Tcsday December 8,-1938 it a 4 rs. jarvls McLeod returned ITnt-nnni'flf nn tho fa- ,a' w" "" henit 110111 tila Sunday night alter an absence 0f several weeks, having gone sou'-h from Sm,tners wlth Mrs-Olof Hanson. Timber Sale- X2H9M o,ied tender will:, bo receivtj by mnlswr of umwm vicra-n, u.c "De . . tkan nmn ftn th Irif.h rtnw , j utier -, J , Tnecember, 1938, for the purchase ol ? w X20931, to. cut 1.852 000 iwt rf Vol H e 2 hi 9 hemlock and cedar n a a area r. Tt 4S.T.L. 1717,0' CumahM-n inlet, Quwn Ohairtotte Islands Land years will be allowed for of timber. m Victoria. B, C, or District For-Jgtor. Prlnco Rupert. B.C. One who UMI ACT Intention to Apply to Ihhc Land in thft Prince Rupert .Land Itecordir. QU BH-wam-- w - . cniif.hp.rtv dirocuon aionz ine oasi. tine oi Pnnoefia ixoyai xsiana irom ki?c Fern Point, saw nea rem roint Demtf Take Notice urai nana uanaen 01 at a tvwr. nlrLninH fit Htm SQUUl iiMbv vioio iicbV) inm urn rr t n nn p rm i nwinn . iui water to a point oppoeite me lnuiai t JiANB UANHKN rjfttwl lath dftV nf OctnNr , 00VF.KXMKNT I.KJLdK ACT" follrf of Appllrallon fr Heer I.Icpiup K0TICB 1a hereby given that on iit riltwnth day of December next, tlia unialnl Intends to &iply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence In tw;ot of the premises, being part ot : building taown aa Karlscourt Haul, situate on ColllAon. Avenue, New Trainer Gives His TeamKruschen "Daily Dose" For Footballers Read what one professional trainer does to keep his. team in tip-top condition: I am a professional trainer, at present with a first-class football! team, and have been for the past! fourteen years. Kruschen Salts has' been very beneficial, both as a lax-1 ative and in keeping the men free! Grotto. Again Beaten by Moose, from staleness. Each morning I see ; Tightening; up Senior League that every man under me takes a Scythians Finally Defeated small amount of Kruschen Salts to assist the liver and kidneys. I have With 'Wingham and Armstrong used Kruschen with all types of or a shooting spree in the last ten athletes, and also extensively minutes of the gams, the Moose among my private patients, for handed the Grotto their fourth cases of lost vitality, rheumatism ?'tra!ht defeat of the season 30 and neuritis." JJ.J. (Certified to 24 ln the Senior League feature and bowels are stimulated healthy, vigorous activity, thus as Grotto 25 Smart Christmas Gift Suggestions at popular prices M ELECTRIC WAFFLE IKONS-Chromium fin- 11 ish, with heat indicator, several models to choose from; price at S ELECTRIC CLOCKS Reliable, i . ii.- t f ni tjm u niauu uy tue iiiariuis ui uig. ucu M Alarm Clocks; priced from TARLE LAMPS Smart and modern ft priced from v v up guaranteed,. $3.50 $1.75 for anyone wishing to send a present to a friend outside the city any part ot canadn fbut not to the United States. The price i we is $3.00 a year and the same to Great Britain. The price of $2.00 is exclusively for the purpose of a Christmas i Prsent and cannot be used in any other way; Ganadian Pacific T Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way rorts. S3. ''Princess Adelaide," every Friday at To Vancouver direct SS. -Princess Norah," Dec. 3rd, 17th, Jan. 3rd, 14th, 28th. Tn 10 Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway . S3. "Princess Norah," Dec. 13th, 30th; Jan. 10th, 24th, Feb. 7th, ' WINTER EXCURSION FAKES TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN S32.00 Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1936 to Feb. 28th. 1937. Final return limit March 31st, 1937. BV,. Tn.Mntnn nn RjlKPrVatlOnS W. L. COATES,,Gen. Agent, Trlnct Rupert. B.v spot of last night's basketball card. The "little dallv dose" of Km. Tllls same was not up to the usual chen Salts helns to keen the intpr-!stand,atd' bo'''n teams played a nal organs functioning regularly ln rag8ed brand of balL Porten hhplr riaiiv rii.Ho T.ivor nrfe tious foavard line of the Grotti Grotto m-- j u m vu I iU. 1 .4 ;ue scona nan, me uyagfmtn slsting them to eliminate waste , """""'2.1-' 7 Z oulscore nroduct and- poisons that endanger the health. PICTURE WORTH 52 FREE A handsome gravure photograph of H.M. King Edward VIII is waiting for you at yourdruggiat's a picture every home will proudly frame. Free with the purchase of a bottle of Kruschen Salts. Supply limited getyoursnow. BRIDGE: STANDING. line IVJJUIUS CI LU 1U. . These two teams are now tied j for first half honors and a win jior the Moose cn Thursday will give thcin ths series However, if Limbfe and Stcne continue thedr winning tltrcak, a. three way tie will .result. (uj, Morgan s), Campbell, Murray, Smith (1); total 24. Moose StUcs (4), Wingham (11), lArmstrong (10), Mitchell (2), Mor- Basketball Standings Senior League W. L. Moose 4 3 Grotto 4 4 Lambie & Stone 3 4 Intermediate League Scythians ...5 1 Moose 4 2 Ben's 2 4 Regiment 0 4' Ladles' League High School 6 1 Annette's 3 4 Grottettes .2 0 Junior League Boy Scouts 5' 1 High School .3 2 Junior Moose 3 3 Seal Cove 0 3 P, 8 8 6 10 8 4 0 12 6 4 10 '8 0 i COMMERCIAL LEAGUE ! Wj L; McMeekins 16. 8 P. R. Butchers 16 8 Balllnger's 15 9 Gyro Club, 10 14 Biological: Station 5 19 Ranee & Hardy l 5 Delicious,, Fresh COTTAGE CHEESE VALENTIN DAIRY rnONE657 THE DAILY NEWS PAGEtTVg I 'SPORT . . ; ( f AOTT1 rrvimfTTr tnntrnnfir i uin ! HOOP GAME UNBEATEN! Local Intermediate Basketeers Won. Two Games at Metlakatla. Saturday Night Playing at Metlakatla Saturday evening, the, Scythians, city Intermediate champions,, retained their undefeated, record by disposing of Metlakatla All Stars in two games. The score of the first game wai ?8. to IT ln fiiror of the Scythians and the second 49 to 31, also in fayor of the locals. Eeynon and Campbell were the Scythian's most consistent scorers but "Corsets'" Letourneau was not far ibehlnd. Sev pomlnato tjie Scythian's centte for the last three years, used his .height to good iid-j vantage under the basket and also! ranked high In the scoring list. For Metlakatla Allan Prevost wa j hlffh scorer, accounting for' more than half of his team's points. 1 he trip was made by gasboat, the local team returning earlv Grotto MacPhee (9), Eatchford Sunday morning. Freddie Calderone was official referee for the games and Joe AntoneUl, scorekeeper. aaeu, B. c. upon the land deacribod Sons of Norway ... 28 26!rison Nakamoto- (2); total, 30. i Minnasntrr i u Uu No. J, 2, end 3, ln Block 6. . . Lad Ladiees' iees Lea League pile Mao 846. Maasett Townslte. ln A Prince Rupert Land Rcglartatlon Dla- Musketeers 32 art In the province of British Colum- . , . bla, lor the sale of beer by the glasi Kamblers 29 ct tli bottle for consumption on the Canadian Legion 27 ptem or elsewhere. , , . rted this 5th day of November, A.D. ""c ivun uauj i ' . . Brackman-Ker 23 Applicant. 3 Sf Many Other Practical and Acceptable Gifts J Drop in and inspect them 1 GORDON'S HARDWARE Best Christmas Present of the best Christmas presents a person can give to anyone has lived In Prince Rupert is a year's subscription to THE DAILY NEWS In order to help solve the problem we are making a special offer of $2.00 a Year In the Ladies' League the High Hahool showed the Grottette where a concerted team of five iiolda tha advantage over five Individual dribblers, when, they turned ln a neat 20 to 12 win. The Students put up a beautiful i display of teamwork and McLeod and Davies left nothine to be dcelred in the shooting end, High School Ellison, McLeod jta (3), Davies (7), Blaine (1), Lewel-fe;lyn (3), Arney, Robertson; total, fl!5 . n n GroUeites Smltli (4), Beale (6), Bury (2), McMeekln, Erlckson, Menzies, Croxford; total 12. Intermediate League A mixture of luck and good ball-playing with a few fluke-shots gave the Moose an Intermed iate vjctory over the unbeaten Scythians 48 to 31. Husoy Greer could do nothing wrong In the point-getting way, dropping them In from every possible angle, while the Scythian forward line was bottled up the whole game. This win had no effect upon the league ixanding as the losers have al ready cinched first place. Moose Cramp (10), Husoy (18), Greer (17), Hale (1), Eby (2), Holkestad; total, 48. Scythians Beynon (10), Houston (2), Montesano (1), Currle (2V, Letourneau (8), Murray (2), Campbell (6); total. 31. Junior eLague In the curtain-raiser the Junior league-leading Boy Scouts had a fight on their hands before they could squeeze out and 18 to 14 win over the scrappy Junior Moose. Eastman, usually high man for the winners, was held scoreless. Given , AT ational ChampionTitle NEW YORK4. Dec 8: University' Of; Mlnhesata football: team, has been . named national amateur t champions. Louisiana State- Is given-second place; Pittsburg third. university of Washington fourth and Alabama, filth. Steele: to Defend Middle Title In-New Year 8 Bout HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 8; Blng Crosby half, cwner of Steele's con-tmctj announced here last night that Freddie Steele of Tacoma, mtddleweight boxing champion of the worid, wx)Uld defend his title .cn New Ycac's Eve at Minneapolis against Gorilla Jones, Louisville, Kentucky negro. SPORT GHAT Howard Frlzzell of Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Frlzzell of this city", recently attended one of the big Notre Dame football games at South Bend, Indiana. He was a member pi a week-end party which made the trip, from Chicago to South Bend in a private1 railway car; The, Smlthers-Telkwa Intertown basketball league is tied up tight as a drum as a result of last week's games. The Telkwa Ex-High and Senior and Smithers teams are tied at the top' of the standing wltrf three wins, and two losses- each while the Firemen's team of Smithers is In sole possession of the cellar with one win and four losses. HOCKEYSCORES Pacific Coast League Oakland 1, Vancouver 3. Basketball Practice Basketball .practice periods on Sunday, for the coming season are announced, as follows: u 11t12 a.m: High School 12-1 p.m. Lambie & Stone-Ben's Newa-.Stand. UZ p.m; Annettes and Seal Oove: 2-3 T.m. Senior Moose., and In termediate Moose.. 3-4 ; p.m Orottettes and High School Boys. . ; 4- 5 pjn. Grotto and Scythians. I 5- 6j p.m. Rejlmflnt and Junior , Moose; Bridge- League December. ll--LeRlon'Vsi80; N., B. Si K. vs. Grotto, Ramblers vs. Musketeers, P. R. Dairy vs., C. N. R. A. Be 'Leaf: Santa Glaus! He Rol rrowsi every -y ouf-owner wan fcs FINE VHb; tin 75f In a Cheerful GbrtstmaSi Carton Ladies' Bowling, , League Schedule December 9 Annette's vs. Grot to, Spark Plugs vs. Blue' Birds, Rangers vs. Doodads, Canadian Na-, tional Recreation Association ys Knockouts. December 16 Annette's vs. Spark Plugs Doodads vs. Knockouts, Ran cors vs. C.N.R.A , Grotto vs. Blue Birds. January 6 Rangers vs. Blue Birds, Annette's vs. Knockouts, C.NJI.A. vs. Spark Plugs, Grotto vs, D')odadsi January 13 Spark Plugs vs. Doodads, Annette's vs. Rangers, C N.RX vs. Grotto, Knockouts Vs! Blue Birds. January 20 C.N.R.A., vs An nette's, Blue Birds vs.. Doodads, ', Spark Plugs vs. Ktiockouts, Ran gers vs. Grotto. January1 27 Grotto; vs. Spark Plugs, Knockouts vs..Rangers, Annette's .vs. Blue Birds, Doodada vs; CN RA. RECREATION TIME TABLE The schedule for the gym classes at the' local recreational centre is L announced as follows: OGDEN'S tra CUT -LJIil; High school girls Grades 0 and .m ... ' 10, Mondays ana weanesaays at 4:00; Grades 11 and 12, Mondays; and Wednesdays at 5:15. j Ladies' classes Monday at, 7 and , 8;30; Tuesday at 7 and Wednesday ' at 7 and 8:30. High school boys Grades 9 and-10, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4; Grades 11 and 12, Tuesdays and' Thursdays at 5:15. i Men's classes Tuesday at 8:30 and; Thursday at 7 and 8:30i Any persons wishing to Join can still register at these classes. HO0P PLAY SCHEDULE December 10 Moose vs. Lambla W Stone, High School vs. Annettes,! jScythlans vs. Regiment, High School vs. Seal Cove. 11 H ii I Ml 1 IS I I LOW COST II P. TO POINTS x i- v li&& kT, l: i air 11 V IN WESTERN X. CONVENIENT PREFERRED ftTTENTIOH DEPENDABLE DELlVERi Sptdally pnptrtd bolUiy mtoaiti le m II fixi and uH kll MHiMMvbt flltdln tdvwKtlercltllvwy c rhjidiwu er Nt YtM'i, ei day pt ccdln . . . iptclal gtttl!.i fofmi In dtcora-tnvilopM, O RfdyctdCibltfit(Clulitmil..dNtytr'l Full Information tmi leltlfrom ony rftf of CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS mm . UNITED SfATES -Jmw!nM7- Hi MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE GHriisfmas Gifts For the Hbmiev ; Gibbard's Solid. Walnut Tea Wagons Solid Walnut End. Tables f . HbpevGh'ests,. Walnut High Chair foij"Bf. 32J' Third Ave., Phone, 775 SMOKED ' ... V 1 iiiiiiii-i PreparediDiuly By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd?, PRINCE RUP.RRT, B.C. This, advertisement is not published or displayed by .the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, T3