PAGE TWO Women's Sandali Fashion Shoes IN A "ONR PRICE" SELLING Pumps RADIO RECEPTION JAPAN'S DISGRACE Ties A Special Group of Clearance lines from our regular stock of Better Shoes including "Onyx" & "Senor-ita" makes formerly sold at $6.50, 6.85 & Off -Now tp509 "CHECK UP" on your Rubber Footwear requirements. Remember we stock the best. . . . Every pair made to wear! The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. FKLNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published . Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ..Dally Newsi.Limited Third Avenue H. F, PUT.IiKN - - - Managlng-Edfior SUBSCRIPTION RATES -City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance . . Sn.. By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and For leswr periods, paid in advance, per week i By mall to all other countries, pe;- year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per men, per insertion . . Advertising and Circulation Telephone ... .News .Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations '"DAILY- edition 98 8G Ml Friday, February 28, 1936 A correspondent writing in from .Westview yesterday compiamea aoout the radio reception in that district. We ...iii. i t if , i . - i ' -i .yuiie.agiee. wjlh mm. itacilO reception IS SO Dad .in SOme .'.Scythians. 41-Dominato (14), .homes that the owners of sets have.almost given up hope Beynon n, Murray 2i, currie (2), and do not attempt to use them any more. .-Montes&ao (5), Giiiis, Letourneau But inquiry around the city elicits the information that tnJ;eh qhnnl n,vlpc ,ri reception is also bad in other sections,Some evenings iB:J Si almost impossible to get reception on the long wave be-iHirano n, o-Neiii (3), Munro. cause of the noise. The Whole situation is most .discour-i Senior Game aging and needs attention. New Metiakatla (35) Marsden . (13), Hayward (4), R. Leask (7), Japan-has taken a step backward in the slaying of several of her most able statesmen. They were shot down in cold blood by a group of young army of f icers who objected to the liberalizing tendencies of the day, wishing rather to .see the country in the hands of the military. The slain .statesmen were among those who feared the present jiuiiLaosuc lenuencies 01 iNippon ana stooa lor control of:i the military by the civil powers. It smacked somewhat of i he Nazi purge in Germany a year ago but the alleged offenders were not rebels or conspirators against the Emperor. They simply held to. the opinion that the military ! power should hold predominance over the civil. i If the coup is allowed to pass without punishment of' the offenders it will be a serious setback to democracy in. Japan.. In, any event ihe movement is ve'ry serious and no' one can tell yet what the results may be. Bolton, Reece 7), B. Leask (4). Prince Rupert (32) Morgan, IRatchford 3, Lindsay (4). Smith. McPhee, Johnson (4), Mitchell 4), Morrison, Stalker, Stiles (17). 1 .CO PHONE . CO Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at markets prices. Bone Dry Kindling always in' stock. PHONE 60 Ll "llnur ' Truly u ilt-light o l licjiulalr. . . jj This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Britiah Columbia DAILY NEWS Friday, Februar 193 iNew metiakatla ueieats rrince i Rupert35 ' to 32 in(0pener Of Irtterown Series; TastMatch t ! Before a howling mob of basketball fans New Metiakatla won the first game of. the: international .seriea from Prince Rupert last-night by 35452 score.- It Avas a dose, fast and exciting game. The Alaskans took the lead right from the start and they, were never headed although, in the last few minutes,; it looked as if Rupert might win. However, the final whistle was sounded. before the locals could get vvv-ii Y.rrn1T any closer. KhSI HI'S IN ; The first half started fast with "UUULfl U 111 the Alaskans getting raost-nf .the i i T1ttI1fcTrT,ltT play and points. Little Johnnie I) A 1 I V Hi 1 1 Ul 1 I ing ena at conclusion . oi uu i Play. I Tho AUStars were in thereiight Tow- neyy.WUh Wore Scheduled For Tonight ing but they could not get any more j Last- night's results in the Can- ,man u points wnue uie visitors jadian JJaUonabRecreaUonnAssocia chained up 25. , It was in the second half that 1 the locals started for town, but the Annette Island crew tightened up ton the defence and they had too 'big a lead for the home team to overcome. The visitors put on a display, of basketball : .that .was a. treat to watch arid they well deserved their victory. Scythians smeared the High School 41 to 13 in a one-sided intermediate game. High- School won a close .victory over Annettes. 9 to 8 In the Ladies' League. Boy Scouts lost to High School 15 to 13 in a fast Junior game. Individual scoring: , Junior Game High School (15) Fulton (8), Fitch (2), O'Neill (4), Yamanaka, Lundquist (1). Boy Scouts (13) Eastman (2), Erickson (2), Dybhavn, Bremner H), Clausen 4i, Montesano (4. Ladies' League Annettes (8) E. Morris .(41, Ratchford, Stone, Eva Morris (4), Stamp-Vincent. High School (9) Davis, McLeod .42), Blaln (4), Mussallem 2), T. Davis U), Wilson. Intermediate Game lion's- badminton tournament 'were is follows: Men's .Singles Greggor beat, Bartlett 15 10, 8-15, 15-2. Gibson beat Blake 7-15, 15-7, 15-11. ..Hortonr beatSummers i5.-10,; I5 10. ..Ladies' Doubles B, Berner and E. Finley beat Mrs Gibson and K. Fortune 15-10 10-15, 15 12. E. Davis .and N. E. Rivett .beat O. .Munro and.S, Stuart 15-9, 19-9. " Ladies' S'ngles Mrs, Horton beat B. Berner 11-1. 11-6. Mixed Doubles Mrs. Young and Horton teat ; E. Rivett and. W; Brass 15-10, 15-10. K. Fortune and Bartlett beat Mrs. McAuley.and J. Murrayll-15 15-10, 15-11. Friday's. Draw Games scheduled for today: 8 p.m.-MMrs. Overend and Dr Poole vs Mrs Young, and Jloitor M. .Vance and J. Gibson vs Mr.; Stamford and. W. Murray. 9 p.m. W. Murray and Blake vs Stamford and Blake. Gibson vr. Horton. iBadminton Scores Jnterieague Plays Prince. Jlupert Club Maintains Lead . In. Iloth, Divisions This week's scores in the Prince Rupert -Badminton Club's inter-league tournament were as. follows: "A";.Leaeue Rupert Club, 11. C, Nu-R..No. 1, 9. CrtNj:R,.A 110,-2,3. i"B" League Rupert Club, 5. C. N,,R..10. Catholic 5. Basketball Standing iieniot League W. L. P. Lambie .Stone -.5 4 JO Grotto 4 . 3 .8 Moose ' ..... ......3 .5 G . Jntermediate Xeague Scythians 6 1 .12 Canadian Legion , 4 ,4 8 High School .2 7-4 . Ladies' League Grottettes 6 3 12 High School ...5 '3 10 Annettes .... !.. :-..2 -7 4 Junior League High School . 4 3 8 Moose 4 2 8 Bcythians ..3 4 6 Boy Scouts 2 . 4 4 .Don't, Put a Dollar. On Any New Car Until You Sec the . . . New sdhewlet Solid Steel Turret Tpp Perfected. :HydrauUc...Brakes .Improved, Six Clyinder. Motor Tisher No Draft, Ventilation ; Knee Action Front Wheels rKaienMetors -Umited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 'Annettes-Maccabees ' Winners inBowling fkruiuiiro aim f ' o Beaten LastiNifht In the Ladles' Bowling League last,nteht Annettes defeated Brunettes and Maccabees defeated Prince Rupert GradS. ' i Individual scoi Ing: Anncttesr-Skattebol,. 371 ; Basso-Bert, 342; Owen, 27G; Johnson, 286; Morse, 245;-,totaU 1520. BrunettesHbDominato. ,287; Co-lussl. 197; Garner, 207; iBerg, 248; Johnstone, 283; -total 1222. Maccabees Col ussl 311; Beale, 279; -Pettenuzzo, 250; Scott, 277; Turgeon, 359; total, 1476. P. R. Grads Stromdahl, 386; Nelson. 304; Ballinger. .312; Hall- jerg- 228; Mrs. Ballinger, 226; total, 1456. High .average scorer was R. The paper. Dally News is an A. B. C r Stromdahl wlthi 193,;. -The league standing: . ' . G. JtUUEClO .....y Blue Birds . ... 8 P. R. Grads Doodads Maccabees Brunettes C. N. R. A. THERE IS NO OTHER TOBACCO JUST LIKE OLD CHUM i r-fr 7"E . HMIMKHMliK 'iwrnrnm mm Jr iri I ix. Tin: si rmiMi; contT of huitisii IN I'liOIIATi: I J 11 .Hip Mailer of I he VtlniliiMratlcni Art" ' Ami In (lip Muller of JJie IMiilr of Margnrrt Mucliiloh. 'Iirmmrtl. : TAKE NOTICE that by order ol HM Honour Judge Wl E. Ftsber the 25U day of February AX). 1936 I was appointed AdonLalstrator tot the Estate of Margaret Macintosh late -oX Atlln, Bn-Unh Columbia. Deceafted, and all parti Pi having claims oglnat .the said Estate are hereby required ito furnish name properly vcrltled to me on or before the 5th day of April A. D. 1036 and ait pereoiis indebted to the Estate are r - quired to pay the amount of their lu- cienwtl to nve lortuwitn. i HERBERT F. GLA8SEY OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR I ATUN, 15. C JJatecl Uie 26Uv day of February 1936. , (Mar. 26 1.8 An Alaska Southern All,- Ttl. Av ikheedfVega seaplane. dJ 0337 792 ! s- Simmons, which has been on 5986 348rip,.to Seattle, arrived here at 5874 734 yestefday afternoon from th.-. ' a 5533 692 t0 xelue) md. Wflv , 8 5485 686 t e 'W'agah n ncr wpy "lo 8 5372 y-t JCetqhlkaa. 8 .4983 623 pllot Slmmns had no one else oa .8 4452 557 board bev.ide his mechanic ROTI if This advertisement la not publlslied or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. -AND FRESH TO THE LAST SHRED IN THIS SEAL-TIGHT POCKET POUCH mm . .IP set mr 7 " rri, w m. mw w UTrm M rr m m r . mtm ?22i32SS'&: mm. -1 1 mZ3B3Z. S8i TUU kdvcril;emcnt io not pubHsUtid or dlsplftyed by the IJquor Cont"1 Board or by the Oovernment ot British Columbia. AGE ANO PURIIV-CUARANTEED 'BY JtO, 000 BOND Lucky Lijtr promotrt vijofoui hulth ttimuUUi tht tpptlit tnd idi digestion. ScitntlAcclly bfctd fromonly the choictit milt, ttiud ytt and telccttd how. Lucky Litr li ptrftctood nd b comblntd. COAST BREWERIES LIMITED iANCOUyCK , MtW WESTMINSTER . .WICTO"! Th!S advorticement is not publuhod oj di.playod by the Liquor Control Board or by uovemment of ,Briti$h . Columbia