FADE FOUR TOE DAILY NEWS CHRISTMAS IN STORES Seasonal Goods Are Now in Such As Turkeys, Jap Oranges, Nuts, Fruits, Etc With the festive season fast approaching seasonal goods are now Commencing to make their appearance on the local retail market. Turkeys have; arrived In the butcher shops and the price will be 35c per pound f No. I Bulkley Valley birds. Japanese oranges, as already announced, afe in. Other seasonal iines Include cluster raisins, mixed nuts and of course, the Ingredients for the Christmas cakes, puddings and pies. Egg, butter, sugar and flour prices continue steady. Feed prices show a tendehcy. r i stiffening Retail prices current here are as foijows: EgffS B.C. Fresh Extras. Grade A Large, cartoned, doz, Loca, new laid, doz. ... .47 .55 ' Apples Mcintosh Reds, bulk, fancy 4 lbs. 25 bqx ..: 2.25 Mcintosh Reds, wraoped fancy 3M lhsV -JL. 25 bdx .'. 2.50 Delicious, 3 lbs. 25 box ,. 2.65 Fruit Lemons, doz 40 Oranges, doz. 25, 28, 32, 38, and 47c. Jap Oranges, box 85 Grapefruit, rjaj., each 6c to 10 bananas lb. ; .122 Cranberries, lb 27 fears, Anjou, doz iu Qrapes, Emperor, lb. .. v .18 Persimmons, doz. ..... 45 "Pomegranates, each .... .11 Butter "Fancy, cartoned, lb .34 "No. 2 Creamery, lb. . 31 No. 1 Creamery, lb .33 Lard Pure, lb .18 Vegetables B.C. Potatoes, 8 lbs .. 25 Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. ............... .2 B. C. Onions, lb t 06 Garlic, Imported, per lb. i. 3'j Cauliflower, B.C., 20c to .25 Parsley, bunch .05 B.C. Carrots, 8 lbs .25 Beets, bunch 04 Yellow Turnips, 8 lbs. i. 25 U- C. Hothouse Tomatoes No. 1 lb 15 basket 70 p. C. Lettuce 07 . Oreejv Peppers, lb .15 Red Peppers, lb 15 Cucumbers; outdoor, each 10 Pumpkins, lb 08 Hubbard Squash, !b. Green Cabbage, lb 07 Brussells Sprouts, Cal, 15c, 2 lb. .25 Vegetable Marrow, lb. 07 Spinach, lb 10 Feed Hay, Bulkley Valley Timothy 100 lbs 1.45 Wheat, Bulkley Valley 2.75 . Bran 2.40 ; ! , " " ' ' I District News i PRINCE GEORGE The Northern British Columbia Ski Association, meeting in Prince George recently, elected H. Sotvedt as piesident, George Kitchen as vice-president and Mrs. M. C. Campbell as secretary-treasurer. There will be a ski meet in Prince George on February 16 and 17, at Burns Lake on February 21, 22 and 23 and at Smithers on February 25. Mrs. C: Beulah of Vancouver is visiting at Prince George with hef son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Airs. Fred Beulah. . Prince George girls are having difficulty in getting partners for dances. There do not seem to be inough boys to go around. The Prince George girls have noticed that in Nanaimo the girls are advertising for partners to take them to dances. Quesnel badminton players visited Prince George at the end of last week for a tournament. Play was close and well contested. Arthur Porter of the Royal Bank of Canada staff at Prince George has returned to his duties after having been called to Vancouver on account of the sudden death of his mother. C. C. Ternen, former assistant district forester at Prince George and more recently stationed at' Kamloops, has now been transferred to Vancouver. Mrs. Archie Watt of Prince George arrived in Magnetawan, Ont., a few days ago, a few hours before her mother, on account of whose illness she had been called east, passed away. Marion Strom, 16 -year old daughter of Lars Strom? received a painful accident last Wednesday while playing basketball. She severely wrenched her knee cap, making it necessary to obtain medical attention. The pupils of the Prince George High School presented three one- iact sketches in the Princess Ball room on Friday and Saturday evenings with a matinee presentation Friday afternoon. The Prince George Women's Institute Is holding its annual meeting this afternoon in Andersen's Hall. Business includes presentation .07j of reports and election of officers. SMITHERS The Smithers District Chamberj of Commerce, at its December meeting, voted approval of the Hornby plan of farm settlement. It is hoped that, as a result, many Middlings 2.95 new settlers may be brought from Shorts 2.60 the British Isles to populate vacant Oats- a 2.65 lands of the Bulkley Valley. Fine Oat Chops 2.75 i t Barley i 255' Tne annual meeting of the Smi- Laylng Mash ...; 3.00 Oyster Shell i.45 Meats Turkey, No. 1, lb .35 Fowl, No. 1, lb 25 Roasting Chicken, lb 32 Ham, picnic, first grade, lb .20 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .. .45 Pork, shoulder, lb 18 Pork, loin, lb .25 Pork, leg, lb. 25 Pork, dry salt, lb. .. .... .25 Veal, loin, lb. .. 22 Yeal, shoulder, lb. 12c to .15 ueer, pot roast, lb. 122c to 15 thers Fall Fair Board was held in Smithers last Friday night. Bust ness. Included the presentation of reports and election of officers, Karson Hanson and Harry Orm of Smithers have been awarded a contract to drive two hundred feet of tunnel on the Dardanelles group of claims on Copper River near Terrace for the Omlneca Gold Quartz Mines Ltd. The work will probably be carried out next year. Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth of Prince Rupert has been a re STEWART Eric C. Redgrave-Gunner, who visited Prince Rupert, Stewart and other Northern British Columbia points on several occasions two or three years ago endeavoring to In terest local people in an aviation company to operate planes in Alaska, has been arrested In Ketchikan and ' charged with entering United States from Canada by ijk legal means. He was released from jail at Ketchikan on $1000 bail be ing put up by his wife. Redgrave-Gunner has recently been engaged In selling insurance. W. J. Wakefield, formerly of Prince Rupert, has been granted a permit to erect a garage building on Fifth Street at Stewart where he has been located for years. The Canadian 'Legion held an other military whist drive and Trade Mark Was Upheld in Court TORONT, f$9C. 81 Co. ltd., of .Windsor1. .Ontario, has teen eranted ludnnent of the Ex- NIFW HA7KI TON !rhaquc,r Court of Canada against Ulu I! iirkLtMuLj i vn Max Beyer of Winnipeg. Manitoba , Theiaay'er Oofnpany aV.ey.ed thai Visiting New Hazelton at the the defendant, Max Bfyer. was In-first of last week, Olof Hanson, M. .fringing its registered trade mark P. for Skeena, said that he hoped Ksptrin' by applying same to to soon get new orders lined upj t which were no; t.he Bayer which would enable him to ODen'-'s product,' and the judgment some new pole camps in the interact ;he..ExciieQ.u?;.Court per.ostual-j ior. At present shipments are being V . restrains me oeienn:un, w made from various points along Bever fn3m or distribUt-the Canadian National Railways, lnS products not manufactured by I Mn Hanson is at present on a trip 'llae, i.wny as o Vancouver on business in con- w "TV"- . ... .. up all containers, labes " or otner .lection with some prospective new .,u jole and s iLJ. .matter offending against the Judg- piling contracts. New Hazelton operators are igain talking about taking out a arge quantity of cottonwood and ..opiar logs for shipment to the Jrient by way of Prince Rupert. A nore favorable freight rnejit. The defendant is also required to pay the Bayer Company' damages and the casts of the cquxt action. MAY SJIIP TIJEM MASHI'I) LONDON, Dec. 8: CPi Possi- rate to bil'ty of canning potatoes whole. .Jrince' Rupert is being sought and mashed, fried for export over-;here is said to be hope of this be- seas is 'being Investigated by the ng obtained. Gust Christiansen of Pctato Marketing Esard. .iew Hazelton has already gone ., . . . into the woods to cut roads sourl "P to a few days ago, inaking through his timber limits back of lfc 'Possible to still operate trucks ;he town. He will be ready for work tneie from 'Stewart. There has been is soon as the frost and snow :omes providing the orders mater ialize. Dr. Cplwell of Extension, Van-ouver Island, has not been able to assume an appointment as assistant medical superintendent of the Hazelton Hospital. Efforts are now being made to secure another doctor for the post. After an exceptionally mild fall, the thermometer took a sudden drop in the Hazelton district at the end of the week, going down to below zero. a great deal more sunshine here thisfali than usual. Jack Morrison has purchased four lots on, Firt Street and has awarded a contract to John Mene-ghello to erect a resdlence on one of the lots. The work on the. new building will be started at an early date. A wedding of- much Interest in Stewart'ook place in Seattle recently when Miss Bonnie Camp-. bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. John j Campbell, was united in marriage I to Y. Boheen. : John., McLeod and Jack Bambret ' returned to Stewart last week after ' a hunting and fishing cruise in the j course .of which they travelled as far as Ketchikan. 2? dance in the hall on Saturday eve- & ning. There were old time and mo-!J f V i" Sf ft ' uern aances on tne program andjrf all present had a very enjoyable i - v Mrs. Frank Lewis has returned to her home ln Stewart after spending several weeks at Fort St. James visiting with her mother. Many matters of local importance were dealt with at a well attended meeting of the Stewart Board of Trade on Tuesday evening last. Although Premier Is 1371 feet above sea level, the famous gold mining camp up to a few days ago was free of snow and enjoying Daimy weatner. Tnere was a change, however, at the end of the lieei, DOUing, ID. 8C tO 10 1 rent, vlsttnr tn Rmtthere In tV,o Week and there has hppn rnnslfW. I Beef , roast prime rib, lb 18 course of his Presbyterian Church' able snow since then. There wasiM ueei HteaK, lb. 25c to .30 survey work. only two feet of snow at Big Mls-lg (7 w i srs i SHE figTS HIM Featuring Today Excursionists Due Tonight ,' Tonight's train, bringing in ex rnrsioniste points on a Canadian on time at 10;20. it was reported ibis morning. There are three excursionists from Prince George and !? ! II 1 I 11 ! I I ? fcJMKt. 1 cM ' B - Ah it "TILLIE THE TOILER" It's the Bald-Headed Man Who Always Comes Out on Top! WILL TILLIG BRGAIf OFF HER EMC ACE- H6WT TO MAC. a MOVvJ THAT SHE KNOXaIS hp Uac LOST AUL HS it all Happened vcsTertv wa Ac's haii . but to her. R1 op' uccessfoi- ' ' " iiit. n.. ti. i ' VV- cU vw www , ,r- BUT. MOTUPP. .TWIMW OB VT MAC,, 12AU.O VlHVi EVEM THOUfiH 1 SAVA1 IT 1 CAM'T BE LA EVE IV li&JBG. (SETiJSED To tTL NEvER", v a... . r- MEvEfi TiDLD VOU. But voutz. father! VAA'S RALE) xlMtkl MATSRHED HIM--J ovJT F t DO SAV AT,tAVSELF,4E iiAS. A HANDSOME MAM VUVTH HIS TOUPEE ON tr-M i Exhibition i JOHANNESBURG, Dec. 8: (CP) , E. H. Von mX, city councillor who has seen eyery European exhibition , In the. past 40 years, from irom various vanouuH interior ExlfibUiom special fare offer of tl -credlt here uld be any National ational Railways, Is due country ,tv ln ln .the ih. W.A world. Urge Plum-and'Apple 11 frpm Burns Lake with greater j BERLIN, Dec. 8: (CP) Nazi numbers from Smithers, Terrace autiiorlties have launched a big and nearer points. The return time campalgh to Induce people to use limit is Friday evening. jam instead of butter on their j bread, thus saving fat. Plum-and- Woman of Many Jobs Jappie will be the body of all this CHIPPENHAM, Eng.. Dec. 8:jJam. CP) Since 1886. Mrs. Lucy Did-! : man, now 77 years old, ha,s been' F. Splcer and John Mclvor, wro caretaker of the Anglican church; have been here with a shipment of at Lowden and in addition aots as i stock from the Interior, returned to clerk and verger, bell-ringer and the Interior on last evening's stokes the furnace. train. MASl'KlKHtltY .JAM absolutely pimtJor your sujrly Y!i l -JJJ .. .1 added aaaea wiuiuui pectin or other adulterants, Royal City Raspberry Jam is best for many of your favorite recipes, as well as for the breakfast table. 100 HIUTISlt COLUMBIA PRODUCT tit www wvi Win the enthusiastic thanks of every man on your list. Your gift won't be packed away and. forgotten if you choose him a shirt styled by "ARROW" ("No one ever regretted buying quality") We now have our complete range of shirts on display. Price up from ' , $1.25 Again we suggest a visit to our store will convince you that we have a selection of shirts in a great variety of colors and fabrics to please any mam We have many other Christmas Gift Suggestions. Watch This Space! LAMBIE & STONE Clothes of Distinction" V 1 LZPl usjrs amd wArrs to. owe! MEMT FROM TIU.IB n 8 a "J2 f! fa By Westover Tuesday, December B, TOYS Gift Suggestions at KAIEN HARDWARE PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink. . Salmop Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll 1 Prince Rupert, COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EUSON ALBERTA ' COAL UULKLE1' VALLEY COAL. VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 HOTEL NEW ROYAL J. Zarelli. ProprHor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert B.C Phone 281 'P.O. Box w Hyde Transfer. Quick Delivery coal; WOOD! Chairs & Tabkf For Rent phoneIS Office 315 Second Avenue