3NDON, July 30: (CP) The nr.! yesterday by the Judicial ml'lce of the Privy Council of lappti in connection with ine natinrf :f a new company to see ,hc old PJoneer Gold Mines iln r.a way affects the standing tie new company -Pioneer Oold pc of British Co umbla Limited. ie original action was brought Mer and Andrew Ferguson of ioria ti secure a minority Infest to the new company. V.".r it had been lost In the Bri- Columbla courts, the privy jncJl dismissed the appeal only point raised by the defendants it the Fergusons had no right to contending that only the 11- dator R c Salter, could do so. Pie applicants applied for person to iitart a new action In the fnc of the liquidator and this now been granted by the Privy Jncil's decision. fish Fulfilled In Graduation ferrta Couple Put Children Through M'LORD All Seven College fEGREVILLE, Alta., July 30 31 Mr and Mrs. Frederick tauh never went to unlverFlty they vowed their sons would jty brought up lx stalwart sons of them obtaining university jrecs, Five graduated from the of Alberta, the othef Iiverslty m Marquette Wis. University, Mil-ukee. Ind their only daughter, Mrs. lien Podohuk. also is Imbued CROYDON, July 30: (CP) After enlng to the Bishop of Ely being lerred to as "My Lord Bishop," Bishop of Waikato. New Zea- 6d, said "we are not used to SO ch 'my lording In New Zealand." Kiss Donalda Rlx, little daugh- or Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rlx, re ined home on the Prince irlcs this morning following a fct to Massett. Novel Newspaper consisting to a large extent ol prominent New York people. They are on a two months "cruise if Pacific waters, the trip having been organized by National Tours of New York. The voyage, uneventful so far, started from New Sork and came through the Panama Canai and up the coast, wltn stops at Mexican and California ports, to Vancouver. From there the Prince David proceeded via Hecate Straits to Alaska and, be fore arriving at Prince Kupen . t. i The travellers were mucn i't evidence around town throughout the day, taking In the sights and anxious to see all points of interest. As a souvenir of the visit here, each of the visitors is beln presented today wltn a un o. canned salmon. The local fishery product is the gift of bKeena River canneries and the distribution was organized through the In Great Demand nnw ACCORD. Alta , July 30: (CP) The Bon Accord Herald Is sheet. There's no a fast-growing a.m nhnut It. 12-year old Eddie U 41.- ... . . 1 I""""' ' . u wie spiru oi rngner learning- ATT0t the publisher, says p 20-year old daughter, Marlon, s an honor graduate In mathe- tics at Vegrevllle high school. le had completed her first year s at the University of Alberta. Eddie announces his circulation more to the point, they are "all subscribers, ue is cum-E.aHnn paid up editor and printer of the little sheet that sells for two cents monthly, SECOND DICK TURPIN LONDON, July 30: (CP)-Stanley ...oe sentenced to 18 uennett wn, mnnths imDrlsonment recently de -u Me nim "I do it to help nronlc noorcr than myself; I am a ntv Turnln." He was StXUllU charged with theft. efforts of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert ..Qhamber. of Commerce. Ralph Lelevie, president of Na tional Tours, and his personal) party are leaving the Prince David' here today and will proceed tol New York by rail tomorrow night Ship's Officers The Prince David Is in command of Capt. R. A. Clarke, regularly master of the steamer Lady-Hawkins on the West Indies run. this morning, stops were made at Other officers Include Chief Offl-Ketchlkan, Juneau, Sitka, Skag- cer E. C. Wallace, Purser Franl: way 'and Wrangell. The trip to; Yates, Chief Engineer P. H. Far-date has been one of much de-'mer. Ship's Surgeon Dr. D. Orak n,ht tn all on board and the and Chief Steward H Singleton travellers are now looking forward As pilots for the trip along tht with keen anticipation to the Hon- British coiumoia ana a i a s k a olulu visit. (coasw iapb. james wun, musui Immediately on arrival here, of tne wince Jonn, ana n the Prince David tied up at tht Sparkes. Second Officer of the Imperial Oil Co.'s dock to take or. Prince Charles, are at present or fuel, moving later to the Canadian board the ship and will leave het National docks from where she off Triple Island today. Wilfrid u,m sail for Honolulu. P. Jackson, lormeny a memoer ui the staff of the C.N.R. city ticket office here, Is acting as tour conductor on the British Columbia and Alaska coastal part of thf :ruise and also leaves the vesse here. It Is the first visit of the. Prince David to Prince Rupert and her departure" from here will marl: the first direct sailing ever made from this port to Honolulu. DRAW UP PRIZE LIST A special committee of thf Prince Rupert Horticultural Society met last night with Jack Frew presiding and drew Tip o schedule of prizes for the flower show which Is to take place onj August 10. This will be recommended to the full executive at a meeting to be held early next week along with a plan for V Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (8 AJV1.) She Mailt High 11:58 am. 16.G It. Prince Rupert Overcast" i 23:35 pjn. 19.7 ft southwest wind; barometer, i-Q Low 5:42 a.m. 4.8 ft. temperature, 62; sea smooth.- 17:35 pm. 9.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISI1 COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER - no xxv., wo. PRINCE PRINCE RUPERT, RUPERT. B.C., THURSDAY, THURSDAY. JULY JULY SO. 30, 1936 193fi rRiCE: s CENTS W LiT-UPlN SPANISH CIVIL WAR 1U uja PROJECT Itting In of Itailway Northward Irrora Queen Charlotte City Is Reported Reports are received in the city m the Queen Charlotte Islands the intention of interests, bend which are supposedly the lip and paper Interests of the Finland, to put in a thirty-five indard guage logging railway fore long from Queen Charlotte ty into extensive timber stands Graham Island to the west of issett Inlet and In the central rection of Naden Harbor. Hie timber, it is said, is fra illy becoming over-matured Ed must be taken out beiore surveys for the railway are al- idy said to have been com- eted. Such an operation would be of lost importance to Graham ind, "FECT OF DECISION thtr Explanation of Appeal To Trivy Council in Pioneer Gold Cast Here With Important Tour Party Canadian National Steamships liner Prince David paying first visit to this port today- Liner Prince David Here Today With Important Tourist Group; Is Sailing Direct For Honolulu Bringing the most important tourist party to visit Prince Runert this vear. the bier Canadian National " 1 n - WINNIPEG July 30 (CP) Steamships liner Prince David, in her coat of white, ar- Firmn;ss ,n oalsidc markcts 4nd rived in port at 7 o clock this morning from Alaska and continuing complete lack of prai- will be here until 5 o clock this afternoon when she will sail direct for Honolulu. On board the Prince David is a, party totalling 329 persons and , , , . . . j Judging the local gardens and i Leader lawns which takes place after th arrival of the Judge next Wednes day. COMPLETE ACCORD IS REACHED IN RUSSO BRITISH NAVAL PACT LONDON, July 30: (CP) Reaching of an Anglo- Russian naval agreement on all points was announced at the Admiralty today. 4 WHEAT UP TO DOLLAR Firmness in Outside Markcts And Continued Drought Arc The Reasons rie rainfall sent wheat future prices up to new seasonal highs on the Winnipeg Grain Exchange today. For the first time since October, 1935, dollar wheat was 'posted. Prices rallied' from l:c to 3"hC, July closing: at $1.03; October at 9954C and December at 98Hc. VANCOUVER UP TOO VANCOUVER, July 30: (CP) Wheat was quoted at 98c on the local market today, up from 96!c yesterday. MANITOBA I ELECTION Liberals Are Still Slightly C.C.F. and Social Credit Even ows: Elected Conservatives 14 C. C 'F 4 Independents 2 Social Credit - 4 Communists I Leading Conservatives 2 C.C.F 1 Social Credit 1 Independent 1 Election Highlights Highlights of the ballotting in addition to the new. found Con servative strength is the showin; made by Social Credit and Inde- pendent candidates. I Mayor John Queen of Winnipeg has been elected as a C.C.F. mem ber along with S. J. Farmer, C.C.F. Attorney General W. J Major and Minister of Mines J. Baseball Scores American League Washington 6-5, Cleveland 11-6. New York 13, Detroit 3. Boston 3, St. Louis 9. Philadelphia 5, Chicago 7. National League St. Louis 7-5, Brooklyn 20-4. Pittsburg 1-10, Boston 4-4. Chicago 2, New York 7. Leftist Government is Engaged In Desperate Effort to Subdue Revolt; Some Defections Shown IMPROVED BUSINESS and employment conditions in various parts of British Columbia were described by Frank C. Anders of Vancouver in a cheerful ta.k before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at Its regular weekly luncheon yesterday with Dr. R. U. Large, president, in the chair. Greatly Increased actl-vity m the logging and lumbering Industries, attempts of foreign agitators to tie up which with strikes had failed, was leading the way back to prosperity for the province, Mr. Anders declared. two or three good seasons and this was expected to be the best yet. New marketing regulations, .resulting In better prices, were contributing greatly to the improvement. ' Centering In the Bridge River and Cariboo gold districts, the mining j wages during the depression had restored the cuts. Speaking of unemployment, Mr, Anders declared that, even so-called "good old' days," there there had been soup kitchens and relief lines. There probably always would i.ninr Ground be unnmployables. This was a prob lem wnicn governments apparently i realized now would always have to be faced. WINNIPEG, July 30: ICP)- iranc reanc wnn.. Ubcral-Progressives had today el-1 The Canadian-American uaae ected twenty-one members to the, treaty and the imperial iraae Manitoba Legislature as a result ; treaties negotiated a few years ago of Monday's elections and were had all helped Canada's trade very eadlng in two seats. The stand- j materially. Mr. Anders declared. !ng of other parties In the House ; Election year always saw a slump f fifty-five with the elections in United States, the speaker de-in two scats deferred was as f ol- clared, and this Inevitably had an 1 effect on Canada although possibly j the effect was not as great as usual on this occasion. I Mr. Anders closed with reference to Vancouver's Jubilee celebration !of tourist trade and business to ' the southern city. The driving force of Mayor G. G. McGeer had been one of the factors instrumental in making the Jubilee such a great success. Halibut Arrivali Canadian Oslo, 16,000, 7.5c and 5.5c, Atlln. C. McDiarmld have also been el- n,T Nnrfolk. Enc Juiv 30: Marshall Sir Philip Game, Metro politan Police Commissioner ad- YOUNG FINANCIER? WE8T BROMWICH, Eng., July Bitter Fighting in Many Quarters With Varying Results Foreign Embassies Unable to Get Guarantee Of Protection For Their Nationals MADRID, Spain, July 30: (CP) The leftist govern-Gyro club Hears Peppy Talk By ment forces of the Spanish Republic are pressing the des-Frank Anders of Vancouver perate purge of the administration's enemies from within At Luncheon Wednesday while loyal troops smashed two insurgent garrisons in the southwest, reinforcements being sent to the siege of improved business, industrial others. Suspected Fascist functionaries and officers were ROAD WORK COMMENCES Camps Now Being Built And Fifty Men Will be Employed During Coming Week Camp buildings are now in course of erection and within the coming week a crew of fifty men The Okanagan fruit district had will be at work on the extension of the Skeena River highway from its present ending a mile beyond Cloy ah Bay towards Tay-i lor Lake, a distance of about a mile and a quarter, the present objective. The present work will, it is ex- Industry was on the up-grade. t pected, be in progress until well increasing' into winter. The whole road Wages generally were Mr. Anders said, and, with few ex-! building operation has to be car- ceptlons, concerns which had cut " out including slashing, Clearing, gruDDing ana grading. ul the New Chemical I . To Test Milk Product of Alberta Professors Re suit of Three Years Research EDMONTON, July 30: (CP) To two University of Alberta profes sors today enquiries poured in asking information about their new chemical, expected to revolu tionlze the process of bacteriolog leal milk testing. The men were Drs. H. R. Thorn wrenched from state departments ind the army. Loyalist Spain confiscated Its nerchant marine today to form an antl-Fasclst armada of defence and launched a desperate ground and air battle for possession of the strategic city of Zaragosa. Spanish nountalneers reported today that 2000 loyal troops had been am bushed and killed outside ot Zara gosa by the rebel army. Forty thousand loyal troops were reported last night to be advanc ing from Madrid into the moun tain strongholds of the Fascist forces with a view to breaking them up. Bitter righting' conlnues 'in southern Spain near Malaga. "Battalion of Death" PARIS, July 30: (CP) Spanish rebel fliers, undaunted by explo-ion and destruction, were reported organized today into a "battalion of death." Pilots are reported ready 'o take aloft planes full of explo-iives and hurtle their ships into Liberal encampments and strong holds. Submarine Sunk GIBRALTAR, July 30: (CP) It was reported here yesterday that the Spanish government's sub ton of the University's dairy da- jof the Spanish rebels, has advised partment and Reuben Sandin of the British government to keep Its the chemistry division. For three! ships at safe distance from Span years the two have worked to de-'ish government warships to avoid velop methylene blue thiosynate for testing the purity of milk Thev believed their product to be I which was attracting a great deala major contribution to the dairy Industry. The new substance Is practi cally 100 percent pure, It was announced. The compound now gen erally used in testing milk quality marine C-3 had been sunk by bombs from a rebel seaplane in the Straits of Gibraltar. The Insurgent radio station at Seville, Spain, announced today that the garrison at Valencia had revolted against the government and gone over to the rebels. Britain Is Warned LONDON, July 30: (CP) General Francisco Franco, commander q (.tapirs riv hl nlrprnft Fears For Americans i MADRID, July 30: (CP) Fears are entertained for the safety of 160 Americans following the failure of the United States embassy to obtain any guarantee of safe transport of refugees to the coast. Meanwhile, warships of various methylene blue, varied from 50 tc natlons hover off the coast In the 60 percent ln purity. Pair of Jacks, 18.000, 6.8c and 5.5c, tos pooriy ln addUlon the crys Cold Storage. PUBLIC SCHOOL SPIRIT Crystals from methylene bluj .hlocynate can be obtained ln almost complete purity, that being the chief value of the new dis covery. Methylene blue crystal (tals carry moisture and other Lit-i purities. "ROAD SENSE- LONDON. July 30: (CP) A ected. Ralph H. Webb, Conserva- ..-n.. nnhllp "c scn00' school son-It u u h tive, and nH James i,m rWriPt Lltterlck. Com- mm. . . . P. SP,. scheme to give boys flt Jtg best ls heroiSm-at Its munlst, both of Winnipeg also definitely elected. are worst snobbery," said Air Vice- ln prepara tory school "road sense" has b5"ti launched by the National Safety First Association. Howard Frlzzell came in on the Laura F. yesterday afternoon from the Skeena River Hot Spring.?, where he has been visiting for the past two or three weeks with 30: (CP) An eight-year-old boy ; ' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George placed on probation for theft of Frlzzell, and will leave Saturday two bicycles was said to have afternoon by the Princess Louke hired out the stolen cycles to .on his return to Chicago via Van-older boys at two cents a ride, 'couver. hope of picking up such refugees as may safely arrive. A party of twenty Americans, who had fled from the Vigo district and for whose safety fears were felt, were reported last night to be safe at Marseilles, France. Today's Weather Triple Island Cloudy, light southeast wind; light swell Langara .Island Part cloudy. light southerly wind; sea smooth. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 60. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 60. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 52. Hazelton Clear, calm, 58. Smithers Clear, calm, mild. Burns Lake Bright, calm, 47. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, (CP) Bar silver was unchanged at 44'4c per ounce on the New York metal market today.