia Tablets are now on sale at all drug stores every where. lUichtiny tablet is the equivalent of a leaspoowul of Uen- y.r iiine Phillips' Milk of CiV. Phillips' rW7 MIL cfAlcujitcsia. MADS IN CANADA interest by the industry.1 The hope.l) FUr. of the fishermen. Is, of course, obtain greater proceeds for their product, Chief Petty Officer Instructor J. Anslow, formerly ln charge at local headquarters of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve and since leaving here located at Esquimau, returned to Prince Rupert m the Princess Adelaide yesterday ifternoon to resume his former luties at this point. He is accom-)anled by Mrs. Anslow and son. Mr. Vnslow takes over the duties of ?etty Officer Instructor Robert aloss who has been carrying on for the past year or so with marked success as instructor of the local naval reserve as well as the Sea Cadets Corps and who Is being transferred to Montreal. He will leave here towards the end of the month. At the monthly colloquium of the staff of the Prince Rupert; Fisheries Experimental Station on Thursday afternoon B, E. Bailey read a paper on the subject of "Statistical Treatment of Data." The paper, was followed by a general discussion. Three weeks hence c. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide will be withdrawn from service on the Vancouver-Prince Rupert run for annual overhaul. She will be off for three weeks and will be relieved by the steamer Princess Louise. Union steamer Cardena will be here tomorrow from Vancouver on the regular run of the steamer Ca- tala which has been withdrawn for i two weeks at Vancouver for annual 1 overhaul. Mucli Ice in Skecna River Ice conditions around the moutn of the Skeena River as a result of the present cold snap have been such as have not been experienced for many years. In fact, many of the old timers say thev cannot recall worse. Considerable damage has been done to wharves and floats and navigation from Port Esslngton to the neighboring cannery points has been carried on only with the greatest difficulty. Clear across the main channel of the river from Point Lambert to Dc Horsey Island there 1 a great ice barrier, possibly a milo across and three or four feet in height, which completely blocks steamers from getting iato the river. The steamer Venture attempted to break through la3t week but failed. She did not try yesterday. Above this, the ice Is '.oose and drifting in huge floes back and forth with the tides. Further up the river nt Telegraph Point it Is possible to cross the river on the ice. Five miles abova Port Esslngton the Ecstall River Is frozen fro- shore to shore. The slough is completely choked un with drift ice. Big tides due soon. I it is expected, will effectively break up tne ice in ine lower Skeenu, even should the weather fall to moderate. On account of the damage done by the Ice. considerable repair work to cannery wharvcr and floats will be necessary In the spring. The Daily News is an A. B. C.j paper. I PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilder mnd EnginaMr. Ivm mtU RrM Caitin. Eleetri and Arotrlema Welding. SpeJalUu SawtnlQ mm. Mining Machinery. AH Typj. t Gr Engine Repaired aixl OrtrhanleJ. Very Enjoyable Crowd Not as Large as Usual But Happy Time Was Nevertheless Spent While there was not is. large a crowd as usual at the annual dance last night ln the Elks' Home of the Canadian National Recreation Association, the event was, however, most enjoyable for all ln attendance and proved to be a very Jol.y party. Music was by the Premiei Orchestra which donned the uni- j forms of rallwaymen for the occasion. O. E. Phllllpson was master of ceremonies and used an engine bell effectively ln connection with the making of his announcements. Dancing was in progress from 10 'p.m. until 2 a.m. and delicious refreshments were served at I A. R. Nichols was chairman nf the committee in charge, other members of which were Petor Lakie, J. H. Horton and T. J. Fortune. Mrs. Rudolf Braun and five children, who have been spending the past three months In the city, sailed by the Venture last night on their return to their home at Kltimaat. MST TIMES (Last Complex Sh; FRED File MARCH IIERREUT MARSHALL in 1 he Dark Angel Three distinguished Hve the finest performances of the ? , Alone they were 5 bC1, together they enaV, . the J5? s beautv nf will linger lonff fi J mory. ' ur with MEHLE OBEItOX (At 7:33 & 9;55j "MAKCII OF TIME, ('arlrxin .1 II II II I VI.'H 1 1 . - Taking of prosecution w in the case of Jack Wong Ci charged with having opium n possession, was heard h uuie w. u. vance in c:ty court yesterday afternoon aaj Journment was taken nnlaH day. Enersy from COD LIVER OIL depends upon digestion Scott's Uniulsion is Cod Liver Oil prepared for easy digcMion. The Cod Liver Oil in Scott's Emulsion is four to five times more quick' digested than plain Cod Livct Oil; that is why Scott's Emulsion gives so much more energy and builds up body and bone so much faster than plain Cod Liver Oil. SCOTT'S EMULSION THE DIGESTIBLE COD LIVER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUES POP SALE H Y YOUR DRUGGIST New Book For Your Enjoyment s HEAD These Recent New Hooks Through Out Rental Library 75c Per Month. No Charge to Jon "Gaudy Night" Sayers "Second Thoughts" 1 Le 13as "The Son of Marietta" Kabricius "If I Had Four Apples" . Lawrence "The Trail Driver" , Zanc Grey "Innocent Summer" Frost "Motives of Nicholas Holtz" Laing "Pole Star" ,u White "Furious Young Man" :,, Wylie "The Long Tunnel" , . ., Fairway "Floating Peril" ' Oppgiheim "Battle ol Bassinghall Street" . . . f Oppenheim "The Sea Witch" .., Laing "The Woollcott Reader" ,. . Woollcott "The Golden Height" iMarshall "Where Three Roads Meet" "The Moon's Our Home" .Baldwin "The Pursuer" Gblding "TILLIE THE TOILER" VJVLUYOU PLEASE L'3HT OM Ml MUTE VOU'CE IM THE VENTILATE "THE NGXT VOU COME IM AT THE ' tMO-M?. I -. . ) K ! , urn I'M ON THE TRAIL. OF TVIS CR.OOK3 "THAT STOV-E OUi SitKC'MOM OP ON THE R.OOF- HERE'S TV1E TOP OF WE VENTlUATOIi-THE CPOOkS COULD TELL. VMHEN VJE LEFT TUG OFFICE -THEN THfey HOl'S.TEO "TVteSim UP Jumping at Conclusions! CE THEM THEV CA5iREOTi i T RACK HEE AM&--K By Westover J