4 a n PAOE 6IS SHADES OF -CZAR WALK niversary of the founding of St. Petersburg. It Is elaborately dc signed in the Regence style. The egg can be opened and within a miniature gold sculpture of i Peter the Great. f Czarina's Egg of Solid Gold, Many A hundred other objects! fit rersonal and Household Glories jevery datf use but artistically de Of Russia's Last Royalty On s&gned, worked in precious metal Display and studded with gems recall the ; luxury which surorunded the Rus- New York, Nov 18: (CP) An sian Royal family. Among a pro-Easter egg of solid gold, six inches ! fusion of beautiful oigarche case3 high, and studded with hundreds j perfume vials, parasol and walk-- of diamonds and score? of rubles 'ing stick handles 'are several is the centre .of ah exhibition of sumptlous push buttons used to Jewelled art objects at Rocks- summon palace servants. One of feller Catfce. ' ' these is made of pale giuen lads Of exquisite craftsmanship, these mounted with tiny elephants carv- precicus trinkets are the work ,cd out of ivory and bearing Jewel: of Carl Faberge, who was court which serve as the buttons. Jeweler and goldsmith to the last A selection of icons by Faberge Czar of Russia and all were once Is to be seen, as well as a finely, the property of the Czar and chased and engraved silver coffee members of his family. service, a pair of richly-decorated The Eari'sr egg was made by 'gold urns, a crystal vase mounted Faberge at the order of the Czar-1 with gold scrolling and a number lna to celebrate the second an- of similar treasures. Cheery Calendars i every one a work of art. . . Wc are now showing a complete line of beautiful calendars Ideal gifts for Christmas easy to send and every one expressing a fine sentiment. Make your selection early. The choice ones always go first. Come in and see them all. Animal pictures, nature scenes, flower and garden motifs, Golden Thoughts, Gems of Wisdom, Gardener's Helper and comic are Included. Reasonably priced and ready to mail at 10c, 15c, 25c, 30c, 35c, 50c and up to $1.00 Our Christmas Card Line was never better . . . Values will amaze you. Boxed and packaged cards at prices lower than ever before. You will find it pleafant and easy to pick your cards from our neatly arranged selection. Prices are plainly marked for your convenience Come In-soon! eMaeMvs.Jjd o il Heaters 1 i? Now Is the time' to prepare for the winter, be warm and com-g fortable, buy a new type "QUAKER HEATER" made In sizes to I1 suit all requirements. NO WXKS. no moving parts, cheap to i operate and the most modern and beautifully designed heater on the market, passed by the Research Bureau at Ottawa. i Wc are also agents for "KUKSKV" Hotel and Restaurant Burners for all size ranges, the "AETNA" Oil Heaters and Marine Stove B-irners. We can suit any demand, let us give you a demonstration of the "QUAKER." niasiamasiR: MOTORISTS STOP ! ! Have you tried Home Ethyl Gasoline? For Highest Anti-Knock Performance and Driving Satisfaction Fill up With HOME ETHYL At RUPERT MOTORS Second and Park Avenues When You Buy Home Gas You Can Buy No Better 1 is i 1 M g I Ward Electric & Marine Supply Co. i Cow Bay, Prince Rupert Sulphide Creek. Mr, Larson pro ceeds from here to Vancouver but will be going back into the Unuk next spring. The Australian venture of the Premier Gold Mining Co.. Is now "ping ahead by leaps and bounds i'ncc Dale L. Pitt, general man ager, who is so weft known In Northern British Columbia, took personal charge there: three years ago. Early production from the company's Big Bsll mine In Aust radlla 13 fororhadowed by a bill having come before the Australian 'Par ''invent to authorize the construction of about twenty miles of railway from Cue to the mine at, a cost of 60,000. The com-riny has agreed to put up 50.-000 as a guarantee of the further development of the property, thii to be returned to the company on '-pmpitacn of tne plant, arrange JONES Family Market PHONE 957 Specials BEEF Iamburgcr, 3 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions Round Steak 3 lbs. Short Ribs 3 lbs.' Pot Roast 4 lbs. Shoulder Steak 2 lbs; Sirloin Steak 2 lbs : POKK Sparc Rlbs-i- 2 lbs Loin Pork Chops per lb Side Pork per lb. VEAL Leg of Veal per lb Rump Roast Veal per lb. Veal Chops 2 lbs. PnONE 951 Boned &f:Rollcd Shoulder, 'iVeaIJ1.Rer1Jb,,fi: ' ?,: LAMB iLoin of Lamb per' lb Legs of Lamb per lb Shoulder of Lamb- pcr lb. Mutton" Chops " 2 lbs.' Leg of Mutton per lb. 25c 40c 25c 35c 25c 35c 20c 15c 15c 15c 35c 20 c 25c 15C! DIET SffM NEWS OF THE MINES I 4 tlU Ore- Being Shipped From Babine Property Into Smithers What Premier and Pitt arc Doing In AustraliaHudson Bay Mountain Likened to Noranda Ore taken out in recent work on the Silver Pick property in the Babine district is being trucked to Smithers for shipment. There will be a carload of the ore which is expected to return high values. Mining operations have now been suspended owing to snow conditions but work will be renewed next spring. Meantime, the operators of he Silver Pick property have alsoK 1 taken an option on the Wright jroparty closer to town and further down the hill. The plan is to take out ore for shipment during the winter months Completing five and a half months on his second trip Into the Unuk district, Oscar Larson re cently arrived In Prince Rupert from Stewart, expressing satisfaction with the season's work on the Unuk properties. With locations made .during the past two seasons, Ir, La'rson is now interested in ;omc fifteen claims on what is now 'mown, 'as the main Unuk River but which was formerly called the South Fork. The: ground Is about mcnts for the shipping of which are now well in hand. Treatment Is expected to begin next April, Initially at 30,000 tons monthly and Jater at douKe th's rate. Proven ore reserves are estimated at 3,500,000 tens of .vhlch 1,200,000 tons are blocked out. The Big; Bell Is a low grade deposit, the lease of which Is fthared by the Am erican Smelting Si Refining Co., (forty percent), Premier Gold Miming Co. (forty percent), Terra Nova Properties (fifteen percent) and Mining Trust Ifive percent). Operation of the mine is In per sonal charge of Mr, Pitt. Diamond dialling below the 300-fcot level has disclosed ore of a higher av- $10 per ton. Operating costs are :xpected to be about $3 per ton at the outset and, with subsequent Increases in milling capacity, may oe reduced to about $2.50 per ton. While beginning with a capacity of 1000 tens daily, the mill is ex- Finlnrhlng touches have been put to the building for the mill to be Installed. -by Gold Leasers on the Georgia River mjnlng prop erty dawn Portland Canal from Stewart. With flhe completion of -hi3 7cck which, as a preliminary required heavy reck evsavat-ing in order to secure a suitable site, everything is new In readi ness for the installation of the' machinery which li expected to arrive from the couth as seen as weather conditions permit a fairly decent trail from beach to mine. Dr. M. F. Bancroft, who carried out extensive work for the federal Geological Survey in the Smithers db.'irict during post sea-'?on, declared that Hudson Bay Mountain has all the favorable rocks and all the minerals of the famous Noranda mine. "From what I saw at the Duthle and Mamie properties," wdtes Dr. Bancroft, "I fe;l that there Is no question but that substantial values will be won from them. I hope Mr. Dupthle can get some action on that property and get tilings in shape, to benefit as prices improve. With pjant and equipment as it stands, an energetic mining Drozram could bo In itiated In short order to test out lexcellent surface showings 25C I gold a mre Important Item uian ii was in the mining operations of earlier days." Freighting of. supplies and, equipment from Stewart ' to tho Big Missouri -mine for the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. is being rushed despite recent unfavorable weather conditions. It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S 91nl p are a'ays right with uOj the markets I " V- UV W IVMUi Mail or phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. c.MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE! CHILDREN'S STORY HOUR Will Commence This Saturday In ...Toct 11; Rooms ' " The Children's Story Hour will be inaugurated for the season on Saturday, November 21, from 10 to 11 a.m. In the new headquarters, the Toe II Rooms. The first meeting Is for children between the ages of four and eight, the second hour on November 28 .for those between the ages of nine and 12, the groups meeting on alternate Saturdays thereafter. The staff of this civic project has been especially trained during the past two weeks In classes dealing with story telling, theory and prac tical demonstrations. In addition to trained story tellers the hour will Include such features as request stories and a serial. All children In the city aie welcome at this pro -am of entertainment. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. H. E. Neddcn, arrived in port at 10:30 o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Oc:an Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this aftcrncm for Stewart and Anyox whence she will peeled to be Increased shortly to ,c , " lu"roow cvul,nB ?nnn 2000 w.. tons o,u., j . southbound. capacity and, by stages, up to 5000 tons or more. The ore Capt. "Jim" Morrison made a body, according to last official trip to Big Bay yesterday aboard ,u ue pii,vcn over the power tug F. H.Phippen. He 1SSJ l Kt Urther safd that. it was the roughest pas-h 'fth ? CX- he had ever made between mTntiiL 3'pr, " u eJhC heVe and the mill point. However, ; b" staunch little vessel made it safely. GOOD BILL PRESENTED Uproarious Laurel and Hardy Com edy, Thrillinj: Intrigue Story And Capitolians Two feature pictures "Our Relations," with Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, the popular comedy team, and "I Stand Condemned,'' thrilling drama of love and. espionage in World War Russia with Harry Baur, great French character actor In the leading role and the Capitolians concert party, under direction of Dr. H. N. Brocklesby, make an exceptionally Interesting mid-week entertainment at the Capitol Theatre. In "Our Relations" Laurel and Hardy appear first as respectable residents of a quiet seaport town living a sedate Ufa with their wives then as twin sailor brothers reported to have been hanged for Joining in a mutiny and, finally, are flashed doubly on the screen. The stirring and funny adventures that beset them are said to be highly mirth-provoking. The supporting cast includes such well known screen figures as Alan Hale, Sidney Up to late this morning there Toler, Daphne Pollard and Lona was no repeat as to when C. N. R. Andre. The settings are the most welye miles or. so from the forks crae graa than was found In(Gts3mer Prince Jchn, Capt. Nell elaborate ev5r presented in a Laurel nd apprpximately twenty-eight , me uPPr workings. The 300-foo;;McL:an, might 03 expected to ar- and Hardy comedy. There is also a mile$from the Alaskan boundary. The showings consist of a strong nlcna'ycln. carrying good gold and silver values. Mr. Larson Is the only ne operating In his section which s about twenty-five or. thirty miles -outh of the Premier holdings. The nearest operation to him Is that of ilacer and lode properties being leveloped by Johnson brothers and Unuk Placers which are situated on level is the lowest at which drift- nve from Vancouver via Queen , humorous and tunesome musical ing and cross-cutting has been Charlotte Islands. The vessel has j score. don.3 Whereas it was calculated , been delayed by tormy vsather on . The powerful story of "I Stand that the average grade of ore present voyage and was still , condemned" depicts the conflict would be about $6.75 per ton In in Skidjgate Inlet at 10 o'clock! between three people an elderly ?oia, deep drilling is reported to inis morning, mis means sne wni have led to the ccnlcudon that P.obably not arrive here before to- much of the ore b:low the 300-fcot niccrow afternoon or evening. evel will grade between $9 and and cold-blooded gambler, his love ly young war nurse fiancee and a handsome young officer with whom she falls in love. There are thrilling episodes and an unexpected climax. The Capitolians, In their presentation, will feature singing and nuslcal numbers from "Rose Marie." WOULD SAVE WILD I LOWEI1S CAPETOWN, Nov. 10: (CP) De-;crlblng it as "criminal neglect," ady Phillips diclared at the Cape Wild Flower Show South Africa's native flora would soon vanish un-ess drastic measures were taken mmedlately to protect it. Try a Dally News want-ad. J.lh II "Villi iJ 111,... H re7-ms I m At 8:50 Once Only, pi us On the Staje At 8:20 Only "BROCK" And His - 'Capitolians" Plus Europe Sends You a .ew Jannings! IIAKRY BAUR Watch him as he stands there the profit-stuffed million, aire, crossed for the first time uy a man ana women lr, low face nate and treachery mount his face as the court martial waits for his eviipn YouH hardly breathe until he speaks U . the word that win save a man from the tir ing squad or send him to a death shrouded in dishonor . . . with the brand "Soy" In "I Stand Condemned'' With Penelope Dui'lcy Wart (At 7,00 & 10:02! DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CUKAM , In -Gallons and Gallon VAIjKNTIN dairy PHONF S57 I'm undisputed I Champion of the I Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited "I'm a real champion, too, because when I knock 'em out, they stay knocked out. Which is one way of saying that when I oust the scrub-board and set-tubs and all the painful toil that goes with them, they never come back. I'm a fighting champion, too, always ready for a bout with the biggest bundle of washing you can bring me. Every day or once a week, it's all the same to me. I clean them up beautifully . . . without hurting even the most delicate fabric ... in quicker time than you ever thought possible. Just snapimy switch and I go to1 work on them while you rest or do other things. A small down payment makes me yours. Find out about it."