Tuesday, December 8, 193G THE DAILY NEWS "" ' --- 1 '' Young Mothers! Here's nelp lo ' END COLDS Quicker Massage VapoRub briskly on the tnroac, cnest anu duck Deiween ana below the shoulder blades); Then spread it thick over the chest and cover with warmed cloth. It takes so little time -it does so much this 3-Minute VapoRub Massage 1 Almost before you finisli rubbing, VapoRub starts to bring relief two ways at once two direct ways: 1. Through the Skin. VapoRub acts direct through the skin like a poultice or plaster. 2. Medicated Vapors. At the same time, its medicated vapors, released by body heat, are breathed in for hours about 18 times a minute - -direct to the irritated air-passages. This combined poultlce-and-vapor action loosens phlegm relieves irritation helps break congestion. While the little patient relaxes into comfortable slecn. VannRnh right on working. Often, by morning the worst of the cold is over. Avoids Risk of Stomach Upsets This safe, external treatment cannot possibly upset the stomach, as constant internal "dosing" is so apt to do. It can be used freely, as often as needed, even on the youngest child. VICKS VAPORUB MothcrsI Look In your VapoRub package for full details of Vicks Plan-i-a practical home guide to greater freedom from colJ. In clinic tests among 17,351 people, this Plan cut sickness from colds more than haljl Follow Vickt Plan for Better Control of Coldt PYREX GIFTS Pjrex Oven Ware and Pjrex Top-of-Stove Ware are ideal gifts. Made of clear glass they combine beauty with utility in your cooking equipment. Pic Plate Casseroles Custard Cups Measuring Cups Bread Pans THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 VAt Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 VM. Due Vaiouver, Monday ajn. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL NOTICE-Christmas Holiday Sailings to Vancouver via )Vaypoints: S.S. CARDENA Leaves Prince Rupert Friday. December 18th at 5:00 p.m. Arrives Vancouver Sunday, December 20th at 2:00 p.m. (approx.) S.S. CATALA Leaves Prince Rupert Tuesday, December 22nd at 12:00 noon. Arrives Vancouver Thursday. December 24th at 9:00 a.m. (approx.) S.S. Catala leaves Vancouver northbound Friday, January 1st at 9:00 p.m. arriving Prince Rupert Sunday, p.m., January 3rd. SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION FARE, $32.00 Please make your reservation early A. W. NEWMAN, Agent, Prince Rupert Used Goods Picture Frames, price 25c, 50c & 75c Hand Sewing Machine . $18.00 Badminton Racket, Slazengers .' $-1.00 Violet Ray 35.00 Vibrators $2.50 & .$5.00 Radios, Battery Sets $10.00 & 5.00 Violin, full size 312.50 Tenor Banjos $6-00, $18.00 Flute ........$12.00 Clarinet ....... . . . . . a . . . . . $15.00 D. EL 10 FURNITURE EXCHANGE . We Buy Used Goods of Any Description For Cash Phone Green 421 Third Avenue business Hours 5 Thurs. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Open from 8 a.m. to p.m.. ,,,, . ,,,, iMIIiiihii iirmr""'"" " B3n LOCAL NEWS Presbyterian Tea tomorrow afternoon. (237) The ne-v ''Simplicity" Patterns may be obtained at the Dollar Store. Three prices only, 15c, 20c and 25c. tf. A Charge against John Hackla of having liquor In the abode of. an Indian was dismissed by Magistrate McClymont In city police court yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Martin Miller is leaving Prince Rupert to visit her mother who 1$ 111 at her home In Switzerland. She will cross from New York ito France on the Queen Mary and expects to be away a year at least. Dr. Victor Dolmage, well known Vancouver consulting mining en-, gineer, who has been on a visit to the Edye Pass mine on Porcher Island for the Reward Mining Co.; is sailing this afternoon by the' Catala on his return south. , Mr. and Mrs, Robert Woods and child are leaving Wednesday en- iroutc to New York from which port they will sail on the Laconla, December 19, for Scotland where they plan to reside. Mr. Woods says that, if the pulp mill is .built here, they may return later. v Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hallett, who were married In the city yesterday, LAST FEW DAYS Furniture Factory Samples must be cleared at sensational, bargain prices. 10-plece Chesterfield groups $62.-50; 3-piece Langham Chesterfield $84.50; 10-piece Bedroom Suite, high-grade Eastern hardwood construction, Burl fronts $115.50; Genuine Walnut cedar chests. $14.50. Order today. Take advantage of this splendid opportunity to save. Julius Shore Mall Order House, 801 Beklns Building, Vancouver. FOR RENT FOR RENT Five room Modern 'house, 5th Ave. East. Apply Washington Block. (290) WANTED RELIABLE Girl for general house work at Stewart. $10 per month. Apply Box 7, Dally News. (290) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific. Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. MEN Get vigor at once. New OSr trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted, "aker refunds few cents paid, wall or write, Ormes Limited, tf HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Mrs. A. E. Thomas, Port Essing-ton; E. O. Solee, Ketchikan; A. D. Stewart, Mrs. W. J. Lineham and A. Rosang, Lewis Island; Karl Cllve and C. Erlckson, Digby Island. Royal Mrs. M. L. Pritchard and Relno Finnlla, Porcher Island; J. Arbor and Alex Romanskl, city; E. Phillips, Armour, Sask.; Arthur Krist-manson, Osland; M. Erland, city; J, Schjesvold, T. Torkelson, M. Haapala and Tom Steinberg, Dig-by. Central T. Morrison, S. Lima, H. J. Na-mara, J. A. Johnston, J. Kjander, O. C. Austad and C. Klnoz, city; Ivor Johnson, Terrace; N. Mokren, Pacific; P-. LeRoss and O. Hunt, C. N. R.; William Morrill, Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs. M. Holson and Mrs. J. Newmler, Prince George; James Hart, Blllmor; J. Freestad, Oona River. Knox J. C. Leamon, Vancouver; C. West, city. Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hansburg and Mr. and, Mrs. Lee E. Ave, Ketchikan; Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Mo-sher, Portland, Ore. DOWN COAST COUPLE WED Miss Gladys Bradbury of Goat Harbor Becomes Bride of Frank Hallett of Bishop Bay and Roy Hallett left on last eye-' The marriage took pJuce quietly ning's train for a trip to prairie Jat 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon points as far as Winnipeg. They 'at the residence of Rev. L. C. Jen- come from Bishop Bay, down the sen, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran coast from here, and will return 'Church, of Miss Gladys Bradfury there in a month's time via Vancouver and Butedale. No longer are the mining camps In the Arctic and sub-Arctic to be without their Christmas greeting telegrams on the most sentimental of all family holidays In the year Canadian National Teegraphs an- .nounce that, throueh the co-on -- . Jprntlnn nf snph nnrnnlrtif Inns as the Canadian Airways' radio de partment, the Ontario forestry de partment and the Northwest Ter rltorial and Yukon Radio Tele graph systems, Christmas greeting messages will be accepted to such points as Fort Smith. Fort Resolution, Yellow Knife, Fort Rae, Cameron Bay, Fort Simpson, Fort Norman and Aklavlk In the Northwest Territories; Dawson and Mayo In the Yukon Territory; Chlpewyan, Alta.'; Goldfields, Sask.; God's Lake and Norway House, Man., and various camps In Northern Ontario. Of interest to relatives of the engineers and miners Is the fact that the additional cost to the re gular greeting message charge Is In keeping with the low rates for Christmas telegrams. FINAL NOTICE Please take notice that Thurs day, December 10th is the final date for payment of Trades Li cences for the present six-month period. After .that date summonses will be issued. (288) Visitors! Welcome to Our City Mussallem's invite you to visit their stores., Come In and look aroundi' Prices are reasonable. Groceries, Provisions, Fruit, Nuts, Candies, Tobaccos. Confectionery Store at your service. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE .iiK2iKiiKrixiaaa:B!:i:B::B33:B3:ij' Announcements Gingham Dance, Moose Hall? Presbyterian tea, December 9. Cambral Christmas Spree. December 11. Recreation dance, Hall, December 18. Spinsters' Oddfellows' Canadian Legion Christmas Tret December 19. Orange Hogmany Dance, December 31. Elks' New Year Dance, Boston Hall, December 31. Leave your order now. We will hold any article till Christmas Ormes Ltd. TTfiti Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Winter is again with us and as usual we arc at your service to assist you solve your fuel problems. We have coals for all stoves, heaters anil furnaces. Phone us for prices. Gentleme LINGERIE HOSE SCARVES n: DRESSES SHOES Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Winter winds a f din &re chilling Andyour? co&lbin needs reWiny: PAQE HIRES I ' I ' ' " ' ' ! "1- LiJ'.UJ! !. I'IL-UXLJ. JIX i JILJ IJU. Ml J. , IJ JggggWP Thes district has been receiving: considerable publicity In the Old Country recentfy as a result of the presentation by the Canadian Na tional Railways of two miniature hand carved Ivory totem poles to Sir Neville Wilkinson for the gardens of his famous Tltlana's Pal ace. They are fine reproductions of totems at Kltwantra. on th Skeeha" River. Joe Edwards, for Imerly of the Canadian. National I Railways service at Prince Ru I pert, lias sent to the Dally News i office a copy of the Leader, a (weekly London paper, carrying a feature article about the totems. CUM FOR SALE FOR SALE Beaver Bottling Works as a going concern. (if) FOR SALE General Electric Hand Cleaner, almost new, $15. Phone Blue 272. tf. A CHRISTMAS Present that will please, a Bunsen Oil Burner. Phone Black 461 or Green 106. (tf) of Goat Harbor and John Francis Hallett of Bishop Bay. The couple were attended by Mrs. Evelyn Roberts and Albert Lund. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hallett left for a month's prairie trip after which they will return to BLshop Bay, down the coast from here, to take up residence. The groom Is engaged in logging iat Bishop Bay. Xmas Messages For Far North Special Arrangements Are Made By Canadian National Telegraphs Meeting of Youth Society Interests Over Fifty In Attendance at Divert- i ins: Gathering Last Niffht With over fifty members and friends in attendance, the Christian Youth Society held its regular bl-weekly meeting last night In the social parlors of First United Church. The meeting, which was of a public nature, was opened with a short devotional period con-, ducted by the Misses Edith Con-i nery and Mildred Hunt. Following this, the president, Wilfrid Hicks, welcomed the visitors and briefly outlined the purpose and history of this group, revealing the fact that Its membership had Increased from fourteen to forty in the two and a half months of its existence. At the conclusion of the business session, an enjoyable program was presented, the first half consisting of dances by little Bernlce Eastwood, accompanied by Mrs. S. A. Kielback and little Miss Doris Hodgkinson, accompanied by Mrs. James Black. A television set-up, from which a variety broadcast was presented, added a novel touch to the second half of the program. Those taking part were the Misses Eileen and Phyllis Hamblin and Molly Frew; Henry Montesano, Bruce Stevens, Bob Irvine and Ken Harding. A social half hour and sing-song brought the evening to a close. Becomes King's Gardener WINDSOR, Eng., Dec. 8: (CP) George Simpson, a gardener from St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland, has been appointed to the post of head gardener to the King at Windsor Castle. SEE The Knox Hotel For special rates on room and board to permanent guests R. BRASELL N. M. BRASELL Just Arrived Christmas Crackers in the latest designs Priced from ode &asA Jr i)cr x to IMWlLlllIi. OP PHILPOTT-EVITT & Co. Ltd. 651 PHONE 652 What to buy the O Ladies for Xmas WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF GLOVES COATS SWEATERS PURSES, ETC. that any woman would be pleased to receive as a gift. Let us solve your Christmas problems by helping you select a gift for your individual need. We have had years of experience in assisting the bashful male with their Christmas Gift problems. t Annette Ladies7 Wear Co. "T. C..,. t n 1 V T Federal Block, Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C.