1 PACUB P0U3 Find Out From Your Doctor if the "Pain" Remedy You Take Is Safe. Don't Entrust Your Own or Your Family's Well Being to Unknown Preparations BEFORE you take any preparation you don't know all about, for the relief of headaches; or the pains of rheumatism, neuritis or neuralgia, ask your doctor, what he thinks about it in comparison with "Aspirin." We say this because, before the discovery of "Aspirin," most so-called "pain" remedies were advised against by physicians as being bad for the stomach; or, often, for the heart. And the discovery of "Aspirin" largely changed medical practice. Countless thousands of people who have taken "Aspirin" year in and out without ill effect, have proved that the medical findings about its safety were correct. Remember this: "Aspirin" is rated among the fastest methods yet discotfred for the relief of headaches and all common pains . . . and safe for the average person to take regularly. "Aspirin" Tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on eyery tablet. 'Demand and Get "ASPIRIN" 60 PHONE 60 Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always in stock. We also operate 60 Messenger Service Do You Return From Your Vacation 100 Percent Fit? SURE, When You Holiday at THE DUNES' TLELL Write for literature and rates MADAME RAJAUT Tlf 11, Queen Charlotte Islands DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In li-Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Hyde Transfer Garden Soil $2.50 a load PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue WATERFRONT WHIFFS Many Canadian Boats Land Halibut North Sea Now at Ketchikan Cardena Late Again The Northland Transportation Co.'s steamer North Sea, which went ashore on Marsh Point, Prince of Wales Island, Thursday morning, being badly holed, arrived at Ketchikan early this morning. She had been beached temporarily at Hunter's Bay following stranding for pumping and patching of a gaping hole in her port bow. Some ,. , . . of the passengers were transferred n i i ji by the coastguard cutter Alert to OalVatlOn ArUiy ( the 5tamer Victoria. Others re- ' ' j malned on board the North Sea lifting I a 0" UrlV untl1 sne arrived at Ketchikan. The llUUd lag 1aj North gea wU1 proced t0 Seattle for permanent repairs on dry dock, The annual Self Denial Cam- it is announced. Weary and un-palgn tag day of the Salvation ! shaven, Capt. A. W. Nickerson Army is being held on the city' docked the crippled North Sea at streets today. Adjutant Eva Lay- Ketchikan at 2 a.m., forty-seven cock is in charge at the Citadel 'hours after the vessel had groun-wlth Lieut. Hilda Bridge directing ded In soupy fog. In contrast with the actual tagging on ,the outside, the tired captain, according to re-The taggers are Lieut. Henrietta ports received today, ' were 29 Mary Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. the 143 who originally sailed north Jones, Master David Jones, Herbert from Seattle. The remainder. Pierce, Earl Pierce, Mrs. Nesbltt, bound for northern points, had Miss Ina Robertson. Miss Dolly been transferred to the steamer Smith, Miss Betty Wide, Susie Victoria or landed at their destlna-Woods. Gloria" Cook, Colleen Mon-.tlons by the Alert. teith The Letter Box COMMUNISTS HEARD FROM Editor, Daily News: In your editorial in your issue of statements against Arthur Evans, dard of workers In every walk of tag the aggregate for 1936 to date Communist have distress to get a vu.io.un an ui-, up vu i.ouo.ouu pounas in compari- I.J . . I . . 1 .11 T . 1 ' ... icnui uiuuvc uicii an i can ay i son wiui 026,700 pounds a year ago. we pieaa gumy. ,s0 far the grand total of halibut Whv not. mmp nut. In thp nnpn lonrilnm n n.uA r.. i. i,. - 1 1 Mr. Editor, and substantiate the season had reached 2 923 600 charges that you make with some pounds as compared with 1,765,300 concrete evidence? j pounds in the corresponding per- The Communists whom you so.iod last year. Prices during the fondly rave about have shown to week remained fairly steady, rane- the rest of the world that, far from lng Irom 6c and 5c to 6.9c and 5.5c being destructive, they ae progres- for Canadian fish and from 6c and sive when unfettered by capitalism. ( 5c to 7.2c and 6c for American. Your paper supposedly caters to i the general public. Why cannot 1 flayed again by having had ex- that same eeneral nuhlir he thitra calls to make at cannery points Judges on this subject? I myself, on ' along the coast Uno steamer behalf of the Prince Rupert section of the Communist Party of Canada, challenge you to prove the statements referred to in your paper and in justice to the party that we represent this is the least that we can expect. R. R. WEBSTER, Secretary, Prince Rupert Section, communist Party of Canada NOT LOWEST TENDER Editor, Dally News: I wish to draw your attention to an item which appeared in your newspaper of recent date, wherein you state that Mr. Bryant, whose tender of $29.00 per suit was the lowest, was given the order by the city to supply seven uniforms for the local firemen. In this regard, I would like to state that the writer submitted a tender of $25.75 ner suit. Perhaps the purchasing agent might be able to explain this dls crepency; Thank you, Mr. Editor, for your valuable space. P. CRAVETTO, Agent Tip Top Tailors oarqesa, Capt John Boden, ordi narily due In port last night from the south, arrived at 11:30 this morning and sailed this afternoon on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. AFTER the SHOW Drop in for a Dish of Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda Milk Shake or a Ciip of Tea or Coffee Sandwich, Cakes or Cookies At Your Service MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY 319 Third Avenue "TILLIE THE TOILER" wiv wvy to i MEET My rFp f i HE IS Mv P.f:aii 1 -v..w-;, . . HE wc-Ari, A RED rOSE IM "-US LAPBLIO daily kewb Saturday, Mav 16) RESPECTS TOEVANS Smithers Editor is Rather Critical in Regard to Communist Agitator Bold and Blatant Merely Exploiting Those Cause He Proposes to Espouse tator, who visited and spoke Thlerstein, Miss Clara Pierce, Miss laughing and singing passengers of "camps. Through the part he play ed In the famous Ottawa trek of unemployed last year, Mr. Evans attracted a large number anxious to peek at any new sensation, and a number of them shovelled Into the collection boxes In bull: that meant depriving their chll The veteran Alaskan lighthouse dren Most of them however, who tender Cedar was back in Ketchl- hear remained ume a notable, kan yesterday after having under- for a tlme to tUten to a curloSity gone annual overhaul at Seattle. ..Mr. Evans. contribution, or dla-She brought north a number of tribe, was a disappointment to lighthouse- employees who had many who had been delvlne into been in the south. From Ketchikan the virtue of Slight 'changes in our i the, Cedar- proceedJna.jtOiMary system and-the -eaHse lost 'through Island. the nonsense spewed by the self- Heaviness of Canadian landlnes St.m5r.r' . ... May 15 entitled "Building a Coun- marked hallbut buslness at Prlnce JSJ "wt;"Jf try" you make some very pointed Rupert during tne past week, 25 Phte ?e Jl th, communists ri u..t i u - a " icoocis noting uiuugm ill A HJtai niiHl. i i At i t that I would like to correct. You f oosnnn u.. umrcii. ana ineir sympamy accused them of trying to pull tanad. " 3 f. compared to Evans down what others build. Further t0 date up to 1.614.800. pounds as "Yw0rk n . and wants to than that you Insinuate underhand compared with 958,600 pounds at a TthL in wan a a meant " methods are used. The Communist corresponding date last year. Am- 5uPJrT? l . , i . " un viiu. irariy oi anaaa Mucere hi us erican landings for the week efforts to improve the living stan- amounted to 196,500 pounds, bring- Juts as maggots must have pu trlflcatlon to thrive, so must the hearing in any land "The young men were in camps under military organization, and everybody knows that such soul. destroying conditions should no exist. The worst news nickel-co'.-lecting Communists have had In several years is the action of the Liberal . government at Ottawa in closing the camps and taking these young men for work of a construc tive puDiic nature at a fair wage. Self Centered Talk "But instead of telling the troubles of the young men caught In the net of depression, with bleakest outlook, Evans spent over an hour in a talk that sizzled with self pity and his own personal troubles with Premier R. B. Bennett. "S ., what a martyr I am," was his fin I est facial expression. For ths greater part of his address, Evans was self-centered the unfortunate youths were a matter for but secondary consideration. "But Mr. Evans got the dough. He demanded a paper money collection first; then he called for a silver contribution, his appeal for labor rising to strongest heights when he asked and demanded that the yokels come through with all the silver they had, and It Is not likely that by the time Mr. Evans gets along the road, living In com fort and losing no meals, there' will be much for the desolate "comrades" In the camps. "While this depression has meant much of sacrifice to many people, has meant hunger or self-denial to hundreds on relief, it has been one great opportunity for a gang of agitators who have been continuously on the road, ostensibly in the Interest of "fellow-workers, although few of them have ever done, or intend to do, very A Mutual Question lltle work If they can get by through hoidlng meetings such as that of last Wednesday and gouging the relief men for their last dimes in the name of a worthy cause.And the surprise is that the relief men appear glad to shell out dimes without thought or care for I the bread It will buy for those who I need it more than these transient and raucous exponents of a mythical "new order." No Help For Labor If every man who went down for Whoe i the silver on the demand of Evans would stop to think for one minute 1 they would find that the same Ar Communist agl- thur Evans, by two silly and un hi thinking words, undid In a few sec- Smithers recently, did not create onds all that the real friends of a very favorable Impression upen . Labor have been able to accom- L. B. Warner, editor of the Inter- "pHsh over several years. Those lor News at Smithers, who had the words were uttered in the face of . ' . - 11 1 t l A. 1. iouowing causuc remarss wj mane ; premier K. B. uenneit about Mr. Evans editorially: "Preaching a gospel of destruc tion, bold and blatant Arthur H. Evans held forth in Smithers last Wednesday, Under auspices, or at least passive goodwill, of the C.C. F., he was to tell a story, of down trodden humanity as represented by the young men In' the relief "Labor needs public sympathy and support the same as any other cause, but when a man of the type of Arthur Evans chose to use the words he did to the prime minister of this country, he put a doubtful bravado and personal satisfaction ahead of his. duty to the cause he espoused. He eliminated public sympathy and he showed as clearly as possible that his Interest wa3 more for Communism and Evan. than it was for Labor. there Is less sympathy for the needy who deprived their famlllej and also themselves to support an other of the opportunists who havej been feeding on relief men under! the cloak of a friendship and championship. "The C.C.F. was never at a lower ebb than it has been since they went down in their pockets to put money into the maw of Arthur H. Evans In belief that it was going to the men whose cause he pretends to espouse. "Labor needs all the help it can get but it needs real champions and the champion it needs most of all at this time is the championship of a champion who will champion them against the cham-; plonshlp of Arthur Evans and oth ers of his ilk." WORLD'S LANGUAGES NUMBER THOUSANDS The grand total of languages, living and dead, has been compiled by the French Academy of Science. No less than 6,760 have been used since the beginning of man. Of these there are 2,796 languages spoken today. The most widely spoken language today Is English; then German and Russian; Span- "And right here In this district Ish, French and Italian. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST UNITED CHURCH C. D. CLARKE, Minister Choir .Leader- .- Organist. J. S. Wilson, Geo. Wilson Miss S. Olafson, AT.CAI. 7:30 P.M., SERVICE OF SONG Soloists: Mr. J. E. Davey, "My High Tower" Mr. N. Redman, "The Lord Is My Light" Dr. R. G. Large, "Lead, Kindly Light" (Pughe Evans) Duet: Dr. R. G. and Mrs. Large, "Supplication" (J. Gllllngham) Anthems: "Turn Thy Face From My Sins" "They Shall Mount Up With Wings" Wagons-Scooters-Kiddo Bikes NEW 1936 STREAMLINE MODELS Wagons, Scoo.ers, Wheelbarrows, Kiddie Cars and Raby Walkers. A complete and extensive line of Children's Wheel Goods Just arrived and priced especially low for quick turnover. BUY NOW AND SAVE! FLEETWING WAGON 10x22 inch, 6i-inch wheel $3.00 12x24 inch, 7-inch wheel $4.50 AIRPORT EXPRESS WAGON 12x30 inch, 8J-inch wheel $6.00 KIDDO BIKE With redals, Saddle Shape Wood Seat 11 -inch size $3.00 13-inch size $3.50 SCOOTERS "FLASH" Medium weight $2.75 Heavy weight $3.50 WHEELBARROWS 30-inch hardwood $1.50 NOTE: All of the above have rubber tire disc wheels, strong; undernames and bolted construction (no rivets). BABY WALKERS $4.00 Mahogany finish with play beads and tray. Adjustable seat and strong casters. We also stock C. C. M. Wagons and Bicycles at standard prices r 1 i nwimii l H:l LJt j-m LAST TIMPe t..,... I Last Complete Show B na World Famous Comedy Trio in 90 Minutes of Joy! MARX BROTHERS - in - "A NIGHT AT THE OPERA" (At 7:34 & 9:42) ADDED Cartoon "OLD PLANTATION" Sportlieht "Trained Hoofs" WOULD NEWS SNAP pr CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtubs, Washbasins, Windows, and Mirror. Cannot scratch. Vacuum Cleaners For the QUEEN MARY Hie task of cleaning eight miles of carpets, countless curtains, Innumerable beds, armchairs, etc. is to be carried out exclusively by IIOOVLIt There's a Hoover for your home for only $5.50 Easy terms If you wish Kaien Hardware PIIONE-3 For a Home Trial Rats and Beaver We have a big order for both and In order to Induce trappers and dealers to ship their skins we are offering more than market prices. Ship them in and we will wire the money immediately. G O L D I) L 0 0 M The Old Reliable COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 By Westover ncSK 50MEH0VM I DOKVT FEELfelSHTll vuv MAG L I IU, - I1 (fiKWZ' -1 4 ABOUT, THIS. I'M. AP&AltS I'M - r- KL L JifflWi etc IHA1'5 WUMI vJSii M '