' V i. , ' Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tide5 (8 AM.) She mmln Prince Rupert Cloudy, northerly High 10:02 a.m. 19.4 ft. wind, 4 miles per hour; barometer, 23:01 pjn. 16.5 ft. 29.82 (rising); sea smooth. Low 3:33 a.m. 9.6 ft. 16:53 p.m. 6.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER .... "? 'rs Vol. XXV., NO. 2b V A PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1936 PRICE: 5 CE$3 oirch Has Yet to Give Answer HAD STORM ON SUNDAYS Damage Done In Seattle by High Wind Snow in Mountains Interferes With Traffic SEATTLE, Dec. 8: Considerable damage was done In Seattle by a high wind Sunday. Numerous signs were blown down and windows broken, Light and telephone services were Interrupted. There were no serious casualties. There has been a heavy snowfall In the mountains, Interfering with vehicular traffic. M'GREADY HOPEFUL Assistant Secretary of Labor Looking For Early Settlement Of .Marine Strike 6VN FRANCISCO, Dec. 3: Aslant Secretary of Labor Edward S. McG ready expressed renewed hopes today of an early settlement of the maritime 'workers' strike on the Pacific Coast He Is optimistic that a new conference between the shipowners and the workers may result in a basis of settlement being reached. COURT IN SESSION Six Case on List for Dccemhrr Most of Them Deferred Until Next Year Cwnty Court was In rcgulaij it. Tt lily v-slon before Judge W. E Fi. h r yr-lerday morllng for 'ng Cw December cases. There fix cx?:j on the list, most of which vvere set up for hearing next year. One naturalization application was approved. Thr V t was as follows: King Tal Co. vs. John Dohl, $143.85, Brown & Harvey for plaln-tlff, R, L. McLennan for defendant, set ov::r do next court. Ell Skog vs. W. C. Splan. $158, Patmorc & Fulton for plaintiff, E A. Dickie for defendant, stands over O'af Nclron vs. Lcandcr Mat son, Patmorc & Fulton for plain Uff, Brown Iz Harvey for defend anf December 14. Hans Christen vs John Preece, M65, E, F. Jones for plaintiff. R. L. McLennan for defendant, date to be fixed: Jirk Lambert vs. John Clausen, $862.02, Browil & Harvey for P-alntlff. Patinore & Fulton for( defendant, February court. uisalle Extension University vs. K F J. Hughes, $150, Patmcre & Fulton for plaintiff, Brown & Har-Vcy for defendant, next court. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, (CP) Bar silver was unchanged at 4534c per ounco on the New York metal market today. Weather Forecast IKurnlKhcU througn the courUay of ' Dominion Meteorological Bureau i victoria and Prince Rupert. ThU tore-l compiled from observations ta-"pii a 5 a.m. today and covers the 3S "out period ending 5 pxn tomorrow). Pressure remains low over the Ertesh Columbia coast. Rain has burred) with snow Inland. Prince RuDert district Moder to fresh shifting winds, slightly colder with rain or sleet. Queen Charlotte Islands-Fresh 10 strong shift'ng winds with rain west Coast Vancouver Island-jesh to strong southwest and west w'nds, mild with occasional rain. INSURGENTS LAUNCH ANOTHER DRIVE FOR CAPTURE OF MADRID 4' MADRID, Dec 8: Insurg ent artllleiry started booming early today as- .the Fascists commenced what was consld- ered another desperate drive to capture this civil war stricken capital. Death and destruction continue every- where with scenes of horror at all hands. 4 TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver D. C. Nickel, .23. Dig Missouri, .51. Bralorne, 8.00. B. R. Cons., .05. B. R. X., .09. Cariboo Quartz, 1.70. . Dentonla, .12. Dunwell, .04. Golconda, .12. Minto, .20'2. Meridian, .03 ','2. Morning Star, .02 Noble Five, .033i. Pend Oreille, 2.15. Pioneer, 5.40. Porter Idaho, .05'i. Reeves McDonald, -.25. u. Premier, 3.44. Reno, 1.27. .. Relief Arlington; -.31. . Reward, .054. Salmon Gold, .073,4. Taylor Bridge, .06V4-United Empire, .01. Wayside, .07. I Toronto Beattic. 1.26. J Central Patricia, 4.10. I God's Lake, .68. Inter. Nickel, 61.50. Lee Gold, .06. Little Long Lac, 7.00. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.73. Pickle Crow, 7.25. Red Lake Gold Shore, 1.36. San Antonio, 2.35. Sherrltt Gordon, 2.28. Slscoe, 4.25. Smelter Gold, .08. Ventures. 2.82. McLeod Cockshutt. 5.10. Oklend, .53. Mosher, .45. Gilbec. .07,'2. ,; Madsen Red Lake, 1.22. May Spiers, .39. Sullivan, 1.95. Stadacona, .86. Frontier Red Lake, .15. Francoeur, .99. Manitoba & Eastern, .16. Perron, 1.99. New Augarita, .35. Moneta Porcupine, 1.57. Sladen Majartic, 1.30. Bouscadlllac, .42. Lapa Cadillac, .79. Morris Kirkland. .72. Black Eagle, .08. Astoria Rouyn, .ll34. Nubec, .44. Don't Foreet The Salvation Army The Salvation Army campaign Is; always rather stow in startmg. People think there Is plenty of time and. as a result they become busy Just before Christmas and find It difficult to attend to everything they would wish. We sueuest a cnecu oe sent as once to the Salvation Army or to the Daily News covering a donation, not for the Army officials, but for the Christmas Cheer Fund which they handle for the people of the city. They have the mach inery for doing It ana can ao u well Now that the fund Is opened we are looking for greater re- onrttise. H. and L $10 00 Welshman in Madrid Trenches Fighting For Rebels Not all British nationals In Spain are neutral and not all t-e fighting Britishers are on the side of the Loyalsts. Peering dawn his rifle barrel from the depths of a sandbag dugout on the Navalcatnero front on the outskirts of Madrid Is Frank Howard Thomas of Cardiff, Wales, fighting with the troops of General Franco, insurgent chief. Thomas was a travelling salesman for his father, a wholesale grocer, but got "fed up" and ran away to Join the rebels. Some Warehousemen Am ) P FJ I . jt rrtsco working Unions Have, However, Voted Aral nst Acpepting Compromise Wage of 70c Per Hour SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 8: - tStrlke-breaking San Francisco warehousemen were continuing to handle goods yesterday for the compromise wage of 70c per hour. an Increase from the former 62 '2c. despite the vote of union ware to 'work unless 82V2c is paid. PARLEY IS CONTINUING Separate .Meetings of Delegates A Buenos Aires Considering Peace Plans BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 8: -Dele gates to the inter-American Peace Conference here went Into separ ate parleys here today to conslde various peace plans Including thai of Secretary or State Ccrdell HuV of the United' States whl:h pro posed the setting up of a specla' committee to consider the situation In the event of a genera' European war breaking out. New York Stock Market Stronger Early Rally This Morning Contin-t ued Throughout Day's ' Trading ! NEW YORK, Dec 8: f. The xt New : York stock market staged a rally In' early trading this morning,! continuing strength throughout ; ; 1 BIG GERMAN BATTLESHIP 4- DAMAGED AT LAUNCHING ; HITLER SEES ACCIDENT KIEL. KIEL, Germany, Germany, Dec. Dec. 8: 8: ,m O 1 With Chancellor Adolf Hitler j raWier OHlkS! and thousands of speotators' ' standing aghast, a great new 28,000-ton battleship got out of control following its launching here today and slid rapidly across the fiarbor, crashing into a thick wall. The stern was badly damaged but there was no loss of life or serious injuries. , Late Telegraphs -L. DR. CHABOT DIES OTTAWA Hon. Dr. John Leo Chabot, 67, former Conservative Member of Parliament for Ottawa, died today. MAYOR OF TORONTO TORONTO W. D. Robbins, chosen last month to fill the unexpired term of the late Mayor Sam McBride, was returned to office yesterday on a wave of 74,-844 votes, defeating opponents in the persons of Aid. Laldlaw and Robert Harding. MRS. DEBS DIES INDIANAPOLIS Mrs. Kather-ine Debs, widow of the late Eugene V. Debs, Laborite leader, died last night at the age of 79. She was a native of Louisville, Ky., and had lived in seclusion since the death of her husband ten years ago. THOUSANDS ARE KILLED Storms and Hoods Take Heavy Toll on Northern Luzon Island In Phillipincs MANILA, Dec. 8; With a death toll which it is feared may run into thousands and at least fifty towns completely under water, leaving more thousands , , .. .. nomeicss aim sum-ring great privation, northern Luzon Island is emerging today from terrific rainstorms and floods of the last few days. Communications and transportation I arc completely disrupted and It will probably be some days before the full extent of the damage is known. ; I TfW RpQrilAn Vlt" WtUCU: Fishing Vessel Comes to Grief Off 1 Jones Beach, Long Island NEW YORK, Dec. 8: The traw- wiler Olorla stranded off Jones Beach, Long Island, Sunday night and sank. The crew of five were fjrescued by the coastguard. Pope Slightly Better Though In Danger Yet VATICAN CITY', Dec. 8:--SIlght mp-ovement was reported by physicians today In the condition of Pops Plus, who suffered a paralytic stroke of the legs at the end of the week, although grave feaia are still held. The Pontiff's Impatience at his Illness and In sistence to return 10 work are the cause of concern. ROOSEVELT RETURNING President of United States at Trinidad on Way Home From Buenos Aires PCRT OF SPAIN, Dei. 8: ikying President Franklin D Roosevejt back to the United TMtes from Buenc3 Aires where le attended the inter-American peace conference, the warship In i'anopolis was here last night. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Dec. 8: (CP) Whrat was up again to -$1,1412 on the Vancouver market yesterday. Radio Gag Man Dies in Gotham David Frecdman Recently Entered Suit Azalnst Eddie Cantor For Stealing His Jokes NEW YCRK. Dec. 8:- David Frecdman, radio gag man, died here today. He had recently started a suit against Eddie Canto) for Infringing on his gags. SOCIAL CREDIT LOSES OUT IN TEST POLLING IN ALBERTA PROVINCE EDMONTON, Dec. 8: (CP) Revised figures today showed that j H Tremblay. Liberal, had defeated Dr. W, Desro- 4. siers social Credit,' by a mar gin of 180 In the first test of ' Social Credit at the polls since provincial election last v?ar Twentv-slx out of fortv pons had reported. . 4 GREAT BRITAIN STILL AWAITS KING'S REPLY IN REGARD TO CRISIS Still Felt in Some Well Informed Quarters That He Will Go Through With Marriage to Mrs. Simpson And Abdicate-Dukes of York and Kent At Fort Belvedere LONDON, Dec. 8 : Great Britain was today still awaiting the decision of her King as to whether he would renounce Mrs. Wallis Warf ield Simpson or his Throne. After having gone down yesterday insurance rose again today in fayor of abdication. Possibly before the end of the week it may be known what the King intends to do. It may, nuivever, oe nwo weess De- 'pre the declrton Is made. In some 'vell-lnfonmd quarters It was said hat only legal and financial steps emalned to be arranged before indication is announced. The Duke of York was called ant night to Fort Belvedere and .pent the nlghlt there with the King. This morning the Duke of Kent proceeded to Font Belvedere. The Duke of York appeared to be less worried when he left Fort 3lvedere this morning. Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin today conferred with Sir John Simon, Home Secretary, presum ably on the question of the con stitutional crisis but no an nouncement was . madev Downing Street viivas " quiter today- than It had been since the crisis came to a h ead . Also during the day there was a '.onference between King Edward, he Duke of York and Premier Baldwin. Premier Ba'dwln. apparently till Insists that the King abdl- vite in the event he finally de- sides to marry Mrs. Simpson. If ris monarch fhould Intfsii on narrying Mrs. s:m,pon without indicating. Mr. Baldwin, it Is said, vould favor resigning and calling general cfcct.'on to give the people th opportunity to express themselves. Clement AtJee, leader of the Labor Opposition, was repsrted today to be preparing to call a special meeting of the Parllament- iry Labor Party with a view to at tacking Premier Baldwin's stand n the crisis. Meantime .mere seems to be a turn of sympathy In some quar ers towards Mrs. Simpson follow- .'ng her announcement of willing ness yesterday to give up the King This was considered as a "sport ing gesture" and, as such, ap- pealed to many British people. Pending the final outcome of he crisis; preparations for the 'for this year to date has reached coronation next May are now to a a total of 135,521,152 board feet, lit arge. extent suspended. Any comparison with 130,527.786 board change In coronation plans now, feet during the first eleven vou'd prove disastrous to many months of 1935. A substantial, ln-businesses jcreass is shown this November In The Situation Summarized the three principal varieties of Summing up dramatic develop- ments spot-lighted by Mrs. Simp ;on's offer to withdraw from the situation If that would aid In Its .olutlon and the Prime Minister's statement that the cabinet was not .orclng the. King to a decision at ,hls time, a spokesman said today: "The King must choose either to give up Mrs, Simpson now or ul timately to abdicate In order to' make her his wife. The cabinet and i ... e l potes and piling in .mm 1.. u behind uuj it, the t 1 solidly Prime Mlnbter the interlor NovcmberP shogd and against the suggestion made faJlm off unourMw to only by the King that he make Mrs. 5C)4l4 ltoM, feeU.tne fa Simpson his morganatic wife. Thejportion of whlch was lri ccAai only other alternative, marriage compared with 422,413 lineal feet with Mrs. Simpson, accorded thejm the same month last year ' full rights of Queen Consort of The tie count this November England, has been out of the ques- , was 21,347 pieces 3.187 In honr- tlon from the beginning of these, lock and 18,160 In Jackplne. LMt historic days, Today's Developments Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin reached Fort Belvedere this pvp. , (Continued on Page Two) R0THERMERE BACKS KING Can Britain Afford to Lose Such- A Splendid Sovereign, He Asks.. LONDON, Dec. 8: (CP) Vis-. count Rothermere published a let ter Monday In the Dally Mall ask ing If Great Britain "can afford to lose a sovereign of such superla tively splendid qualities." He followed up with a letter at night In the Evening News urging a ofganitle.'marrlagel. "It. would je easy to legalize a morganatic narrlage,1" he wrote. "It would be difficult and dangerous to legalize an abdication." One short act passed through the British and Dominion Parliaments would make the marriage legal. He predicted they would pass such an act with huge majorities. Rothermere added that there had never been a suggestion that Mrs. Simpson become Queen from any source whatsoever. She had no desire .to be made a member of the Royal Family or to appear on ceremonial occasions. LOG SCALE IS HIGHER Substantial Increase Recorded This November Over Last T" a log scaling In Prince Rupert forestry district for the month of November this year totalled J32 393,814 board feet as compaxecT with 8.967.822 board feet In Sha ;cume month list year. ScaHne logs produced In this district cedar, spruce and hemlock. For varieties the scale for the month in board feet was as lows: Douglas Fir 320,241 Cedar 1.902.7M--JJ Spruce ...6,760,900 Hemlock 3,568,692 Balsam 576,372 Jackplne 248,538 Miscellaneous 16,340 Forest Products ' , year In November there was no tie scale, One hundred and nlnety-fijjjj cords of wood and cords of fence-posts were recorded this Novemljcifi