1 1 paqb rona HOW TO MAKE ICED TEA Infuse tlx htaplng ttaipooni of Salada Black T In p!nl of fresh boillna water. After tlx minutes strain liquid Into two-quart container. While hot, add Vfi cupt of granulated sugar and the Juice of 2 lemont. Stir well until tujar It dissolved; fill container with cold water. Do not allow tea to coof before tddlng tAe cold water otherwise liquid will become cloudy. Serve with chipped ice. (Ml A V 1H111 SALADA Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 p.m. To-Vancouver direqt, SS. "Princess' Alice4, July 4th, 18th, 29th. 5:30 p.m. SS. "Princess Louise" July 11th, 22nd, Aug. 1st, 5:30 p.m. SS. "Princess Charlotte, July 15th, 25th, 5:30 p.m. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway SS. "Princess Louise" July 6th, 17th, 27th, 11:30 a.m. SS. "Princess Charlotte" July 10th, 20th, 11:30 a.m. SS. "Princess Alice" July 13th, 24th, Aug. 3rd, 11:30 ajn. For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Acent, Prince Rupert, B.C. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED iLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCK RUPERT, B.C. DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In 's-Oallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Buy at Mussallem's QUALITY GROCERIES LOWEST PRICES Mall orders receive prompt and careful attention Confectionery Store In Connection MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE flyde Transfer Light Delivery Service PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue JONES Family Market rilONE 957 PHONE 957 Saturday Specials Pot Roast 4 lbs Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. & 1 lb. Bacon Shoulder Steak, 3 lbs. & 5 lbs. Spuds Sirloin Tip of Beef per lb T-Bone Roast of Beef per lb Round Steak, 2 lbs. & 10 lbs. Spuds Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs. & ! 5 lbs. Spuds Shoulder Roast of Veal per lb Rump Roast of Veal ! per lb. ;. .Fillet Roast of Veal ! per lb Shoulder Lamb, i per lb Loin of Lamb per lb. Leg of Lamb per lb. Hamburger, 2 lbs. & 10 lbs. Spuds 35c $1.00 50c 18c 20c 50c 50c 10c 15c 20c 15 c 25c 25c 25c WHY PRINCE RUPERT? (Continued irom Pane 1 Hundreds and hundreds of miles of unsettled land would be populated by men and women as heroic as old pioneers, eager In their desire for new communities and better pro gress. The over-crowded areas of j the more settled regions would yield jup their excess population to the new land, thereby giving numerous i down-trodden human beings a 'chance to live a healthy, happy, of transporting the ore", would be opened and put to beneficial use. Thence the ore could be given the finishing touches by the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Com- possibilities in the north would become one of the most important Industrial ODeratlons. Rich acriniil- at the city limits, furnishes excellent skiing, tobogganing and other winter sports. Railway Preferable The railway outlet, of course, would have practically every advantage over the highway, although the latter also has Its good points. The rail, perhaps more expensive during construction, offers cheaper transportation, a more direct route. Travelling by train is faster and there are many things that are almost impossible, or at least imprudent, to ship by truck. But for the nature lover the highway offers, as a worthwhile com pensation, the best opportunity to view the scenery. Nevertheless, the residents of the Peace River Block are so Impatient to obtain the out let, It matters not to them whether It be steel or highway. The Peace River Block, the last frontier of the northwest, Is almost directly east of Prince Rupert, leaving a practically unobstructed passageway to the coast and to one of the four finest harbors in the world. Prince Rupert, with a population of 6,500 people, is the largest city north of Vancouver on the Pacific Coast and it offers untold possibilities for a trade centre equal In every respect to the more southerly and hence more fortunate cities of the province. At present there are located there three banks, several government offices, approximately twenty salmon canneries, a reduction plant, a yacht club and many other useful and beautiful establishments essential to the growth and development of a modern Industrial city. . Let us summarize the entire situation. The Peace River farmers have a wealth of grain every fall to be shipped. Prince Rupert has accommodation for this Important factor In the commercial world. "TILLIE THE TOILER" for I per DAILY NEWS Friday, jmy 24lh livestock beef cattle and hops to be exported. Prince Rupert Is a stopping place for three steamship routes by which our livestock could be carried to the Orient and to the lower coast districts. With a 500 m ututi b i KJJ ilka j w w cltlzens of the Peace River Block unite w,lth the residents of Prince Rupert in advocating this, our most logical outlet, thus opening up the MnrtVtPrri (fll-vltn..- vMnlrtrifv r f 1 f n pany at Prince Rupert. Lumbering ' . , , I. iuniti- 'and of scenic charm, of beauty and opportunityj Editor's Notej. The Consolidated Itural lands would be settled and Mln'nB and Smelting Co. maintains developed, providing innumerable aH "lce omv 31 "mce KU opportunltles for farmers on old pcrt" soil. ! The salmon canneries referred to In addition to this the entire nor- are not located actually at Prince them section of British Columbia RuPert- but arewithln a radius of would be opened for fishermen, jscm2 twenty miles therefrom, hunters and sportsmen. The im- mediate country surrounding ; Prince Rupert offers linllmltedj game ana Mount Oldtield, its base PEACE RIVER OUTLET (Continued rrom Pane 1! approximately eighteen cents bushel. The saving of this twelve cents per bushel on an annual crop production of twelve millions of bushels would be a boon to north western farmers and to the city of Prince Rupert. Mineral Wealth The great mineral wealth of our northern British Columbia is also dormant and underdeveloped because of this handicap transpor tation, oil, coal and many rich blends of mineral ore are to be found near Hudson Hope, B. C, and are reported to be of the best in the Dominion of Canada. The development of this great field would lend a solution, In part a', least, of the present problem cf relief and also net Inestimable revenue both for the government which holds the royalties that would result with the development of these great deposits and for th :lty of Prince Rupert., where thu products would be marketed. As a harbor, Prince Rupert Is without an equal on the Pacific Coast and it is widely known in this respect. It Is Inevitable that the proper development of the potential wealth that would result from the completion of the Coast outlet via Prince Rupert would make that city "THE METROPOLIS OF THE NORTH." Now to discuss the less practical advantages. Prince Rupert and the country lying to the east, as far as one would wish to travel, L abundant with wild game, fish and all those outdoor pleasures which make the "hunters paradise." Our northland rivers and lakes have been but little disturbed as yet and they literally abound with all those ruddy arid hard-flghtln? fish which supply the true fish erman with that thrill, iov and The Peace River farmers also have satisfaction that makes this sport so enthusiastic fights that will give the fishermen pleasant recollections long after the trip U over an angler's dream. The construction of a railway from the Peace River country ta miles route to Prince Rupert the! the Pacific by way of Prince Ru-exporters could cut practically in'Pert would eventually lead to a half the expense of shipping by! highway and thence the develop-rail to Vancouver via Edmonton. ! men of tourist traffic. The tour-The northern' natural resources could drive for miles, enjoying shmiiH hp nnn onri Hpvpinnfrt i the most beautiful sccnery-maj- mountains always In the c new agricultural land cleared and, put to public use. The direct outlet ibackground wild game waterfalls aim all Limac atiiiavbiuua wiiiw unmolested life untouched by city I1 o . !?. would I draw the summer vacationist on a : worries. Ipert, preferably the railroad, 'tour " of constant sight-seeing and .! make these things possible, and I :urZZ8";,Th7,; , -uuuu uu"'"Jl!r 1 ,1 n, ,.,ln l'"""'-" '""A',"u" untouched because of the difficulty '... . ,, ... ten month period of pent-up confinement, which Is the usual advent of the city business man. The nights are cool and the fragrant aroma of northern spruce and other aromatic growths, to gether with the higher altitude affords that which gives the usual light dieting city man, that real he-man appetite. Also It prove" the paradise of leisure and solace for that much needed rest of the man from the central Provinces or States where the nights of midsummer are so hot and where a good comfortable nights sleep and rest Is so seldom enjoyed during that period. The mid-summer tourist, wishing to bring his family and camp out, will find pletny of fruits, meats and abundance of clear fresh water In the mountain streams to afford him this trip with the least expenditure. These advantages could be found at almost any spot he chose to camp and would not necessitate any long day's drive to go from one camp to another. Socially, the. Peace River country Is regarded as being apart from the rest of the province of British Columbia, due' mostly to the present roundabout and very lndlrecr means of communication and travel. Most of our social and commercial transactions are carried on from Edmonton, the captlal city lOc WHY PAY MORE A Change For the Better MAC' C-3 Deal of all fi killers. Clean, quick, lure, cheap. Aak your Drut gist, Grocer or General Store. THE WILSON FLY PAD CO, HAMILTON, ONT. MacKENZIS FURNITURE JULY SALE Wicker Chairs, sturdy and strong; regular $7 50 C 7C July Sale po. O Phone 775 327 Third Ave. z-rrm J.EaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaEaai- LH id of another province, Instead of our own capital at Victoria. A direr connection with Prince Kuper. "THl MUSTACHE ( "WAT SHOULD IS "THE KIMCN Uiv,r C31VE 7ZT HKEb CM BOLTOM AMD mow he shaved his off - that HAKES ME "TOPS In hoping that this coniKctJ first by rail, then by highway v ... . - would place us more in line with the Pacific Coast, would cr-?..' vanrnnvpr Vancouver and and Victoria Victoria and and tniylbe a dream and becomp n ... feeling of obscurity between one part of the province and the other would be abolished. In conclusion one could only say that one was expressing the opln . to ..." .. fact. Hoping also see the seauent develonmpnt i., , , ..( vl ',1111..1 country, and the day when I lnnnm fir n -i rl ..u miunit liu UI114 wiae IS hhl ion of these half million citizens j METROPOLIS OF THE NORt You THE rsirMhe icreen'i number on LP wclety sleuth ... on the trolly ?. J i a( tn'nln murdarl 6 'wlit W" Vith With JAMIS jamis oi,,oN GUASON, lilt I !ffiXfe,u.iiW ILOII. IIORI, It tOUIT 01 EXT A1MSTIOMQ. AIMSTRONO, 1 tfSCii Ul" Ula u' laa, 0,,B Orant MhchalL MhchalL Irln Ma I (At 7:40 6i 9:41) News - Cartoon - Comedy Last Complete Show. 9:00 O'lrlan-Meor, !alh Mtrgaa TONIC 111 and SATURDAY Aft PACIFIC AIRWAYS WANTED 5 Passengers to Fly to Stewart for life Celebration, bat unlay, July 2.. Plane Leaving Prince Rupert for Stewart Saturday Morning. Returning Sunday. Fare $22.00 Keturn For information enquire Union Oil Dock or Phone 32 Taxi Chas. Elliott, Pilot A Birthday . . Every day is a birthday for some one and we have a splendid seletion of cards that help to make birthdays especially happy. Kemember that someone to day and every day by choos imr me niriit can trom our Qome in display. W now stock. Cards for Mother, Dad, Sis ter, Brother, Sweetheart or Friend. and sec our fine Also Gift Cards, Wedding and Anniwrsnrv. Sym pathy or Illness Cards in an attractive and beautiful range. dmaAs.jM By Westover T.lT HAPPEMS HKE BOB BOLTON BETTER VmVTHOUT TEMPERS