Stationery Special Ilignest Quality Plain and Fancy Linen i'AI'ETUlES Special One-Tliiri OH Bath Hvtki pecial, 60c Dtiska Bath Ponder Special, $1.00 Cara Nome Bath Powder Special, $1.00 Ormes Ltd "Jfie Pioneer Druqcfists tut kUh Phones: St & 8Z Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p ro. till p.m. Union Steamships; Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: catala every f OEsbAf , i-.s4 pii. Due Vancouver. Thursday p.m. t.S.s. cAUdenX FRlrfAt, i6:s6 PJvf. Due Vancouver, Monday am ROUND lUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 Pjvf. calling Pt. Slmp-i, Stewart, Anyoi, Niis River returnlne Tuesday, jtMO ton. Further information reeardlnz sailings and tickets from . ill. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Arent, Third Ave. .jMjone 5?8 Canadian Pacific To Varirouver.vla Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 p.ra. to Vancouver direct S3. "Princess Alice" July 4th, 18th, 29th, 5:30 p.m. SS. "Princess Louise" July llth, 22hd, Aug. 1st, 5:30 p'.m. SS. "Princess Charlotte, July 15th, 25tH, 5:30 p.m. To folfhikan, Wringell. Juneau and" stfagwiy -K s SS. "Princess Louise" iuly Gth, 17th. 27th, 11:30 a.m. SS. "Princess Charlotte" July lfcth. 20th, 11:30 M SS. "Princess Alice" July 13th, 24th, Aug. 3rd. il:30 km. For information and Reservations W. L COATK$. en. Agent, Prince Rupert. B.C. BUY USED FU RN ITURE YOU WILL SAVE MONEY We Have A Good Selection of FurhMrS arid liferent Articles at Very Leasona tie Kices D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Third Avenue LocAL News PiotEs Sehlo'r Ftothall to'nlgfct, 6:45: No'Miy dance. Moose Ilalf. Fri day night. Cash prizes. Adolf Werner of the Soldiers' Settlement Board with headquarters at Telfcwa sailed on the Prin cess Alice yesterday afternoon foi a trip to Vancouver on official business. Mrs Pharlpe TMlienn -whn hn been' visiting at Cumshewa Iifrct where Mr. Elllsfln ts at nresent lnratarl rptnrnprt hnmp frhm th Queer! Charlotte Islands bri" the Prince Charles this morning. Dr. and Mrs. P. F. Size came around from Queen Charlotte City to Massett aboard the steamer Prlrfce Charles yesterday and expect to remain for a while at Massett where they also have a house. urday evening. A. R. McCaulev of the federal meteorological bureau with headquarters at Toronto arrived in the city on the Prince Charles this morning after having spent the past ten days at Langara Island lnsta'lllna n mptW'rnfnffif'il station. He expects to be in town for the next few days. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley smTtru who have bieen vLltine fn ' trie !city for the past cbuDle of wei&i as the guests of Mrs. Smiths brother and sister-in-law, Mr. a'rid Airs-, waiter nowarm, ruin av-e,nue East, will be sailing by the Princess Adelaide tomorrow nTgiYt for Vancouver where it. Is thcii intention to take up future Miss Candace Appleto'n R.N superintendent of the Michigan State College Hospital at East Larislhg, Michigan, arrived in the city on the Princess Alice yesterday after noon after having made the Yukon River circle trip and is the guest Of Mr. and Mrs. h; E. Alton, 109 Eleventh Street. Miss Appieto'n will leave tomorrow afternoon to make the round triD to Stewart on the - i i t fi v. . ... sieamer rrince. nuperi ana win re . s- -! .. 1 ? IT. T 1a. 11 ! turn nere 10 remain unm m middle of August. Mr. and Mrs. George Crimps arid grandson, Dale Crlpps of Ocean Falls, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morrilrig after a visit at "The Dunes." Tlell Queen Charlotte Islands. MrJ Crlpps and grandsori will ialii Si the south on the Princess Adelaide tomorrow night, thfc for mer going thrbugh for a visit to Vancouver arid the latter returning to Ocean Falls.. Mr. Crlpps, accompanied b E. d. Aves, deputy provincial assessor, win leave next week for the interior 6n; redssfss-ment work following the recint Skeena River 'floods, v Annouriceinerits Bazaar for Boys' Band Septem ber 19. Catholic Bazair, October 7 ano1 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD 8 Fane Sdckeye Finest Pinlj Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll In Erlnce Rupert. Earl Batt returned to the. city on iho rrlnwa PVinrlfls t.htx mnrnlni? from1 a iw6 weeks' trip to Queen Charlotte City. if and Mrs. P..M. Ravner. who have been .holidaying at the North Beach of Graham Island, returned to the city bh the Prlride 'Charles this morning. ' , - A', P. XUisort, Queen Charlotte Istarfd Ibtfglh'g operator, came north I from Vancouver to his camp at Cumshewa Inlet on the present voyage of the Prince Charles. tef, Fiances, returned homo on the Prince Charles this morning after a rrfo'rith's visit at the North Beach 6f Graham Island. XU & Tnhpv MR riivislnnll JsupeTintend'erit, left on last eve- ning s iram ior a irip mj uie in I spenmng a coupie 01 wu ,ai to nwn on Sundav nieht's Massett with his parents, Mr. and train Mia. junit uyuuavii, amvcu ui me city 6n the Prince Charles this morning and will proceed to Vancouver on the Prince Rupert Sat Mrsv P. T, Cousens and daughter, Miss Ethel. Cousens, and Miss Ch'arlotte Phiillpson, returned tc .,;. ..j . i me city on me rrince uiianes this' mo'rhirig after spending a holiday at th"6 North' Beach of Gfarfa'rri 'Island. on me SKeena Kiver in a n Abbott and little i niece, Joyce M6riny returned to! the city on the Princess Alice yes terday afternoon from a. visit m Ketchika'ri. - Archie Watt, C.N.R, divisional master mechanic, Mfirnld to Prince George on last evening's train after brief visit here on! official duties. John McLe'llan arrived lnthei city from Usk on yesterday mom-; ing's train and sailed in .the-after-: noon aboard the Prince George for Whitehorse. AmiTmUTeaTtM "SALAOA TEA Masters Richard Moore. Bobby, A tree fell across the water main Youngman ana narry aswih jj . at Shawatlans Lake arid broke the who have been spending me pas-. awi o wc,n thoro c iitihiP three weeks at the Frizzell hot "r" ..... i ...i n n Vio CVuni TMnr TP. to be a shortage for a lew nours ""b v v uritU the emergency pipe lint is In omc operation. Mrs Alex Mitchell, who has .been lrs. It. B. Rochester and son, Harry, and daughter, Janet, who' visiting for the past two or three i have been spending the past month j Springs with her mother, Mrs.iand, returned home on the Prince George Frizzell, returned to theicharies this morning, city yesterday afternoon. I : . , . , terlor ds far as Prince George on Leon F. Champion, secreUry ql on skidegate Indians, were each fine'd wUh optlon of vm wtu6C "j-""", rIl.1 official duties. J,.(nr. Un He will wul Km be return- the the British Britlsn qolumbia coiumDia Products rrooucw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Har-lFor suppiymg them th n,uor old Staines, arrived in the city A from the Queen Charlotte Islands. , . w ; , on the Prince Charles this morn-, . ,. j I tfnnnnii. t OH, mg ana wiu piutccu w ver on the Prince Rupert Satur day evening. Mrs. Champion will, be leaving Massett on the Prince Notice fcfek I FEEL LIKE A MILLION !T3 xfev DOLLARS AFTER. EATING PSk- A THAT BIG BOWLOF PWF FlT AV XELL066S CORN FLAKES. fLjV THEY RE CERTAINLY Hm- 4 i puil.lly V Lt) REFRESHING ON A H00I"G j' jjjS 1 I kellogg's for supper MM 9 NEW ROYAt HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprletoi -a1 home awai Prom OOME" Rates ILOi 50 Rooms Hot h chid WaMt Prince Rupert, B.C. 4 Phone 281 P.O. Box Victor Wicks, of Dodge Cove, ST -w dayS lmpmeny MagraW!who has been spending the jt Meuivmom in cuv Douce court yes-i .... ... ... c m,, at at Massett Massett with with his his son-in-law," son-m-iaw terday . ' aftem00I1 aftirT1 ' for nr rirnkPnness. drunkenness, Ilve weeK3 ai wie "CIl,""7' Hot springs, reiurnea w uie cn-jr yesterday afternoon. land daughter-in-law, Mrs. Basil I Richardson of Kinley,' Saskatch-j ewan, arrived in the c'lty front 'the Queen Charlotte Island on I the Prince Charles this mornln; ! a and raspberries of unusually large ver, accompanied by Mrs. Staines i users or city waier please piease be De Mrs. Mrs. Richardson Kicnarason sr. sr. will wiu w pay . . ..... . . . , . .. t ii, ..1.1 1 .nrr.ii frt novt few Hniirc ns Krif vlclt. pr anH Mrs. Richard size is to De seen in me winaows oi ana two cnuaren wno wm vnu ... - ---r.j., th'f silT'lirig Market. The fruit was' in the south. Mr. Champion, while there is a temporary shortage as a son Jr. will return on tomorrow s.-t .1.- tr.i i i i- u ,., f Vr inn Mri rpsnit. nf a hrnken nine. tevenlne's train to her home on u ij.r- .. ! w 3 Ai.nvn. 'thp nrairles. rrea jviclicuu. i ..... Mrs. A. L. Richardson of Tfeit The right wiiy to BEAT THE HEAT no more Mornings spent in hot kitchens for me! kellogg's are SO EASY TO SERVE-AND Allthe family likes them! mtX 71k l-H BOTil you diitl your family will crijdy these hot days more if you ecrvc crisp, refreshing Kellogg's Corn Flakes. These light, satisfying flakes help you" to forget the heat. They're full of nourishment yet they don't overload the stomach. With fruit or bcrricRj they're extra-delicious. Kellogg's arc an ideal h'btoveatlier breakfast, lunch or children's supper. A wholesome bedtime snack. Arid so convenient to serve I Tlifcy ctinfe t6 you crisp and fresh, ready to eat. When you nk for corn flakes, be sure to ask for Kellogg's by nahie; Ovcn-frcsh and flavor-perfect in the patented WAXTITE "inner wrapper. Sold everywhere; Made by Kellogg in Loudon, Ontario.. Nothing lakes the place el fa CORN FLAKES