PAGE TWO CI vening ofioes For the Festive Season The Sandal type is ever the most popular SILVER; GOLD, BLACK' FAILLE In.Low,or High.HeeUi The newest styles and patterns Where Most People Trade V AMILY SHOE STORE lly. PHONE 357 (Estab. 1908) THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS; PKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon,. Except. Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance .. $5.0U For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week : ,1( By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British, Empire and United States, yearly period, paid, hr advance : .... ... 3.00 By mall to all other countries,, per year .. 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, pr insertion 1.00 Classified advertising, per word, per insertion: . .02 Local readers, per line, per insertion hit Advertising and-Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone '. 86 Member of Audit Bureau or Circulations DAILY EDITION Evolution Tuesday, December 8, 1936 Some of the women of Penticton have been all fussed up because they understood that evolution was being taught, in the high school of that city.. The principal was said to be apologetic and explained that, while it was supposed to be taught, the teachers themselves did not believe in it and taught it as a theory and not as a fact. Evolution is not something, to be taught so much as something to be seen and felt all around us. It does not necessarily mean Darwin's theory or anybody else's theory. The theories are intensely interesting but not necessarily true in detail, although most educated people accept them in principle. For years, however, there will be people who will refuse to believe that men at one time lived in. trees or that there were cavemen and that further back than that there were even less hiehlv develoned creatures from which we have all developed. There is no indication that men were at one time monkevs but there are indications that We have evolved from a much lower creature who might even then have been called man. It is a long way back from that to the sincrle cell from whinh the theorists say we have sprung. The finite mind of man gets into a maze when it tries to, think back for millions of millions of years and. there is an excuse for people refusing, to accept everything they arc told about that Swiss Farmers Arriving' In the interior of British1 Columbia a.number ,of peoplq are selling out to Swiss farmers who are' seeking farm homes under conditions which are likelv to insure them peace and prosperity. They have chosen a good spot for there is no more beautiful nlace, in Canada than thfiUnllr- ley Valley. The soil is productive and, the conditions of 1 P1 4- ! 1 S . ! I r usv n s -wl v ffll 1 Ai - me me mummy improving, ine arrival ioi tnese people u..vyv..u jjiuiv i.vj uc a .wcicuuic cimuLiuii' iuuur population. V . Muzzling The Press The danger of trying to keen news, from, the nublic ir SIEGED BY I BORROWERS -Albert3 Sweep Winner Deluged With Letters From Persons Seeking Financial Help i j EDMONTON, Dec. 9: (CP) 'When Dan Bulger galloped home j first in the Cambridgeshire Stakes 'at Newmarket on October 28, he brought Walter Snowden $85,000 on a sweepstake ticket and started a flood of letters towards the Snowden farm from people wishing to share his good fortune. From all over Canada and the United States, hundred of persons jhave written the Rochfort Bridge J agrarian telling him how he could I help them financially. Books of lottery tickets huve come from Ireland, Queensland, Australia, France, Italy, the United States and various points la the Domin- ion. A Manitoba prospector who cjalms his property produces more gold from its quartz than the i weight of the mineral compound j Itself wanted $20,000 to develop his holdings into a mine. A Winnipeg domestic asked for $1500 to. build a bungalow. When! she received no reply she forwar-1 ded a second request for $2500 and j scolded Snowden for not answering immediately. Many Schemes A resident of Lethbridge con cluded Snowden's luck and his own knowledge of English racing would bring big returns. He invited the sweep winner to put up $20,000 and accompany him to England where he promised to double the money within two months. From, a fish, company official came word the firm had such a large business it could not take i care of all customers. It needed I capital for expansion and $50,000 would fill requirements. Tne smau item of $1500 was sought by a woman living in Sas katchewan to take her family to Swift Current for the winter months. There the Children could go to school and the father, Injured cutting wood, could receive medical care. An Edmonton widow thought $1000 would furnish a boarding house for her near the University of Alberta. But none. of. these people will re ceive a cent from, the Rochfort Bridge farmer. He has not purchased one ticket from the many sweepstake books sent him. He will follow his original plans to pur chase-gilt-edged securities and annuities" and extend his farming op- rations. His neighbors, however, wer? treated to a theatre party, supper and dance all provided by Snow den and Harry Doherty, elevator agent., who sold the winning ticket) and received $5000 as a bonus. Of. the many letters received Snowden said: "I would have to win two major prizes to have any money left myself it I complied with the requests. They total well over $100,000." Twenty -Five Years Ago December 8, 1911 The city has opened up Its de fence in the suit brought against the municipality by street grad ipg contractors who claim that they were held up in their work through failure of the city to keep up with retaining wall work. M J. McNei!( superintendent of public works for the otty, was on the stand this morning. The city council has decided to use steam coal at the Cow Bay electric light paint This Is In the Interests of economy. Hurried' into the city yesterday afternoon by train tmfferring from a bulkit wound, in the ab domem, sustained while hunting up the line. Muslke Ralkovlrh; young Montenegrin, died last; night. shown in the recent happenings! in. Great Britaim Up, to aU , n . few days ago the British newspapers were-not allowed to '?ek Complete mention the caseiof Mrs. Simpson and the King although ; independence. everyone was talking about it. Then it. was sprung on' Lahore, mdia, Dec 8- icp) them suddenly in a. .blaze of publicity. In. the. meantime solution for India's social, mliti- THE DAILY NEWS 1936 BRITISH REPRISALS FOR ARAB TERRORISM to handle passenger traffic. It h announced. This third extra sailing will bring the vessel here on Thursday morning of next week northbound. She is at present on a special voyage to. Alaska. The Ketchikan, motqrshlp Beloll arrived In port last night from Al aska with passengers enroute south. They Included Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hansbury of Ketchikan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C Mosher of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Ave of Ketchikan, and I. Larsen of Ketchikan. Mr. and . Mrs. Mosher, Mrs. Hansbury and Mr. Larsen are sail ing from here on the Catala this afternoon for Vancouver. Delayed by having to make extra calls including the Naas River, Union steamer Catala, Capt. John Muir, did not return here until 2:30 this afternoon from Stewart, Anyox and other northern points. After calling at the plants of the Nor thern Fishermen's Cold Storage and the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. to load fish, the vessel sailed for Vancouver and way points. The provincial, government has Issued licences for reduction plants at Namu and Tucks Inlet (Prince Rupert) in this district. Rhodes' Mule Lived Long CAPETOWN, Dec. 8: (CP) A mule bred, toy Cecil Rhodes, British Empire builder who died in 1902, from one of his famous Arab mares has been shot at the age of 38 because it went tollnd. KENNEY VICTORIA SPEAKER i VICTORIA, Dec. 8: E. T. Ken-ncy MX..A. for Skeena, was a recent, sptaker before the Victoria Gyro Club, His subject was "Possibilities of Northern British tavice coronation mayor HYTHE, Eng., Dec. 8 many people's,minds had. been poisoned. by idle rumor and cal and econmic difficulties lies w; Butler was' mayor ' of nytho it was difficult to distinguish the true from the falqp Tt . mlpltt& Independece accord-! when King George was crowned 4 vcMMsrv' - mam ' v I This graphic picture shows the actual blowing up of an Arab village near Tel Aviv, Palestine, by British forces. The huge column of smoke in centre marks the spot where a giant bomb was detonated to. wreck, the village as a reprisal for its people having Joined Arab terrorist gangs in overt acts against Palestine Jews. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront The provincial police power cruiser P. M. L. 8, which left early yesterday morning for Port Es- slngton in connection with a num ber of court cases thereU dui back today. PL L. M'cLehnan",'o;' this city also made the, trip to Es-Eington as defence counsel. C. P. It. steamer Princess Louist will make still, another special trip t3 Skagway on account of the1 tie-up of. American shipping. In. order Monarch Has Yet To Give Answer (Continuea- trom Page 1 , nlng in answer to the' Royal sum-ions, presumably to receive the inal decision of the King, on re-jnciation. of either his Throne or vlrs. Simpson. The Premier has-jned over icy roads from London l an hour and fifteen minutes to t iter tthft'SgAtes of the royal res- ;nce in mc garnering aarKness. It was generally believed that he decision, even if it were given Fort Belvedere, would be wlthr eld fromi the public until Premier ildwin had the opportunity to emmunicate it to the House of lommons. Particularly would this ? so if the answer was abdication. the King, of course, might give the ip-eff by quick departure from' he country. The King's younger brother, ho ':ove alone to Fort Belvedere this -ornlng, was believed to have par-icipated in tonight's crucial conference. There were also report" ixat the motor of the Duke of tfsik, heir-presumptive had: been een entering the side entrance of the estate. Those who expected the King to rive the Prime Minister his final word tonight pointed out that jvery day's delay was costing thou-ands of pounds. Vast business, used on the coronation next May, was at a standstill. Befoi'a Premier Baldwin went to Port Belvedere with' advisers to both the King and the helr-preV sumptive, a privately chartered jlanc flew the English Channel in Ueacherbus weather from Croydon md finally wound up at Marlg name, near Marseilles, France, en-route to Cannes where Mrs. Simp son is staying. It was believed those In the plane were Theodore God-dard of the firm of barristers which handled the granting of Mrs. Simpson's decree nisi divorce from Ernest Simpson; Sidney Barron, his clerk, and Dr. Douglas Kirk--wood. Goddard, it was reportedj conferred la&t night with the King's solicitors and several officials of the treasury. Under present arrangements, the divorce will become final on April 27. It could be made final earlier. New Anglican Commission LONDON, Dec; 8: (CP) The Archbishops of Canterbury ' and appointed a commission to con sider the problems connected with the selection testing, and training of candidates Jor holy ordera. Rebuild Tiny, Church LONDON, Dec. 8: (CP) St (CP) F.; Mary's, West Twyford, Middlesex London's smallet church, Is to be rbuKit. It seats 42 people and is always dangerous to muzzle the press, even thoueh the at Ir?i " 0118 andent back from 160( 1600 intentions of those who do so are perfectly Jll .SnJSnT1 itaM year, tTT day l" while th the Domes- Christmas that kep on giving Shirts, Ties, . Sox, Scarfs, Dressing Gowns In Authentic Scotch Tartans SHIRTS, each TIES, each SOX, a pair SCARFS, each DRESSING GOWNS, each $2.50 $1.00 :$i.oo .$1.00 $13.50 Scarfs for Gifts 7W Our range of scarfs is beautiful to see. They are warm to wear and warm in colon Plaid and tartan designs or checks in every conceivable color combination. Priced from S1.00tl) $4.50 Vou arc cordially invited to visit each Bryant Company Limited iitl. Ci xr;ii it n i C:.4 i lie Jiure Willi me uiirisimas tjjiru U rv n LEMERS They have a very beautiful line of pure silk lingerie. You canont fail to please your friends with any of these garments. Pyjamas Slips Teddies Gowns Pantie Sets Panties Negligees Prices very reasonable They are giving, a, lovely Doll or Plush Animal to patrons who spend $5.00 or over. Only one to each person., Ma A Big Order For rten and Has Just been received ,and. wo can pay the highest prices to enable us to fill it Ship your furs; to( us.-Any kind bought. G0LDBL00M Ihe OU Reliable We-loan you free a complete-Home Permanent Wave Machine jfor 3 months.. All: you ls.send $300.toicover thc, costof shlpplnK &m . he olL for 0 complete Permanents. Will no larm.the finest hair, Any one can- paranwc perfect waveiwlth this- machine. No eiecin city or experience needed. When you have used' these supplies mt6 can be obtained from, us at fifty cents a P" manent,- Marvel Wave Factory 1183 East 41st. Ave. Vancouver, B.C. .