.. February 22, 1936 2 Things-to. Do : T0 EftSE COLD INSTANTLY : a 'it n tw fif in i fif i it ji if m J a Jiuiiiiiiiv i rut ft i it iscotfljo""'"' v-V "Aspirin" Tab-; Tile l E?i.ke sure you get' "Aspirin. :u j iinc vour system wim 'Yn r own doctor, will ""A n,l il takes hold of i ' T M ininlfl If110lll k.iri in - i.: "".T.' rin" von take wilt .-,hoiini? vour i -uiu v. ...... j c. fThrnnt i sore, crush and Ti l ... i ... : .. I), n WAN U ' w " ' .iitnlMn llUIL'V'i'" llinifiii" 2 r 1 1 r uiiiuui c Come and See Oiir WALLPAPERS larg Shlnment nf thn newest. nn.t- ? of "Sunworthv Wallniiner" has '.arrived. The tiHpps nf IhpRP nnnii- th r,eslstlnB. papers are now so wlcy come Wu,nin me reacn evy purse. . ......v ii, lasis we are going to sen Paper at 25 rflcnMinl riot U nnw li in co amu.. i t ordonU Hardware -' . Drink a full glass of water. Repeat treatment in 2 hour. . of a glass of water; gargle twice. Do not rinse mouth. "Aspirin" Tablets are made In Canada". "Aspirin"'is the registered-trade-mark of the Bayer Company,, Limited. Look for the name Bayer i ri the form of a cross on every tablet. asmme Manicure Preparation addition to the Famous Jasmine Line .of Toilet- . .v,n.f eVtorloG nf nnil nnlfsh'r riltlVlA AP't , fi. siucii uumtw. " , AiJ ...... nnA nnil nnlinh vpmnvpr ifi aim hm v.... flWIlLIlvS I H J 1 1 1 V- ' n v v. - ....... '-' . , Menthol & Euclyptus, Black Currant, and Licorice. 4 Of Now reduced to, per pound v ibsonV English Make Hard Koilcd -Candies-Assorted Flavors. 60C & 75C per pound mirate Reliable 1 hermometerSi ncpraior Frying $1.50 25c 75c Candy Making . . . 75c Weather . . 25c . & 50c Clinical 50c OrmesLld. "3ft . Pioneer Druqe? tats Th Keiall BUtn Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dallv From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. uay inn nnimav i rom i n" t - - Exchange pets, Hath Mats, Reds, Springs, Mattresses rti'iiKS (New (Joods) I Jianucis, muow Table Oilcloth, Pack Sacks, Suitcases HOUSEHOLD GOODS BOUGHT OUTRIGHT Phone: Green-421' 1 LOCAL NEWS N0JEES You can rent a car at Walker's as low as $150 a day, plus 7c a mile; Tonight's train; due from the East at 10:20, was reported this morning' to be on time. City billiard championship: en tries to be made by Saturday, Feb ruary 29 at Canadian Legion club-rooms. (45-8) Mrs. J. O. Gllker, wha has been on a visit to Ocean Palls, returned to the city from the paper town on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. Education Week; opening public meeting, Monday, 8 p.m. Presby terian Hall; debate-by High School teams; addresses J. T. Harvey, W W. C. O'Neill. (45) Don't forget Catholic Social Monday, Feb. 24, Catholic Hall. Cards, 8:15 sharp; dancing, 10:30. Serenades 4-plece orhestra. Adm. 50c. Everybody welcome (45) A. Chlsholm, Smlthers mining man,, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, arrived from the south on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon and proceeded to the I interior by the evening train. JONES Family Market PHONE 957 PHONE 95; SPECIALS Milk Fed Veal, Small Rump Koast of Veal per lb. Fillet Roast of Veal per lb. Shoulder Roast of Veal 4 lbs. Veal Chops r 2 lbs. : .' '. No. 1 Steer Reef Sirloin Tip Roast Beef per lb. Rump Roast Beef per lb. T-Bone- Roast Beef -per lb. Pot Roast Beef 6 lbs Round Steak 3 lbs. Sirloin Steak;. per lb .' Hamburger, 3 lbs. St 2 lbs. Onions , ; Boll Beef,. 3 lbs. & 5 lbs.-Spuds- - i Shoulder of Lamb per lb. , Loin of Lamb Chops per lb. Shouldel- Roast of Pork per lti Leg Roist of Pork per .f Loin POrk Chops 2 lbs. Pork Hocks per lb. . Cooked Ham, 2 lb."& 1 lb. Tomatoes 15 c 20c 50c 35c 18 c 15c 18c 50 c 50c 20c 25 c 25c 15c 20c 18c 22C 45c 10c 35c Ask For GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert; Cash' for old gold. Bulger's (tfj nficQ tviHv Pnstuln sailed, last .IWO - " night on the-Princess Adelaide tor a', trip to Vancouver. Men's annual banquet, St. An- drew' Cathedral, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 6M5, 50c. '' 15) Harry" Nelson, proprietor of the Fleet Cafe( sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a. trip o Vancouver: Joseph, Evans, for drunkenness; Aras fined $25, with option of ten ays Imprisonments in city police ;ourt yesterday afternoon. Report was made by the flnancs :ommlttee at last night's, meeting jf the, hospital board that new x-ray equipment recently ordered for the Institution had just arrived from the south. The' monthly report of Fire Chief J. R. Morrison; read at the monthly meeting-of the hospital board bst night, announced that the local hospital was In good order from a fire standpoint. Mrs. William Couture of Skagway, who has-been spending some time at Stewart, arrived from there on the Prince George Thursday eve ning and will sail on the PrLicess Norah tomorrow morning for Skagway. Ambulance- operation- was under discussion last night at the meeting of the hospital board and It was decided by the- board that hence forth the executive committee should be responsible for the I In her monthly renort at to -A night's meeting of the hospital ooard, Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady superintendent, stated that the Institution was fairly fuU at the present time. Routine work was ?olng, on satisfactorily. ., A letter from. Hill 60? Chanter Imperial OnW, Daughters' ; of the Empire; read at the monthly meet ing of the local hospital board last night, gave- full endorsatloa to the project for the erection of a new fully modern hospital building here; The hospital board, at its meet ing last night, heard a letter from the- British Columbia Hospitals As-soclaUpn in which had been enclosed a check for $22.45 as. refund from the delegates' pooling fund in connection with the annual convention of the. British Columbia Hospitals Association iri Victoria last falL Announcements Catholic Social, February 24; Toe H bridge, February 26, Canadian Legion Whist, February 26; With purchase of Jl.oo worm i Church, March 5 and 6. meat or more, 3 lbs. limit Sunny- ; brook Butter 9f per lb. Bridge and Sons of Norway leap year dance; February 27. "I wllll I ! won't 1" Comedv. United Philharmonic Societjr concert Presbyterian Church, March 11 and 12, 8:15 p.m. Anglican Pageant, March 20. T Eastern Star dance, March 20. Presbyterian Sunday School Con cert, March 27. , y. Presbyterian Easter Sale, April 2 St. Andrew's Cathedral Easter sale, April 16. Catholic Spring Sale, April 23. MOOSE HALJj . SATURDAY; Junior Moose Lodge will meet at Sp.m. KING- INTRENCIIES (Contiriuedrrom-pat:e 15 still heard bullets passing a fewi feet above the -parapet It might not be the safest. He smiled whimsically; and said he- would personally rather take the risk than plow1 through this dreadful mud, but perhaps they'd better stick to the trenches. We chatted a few moments more, and they put their feet once- again to the- task of getting, thent through the trenches; the( rather thin legs of the young of- fleer pushing him determinedly llohg behind the others. "That evening the colonel Informed me that he had learned at brigade that my questioner of the afternoon was the Prince of Wales, who Is honorary chairman of a commission In charge of British cemeteries In France. And this re moves, for me at least, the Idea which many of us had that, while the Prince is in France, he Is kept well out of the danger zone. For- on this day he was well up toward the front lines and under filthy trench conditions at that." CITr OF PKINCET RUPERT Public Notice Sixth Avenue West, from Tatlow Street to McBrlde Street, and Sixth Avenue East, from Ambrose Avenue to Ambrose Avenue, will be closed dally for sleighing in the interests of public safety, from 4 p.m. to midnight. BY ORDER. THIS DEER, FROZEN STIFF, WAS HARDER TO KEEP LIVING rpiriv nprv'.tr ti t nrvnnn, racivv TON TALE. . j (Continued from P.iee 1 ! surrectlon had been completed. A miracle had occurred. j By the following day; Doug-Friz-' zell reports, the big- buck: had' so I completely recovered that it had j become necessary to hobble hlm so-i that he would not break down everything in sight in the attempt to make his getaway. The first day about all he could be induced to take was milk. Now, however; he is eating such dellcaciesas- raw car- rots, etc. but the call of the wild Is In him, even if the weather is cold and the wolves are abundant, and he does not relish capUvlty, It is the intention of the- game authorities to move the bilck to Porcher Island as soon as Ice conditions In the Skeena River permit of transportation. - ; ' HoteV Arrivals. Royali K. Yamanoto, Inverness,' . Prince Rupert.-P. Del Mue and Jack Balkln, ; Vancouver. Central 1 J. A. Bradford, C.NJT Knox R. Bentley, Nanaimo; Mr. and j Mrs. Anslow and ..Teddy Anslow jelty; Christ Jamleson, Duncan .smsum rfsarSm. j??-XS ""?W3 f4rfi fe---T,r-5 nr;-5-nir3 JSr.r-fp--? t-i,ifhr.i h .---.uuuka t-3---A infest' St- IIS j, h - 2 l.-. - J it i Ur3:-J r3"r,' Li?-,i fciji Hll-feSi ' - vL i -mum.., umK , aw HOUSEHOLD: HELPS- Dusting Mops, from 75c to-si.50 Clothes Baskets, from 51-25' td: ?2-0 Galvanized Tubs, from 50c tq SL50 Furniture Polish, from 15c'to25c GLAS'KLEEN Ideal for Windows, Mirrors, Windshields and Tile 12-ounce bottle with sprayer G5c THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD: The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famotts "Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Coit Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SEEDS bur new stocks of ftowef and vegetable seeds is arriving dally: Choicest varieties suitable to local climatic conditions.- ARTHUR BAYNE Successor to Glennie's . MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE' FURNITURE FLOOKCOVERINGS, BEDS ' SPRING MATTRESSES All Kinds Phuiie.775 Third Avenue Hinton Coal Phone 51 CENTRAL HOTEL Trappers and Dealers Have to fill my orders for all kinds of furs and will pay top market price. Ship your goods, as soon as received, money wired, Make your shipments and convince yourselves. G OLD BLOOM Don't Put a' Dollar Oh Any New Car Until VmiiSee the . . . New Chevrolet Solid Steel Turret Top Perfected Hydraulic Brakes ' Improved Six Clylnder Motor: ! Fisher No Draft Ventilation j Knee Action Front Wheels Kaien Motors !i Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 II': Hyde Transfer Coal Wood Storage PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue l The Dally News has. an audited circulation, Play safe I