1,1 PAGE TWO Give the BIG "5" For Christmas ' HOES UPPERS TOCKINGS Gifts that are always appreciated. A big selection to choose from. Shoes and Slippers for all the family. Penmans and Beldings Hosiery for Ladies Make the Big "S" Your Gift this year Where Most People Trade AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. PHONE 357 tEstab. 1908) Margaret's WOOLEN THIRD AVENUE We loan you free a complete Home Permanent wave Machine for 3 months. All you need do is send $3.00 to cover the cost of-shipping and the oil for 6 complete Permanent.. Will not harm the finest hair. Any one tan guarantee a perfect wave with this machine. No electricity or experience needed. When you have used these supplies more oil can be obtained from us at-fifty cents a Marvel Wave Factory 1183 East 41st Ave Pyrex Ware . Carving Sets Curling Irons Mechanics' Tools Covered Roasters Streamlined Scooters Vancouver, B.C. GOOD GIFTS Berry Sets Silver Ware " ' . Pocket Knives Electric Irons ; Copper teakettles , $9.50 THOMPSON HXfcDWAfcE GO. LiTD. MacKehfcie Furniture S We invite you to visit our store during this week.- Furniture for the home there is no better gift. 1 Call for 1937 Calendar. I 327 Third Ave. Phone 775 TheFxsh which mode Prince Rupert Famot "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Dily By Canadian Fi$b & Coli Storage (k, Ui PRINCE RUPERT. ak I Suits j- Dresses - Skirts 5 Dressing Gowns - Slacks fa SILM ' Blouses - Skirts - Scarves fa Afternoon and Evening Dresses fa I 401 Third Ave. Phone Red 810 $ "8 t ransient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion .'lassifled advertising, per word, per Insertion 'jocal readers, per line, per Insertion ...... Advertising and Circulation Telephone AIcws Department Telephone 2ULV EDITION THE DAILY KEWS Tiia- pinpnibti- 2? n8 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor 98 86 .1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance J 45.00 (vi icoacr ycnuus, paia in aavance, per weeK .ui Jy mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States; yearly period, paid in advance .'. X 3.00 Uy mall to all other countries, per year ..! - 9.00 ADVERTISING HATES . 1.00 .02 25 ' Tuesday, December 22, 1936 Germany and Russia Commenting on the anti-Communist agreement between Germany and Japan, the ''Stock Exchange Gazette," London, says: 'The most powerful argument against the probability of Germany or Japan, attacking the Soviet Union is provided by a glance on the map. In the first instance Germany and Russia have llo common frontier. For German troops to reach Soviet soil they will either have to pass through Lithuania and Latvia, or Poland, or Czechoslovakia and Rumania. Two further possi bilities are a naval landing at Leningrad or in the Crimea, i An attack through the Baltic and East European states however, would certainly be resisted to the utmost by those countries, and would give the Russians ample time to organize their counter-offensive. Neither the Baltic nor the Black Sea coast of the Soviet Union offers any major military possibilities as a starting point for an attacker. Moreover, any definite military objective is protectee! by many miles of barren territory. "Then there is the air force. Berlin and many of the German big towns and industrial centres are within Soviet bombing range. Thus, while a German army would have to fight its. way through one or two of the countries separating Germany from Russia, the Soviet air force would play havoc with the German rear. The Germans. however, would be able to retaliate only to a very limited extent. Eighty percent of Soviet territory is , outside the German bombing range, including the districts in which is situated the Soviet war industry. , "What is true of Germany in this connection is also true of Japan which is also at the mercy of the . Soviet air arm, without being able to retaliate accordingly: "If we, look at the Far East we find exactly the"same position. All the time that Japan has been growling at, Soviet Russia she has expanded into China at the expense of British and American interests. Thus both cpuntries have been, and still are, using their anti-Soviet attitude as a shield behind which aims of an entirely different nature are pursued. "Those who are still somewhat sceptical as to the correctness of this interpretation of German-Soviet and Japanese-Soviet relations, are invited to a elanee at the state of German-Soviet trade. In 1934 German exports to Russia amountd to 28,000,000 roubles and during the first nine months of 1935 this figure was 14,300,000 roubles; but during the corresponding period this year German exports have amounted to as much as 202,000,000 roubles to Russia and the larger part of this consisted oTmachine tools for armament factories. "This enormous increase in German exnorts to Russia is the direct consequence of the Hm. 200,000,000 credit granted by Germany in April, 1935. The credit is now ex hausted and negotiations are in progress for- a further German credit of Rm. 300,000,000. It is scarcely probable that Herr Hitler Would supply M. Stalin with Rm. 500.- 000,000 worth of essential machinery, if he were contem- Dialing war. MAKE HER HAPPY I Glorify Her This Christmas With the Gift of a f Permanent Wave $2 Thp MniWn Rpnnfv iur it - GLADYS HALLIDAY - 530 Third Ave. phone 947 "COIFFURES WITH PERSONALITY" an BUY YOUR XMAS GIFTS AT Dry Goods & Novelty Shop Children's1 Coats and Dresses Hose, Gloves, Scarves Novelty Evening Bags Novelty Jewellery Pick out your Christmas Gifts and we will lay them aside for you. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 3. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel. .25. Big Missouri, .55. Eralcrne. 7.90. ; B. R Cons.. .05. B. R. X.. JQ8Vfc. Cariboo Quartz, 1.62. bentonla, .11. Dunwell. .02... . Dunf.-elL .13. Mlnto. 19-Meridian, .03. Miming Star. .024. v Noble Five. .05',-i. Pend Oreille, 4.00. , Pion?er, 5.00. Porter Idaho, .11 "2. Premier, 3.60. Beeves McDonald, 50. Iteno, 1.20. ( Itelief Arlington, .31. Reward, .07. Salmon Gold, .07V2. Taylor Bridge, 07 't. United Empire, .00i. Wayside, .06'i Toronto Seattle, 123. Central Patricia', 4.20. Gods Lake, .90. Int. Nickel, 6355. Lee Gold. .06. Little Long Lac, 7.35. McKenzie Red Lake; 1.82. Pickle Crow, 7.40. Red Lake Gold Shore. 1J35. San Antonio, 2.35. Sherritt Gordon, 2.82. SLscoe, 4.70. Smelters Gold, .D8V2. Ventures, 2.90. McLeod Cockshutt, 4.85, Okneld, .64. Mostier, .49. Gllbec, .06. Madsen Red Lake, 1.30. May Spiers, .30. Sullivan, 2.19. , Stadacona, .90. Frontier Red Lake, .15. Francoeur, 1.10. Man. & Eastern, .14V2. Perron, 2.20. New Augarlta, .42. loneta Porcupine, .V55 Sladen Malartlc, 184. BouscadiJlac, .60. tapa Cadillac, 1.37. Morris Kirkland, .68. Black Eagle, .12. Astoria Rouyn, .0912. " Rubec, .12. Thompson Cadillac, 2.32. Bailor, .05. COSMOPOLITAN MEETING I i I NELSON, B.C., Dec. 22: (CP) Sixteen nations, either separately existing today or at tone time having separate government Identities, were represented at an 'Inter national Day" meeting of Nelson District Women's Institute. In all but two cases the representatives wre ntallve daughters. s. Reach the must people In city and district with an advertisement In the Dally Npws. A Last Minute "Demers" I Get Full Value For Your Money HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE AT LOWEST PRICES Dresses Hats Blouses - Lingerie Cloves - Hosiery - Handkerchiefs - Shoes Knitted Suits - Bathrobes Skirls , Slipners Wool Underwear Nbvelties' COATS At Ihrgain Prices RAINCOATSFroni $2.95 Spend 35.00 or more and receive a GIFT of one ' of our lovely Dolls or Animals. See our window. , CHRISTMAS FLOWERS Pot Plants in Variety. Order Early 1 BAYNE - Florist Canadian Pacific To Vancouver vU Ocean Falls and Way Port S3. ''Princess Adelaide," every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct r w.fSK.i!Prln.c.?ss Norh-" Dec- 3rd- "lh. Jan- 3rd, i4th; 28th. To Ketchikan, WranKell, Juneau and Skatway SS. "Princess Norah." Dec, 13th, 30th, Jan. 10th, 24th. Feb. WINTER EXCURSION FARES hnc A'v TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN S3 2.00 Tickets on sale Nov 1st. 4036 to, Feb. 2th. 1D37 Final return limit March 3 ist, 1937 For information and Reservation W. L. COATES, Gen. Ajent; Prince Rupert. B.C. I , Christmas For MEN and BOYS Offer 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50Boxed in Christmas Rox, TIES, Of Coiirsef ! What would a man's Christmas Im? without ties? tLm ' . " Most mCn their Christmas ties to mm rL 1 tu hroueh u a the winter. No matter how mnny he has hb always ap- KnTairffic; a" 8CC Ol'r bk Se1cCtin In a" thc ncncsl ',0rS' Sock Him! Sock Him! Sock Him! for 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50-Hoxed in Christmas Box HOSF suitb,e fo lhe service required of any man or. boy. in plain r CtV0rS and Patterns- Our selection of hosiery is ng enough to cover, the feet of every man and boy in Prince Rupert. Handkerchiefs For Gifts ; Priced from 10c to 75c each. T ; Sets of Two, Three, Four or More, Attractively Boxed ; ' Suspenders and Belts For Gifts ' 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00-Boxed r .V- Bryant Company Ltd.