1' DAILY EDITION 7j I "ft WHITE SHOES m Summer Spedalti tfw 7 dock... Summer days . . Summer sports ... Of COUTSe. VOll'll nprl eoirarnl pairs of White Sho?s for the coming white season!. "Whites " made by makers of renown, keep their smart style and shape make people notice your feet aPPWingly Ties, Strap Models with dainty perforations are ready for vacation -bound feet FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD "OS-" THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. MUNCJS KUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupen Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue H. T. PULLEN f - - - Managlng-Edrtor Advertising nd CirculaUon Telephone Newt Department Telephone es 98 86 Thursday, June 25, 1936 A STRANGE STORY tnirf KwKft J ?odtr? communication is being told by the United States ambassador in London in con- AddiB Ababa at the dose of the Italo-Ethiopiah The two legations in Addis Ababa were only five miles anart rabb eanH8 ,agUered V aTSous Xt"? who reKfS F ' oan rrancisco anc Wash n u- i , . ntrton .Vashington got on the trans-Atlantic telephone to S' rff?Z 7 ,Vuuuu.a mi- ""ignam rang up the Fore tm Office and five minutes latfer Sir Sidney Barton in Ad- !S Ws dispositions for the relief of imcaiciiuu legation. FLAG DAY CELERRATIOM If the Elks never did anything else in this city they i iaB Uiiy ceieDrations tliey arrange and carry out Any person who likes children cannot help but L the grandstand J ? 1 T th? hUnared8 of youngsters who throng and surroundings at the game ground at nZllS Maiiy .takp part in the races and those who cannot run like to watch the others. . Vlta,e f eat PIeasre in congratulating the Elks on -the excellent arrangements made for the enjoyment of the youngsters at the affair this week We Carfy Mariy Ifceim Necessary For Summer Comfort Window Screens - Screen Doors - Mosquito Netting - Ply Swatters - Fly Tox - Garden hose - Ice Cream Freezers - Lawn Sprinklers GORDON'S HARDWARE McBride Street Phone 311 " ' 11 -YANKS HIT S0XHARD Defeated Chicago 18 to 11 Yesterday to Build Up Lead Again CHICAGO, June 25: New York Yankees made 24 hits to riefpat Chicago White Sox 18 to 11 yester-j day. Tne Yankees increased their margin of American League leader ship to five and a half games over Boston Red Sox who lost a close game to the Tigers at Detroit. The Cleveland Indians, playing at home, won a double-header from the Philadelphia Athletics and move Into a tie for third place with Washington Senators who defeated the Browns at St. Louis. Yesterday's Big League scores: American League New York 18, Chicago 11. Boston 6, Detroit 7. Philadelphia 3-2, Cleveland 5-14 Washington 7, St. Louis 4. National League Pittsburg 3-4, New York 4-1. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. St. Louis 39 23 Chicago 36 23 Pittsburg 36 27 New York 35 27 Cincinnati 31 29 Boston 30 34 333 Philadelphia 21 42 .333 Brooklyn 20 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. New York 42 Washington .33 31 Cleveland 33 Henry Cotton Pet .629 .610 .571 .565 .517 43 .317 21 31 Pet. .667 Boston 37 27 .578 .512 .512 Detroit 33 .32 .508 Chicago 29 32 Philadelphia 24 38 St. Louis 20 39 .475 387 .339 Going Strong Favorite to Win British Golf Open I urns in Good Cards at Hoy Lake HOY LAKE, Eng.. June 25: (CPi Henry Cotton, favored to win the British open golf chamoionshlu turned ha a seventy-one yesterday over Wallasey course to add to his record of sixty-eight Tuesdav over the tough Hoy Lake outfit. Jiu Jitsu Show At Ocean Falls OCEAN FALLS. .Tnnp 9-w of the features of the Dominion Day celebration at Ocean Fails next week will be ah open-air tourhamerit to be staged by the Japanese Jiu Jitsu Club. Kameda, tricky Ocean Falls bov. win Pn. deavor to eliminate all contestants ana glorify his wearing of the "Black Belt." svmnolic of inirn gree honors. WOMEN'S LABOR LEAGUE PICNIC WAS SUCCESS The Women's Labor League picnic on Sunday last at Grassy Bay was a very successful and enjoyable outing, between-two and three hundred persons being in attendance. There was a full program of sports and races tnf.inHir.n o - 'v.uuiiig a U- of-war in which must interest was laKen. Everybody reads the Dally News rhere's reason. SUMMER PRICES FUR COATS Five dollars will hold any coat until fall. Make money by buying; now! GOLDBLOOM GOOD BALL IS PLAYED Keen Interest is Being .Maintained In Basebail, League at Ocean Falls OCEAN FALLS, June 25: League baseball activities are golnu strong at Ocean .Falls In a gahw last Friday night Town team went down to defe2t at the hands of Balllie's smooth-wdrking Mechanics hv 3 to i. "Big Bih Appleby, pitch ing for the Ocean Falls Boys,' provea ne was far frnm a "Vio- been'' when he whiffed six men In as' many innings and drove out a hdmer In the third for his stfip'- only run. In a one-sided game earlier In the Week, Orphans nine to nothing by the Ocea; Falls Boys. Costly errors and Appleby's fast ball had the Orphans In trouble throughout the evening. Big Water Gala At Ocean Falls Water Polo, Comic Attractions and Aquatic Attractions Being Pla imed OCEAN FALLS. June 25:JaM, Jacquest Is busv at th. rwan1 Falls swimming pool on plans for wnat ne hopes to record as the biggest water gala ever stasreri in the paper town TWntu.ihi-oo TIV.,I.J-W,(CC events win be run off in rnh Junction with water polo and com lc attractions. Greggor-Horton 117 ;L n 11 win m uouoies Another Event in Prince Rupert Jennis Club's Annual Tournament is Settled R. D. Oreggor and II. J Hnr. ton won the final of the mn. doubles in the Prince Rupert Tennis Club's annual tournament tes evening by defeating T W. Brown ana a J. Norrineton 4-6. fi-h 7.; 6-2. It was a hard fought match. lonight at 6:30 Mrs. AIpx Mih. ell and Mrs. H. J. Horton will meet in the ladies' singles final. Tomorrow evening Mrs. Alex Mitchell and Mrs J. A. Barry will play Mrs. H J. Horton and Mrs S, J. Jabour In the ladies' doubles event. NO BASEBALL FRIDAY. Town team practice FOOTBALL THURSDAY, JUNE 25 Dominion Dairy vs. Legion Things You Need When School Closes Scout Haversacks 75c, 90c, $1.45 Scout Knives 25c TENTS $4.75 Holler Skates $1.85 were $2.25 Fish Rod, Line & Keel 75c Other Outnts $1.95 Baseball CJ loves 65c up Baseballs 25c Up Coif Putter and Ball 50c Kaien Hardware PHONED PAQI TWO Thursday, Ju 25i sad office ua&t RAILMEN CALL FOR 'SPORT' TAKE LEAD Defeated Junior Elks hi City Soft ball League Last Night pxf , Canadian National Recreation Association defeated Junior Elks bV a scorp nf r.hrt tii nntlilntf lne evening to mote into- the leader ship of the City Softball League. Biil Stone was on the mound for the rallwayirieh with Shahe Mur ray receiving. - Bob Moxley and Hrbie Morgan comprised the Ju nior Elks' battery. It was a well contested game and drew a good si2ed crowd. . The league standing to date is as follows: over Frank Dlbb's. W. L. Pet. C. N. R. A 3 2 .600 Junior Elks 2 3 .500 Lambie Si Stone 2 3 .400 LAWN BOWLING Prfece and Watson Kinks Winners Over MacPhee and Bibb Last Evening Dave MacPhee's leading rink in the City Lawn Bowling League was defeated last evening by Jack Preece's rink by a score of 21 to 15. In the second fixture last mohtl Jack Watson's rink won 20 to 13 ' The standing to date is as fol lows: W. MacPhee ,., . 4 Tinker ." 3 Borland j 2 Hill jslu..:!.. 2 Dibb 2 Preece w 2 Watson f. 2 Frew MacDonald 1 1 Little o DUE HERE SUNDAY j David Bell of Vancouver, ap-' pointed playground supervisor In Prince Rupert for the summer, ir expected to arrive here on Sunday; next aboard the Catala from tht south. 5 TO CIT TNI BEIT DEWAR'S OlO SCOTCH WHISKY 14 H OUNCt $Oi25 otiu O I -A'imt Perth. l '1,,fTfr,VSem1ent I PubllshPa or displayed by the Liauor Control Board or by the Government of B?ltLsh ColumbSi LAST CALL FOR POKER HANDS WE KECOMMENl) THAT YOU ACT QUICKLY and mail your Poker Hands, by insured mail, to P.O. Uox 1380 Montreal, P.Q. NOW as they are redeemable for regular premiums only up to June :)(), 1930. After that date, outstanding Poker Hands can be redeemed only for playing cards, on the .basis of 1 pack of l)'5 playing cards for 2 sets of Poker Hands.. Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited If you lose anything, try a classified ad. TTERE you see a rare old picture of a fu,""s camp on the Klomlikc Trail. It Vas called Ix,g Cabin, B.C., and was the firHt camp hcyond White Pass Summit before arriving at Lake Lindermari. Deer from Victoria-Phoenix Uretvery ins always maintained the favoured place it won tt-t;, carJy liritish Columbia pioneers. PHOEMX EXPORT '01 nil c same high quality line 1858" Thi, advertisemeni : not puUI;hed or di Control. zLzfj !..Gov.ment of Britith Columbia.