IT PAGE SIX tin n r WATERMAN'S Latest Perfected Ink-Vue Pens Greater ink capacity than any other pen at this price. tm EXTRA FLASH Made in the 3-Cell Complete Extra Bulb each 2-Cell Complete Extra Bulb each Extra Batteries 4 for 50c SPECIAL LIGHTS British Empire With Batteries and 1.00 With Batteries and 65c 25c THE MINERALS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA British Columbia has produced minerals of an aggregate value of $1,425,000,000.00. The value of mine production in 1935 was $48,821,239.00, an increase of $6,515,942.00 over the value for 1934. For authoritative information regarding the mining industry of this Province, apply to: THE DEPARTMENT OF MINES , Victoria, li.C. NOTII: Following are some of the recent publications of the department: i. Annual Report of the Minister of Mines for the calendar year 1935, (There is a small charge for this publl-j cation). Bulletin: "Notes on Placer-mlnlng in British Columbia." Bulletin: "British Columbia The Mining Industry." (This publication contains a Synopsis of the various mining laws of the Province). . "Elementary Geology Applied to Prospecting a course of. lectures. . II ERSONAL GREETING LARDS A beautiful Selection to Choose From at Reduced Prices, Including a Box of Gold Initialed Stationery with Orders of Over Eighteen Cards. 12 Beautiful Assorted Cards in Boxes per box Superfine Cards jQg each SHEAFFER'S Latest Improved Pens & Pencils Your name free in gold letters on any of these pens or pencils. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU to visit and inspect our enormous stock Christmas Gifts for every member of the family. Be Sure to Visit Our Wonderful Basement Store! Shop early and receive greater individual attention MAX Hamburger, 3 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions Shoulder Steak 2 lbs Prime Rib Steak 3 lbs. Boneless Beef 3 lbs Any Cut of Baby Beef per lb. LAMB and MUTTON of RONER DIAMOND SPECIALIST Headquarters For SANTA CLAUS Thousands of Toys, Christmas Books, Decorations and Novelties REGAL SHOP Any Article Put Away Until Christmas Week 9 Mouse Ran Up His Coat I COPENHAGEN, Dec. 8: (CP) 'A mouse ran up the coat of a 'truck driver and perched on hi collar, the startled driver losing 5 'Control and being seriously Injured I ivhen, the 'tree. 'truck crashed into a' FLYING PUPIL AT 71 LONDON. Dec. 8: (CP) Harry Ebbagc, 74, has passed the medical examination of ithe Air Ministry and Is receiving Instruction for his pilot's certificate at 'the Airwork School, Heston. Pot Roast 4 lbs. !Boll Bt-zt 4 lbs JONES Family Market I PHONE 957 Specials Prime Rib Roll per lb. 1 Sirloin Steak 3 lbs Round Steak 3 lbs. BELF PIIONE 951 35c 25c 15c 50c 40c 25c 25c 50c 25c 15c I Loin of Lamb. OAn IK bi aw Leg of Lamb 5 lbs Loin Mutton Chops 3 lbs Shoulder of Lamb I per lb Lamb Stew 3 lbs. VEAL 2 lbs : Veal Stew 3 lbs v.... PORK Ayrshire Bacon per lb Side Bacon By piece per lb Pork Spare Ribs 2 lbs. Pork Hocks per lb. Frying Chicken -each- $1.00 50c 15c 25c 35c 25c 25c 25c 25c 10c 50c Ore THE. DAILY NEWS Tuesday, December i NEWS OFJHE MINES Sampling Want Here to be Boon to District-Consolidated on Dcase River Mill For Edye Pass the ores, will market the product. The subject of small portable mills was discussed, investigated and reported upon by the resident en- iglneers who decided that, instead of small portable mills, the government would be better advised to proceed with the ore sampling plants for ores mined in small quantities by prospectors and others. The Department of Finance is agreeable to advancing $150,000 for the ore sampling and purchasing program. During the past year several properties In the Stewart area have mined and (Shipped ore In small quantities to ' l . At tt.. 11 1 smcners in Europe, me unuea States and to Canadian reduction works. This procedure has involved a long spread between settlement periods. When the government cus toms sampling mill at Prince Ru pert is in operation, prospectors will be able to ship their product and receive cash returns quickly which will enable them to further develop their properties without The new Unuk Klvcr trail which' is being built across the Alaska Panhandle' from a point back of Ketchikan" will, when completed enable prospactors to reach the British Columbia boundary without risking the 'hazardous can yons or crossing the almost impassable bluffs as had to be donf in previous years. The new trail built toy the United States gov ernment, averages more than ter feet In width and has no hard grades. Hhere Is one shelter cabin a.t the mouth of the Unuk River and cue on the Blue River The iie'.ter cabins an; comnleteh equipped with cco'xlng utensils .-toves and fuel and fcoi for f r .id. In f.'rt:cn mllot cf trail yz to be flnlsihed, there are about 2500 feet of difficult and costlj rock work. McDames Creek area on the Deasc River Just south of tht Yukon boundary will hi the E'xns of lode gold exploration by ths Consolidated Mining & Eme'Alng Co. in the 1937 season. Late In the fall of 1935 John Bollang and Hans, Erickson of McDames staked a property which was taken over by, the "Casslar Syndicate" com prising prominent Victoria buslnc3 men with R. H. Pooley K.C. as trustee. An examination of the property was made during the pa;t summtc cn behalf cf the syndicate by A. C. Langflcy, consulting cnghr of Vanjuver. who spent some time making a thorough Investigation of the outcrops and surface cuts. As an outcome of his visit and 'report to (the Cassiar Syndicate, Consoli-dated later in the season sent in one of Its own engineers who has, apparently, conformed Mr. Lang- reys good opinion of the prop erty. An option has bosn taken of the syndicate's holdings by Con- soiiaatca with exploration by sur- race work and ldamond drilling planned as scon as possible next spring. There is said to be a strong, well defined vein on the property with every indication that it persists for at least two thous and feet. The vein Is of ribbon quartz structure, carrying remark- aoiy high values in places. Air travel has greatly speeded up tho exploration and development of thh part of the province. d -warrant installation oi a a w :0 ton mill, says J. D. Galloway, ecently made managing director .n a progress report. The Edye Pass property was acquired early last summer, equipped iwth a suit able camp, diesel compressor plant etc., af lower level cross-cut tunnel commenced and surface operations carried out to ' extract available Wpplng ore. It Is expected that ;ufflcient ore will be .developed o warrant the Installation of the .nlll. Speaking at the recent session of the Legislature, M. M. Connelly, M. L. A. for Omlneca, stated that .t had been said by the vice-president of one of the greatest mining corporations that the area in and around Manson Creek was the most promising mining region In the whole of British Columbia. At the present time, said Mr. Connelly, there are approximately three hundred men working in that area on Slate Creek, Vital Creek, Manson Creek and several others- Such delay. An expansion of the mining development throughout the dis trict may be anticipated as a re suit. prominent mining men as W. M. Ogllvle, Tim Keily, the McCorkell brothers on lower Gcrmanson River ind Charles F. deGanahl of White Plains, N.Y., are operating exten- ively In the district. "Thcscmen," 'eclared Mr. Connelly, ' know mm ng and they would not spend their ':ime and money unless they were certain of results. These mining irojects are, I think, most important In regard to bringing back Hosperlty to the province. If given the necessary assistance in the vay of roads so that equipment ir.d supplies may be taken 'In to the properties at reasonable cost I have no doubt that In six months development would take care of from 500 to 600 of our young un- mployed now roaming the streets if our larger elites." The new Mackenzie Highway, now being built northward from Fort St lames, would serve practically all the mining operations, Mr. Connelly said, "and he hoped would connect the coast with the great Peace River area. The increased business this would bring to Vancouver, Victoria and PInce Rupert no onr could fully estimate. While at Stewart recently, Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skcena, was asked by the Stewart Board of Trade to use his influence to wards securing extension of the Bear River road. It was pointed out that this project would sevq a very large mining area. Mr. Han son Indicated that the Dominion would make further appropriations for mining roads and that It would spend on a ratio basis of $2 per $1 spent by the provincial government on such roads. He suggested that the board of trade recommend to the provincial authorities the advantages of opening' up the Interior country and have the gov ernment request from the Domin ion an appropriation for this work. Roy L. Clothier, formerly active In mining In the Portland Canal district, Is. now managing director of the Dictator Gold Mining Co. and recently examined the old Goepel property near Nelson. The Goepel Is located within four miles of the Relief-Arlington which Is being profitably operated by Premier Gold Mining Co. Ltd. Operations have ceased for the winter In the old Dolly Varden mine at Alice Arm after a success- WMam Dann, manazlnir dlrec-. f ul season during which T. W. Fal- tor of the United Empire mine at,coner, Lome Falconer, Selkirk Fal-Stewart, is iat present In Van-Iconer and Gordon Brown, as leas-couvsr to attend the annual meet-1 ers, shipped considerable high ng of his company. During the grade ore and have approximately past few months considerable de- 140 tons more of high grade ready velopment .has been carried out tn bo Rent to smelter for treatment ORGANIZING OF INDIANS Co-opcratlvc Union of Canada Interesting Itself in Natives For some months past the Cooperative Union of Canada has been giving information and guid- The oro sampling plant which is about to be fZT by the provincial government at Prince Rupert unuerjRupert distrlct A correspondent Wislatinn nnsspd at the recent session in Victoria Will! to the Canadian Co-operator, offi- serve mininc properties in the Yukon, Atlin, Taku, Unuk, ciai organ of the union, claims Alice Arm, Queen Charlotte they are much more advanced Portland Canal, Anyox, I. Y1U, ... .hf" Lf ;L i wnm.nnn eJitWc ami nw than Indians In the Interior, and ISiantl, norm CUtlsl iswmis, xtnav-c, uihiwiwo northern and central Bruisu oo-r lumbia areas. The government will on tnjs property and several make a survey of ore deposits hav-, hundred tons of ore has been ing sufficient values to qualify dipped to the Welldun mill for shipping to the ore sampling : concentration. plants, a 'second of which .will be placed at Nelson. The government Further development at the Re-will buy ore from prospectors and ward Mining Co.'s Edye Pass prop- mine operators and, after sampling grty cn Poreher Island is expected that - quite a number of the young people have a fair educa tion, having spent some years in high school "Organization 'among them." It Is said, "Is not difficult for the NaUvc Brotherhood has been organized for some time past and mcst cf them b!on:. This or ganization stands for general ad-; vancement among thrm." The in-1 fonnrnt further reports he placed i the Idea cf co-cpcratlon beforo; '.bs leading men. he!d a few meet-! In mutual affectation, it will scad-ly lead to the abandonment .of .he poltey of paternalism which so far has featured governmental relations with rte?m. Gives Alarm and Drops LEEDS, Eng.. Das 8: (CP Af-er he had given the a.'arm of a Ire In a Leeds office, J. Powell, 7, a clerk. collap:d from ths cJ-cl of smoke and was taken tc lospltal. W. G. McMorris and Al Harris lavr ' recently been spending a vcek or so in the Hazelton district looking over minim? properties. SEES LAST TIMKS Tnv itComplcU.shSg, Our world-wide conncntlo: WARNER BAXTER MYUNA L0Y - in -"To Mary With Love" (At 7:00 & 9 53) - PLUS Jack London's "White Fang" (At 8:39 On; jywiXI) NEWS 8 32 Onlj Comin; Wednesday nonr taylou in "There's Always Tomorrow- Plus "Moonlitht Murder' FURS TKAITICRS and DKAI.LKs ines and within a Deriod of about Port Esslngton. Port Simn,t, two months twnty-flve of Ahem Northern Coast Mink wanted it once Ior lmmcdlate exDresfed expreed a a umc w-e to to stand stand be- oe- delivery, an we are prepared to nlnd the movement. Ivery ton market prices aC.Z The Journal says It will watch 'Marten rnd Weasels. All jour developments in this new field of 0ther f" &JM market va-m l-M-WJJVl JUVf Willi J1IUUII ( jjjjjg Jj nitwi. n ine Ind'.ans can be;prices Ior all your fur a t'rui taught to stand on their own feet, shipment will convince you, & , j; to help themselves and each otter, now" a square neai or no dei TRAPPERS' FURS LTD. Buyers, Exporters and Kaw Fur Marketing Agents PRINCE GEORGE. B.f DON'T r.F, LATE Order Your Xmas SUIT or COAT, today from Hou;c ot : or House of Hobbcilin : v Largo selection. L' g .. teed LING - The Tailor 817 Second Aye. Phone 619 9 RIIY YfflJR YMAS filFTS AT I ury booas & woveity onop Children's Coats and Dresses Hose, Gloves, Scarves Novelty Evening Uas Novelty Jewellery Pick out your Christmas Gifts and we will lay them aside for you. DOLLS We have them. Dozens and dozens of Dolls of every description. The largest collection of Ijolis ever shown in Prince Rupert, from the .smaller China Doll to the Beautiful Shirley Temple' Cuddley Dolls, Sailor Dolls, Baby Dolls, Kubbe Dolls, Fancy Dressed Dolls, Nigger Dolls, will find them all here and our prices are u lowest. Make your Christmas reservations nou with a small deposit. TOYS THIS IS TOY IlIOADQUARTHKS Our stock is varied and inu extensive exiuiiivu ! and inc hides i. the latest and best on the market. You win " no mistake by coming here for your kni1'. requirements. Come in and, look over our J assortment. Prices are right 'add every am plainly marked for your convenience. oMaeU