FASE FOUR i . 'SPORT' CHANGE GRADS Cariboo Hockey . FARMSYSTEM League to May Percy Pa5e Reorganizes His System Af tCF NcW YeSf Of Second Stringers " j PRINCE GEORGE, Dec. 22: EDMONTON, Dec. 22: (CP) Re-1 The newly Organized Cariboo organization of the farm system 6f Hockey League will swing into Percy Page's Edmonton Grads, the action Immediately after the first world's best in women's basketball, of the year with "games on SaU resulting in amalgamation of two urday and Sunday of each week in teams, has been announced. Co- the various member towns which mets and Imps, third and fourth are Prince George, Quartz, Qnesnel, ranking teams, have been combined Williams Lake and Island Moun-into a hew squad "that will be,taln- H- Taylcr of Williams Lake known as Gradettes "B." 'M president of the league. Mickey The shuffle left Coach Page with! Brown of Prince George, vice-i two teams besides Grads. Arnold : president- 111(1 A- Waller of Wells, I nenaerson nas charge of Gra-' "c"urcr' dettes "A" while Clare Collings-i COMPETF i attctraii worth, coach of Comets for the last ' sSAu d2, two years, will pilot Gradettes "B." jack Medica and Ralph Flanagan V wIU a Pro- United States Olympfc JH posed Edmonton intermediate will In compete the Australian Na-league, if it materializes. . tional championships here In Jan- BRUSSELS, Dec. 22: (CP) -J"31 Winner of the International cross-1 BULAWAYO, Rhodesia, Dec. 22: Luu" nampionsnip nere March (CP)-M. L Ysoff, young Indian! - a piaque oeanng cricmer living rn thic city, scored ? L e"igy of Kin of the 410 runs in 170 minutes out of Belgians. First Belgian to finish a team total of 462. His count ri-will win a similar award. eluded 23 sixes and 41 fours M It's the Thing to do! Visit Kaien Hardware a a MMaa-aW i HOOVER CLEANER Complete $69.50 Very Special Only 1 at this prke Electric Cake Mixer $12.25 Fancy Cups and Saucers Krom- 25c PYREX WARE Custard 'Cups, 2 for 15c Pie Plate, Kaien Hardwa We Deliver Aged, blended and bottled hi Scotland. . ? Popular the'world over, because it it -ALWAYS reliable. 60c Christians Tree Light Sfct $1.00 t TOYS TOYS TOYS re Phone BURNAL Due to the Christmas Holiday we would appreciate your ordering before the long week- We thank you for your patronage and wish one and all the compliments of the Season. Home Oil Distributors Ltd. Total GYRO Balagno . Brocklesby Large Morris Watts Handicap Total ... Missed Out aHL ' aLaafli TON Y CAXZOXEKI NEW YORK, Dec. 22: The National Boxing Association misses out the name of Tony Can-20neri from its annual list ol outstanding boxers. He is in-'craded in neither the first ten lightweights or welterweights. Severino Garcia is placed ahead of Jimmy McLamin. ARE TIED INBOWLS Ba'nins'eT's and McMeekhVs Share First Place in Commercial League Ballinger's defeated McMeekhVs two games to nil In the 'Commer cial Bowling League last nieht and, is a result, the two teams are rtow tied for the league leadership. In the second fixture last night, Gyro Club beat Biological station three games to nil. High average scorer was Eddie Smith of Ballinger's with 166. McMEEKIN'S 1st 2nd 3rd Armstrong 112 121 151 Menzies tr- iso ict J-Jack 124 143 143 Co'madina ............. 88 118 tocMeekfn 134 128 i.w uouiter Handicap 23 BIO. STATION Barton Pugsley Ridde'U- stamfoid't,:rr:.r:.'- Sunderland Handicap .. 139 Total 643 685 750 BALLINGER'S 1st 2nd 3rd BijOU 138 14.1 1Q-J Rilshede .'. 135 iin ion .Smith 168 171 160 Lindquist ..125 140 Adams 100 85 HaudenschiW . m io . i 11 IOU Handicap 17 17 7 CLUB .......683 753 704 1st 2nd 3rd 168 163 142 .130 135 158 .140 156 173 129 132 141 .141 132 113 5 5 5 .713 723 732 1st 2nd 3rd -171 127 146 I 99 132 96 ..198 .vill -103 li7 135 116 102 113 150 ... 52 52 52 al '639 670 663 The league atandmg to date: w T. McMeekin's g 3 Ballinger's ....Zr.......6 3 upert Butchers ..: 4 5 Rupert Motors ....... 3 , Gyro Club 3 3 Biological Station "I'ZZ'm 7 OLD-TIME CRICKETER RESIGNS LONDON, Dec. 22: (CP)-On the Marylebone r.rirVDt Tsince 1910, Jack Hearne, 46, is tJ enier the binding trade. r Ho niavoj . u- . . . .tests with Australia and for years T""lu iuuiesex m the county eachersfN Thia kdvutiMinent u nU pM4 mlWfr Gu Boird or by the THE DAILY !rt!W6 SPORT CHAT Official batting records of the Nr. tional League for 1936 show that 245 players took part in tjhampionship games. Of this number. fc2 engaged in 75 games '6r more. 111 took part in 10 to 74 games, and 52 appeared In fewer Yr.&n 10 games. Paul G. Warier, Pittsburg, -for the third time in h:s :aieer led the batters with a pt rentage of 373. This is the1 -hird consecutive year a Pitts-' burg player has topped the league. Forrest Jensen, Pittsburg, by going io bat 696 times, established a hew I i. ague record, disp:ac:ng the mark Jf 681 held jointly by Joseph G Moore. New York, made In 1935, and Lloyd J. Waner, Pittsburg, made in 1931. Floyd Vaughan. Pittsburg, scored most runs, 122. ; Joseph M. Medwick, St." Louis, j accumulated most base hits, 223; ,mest total bases, 367, and established a new league record for two-base hits, with 64. The previous record was 62, made by Paul o. Waner. of Pittsburg in 1932. Ival R. Goodman, Cincinnati, for tne second 'consecutive war mnrfp most three-base hits, 14. Melvln T. Ott. New York, for the first tune in his career had a rioir title to home run honors, with 33. Twice before he had tied for the -'ead in this department, in 1932 and 1934. Leo J. Norris, Philadelphia, made most sacrifice hits, 21. John L. Martin, St. Louis, stole most bases? 23. Joseph G. Moore. New York, produced most one-base Mts, 160. Seven players took part in all their club's games: Jasenh m Medwick. St. Louis, 155 games; Frank J. Deraaree, Chicago, 154; John A. Hassett. Brooklyn. 156: Burgess Whitehead. New Vm t iu- Leo J. Norris. Philarfoinhia 'm. August R. Suhr and Floyd Vaugh an, nttsDurg, 156. By playing in all his club's games in 1936, Suhr increased his unbroken string of sonsecutive games .to 784 Hp ho. gan ,his streak on September 11, 1931. Three Rrnhnn ene Moore, Baxter B. Jordan and Antnony F. Cuccinello by hitting two doubles each in the first inning of the first same aenlnst. st. Louis, AugusJ 25, set a new record, displacing the made by Thomas Burns and Fred Goldsmith, Chicago, September 6, iooj, sevenin inning. Charles' H. KMn pvidaoir,t,t.. '".UV .jV. 1, hit 4 home against Pittsburg, setting a modern National .Iairii mart tri- d v- uima, ilin achievement equalled the best pre vious mane, set by Robert Lowe. Boston. Mav 3n moi cated by Edward Delehanty, Phila- uc.puju, juiy 13, 1896. Klein also tied the extra-base record for One game held by these two players.' josepn m. Medwick, St. Louis, by, makintr if) pnnAfntiwo 1.11. i a! times at bat, 'tied e record held' by three players. He made seven yi n:is in a double-header' July 19. and thrpe ht in ViiD fw three times up 'on July 21. 1 JOhn R. VtlTf St. T'Anl K,V'rt.- w..6tik tuiisecuwve streaK, batting safely in 22 vamp nniHn tt,i. Jb - - ..... v40 LUi he went to bat, 82 times and made' 32 hitTfor a 'percentage of .390, icixjra Degan.in the first game of August 2, against Philadelphia, and was stoped on August 25, first game bv Boston Jninl L. Martin, st. 19 runs in 1.1 nmuimiMvA acquired the longest run-corihg streak. He began it May 7, against Philadelpia nd was stopped May 23, by Chicago. Chicago and New York tied for the longest Tirinning streak, with 15 consecutive victories each, while Philadelphia had the longest losing streak, 14 de. icaw Ul a row By winning the the pennant tast- vvvra V ALTIIW tied Chicago for most league championships won, with 14. The club batting records show Pittsburg leacjing, with a percentage of .2857, which includes going to bat most times, 5586; scoring most runs, 804; taking most hi'ts, 1596, and most three-base hits, 80. Philadelphia, for the second consecutive y?ar, allowed most runs by Opponents, 874, and made most heme runs, 103. St. Louis accumulated the most total bases, 227'6, most twb-base lrits, 32, and stole most bases, '69. 'Chicago totalled most sacrifice hits, 137. Brooklyn collected mose- one-base hits, llt9. Boston, by making 7 doubles in the first Inning -of the flrsr 'garrte 'on August 25, against St. Louis, s- GROTTO CIGAR STORE Wholesale and ttetail Tobacconists-We carry a complete stock of Clear Cigarettes, and Tobaccos, in all sizes. Strictly fresh. Also a full line ol Smokers' Sundries. BOX CHOCOLATES All sizes and fancy designs. At your service Grotto Cigar Store - Phone 372 FINE HOOP PLAY SEEN League Hoopsters Excel Themselves In Display For Salvation Army Fund Three excellent eames of bas ketball were staged at the Armory last night for-the Salvation Army Christmas Cheer fund, there being a bumper attendance of fans. While these were not regular leaeue games, the teams being composed of players from all the teams in the league, nevertheless the brand of basketball served to the laree crowd must have satisfied even the most rabid fan, particularly that In the senior game. The senior game between the League All Stars and the Regiment opened in very fast style with the Regiment playing a very close checking ana" fast style of basketball. During the first half the All Stars could not .... 6VA't Nelson Allen, lanky centre of the Regiment lads, played a game all by himself and, in his first senior appearance, snared nine 'points. If it had not been for Morgan playing a wonderfully steady name thi score at the half of 20 to 10 in fa labltshed a new league Vecbrd, tt'splaclng ths previous record of 6 made by Chicago on September 6, 1C83, seventh inning. New York, by making 4 triples In the first Inning of the game of Julv 17. against Pittsburg, tied the recora held by four clubs. The league established a new record for at ats, with 43.891, displacing thci rcord or 43.763 made in 1932. vor of the Regiment would have All Stars were Stiles. MorK;n Keen mi..). l,).v .... .. U'S'U i-i -a rL ?tZ , wnosay. For the Regiment. Johi- ouhu au upenea wun tneison was the brains of the ttaa . iiwjruiB in ao-or-aie siyie;wlth good support by Morrison and "ui umu wcu on in me nan, ii wingham. was anybody's game. At this point! Intermediate fiame It U'milH Tint hgVA kAan . .. . .,v omumg, inc intermediate game. ii any oi vne crowa nad been carried out with apoplexy. Many sorej (throats and hoarse voices must have been developed. The excitement about this time reminded one of the 'games some four nr fivo' years ago m tne Armory between dividual efforts. At the half tli Port Simpson and Prince Rupert. Towards the end of the half the All Star Vna'rta'ger started to use a little strategy and kept his oversize players In the game. Stiles in favor 'of the AH stars The outstanding players for the being very one-sided, gave an Il lustration of the wonderful "teamwork the Scythians have plished. The All Star team was t tally lacking in combination aci all Its scores were mostly from in- score stood at 23 to 15 in favfir 4 the Scythians. The second half i largely a repetition of the first and at the end the All Stars were traiT- lng to the tune of 50 to 30. Beynoi came on for the All istars abbutiand Letourneau were the heart half way through . .... the period and j Scorers for the Scythians with hal tV.1- i if i I mi maue an me anierence in the innai result of the game. Lindsay ...iuu6h mi mC jigni lO SlnK three nice shots In a row at the time when, the score was 36 all. This was Just enough to cinch the same. When the final whistle sounded the score stood at 42. to 38 of their team's points between them. George Brown was the higb . All Star scorer with 10 points. Girls' Game In the ifirl trrxme thi W.A School squad, minus three of thef regular nlayers on Christmas cation, nut un a verv prMitabfe showing against the pick of tli Continued on page five) Von Will Im dtllihlxi hh!!!R--s6 H '"'"' lnM from UnutU JBBBWJM 1 ArHri,ilipiilnaiiliMiliiiui WHm L & fW I ' la flaraur and qualitj, BaSJaTVaVal V Th!i advertisement is not published or displayed by. the Liquor Control Board or by the Government, of British Colirinbis. OUU AVIV ACQOAiHTAVcE wot! UH tu IOTTU '3.00 4 Give a jvift of good fellowship that's sure to be welcome! IMPORTED OLD SCOTCH WHISKY DISTILLED, MATURED AND BOTTLED aamaaaaaami aaaaVK K 1 I 'faa This advertisement is nb published or 'displayed by the Liquor 'Control Board 'Or by the Govern ment of British Columbia.