5 = f ; 3 if ——————————— ee SESE ———— ABOUT TRAILS NEARLY EMPTY tains _ } — Ald. Newton Wanted to Know) Finance Committee up Against we, ts Why Woodworth Trail is; It for Funds Yesterday After-|7 oN Worked One Way and Not the) noon. te C s anne “Do you know,” said Alderman It came to the ears of Alderman} Newton in solemn tones at last Newton that the trail to, Wood-| night’s council meeting, ‘that this worth Lake now being Built was/ afternoon the finance committee being made from Woodworth Lake| found itself in serious straits for down to Shawatlans, instead of|funds with which to go on with ws trom Shawatlans up to Woodworth.| various proposed schemes? They |“ 3 He wanted to know why this was| were, in fact, held up for money so, for it seemed to him that! to go on with.” delay would be caused by having] “It has got to a stage when the trail so constructed. | every dollar counts,’’ remarked Colonel Davis, city engineer, ex- , Other. | “4 AS ithe Mayor a few moments later plained that the reasons for this}in connection with some minor} method wer: first, because there/ estimates for supplies, and the} is camp accommodation for the| railroading through of two money | trail-builders at Woodworth, but} bylaws is the means taken to} not at Shawatlans; second, be-| relieve the situation. | cause the worst part of the trail} Alderman Kerr Wanted to know} to build is that stretch nearest to|if they couldn't tap the hydro-} Woodworth on which the gang/ electric funds for that part of the| is now engaged, and third,because} electric light extension which is the stretch just out from the head! to be permanent, namely, the} of Shawatlans Lake requires but} proposed are-light system, but he| little work being of gradual grade| was informed by the chairman of| with good firm ground, and re-| the finance committee that this} quiring only straight clearing,| was not permissible. while in any case the trail cannot ————_—_—_—_—— be used until all complete, Cold nights—warm blankets—all | Tye Ny ET ae kinds.—Wallace’s. 2t| BORDEN ST. SEWER St rn aa tae cea ae BORN A MILE APART City Will Leave Property Hold- ——— ers to Put It in at Their Own| Unusual Experience Marked | Expense to be Repaid Later. Coming of Mr. Jabour’s Twin — Children. It fell to Alderman Kerr last —— night to bring to the notice of} The two newest residents of| the council the matter of the Bord-| Prince Rupert arrived yesterday en street sewer which has been|in the persons of twin children, a} talked of for a very long time.| girl and a boy, to Mr. and Mrs. This is an urgently needed sewer,| James Jabour. They have the not very costly to construct, but! unusual distinction for twin chil- the city has shelved the matter|dren of having been born a mile for so long that now there is no} away from each other. money with which to do the work.| The little girl was born at However, Alderman Kerr said the} home early yesterday morning, owners to be benefitted would put} but as the mother became alarm- in the sewer at their own expense,| ingly ill soon afterwards, Dr. Tre- and be re-imbursed by the city) mayne had his patient conveyed later for the amount due them.|to the hospital for surgical at- This would be satisfactory, said | tention. An hour after arrival Alderman Hilditch, and the council} there, the little boy was born. | : ; : ; assented. , In the afternoon, the little lassie . __o was wrapped up in blankets and carried through the streets to AIRSHIPS FLY rejoin her mother at the hospital. LIKE VULTURES _Though in a very critical state of illness yesterday, Mrs. Jabour snes is today reported to be out ot Wright Brothers Said to Have|danger, after passing a_ restful Discovered Secret of Soaring) night. Indefinitely—Interesting Ex- Sa periments Pending. Cold nights—warm blankets—all kinds.—Wallace’s. 21 (Special to the Daily News) —_—_—_—_—__—_—_—_—_————— New York, Oct. 23.—The amaz- VOTERS’ LIST ‘POINT ing statement is made by Lorin eee Wright that his brothers, Wilbur) Ald. Douglas in Anxiety for the and Orville, have at last dis-| Intending Electors Gives Fred covered the secret of the vulture’s} Peters One. flight and will soon send into the : clouds an aeroplane capable of] Because many citizens are now soaring indefinitely like a giant} anxious to get on the voters’ list bird. | before the list closes on 31st inst., : While Mr. Wright does not go| Alderman Douglas is anxious that|s, into details, it is said that the someone competent to enrol voters AK flier will be raised, propelled and} should be in attendance at the a maintained in the air with the| City Hall continuously during ¥ minimum of power and like that hours, and even for an. hour or cy of the vulture, whose flight it/two at night. The Mayo ex- ® is patterned after, it will remain plained that citizens may enrol aloft with the engine‘'dead” so} at the office of any notary public lex long as the air is in motion. or solicitor. Us Wilbur Wright said his brother “But what if they can’t afford XK Orville is experimenting at Gittley| to?”’ asked Alderman Douglas. Pd Hawk, S. ( +, with a problem of “Pooh, it need cost them noth- f soaring machines without motors.|ing,’’ said the City Solicitor. ~ It is an entirely feasible idea | ‘*Everybody should know that.’’ OV too,” said Wright. “There is} ‘Everybody isn’t as wise as you, | \y no reason why machines cannot} Mr. Peters,” put in Alderman be made to fly without motor| Douglas cheerfully amid laughter. ) power, the same as do some birds. . per teeire Some of the larger birds, such as we” : wales nT ~ vultures, which travel great dis- PHONE eee oe r tances, are enabled to do so ew becat se ey ave bt Oo ise they “have the art Of] 14. Thee They Should Board|§ soaring for many miles without "Ma", Se oF wr NY, er \G o> t — the use of any power. Themselves on Shawatlans-| SEWED) CLPIRISRED RIGRGY ‘ae ‘4 vg 4 » fe Woodworth Job Against Un-|« ion Rules. is THE HOSPITAL DANCE at — | Through Mr. Love, — superin | WAS PUZZLED —sCIVIC PURSE me j vy OU Wye THE DAILY NEWS oad = 2 = ett ght bs eo ——————— Be ae RN eg! re oe ee 222 NE rove EF REMOVAL SALE .Lo Third Avenue... In a few days we will be moving to our new store on Third Ave., but before doing so we must reduce our very large stock of high-class Clothing, Furnishings, etc., by one half. To do this and do it quickly, it is to be sacrificed at ridiculously low prices. COME AND HELP US MOVE BY BUYING YOUR FALL CLOTHING NOW. ~~ ae” Men’s Negligee or heavy working 1 00 shirts, regular $1,50, now e Men’s Shoes No matter what Men’s Fedora or Crush . Men’s Heavy all wool Ribbed Hats, reg. $3 $1.50 Sweater Coats, reg. $1 50 now $2, now Extra heavy Gi, all wool ne UNDERWEAR the shape or size of your feet, we can fit them REGULAR $2.00- SUITS Regular $6.00 $25.00 Tweed or Worsted uit Now $4 Now $17.50 Now $1.50 aie MARTIN O'REILLY a - ; — Over-Seas Club | LAND PURCHASE NOTICE | Pt Forget the Event of the} tendent of the electric light plant _- ° ° se EE ee , ason It son Friday Night and phone department, the men A meeting of the Over-Seas Club will be held e@ na lan ener ectric It | Take notice that I, Gordon C. Emmerson of rt : : th y "e! ; ; 9 Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation real estate : nies of the local union of electrical i nis evening at 8 o'clock in the Conservative Club Bie ' ‘ oe re wi pa. uP me it ° cur 2 ‘ ; r ; Don't forget the Hospital Ball| workers ee ; " Rooms, Second Avenue. it | HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO FACTORIES: PETERBOROUGH, ONT | (rose tne following described lands: which is to take place -in theld a ae OD eae at MANUFACTURERS OF EVERYTHING &LECTRICAL Commencing at a post planted about 2 S-4 ” ake place tne | department lave communicatec | | mies in a northerly direction from the northeast McIntyre Hall on Friday evening,| with the council informing that STEEL DOORS: FOR CELLS ‘Th Cc da F d ety | Patmos: poss of Tae 10h, Hanws.&, Coast District, ‘ rp os ae , < - es | thence north 40 chains, ence wes' o e October 29th. The Ladies’ Com-| body that under the rules of their Archi |The Canada Foundry Co., Limited Toronto, Ont. | ier sionse south following river bank to point mittee have gone t« ore th: oe LU ea) : rchitects Propose These for} a . ec e _.. | of commencement; containing 160 acres, more or g » more than/union it is up to the employer : ; AIR. COMPRESSORS DREDGES | MOTOR DRIVEN TRIPLEX | less. wire usual trouble to make it ; c : By New City Hall Prison Quar-| porers GAS AND GASOLINE EN- | PUPMS | Dated Sept. 9, 1911. GORDON C. EMMERSON | Tatud Sept. 9 Ticket can |} h ae opel owe Surniah | board and lodging for ters. | BUCYRUS STEAM ‘SHOV- TAS NSD GASOLINE EN: | oRNAMENTAL IRON Pub, Oct. 14. : : | Pub, Oct. 14 ts Cz ye hac ro any > ees se . °LS . sie j e te mY gre ila i om. ‘ny umion empioyec ent out on tem- | BOILER FEED PUMPS GAS PRODUCERS | PIE. DRIVERS | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V | skeena Land Di aba yer OF the committee, ot| porary work such as the phone Steel doors have bee rested | CAST. PIPE i HOISTS ‘ ROCK CRUSHERS Take notice that I, Benjamin A, Vish of Towner, Take notice t t —_____ can hee BE xten sic t Wocd } Ans € rs Nave been suggested | COCHRANE FEED WATER | LOCOMOTIVES | STRUCTURAL EL |N. D., occupation merchant, intend to apply | of Prince Kt I ast extensi mn Oo oc dwortn, Any for the rigc -ell e cis ss HEATERS MATHER & PLATT TUR- UNDERWRITER STEAM | {25 perneenton to purchase the following described | engineer, int« EXTENSION FOR CAMOzZz] Work. of under fourteen days’ a6. PIWsOT Cele! Ht. Lay IEW | CONGR EIN. MIZERS BINE PUMPS | PUMPS ane ats post planted on the east Oe oe ¢ : l ys ypsy % z z post pi i Bi | mencing at las duration is te rary rk A City Hall by the associate archi-| * boundary and about five chains from the south- | { 43 : ) 5 temporary wot k. Re “ ‘ ; PRINCE RUPER r BRANCH Room 4 Mcintyre Block Phone 245 | 20" oat foe 4484. thence. seote an elo ; Sixty Days Granted, but There) ferred to light committee on the| tects, W. Nicolson Lailey and R,|————— - Box 974 thence east 30 chains, thence south 60 chains, | } ~ ’ 101i / Ar ildite , y . . 7 7 + the t 30 ch t int of encement chains, thence Must be no More, Says Works pate of Alderman Hildite h who|W. Potter. Alderman Clayton GRAHAM KEARNEY, AGENT Dated June 24,1911, BENJAMIN A. FISH | op. chains. et q a > was at > | ; 25. ‘red E. Cowell, Agent | 390 acies, mort t Department. reas 1@ was not at all de Dnt Of} suggested that tenders be called a ag ey oe , ae Bene | 380, ee rOPHE! 1D et we wUttNng ¢ regule re : Skeena Lanc istric istrict o! oas' ange 5 as OO 1 ‘ ; i ciaap de # | ef union re gu ations | for for them, Alderman Kirk- | Take notice that Hiriam Roy MeTavish of | rated Henk, seated An extension of his contract regarding t 1 mens board, etc. patrick said: “Never mind the Winnipeg, Man., occupation barrister, intends Pub. Sept. 39 : oa | Alde Clay 10 . ‘ to apply for permission to purchase the following | time by sixty days has been made} +*“German ayton seconded the | cell doors until we are sure of described lands; —_—_—_ Commencing at a post planted at the southwest one by the council and public works|™0tion which carried, department to $, Cafnozzi whose | contract on First avenue is making | ANALYTICAL OUTFIT getting but tardy progress. Camozzi ex- | Some specials—reduced prices— plains that he has had to work! City Will Have Water and Milk | ladies’ against the rock formation owing| «Supplies Regularly Tested to the way he has had to take out| his dump, and this has caused two| Dr. J. O. Reddie, medical health A ge | bad shots, and much delay. Sixty| office, has applied to the council} Andrew's Society will be held in days extension, but not an hour|advising the expenditure of about ithe ¢ more, is the decision of the council.|$20 for the furnishing of an |Hail.”” (Laughter). ‘arpenters’ Hall on Friday evening, October 27th, when ar- corner 40 chains east and 40 chains north from N. E. corner of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey Coast District Range 6, thence 60 chains east, thence 60 chains north, thence 60 chains west, thence 60 e a ics chains south to post of commencement containing ars the roof on the City Howe & McNulty A Dated Sept, 18, 1911 HIRIAM ROY MeTAVISH é —Wallace’ 2 ated Sept. 18, 1911 RIA OY MeTAVIS Nicely furr hats.—Wallace's. at Pub. Sent 23. Fred W. Bohler, Agent ad a Nahe rg Yeni 2 Skeena Distriet—Dirtrict of Coast Range 5 LITY HK St. Andrew's Society Take nia that Lottie McTavish of Vancouver, |q °"* 2 neral eTING { the S oceupatio! arried woman, intends to apply Pad fw neral meeting oO the ot, 106 Perlenon to purchase the following deseribed | Es ee lands: a Commencing at a post planted at the north ‘ART AGE and west corner 100 chains east and 20 chains north | 9 ( from N. EB. corner of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey | : TORAGE Coast District Range 5, thence 20 chains south, ) thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains north, Are now ready to do business in their new Hardware store on Second Ave. and Fifth St., with —EE | 1 y —— _ analytical outfit for the testing of | ; ] ‘ } ; . 3 : | re » 4 . ¢ . r efle 2 : R ‘ am ca | _ Dance Tonight the city drinking water, Alder-|'@"gements will be made for en a complete stock of heavy and thetss 1b Seclon Geah' to ven él’ commencement 5. T, P. Transfer Agent# Invitations are out for a rece . Ciy tertainment during the winter shelf hardware, stoves and ran- dontaining 400 acres more g less. G. T. F able . tion and danc : ep- jan Clyaton suggest d that the atone I rae 7 oe ges, granite and tinware, paints Dated Sept. 18, 1911. LOTTIE MeTAVISH | mptly filled, Prices Fem" a and dance tonight at the|sum be voted if the apparatus | OPUS. t is important anc and oils, ship chandlery, sporting Pub, Sept. $8 PE en. — Mcintyre Hall, under the auspices|be designed. 10. test. mt ati, | members are requested to make it goods, ete, : : : ; OFFICE~H. B. ! a of the Wanderer’s Club. This was carried. 4 point to be present, : | cn a \ derer's Club. | ‘ aunen ipa | — Rete he All orders will receive prompt attention , INSERT YOUR LAND PURCHASE | For row boats ane Davis ald nighis—warm blankets—all Kiddies’ coats—big range.—Wal-| TRY THE “NEWS” ¥ FROME 566 TICES ’ ir me | 2 8" WANT AD. NOTICES IN THE Telephone vt * kinds.—Wallace's. 2t| lace’s, WAY OF FINDING NEWS Boat House. :