Prince Rupert Clear, light northerly wind; barometer, 30.12; temperature, 44; sea smooth. . " ' . . .A : - 1 - . H ww mA i m i n i r n i' i i ii 11.1 iii i m i.i .r.i . i it MM LtrAl ORTLAND, Maine, Sept. el of over 300,000 votes in mrently, went back solidly to 1T1S OI uiu iciuiiiB iaoc inuuu h icans nau swim iuu state was II I lUULii.Jl Vi t'V.VWW W J - WW II.. WAZm UUW11 U'.iUl -43 & IL UUu nnnnnpnt 07.500 to 71.000 and certain of defeat. P It 1 1 1 II' 1 a LA WCirr LiaUllIU IlC" icans badlv In the three con- ..I am . 1 rAn f e Wt I a V In went Democratic. . . . rr 1 Ttt.. I nnuri ui juwiucuu nan unu group movementa was lncon- pen more sweeping itepuDiican lory oacrvers are stuaymg i result as a possible portent tie November poll j Landon in ."Sew lork i oi W YORK, Sept. 15: Governor Ed M. Landon of Kansas, Re- lican candidate for President, in New York, Roosevelt's home yesterday In the course of rear platform speaking tour ; was accorded' a great recep-dcclared by party supporters c comparable to that given per Governor Al Smith In the of his career. Republican j !iy uflasm reached fever heat last j I as returns from Maine star-' coming In, Indicating a great E ry for the O. O. P. in the key Knox Critical ' ELENA, Sept. 15: Col. Frank bx, Republican vice-presidential ping mate for Governor Alfred (Landon, was in Helena last i pt and, in the course of a ch of denunciation of the New . declared that "no life lnsur-pollcy was sife and no bank pit sure" under Rooseveltlan Kles. Us profligate squandering L been the most unpardonable Ml the extravagances of the pistratlon, declared Kriox. SJovincial Tax Sale Abandoned ph Columbia Government Will Repeat Policy of Last Four Years ICTORIA, Sept. 15: (CP) As In' past four years, the British Co- Ibla ,bla government government will will nealn again ab- ab 1 Vn Its land tax sale this year, government announces. peather Forecast ffessure has risen over the Jince and light frosts have oc- fcd over th tnifvrW to moderate variable winds, y cloudy with lleht eround , at. ntrvVif viiuiiuvbo laianuj 11(411. 'derate cast and south winds, cloudy, not much chans3 -1- 14 V 14.1 Z, est Vancouver Island llzht to . X ww ti.uvg f J -...vre! una winas at o a.m: . -uu.uo, west, k mues, Wail- -30 3ft nn.f A w,H. -Udt, lIlllwJ, . v,rn ry clmr. n "y.uu, Vttilll. wiCUl. Is u . . m t m r m a m m Mil nr.ri iti 11 u hi 1 1 r.mi ii r u i .-v IN ALL UrrltfcS' i 15: Maine turned in a re its polling yesterday and. the Republican fold. Two- uictutrit appartm mat ive- in uie contest ior live oi- SPANISH REBELS WINNING Claim Victories in Every Sector Closing On Madrid MADRID, Sept. 15: Fascist insurgents claimed victories on every sector with the exception ioicqo in me spanisn civil war yesterday. The rebels were continuing; to close in towards the capital from all directions. After threats that the city would be mined and destroyed, Balboa on the north coast was completely evacuated by Americans yesterday, the resident consul being the last to step aboard the destroyer Kane. BRITISH "SHIP BOMBED GIBRALTAR, Sept. 15: (CD-Great Britain was expected to protest to Madrid today following; the bombing of a British tanker and the halting; of the British steamer Gibel Zerjon by a government destroyer. Two British destroyers chased oft the Spanish warship. Is Widow SANTA MONICA, Cal., Sept. 15: (CP) Irving O. Thalberg, aged 37, motion picture producer and husband of Norma Shearer, the famous Canadian born actress, died here yesterday of lobar pneu monla. He had been ill only a Norma, Shearer . week. PfoTmipr KlTlCr ICIUICI JAI11., Off to Geneva Canadian Delegation Departs. From Quebec For Session of League Of Nations oTiF.nEC. Sent. 15: (CP)-Pre- mier William Lyon Mackenzie King and the Canadian delegation sallen on Sunday enroute to attend the League of. Nations assembly in Geneva. Stock Market Shows Losses Values Are Off All Along Line In New York Yesterday NEW YORK, Sept. 15:-The stock market showed losses, over a wide fteld yesterday. The inausuu -erage at closing was off 1.16, ra is off .36, and utilities, .41. VICTORIA, B.C. I Todays Weather (8 AJVI.) Tomorrow's Tides wife NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1936 Being Held Responsible STRIKE IS SPREADING Labor Lining up With Government Against Employers In French Textile Industry PARIS, Sept. 15: (CP) Sixteen thousand workers at Vosges and five hundred at Hazebrouck increased the spread of strikes in the French textile industry today. Additional police were called at Thaon-les-Vosges where 2500 workers refused to strike and battled with pickets. Labor supporting the government has offered to raise 100,000 militant workers following the, refusal of owners to accept an official demand for a 41-hour week in Lille. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .40. Big Mlsosurl, .57. Bralorne, 8.10. B. R. Con., .05. B. R. X., ;i4V2. Cariboo. Quartz, 1 90.. Dentonla, 15. I Dunwell, .03 Golconda, .09. Mlrito, .33. Meridian. .10. I Morning Star, .013,4. National Sliver, .03. Noble Five, :ol3A. ,i Pend Oreille, .88. Porter Idaho, .04 '2. Premier, 3.30. , Reno, 1.19. - Relief Arlington. .44. Salmon Gold, .10. Taylor Bridge, .10. : Wayside, .llV'i. United Empire. mV. Toronto ' Beattle, L37. " j Central Patricia, 4.20. , Chlbougamau, 159. God's Lake, 1.01. 1 Inter. Nickel, 57.50. Lee Gold, .084. I Little Long Lac, 5.85. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.92. Pickle Prow, 6.90. Red-Lake Oold Shore, 2.39. San Antonio, 1.80. . Sherrltt Gordon, 1.65. SLsco, 4.7. Smelter Gold, .09. Sturgeon River, .38. Ventures, 2.25. I McLeod Cockshutt, 4,50. Hardrock, 2.95. Oklend, .34. Moshcr, .57. BoUsquet, .11. 1 Bldgood Klrkland, 1.62. Madsen, .95. May Spiers, .56. Wlnoga Patricia. .29. Sullivan, 2.26. Stadacona, .64. Green Stabell, .66 V2. Frontier, .21. Francoeur, 1 .80. Manitoba Si Easten, .21. Perron, 1.80. New Augarlta, .50 South. Keora, .15. CONDUCTOR NAMED RAILWAY DIRECTOR i t OTTAWA, Sept. 15: (CP) Appointment of B. L. Daly, a t Winnipeg conductor, complet- ing the new board of directors ; of the Canadian National Rail- ways, was announced today. The nominee of the employees of the railway, the choice was made yesterday by the Gen- eral Chairman's Association at Montreal. There is a salary of $5000 a year. ' ' f 4 t t London's Lord Mayor Visits Canada Sir mcy vmctiti, toia uuyur 6. uondon, alter visiting Western Canada, officiated' at the opening of the Canadian National Ex-hiSIfton at Toronto, Ont., the world's largest annual exhibition. Sir Percy and Lady Vincent are shown as they arrived in Toronto, TO RESCUE OF FLIERS Eddie Rickcnbacker flaking Flight To Newfoundland vmr vnnv 'i k . ipdi a compariled by a party of five, Ed die RIckenbacker, peneral manager ,of the commercial air line which employs Dick Merrill, left last night at 5 o'clock to fly to Newfoundland to rescue Merrill and Harry Richman who were reported to have been forced down in the plane Lady Peace on a return flight across the Atlantic Ocean from England. Merrill and Richman came down in a marsh three miles from Mus-,' grave Harbor on the northeast coast of Newfoundland yesterday. ;They had taken off from Southport, England, Sunday night and had (been In the air about sixteen hours. Their engine started sput-telng and, visibility being poor, they resolved to come down In the first open spot. They narrowly averted complete disaster. The propeller was shattered and the wing was damaged as the machine tlp-ped over. The fliers escaped without Injury other than scratches and cruises, it was announced today . ,that they would try to dig the plane out oi tne swamp tnemseives pre- paratory to continuing the flight. to New York Assize Court Session Here Will be Light Present indications are. that the, tl0m the trolling boat Hevenor fall 'session o : Supreme Court As- 'aouth of here was belug sou.ght to" sizes will have a light docket Qf day cases, There are no criminal trials so far listed while the tentative civil list Includes one action and one divorce petition neither of which.-, may actually materialize. The court is scheduled to open September 30. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, (CP;-Bar silver was unchanged at 4434c per ounce on the New York metal market today. Rev. A. Clarke of the Seventh Day Adventlst Church sailed' by the Catala this afternoon on his return south after a brief vlslt here. COAL YILL COME HERE Anthracite Will be Brought From Russia Under New Trade Relations OTTAWA, Sept. 15: (CP) Riis- sia win export not more than 250,- 000 metric tons of anthracite coal to Canada annually following re- moval of embargoes by both coun tries, Hon. William D. Euler, minister of trade and commerce, announces. TO SPLIT UPBENCH Even Number of Judges Will Not Be Permitted in B.C. Court Of Appeal VICTORIA, Sept. 15: (CP) At- Jtorney General Gordon Sloan said yesterday that legislation would ba presented at the October session i:f the LegLsfature making it lm possible for an equal number ot Judges to sit on any case In the British Columbia Court of Appeal It will probably name three or five" 1C "s wi 10 mm. judges to the Appeal Court ncli Thj object Is to facilitate the pra- cess of Justlcei NO FURTHER INFORMATION j No further Information has been received at police headquarters here today In regard to the case of George Letts, fisheries guardian at, it .t. t i i ii rt.ii Gull Chuck Inlet, near Bella Bella who Is believed to have been drowned there at the first of the week. Fred Letts, his son, fishing , YOUTH CONFESSES t SENDING TEMPLE KIDNAP LETTER WASHINGTON. D.C., Sept. 15: (CP) Police reported' to- day the arrest of a 16-year old youth at Atlanta, Ga for mailing a $25,000 extortion letter to the mother of Shirley Temple, the juvenile screen star. The police said that Frank E. Stephens confessed sending the letter August 7. to Mrs. Temple in Hollywood.. " '. , High Low Japanese Expecting Settlement For Mob Slaying Last Month EMINENT PIANIST IS DEAC Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Son-in-Lai Of Mark Twain, Passes Away In Detroit DETROIT, Sept. 15: (CP) Osslt Oabrllowitsch, In Die front rank of. symphony orchestra conductors and pianists since the early part of the twentieth century, died here yesterday. Since 1917 the majoi portion of his artistic achievement was recorded In the United States. Orchestras responded to his skilled baton in Munich, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Manchester, Philadel phia and Detroit. At the piano he won critical acclaim In all great cities of the world, beginning wth a concert tour of Europe at the age of 18. Although Gabrllowitsch achieved d(Irect6ror'eatibrchestfaVhe""'wfas celebrated also as a composer, lec turer, linguist and connoisseur of the seven arts. Oabrllowitsch was born In St. Petersburg, now Leningrad, February 7, 1878. He was .one of three sons of a lawyer and was reared In an environment of artistic culture. His first instruction at the piano was received from his mother and two older brothers, Gregor and Arthur, when he was only five years old. Drawing and painting held equal interest with music in the affections of the boy until he was nine years old. At that time his parents took him to Anton Rubinstein the "7" " , u V. j uiai. wfauiuuwiiOwii ucadcu cepuonai taient ana it was aeciaea to devote his career to music. He was sent to the St. Petersburg conservatory from which he was graduated at the age of 16 after( he had won the Rubinstein prize, Alter nis graduation uaoruo- wltsch went to Vienna to study wiin LescnetizKy ior two years, finishing with highest honors. He became thoroughly grounded In all jpnascs oi musical art, studying in addition under Liartow, Glazounow and Rlmsky-Korsakoff, all leading Russian composers. ... . ... ,..., I neas Mark Twain T,,, s Daughter ...... . . . "ocn gave n nrst puo- c reci,talt Plpa ln, 18f J appearing of Europe. in He all . . then was 18 years old In 1900 he came to the United mates, estaDiisnmg nimseir so quickly and firmly that he was en- gaged for tours every other year until In 1914 he decided to reside here permanently and became a citizen; In 1909 he married Clara Clemens, daughter of Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain) and herself a finger of distinction, a contralto who appeared frequently In Joint recital with him. Their only child, Nina, was born in 1913. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVERept. 15: (CD-Wheat advanced again on the Vancouver exchange yesterday to $1.01, moving up to $1 02V. today. 1:25 a.m. 20.4 ft. 13:26 p.m. 21.0 ft. 7:36 a.m. 4.2 ft. 20:01 p.m. 3.7 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS Official Notification Sent By Tokyo Government Through Nanking Am-basador to Nationalist Foreign Minister. NANKING, China, Sept. 15: (CP) Tokyo holds the national government of China responsible for the mob "slaying of two Japanese at Chengtu, the Japanese ambassador. Shieeru Kawagoe, informed Foreign Minister Chang Chun today. Japan expects a settlement for the incident which is a month old. it was announ ced. Robert Murray Is Laid at Rest Many Friends Attend Funeral Ser- i vice mis Aiiernoon at inapei I -V A I Many friends gathered a the shapel of the B.C. Undertakers this afternoon to pay final tributes of respect to the memory of the late Robert Kirkwood Murray, whose death occurred on Sunday. Rev. W. D. Grant Holllngworth, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, offi ciated and John E. Davey presided it the organ, playing a solo "Land o' the Leal." Mrs. Jarvls McLeod sang "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." Following the service, interment was made in Falrvlew Cemetery. Pallbearers were Alex Strachan, Robert Woods, R. W. Woods, Charles Baptle, Thomas Elliott and WIlHnm Rallpv Thpro n;prp a num. faer of floral trlbutes Fifty-two years of age and a re- Isldent of Prince Rupert for 15 years, having been in the emDlov of Ithp Canadian Fish A?. C.nlA Rtnmirp rn riPPflcPfl ,, RlirvlvpH hu wldoWt Mrs Agns Murray. son w,Ullam Murray of the Forest Dranch service; four brothers, J. R Murray( and Andrew, Alex and James Murray of Musselbroughi R(.nM!,nrt and t.n i.r Mr. NeHie Hewltt of Port Seton Scot. iand. anri Mlss AnnIp Mnrrav Musseibrough, Scotland. Philadelphia Girl Is Miss America se Coy .i Q QuTCUy wlnner Ol 0i ATLANTIC CITY. Sept. 15: Miss Roe cy of Philadelphia was ad- Judged winner in a beauty show here and becomes "Miss America 1936." Today's Weather Prince Rupent Overcast, light westerly wind; barometer, 30.32; temperature, 4; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Overcast, light I'southeast wind; barometer, 30.24; temperature, 47; light chop. Triple Island Raining, overcast light southeast wind; sea smooth. Terrace Clear, calm, 34. Alice Arm Overcast ( calm, 40. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 35. Hazelton Part cloudy, ycaim, 29. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, cold. Burns Lake Cloudy, calrr 25.