Winter is. again with U.s and a, uual we are at, your service to, assist you solye your fuel problems. e have coals for all stqyes,, healers and , furnaces. Phone us for prices! WJnter ArecJiittiiy. co&lbin needs refilling. PH1LP0TT. EVJTT & Co, Ltd. 651 r- Hone Mi MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE SPECIAL AVhiJe Thpy Last Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs Plain. Granite Pattern 9x7 at ... . . . . .$6.50. 9x101 at ...... $9.50 327 Third Aye. Phone 775 New Winter Excursion Fares on sale NOW ;Ydu can travel to Eastern Canqd ; (including Winnipeg), the Eastern, and' Midwest Stated at fares, , ' abl; with those in effect during; tle, -,, eumnier tourist season. Tjifiket, on sale until May 14, goptl returning; within six months of purchase. ' he these; low fares for yor tn AItmI Ask any STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL AyiNTER EXCURSION RATES TO. VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE KUPERT JJ2QQ BVRN, All, meals FRO.M POJtT SIMPSON OOP'Oft RETURN Brth V.Ot included. ( v , Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from intermediate points. SsW 1n'?a,e Between NoTember ist. 1936 and February I 28th, 137, inclusive Good- to Return up t" March 31, 1937. Children. Half-Fare; !. Steamers : Leave Prince Rupert: Ar Vancouver, S.S. CATAL4 Tuesday, 1:30; p.m. Thursday, p.m. S.S.. CARDAN A Friday, 10:30 p;m- Mpriday, a-rt ... -Tickets; and Reservations from ; Prince Rupert Agent - A. W. NEWMAN - Third! AVe; Phone 568 ; If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets, at Office , 1 . f: 77iefisft which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canafrn Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd PRI.VCB RUPERT. " ' ' RC. ... . - - 4, j 1 1 LOCAL NEWS. NOTES hr"Tar- - - ' ' ' terday afternoon on the. Cajla'yesteiayafteTnoon on, tl)e Catala l- 1 1. ! .. V - 1. f 1 IT- . for a. business Irtp to Namu. i "The. time has come the Walrus said!" to buv Christmas Cards. Orand values at the Dollar Storo. Announcements tf. Miss Esther .Moore, who arrived tn the city at the end of the week after a visit at Terrace. sailed yesterday afternoon on thejeouver, vataia for Vancouver. . The regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club, to morrow, will take the form of. a monthly business meeting. There will be no speaker. Mr. and Mrs. D. Zareili arrived in the city on, the. Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver. Mr. Zareili, who has been at Gold- bridge recently in connection with,' rns notel Interests, is not in the best of health lust now. havini Just got out of hospital in Van couver. Dr. A. S. Lamb, provincial health officer and .travelling chest specialist, arrived. In, the citv on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver to oonduot tuber, culin tests among local schop children. Consent lias been given for seven hundred tests. Dr. Lamb is accompanied by his staff nurse, miss J. B. Peters R.N. i lacoma, ,uv Tacoina they met their elder daughter, Mrs. Sher man Robinson, who came west from Albany, Georgia. Their younger daughter. Miss oM-iti ! Eckerman. has gone to GeonrLa sp?nd the. winter with her sister. The Prince Rupert Gvro Club, at fur trading In the. Frances Lake, district of. the Yukon Territory. arrived in. the city on the Prince I Rupert this, morning, after a hoii- aay visw- in Vancouver where his mother, Mrs, J. J. Dore, resides. Jack wlU be proceeding, north on the next trip of the Princess uui ana may majte a trip to the interior in the meantime. OH, DEAR! HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 18: (CPJ DOG SA.VES, MISTRESS L. o, B, A. Bazaar, November, 1 i Entertainment Cabaret Stvle. Catholic Hall,, November' 25. 26. CalhedralChristma bazaar, Nov. C. C, F. Bazaar, December 3. United Church. Bazaar. Decern. ber 3( Lutheran Bazaar, Metropole Hall, December 4. wbjtejdin tea. "December , XftnibraJ. CbristfpAi SptaAttt for a trlpp to, Vancouver,. Orange Bazaar. Oddfellow's Hall, Nov. 19, 3; to 6. scotcn anq wan- adian Dance, 9:30 pan. Adm. 35i. CATCHING COLD? 1270) Paul ' Stegavig returned to the city on the. Prince Rupert this morning from, a brief trip to Van- At th. firitj jwrn. in tncexe quick few drop up each noitril. .Its timely, uie helps. prevenf many colds. VicksVatronol Mrs. M. C; MadUl of the People's Store, who has been on. a trip to Vancouver and "Saskatoon, returned. Ao the city on the Prince Rupert.- this morning. : l Mrs. -A. L. Holtby' and little daughter, who have been on a visit to, San Francisco, returned to the city from, the south on the Prince, Rupert , this morning. Miss. Bt Hamilton, sister of Mrs. J. D. Fraser. arrived in the rltv All city electric Ughts and oower. Kl "if?' P. were off for ahot L., WiC. lllux P morn or so from. 6:45 last evenine ow ing to a short on the Falls River transmission line somewhere nr Balmoral. Switch-over was made, to Shawatlans Lake rlan.t fmm', which power -was still being delivered this morning pending location and repair of the trouble. Mr. and Mrs. George Eckerman returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning, from a trip Ing. Miss Hamilton Is ill and. was removed from the steamer U? the home of her sister In, the Brooks-bank Apartments, in the ambulane. FORSAKE FOR SAtE--Three Opats. Apply ogai yoye; .rosi Oflice; (270 FOR SALE Buy the best. Bunsen ,uu ;aurner. hone Black, 461. FURNITURE Factory sampler must go this week. Three-room etouds. high-grade, pieces, guaranteed its. regular weekly luncheon today,! .60 60 h8h-?r heard an autobiographical talk byi m 1 r.nnt. niuu i n i . . ' 'p ever VP I nf offered fare uwu. raat rresiaent u. c. Mills was in the chair and tipr was a good attendance of members with one gupst, L. B. Cook qf. Van couver. Jack Hlldltch, who is eneased In sensational bareain tri Western Canada-. s$160.00; 10 -piece Chesterfield-Groups $65,00; genuine Walnut Cedar Chests $14,50; Terms. If desired. Free storage. Write today, JulUis. Shore. Mall Order Hpuse. 80 Bekina Bldg., CLEAN, WeU'Wnished modenj apartments. Phone Red, 444, (273) FOR RENT Four-room, mtidprn flats. Pantry, bajh. Monarch r.nR and, watr. ' $12.50. to $17.50. Helgerson Ltd. "(tf) Zasii Bltts, of the dolorous vbcal:', .-r- V - chords, can sneak volume,'2??r X- ie Red 801 "' tlprijwith, tSi. ' those nervous, iicivuus, fluttery jiuueryj 3 - , . ..: . . . W u hands oHiefs, dnd she-dotsnTlry; WANTED X lrl'6 W,De, DURBAN, South Africa, Nov,. 18:J' CP) Police-, pay tribute to a wire-1 naired terrier, who. lumped on a burly: native, bit him In the thiah and;qr.Qye hJm. ofi aftet the would.-. ' 1 '--tit:-. - L .' s. AORPyr, naa siasneo; at the dog's ' mlslress with d butcher knife. eemeral IlOUJeaork bt Rtpnrarf tin njQnth. ,AppJy Box 7,, Dally. Iftrxs. . (272) MISCELLANEOUS ACKIN.O.'Casei "jpaqking "qhpap. Phone Rbd 807. ' (2701) PERSjtlNAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Suppjles, highest grade 15 for $1. Paclfi", , supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver MEN Get vigor at once. New 6s-Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgoratora and other. Muiiuqu. one. aose peps up organs, glands. If not; ' dellghfflU, maker refunds lew cent paid, '. Call or write; Ormes limited, tf FOR FRESH MILK Produced from our own cows daily Yoji can fbyrMeam. but SETTLING TO WINTER Few New Fruits Now Showing Apples are Attractive Little Change in Staples The fruit market is now settling down to the usual winter lines, Attractive stocks of apples are now in. Persimmons and pome granates are proving popular. There is little change In staple lines. Egg prices are firm hut but-1 ter is weaker. Flour shows slight advance and sugar. Is unchanged,! Retail prices current here are at follows: Eggs B.C. Fresh Extras Grade A Large, cartoned, doz 50 Lolal, new laid, doz 55 Apples Mcintosh Reds, bulk, fancy 4 lbs 25 bp , 2.25 Mcintosh Reds, wrapped fancy 3J'2 lbs 25 box 2.50 Delictus, 3 lbs .25 box 2.65 Fruit Lemon,s doz .40 Oranges, doz. 25c to 80 Grapefruit, Cal., each 6c to 10 Bananas, lb. .:. .12U Cranberries, lb .27 Pars, Anjou, doz. 40 Grapes, Emperor, lb 18 Persimmons, doz 45 Pomegranates, each 11 Batter. Fancy, cartoned, lb M No. 2 Creamery, lb 31 Np. 1 Creamery, lb. Pure,, lb Larfl Vegetables B.C. Potatoes, 8 lbs Sweet Potatoes, 3 lb B,C. Onions, lb. Garlic, Imported, per lb, Cauliflower, B.C., 20c to Farsley, bunch .. B,C. Carrots, 8 lbs Beets, bunch .04. Yellow Turnips, 8 lbs 25 1 C. Hothouse Tomatoes No; 1 lb. 15 basket 70 B. C. Lettuce 07 Green, Peppers, lb, 15 Red Peppers, lb. 15 Cucumbers, outdoor, each 10, Pumpkins, lb ns Hubbard Squash, lb. 07 Green Cabbage, lb 07 Brussells. Sprouts, Cal., lb 15 Vegetable Marrow, lb, .07 Spinach, lb, 10 Feed Hay, Bulkley Valley Timothy -100 lbs. ...r. 1.45 Wheat, Alberta 2.75 Bran. 2.25 Middlings 2.6O Shorts 2.55 Qate 2.50 Fine Oat Chops 2.65 Barley . j 2.45 Laying Mash 290 .vyster Shell 1.45 Meau Fowl. No, 1, lb. 28 . Roasting Chicken, lb 32 Ham, sliced, first prade 45 Ham, picnic, first grade, lb .23 Bacxm, side, sjlced, best grade ,45 , Pork, shoulder, lb ..." 22 Pork, loin, lb 251 Pork, leg, lb. .25' Pork, drv salt, lb Veal, shoulder, lb. I2r; tn is' Bef, pot roast, !b 122c to .... .15 Beef, boiling, lb. 8c to in Flonr Flpur, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat Second Patent Pastry Flour; 10 lbs Nuts 33 .18 .25 5 .05 .35. .25 .06 5 Bqef, roast prime rib, lb i8 neef Steak, lb. 25c to 30 1 L.amo, snoumer, lb " 20 Lamb, leg, lb .' 2S Lamb Chops, lb. 25c to 30 Fish Halibut, fresh, lb Smoked Kippers, lb 15c. and Salmon, red spring, fresh, lb. wnite, 2 lbs tloney Extracted Honey, per Jar 22c to Comb Honey .15 .20 .20 .25 .30 .25 2.20 2.10 .55 Walnuts, broken shelled" .'35 Walnuts, shelled halves, lb. ..Z .45 Almphds, Cal shelled, lb 'eo Dried frulu White Figs, to, tl2H Black Cooking Figs, lb: l0 Pfttfss, bulk, lbrt 8c to .15 Smyrna Natural Figs, lb .10 Lemon and Orange Peel 27 Citron peel 34 Prunes, 30-40, lb. 15 prunes, 40-50, 2 lbs. ,'25 prunes, eur70. ID. w .09 Raisins, Australian seedless, b. .14 aalslna. Cal.. secdJeas. lb. .14 Currant lb.. , 45 7'"1 ' ! TVTt" "If".' f - . PAGE FOUR ri 1 . ft I Noy M Display. 9 Thi? Latest Assortment Of Christmas 'fV- ' 'V 1 I., v re Have Ever Stocked Canadian VVINTEIt- EXCURSION KAIIES TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN. Used i Cards NEW ASSORTMENTS NEW DESIGNS . ; ,,Cards fronx 2-fflr 5c to, 35c each ' ' Bo.ed, Assprtments from 25c SEAI,$ - TAGS - mBBONS . ENCLOSURE CARDS - WRAPPING TISSUE Come in andi see our complete assortment REMEMBER Voting inpw qn fa the Rexall Bpys.' and, Girls' Contest UXIUCSXLQ hfHt Pioneer Drtqffists t x8i f hones: I) k !J Opeii Daily rrotn.8 a.m. till II p.m. Sunday and HoUdayi From 12 noon till, 2, p.m., I pra. till pa Fr$! Furs! hri Furs! Ye buy furs and pay cash for them more cash than anyone, eise can. give you. fcnip wnat, you nave and we win do tne. rest. G0LDBIOOM The Old Relink '.lrl!!?rrygM!!!g J. J... 1 .1 UK 1 1 ' . Pacific To Vancoqye,r tW Ocean Falls and Way Ports Sa "Princess Adelaide," every Friday a 10 p.ra. To Vancouver direct SS, ,'Prinqes':Norah,V Nov,,3rd, 19th, Dec. 3rd, 17th. Tp Ketchikan. WranteTl, J uneau and Skagwaj SS. "Princess, Norah,;' Oct; 38th, Nov. 15th, 29th, Dec, 13th. S32.00 Tickets on. sale Noy, 1st, 1936 to' Feb. 28th, 1937, Final return ;limit'ftarch 31st, 1937, For Infbcmalori and Reservations L. COATES, Gen. Agetat, Prince Rupert, B.C Goods Picture Frames, price . . : . 25c, 50c & .Wringers.' .. . . . . . ,v'.; ,.$1.50 & $2.M Hand Sewing- Machirie ; .. ; , . Badminton Racket, Slazenge'rsi":' VinlAf Riiir y-, - '-.V, :'-lf'f;-", ...$5,00 violin, fun size;;::.v,;;M7c. ; Tenor Banjos .s 00' 2 Flute $12-w Claririe;.,.:.,. v; Th abpy mentioned are on display at an D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Wn Hnv TTaaf dnmla nt. Anv rinsrrf ntlOIl Fr Phone Grfjen, 421 Third Av Busines Hour; .from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday na f as usual.