W If It's Anything in Candy We Have It! Ormes Limited. For Gifts That Please $3 Our coa, w matfe you yery tor TAewdy we We f Art out wfnotf We Guarantee TWENTY PERCENT MORE Than you can get anywhere else for marten, mink and everything in fur. We have large orders. Prices Are Good Now. SHIP TO US AT ONCE. GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable VOUll LIKE THE WAV TnEVtRATYouJ Treat Yourself to a Merry Christmas by having your Coal bin full of the best coal in town. Have the Coal to Suit Your Requirements PHILPOTT- EVITT & Co. Ltd. 651 PHONE 652 Greetings V We wish to devote this space to an appreciation of the splendid response of. your patronage during 1936. Wo realize that your part has been a factor in the success achieved. Will you also accept our earnest wishes for a Merry Christmas and may the New Year realize for you' health, happiness arid prosperity in abundance. . . , r- t i. t ' . Elio Furniture Exchange In the magazine section of th last Vancouver Sunday Provlna appears an article by Rev. Bishop Black, formerly of Queen Charlotte City and now of Kltzegukla, de scribing present-day Christmas ob- servance of the Halda natives at Skldegate Mission. Miss Connie Morgan arrived In 'he city at the end of the wee!' from her school teaching dutle, at Colleymount on Francota LakcJ to spend Christmas and the New Year holiday season visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert" Morgan, Leeds Apartments. Miss Helen McCaffery, who to teaching school at Hubert in thq Bulkley Valley, arrived in the city at the nd of the weefc to spenc the Christmas and New Year holl-! day season visiting with her par-; mts, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. McCaf-i fery, Fourth Avenue West. Northern and Central British Columbia figures prominently both In text and illustrations of an interesting article entitled "Can adas Western Province, British Columbia" which appears in '-the; December number of Canadian, Geographical Journal, the author being ML Y. Williams. The pictures; mciuas one 01 raDie Mountain in the Bella Coola valley, of Mount Selwyn In the Peace River district, oal seams In the Peace River, Gibson's Hill on Bella Coola River, JONES Family Market PHONE 957 Hamburger, 2 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions PHONE s57 Saturday Specials BEEF Rump Roast, 4 lbs. & IJH 1 lb. Bacon Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. & flR 1 lb. Bacon Sirloin Tip, 4 lbs. & flR 1 lb. Bacon Pot Roast St 31 6 lbs Boil Beef-i Ofi 4 lbs. Liver, lib. & 0( 2 lb. Bacon MUTTON and LAMB Leg of Mutton per lb. Loin of Lamb per lb,,..: VEAL Rolled Shoulder of Veal per lb Leg of Veal per Ib.t Rump Roast Veal per lb Fillet Roast of Veal-perl lb.,i)..'...J .i: PORK Leg of Pork ' per lbJU)J Shoulder of Pork per lb. White Fish per lb, 18c 25c 20c 18c 15c Yes, Ve Have 1 Ton of No. 1 Turkeys, Ducks or Geese to Choose From Tuesday. December 22, 1936 THB DAILY NBWB PAOE THREJ 8 '5? S SayitwithCandy See Our Fresh Christmas Chocolates Page and Shaw The Candy of Excellence Sapp Vancouver A Delicious Assortment LOCAL NEWS NOTES Notice of certain road diversions Mr. and Mr$. G. Nlshikaze sailed 5ft 'in the .Peace River Block is given on the Catala today for Vancouver. in thej jcurrent issue of tlie B.C. ft! Gazette Cadbury London 1 A shipment direct from England now on dis- S play at the' lowest prices in years iNdUon-' . . I ine ever popular variety assortments Riley's Toffee The finest toffee in the world. See the new Christmas Gift tins. Prices from 30c per tin All -unemployed's children vlted to attend the CX..D.L. Hall tonight. Games and free candy. C2M William Goldbloom sailed today on the Catala for a business, trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. ' Ted Kergln arrived in the city on the Catala this morning to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season visiting here, Duncan McRae Jr. has left for Stewart to pay a visit over the holidays with his brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Kvale. Bob .Moxley arrived in the city on Saturday night from Willowvale In the Vanderhoof district, where he is teaching school, to spend the Christmas and New Year holl days at his home here. J. Fiva of Alice Arm is a. visitor in the city, having arrived from the In-. north on the Catala this morning. Edward Albert Wheeler of Bella Miss Dorothy Ocelli Is home from her school teaching duties parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. C, Nell. Thomas Graham arrived in the ;ity on the Catala this morning from: Stewart, .to spend the Christ- nas and New Year holiday season '.vith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graham. L4 S. Davidson, manager of the Welldun mine a Stewart, which lias closed down for the winter and' .Mrs. Davidson, wsre passen- gers aDoara me uaiaia mis morning going through to Victoria. HOTELAKRIVALS ; Royal C. 'J Rourk. Vn.nr.nnvw. "Ine? Fiva and p. B. Pcdersen, Alice Arm; C Jones and H. Sundln, I Itewart. ' Prince Rupert Harry McCavour, Claxton. Central ,C. Leask,. Metlakatla; M. H Lawrence, city. s 9 Announcements Sons of Norway Xmas Moose Hall, December 28. Tree, Orange Hogmany Dance, 31. 'Elfcs! New. Year Dance, Boston Hall, December 31. Arthur F. Smith, well known Alice Arm mining man, and son were passengers aboard tlte Catala this morning going through to Vancouver., Miss May Jones has' arrived in the city from Cedarvale, where she teaches school, to spend Christmas and New Year's at her home here. Miss E Alwyn, school teachei tat Kincollth. was a passenger Coola has been appointed a cor-; aboard the Catala this morning oner, it is announced in the B. c. eome through to Vancouver for Gazette, the Christmas and New Year noli- day season. J. E. Moody of Port Simpson was i a passenger aboard the Catala this I D. Cameron and B. Mclntyre morning going through on a trip Stewart school teachers, were pas- to Vancouver. sengers aDoara ine uauua mis .morning going tnrougU to Van- A meeting of the Women's Labor. couver to spend the Christmas and League took place-last night atew xear noiiaays. the home of Mrs. Gomez. Many ImDOrtant Items were discussed. ! In the list of flowers for the fu neral of the late -Henry Leaper terday the name pub Pu.bllhed Moose Xmas Tree Wed-' nesday, Dec. 23rd at 8 p m. Members' please check the list of children's names. ilished as Mr. and !! should have been I Duncan McKenzle. Mrs. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Miss Irene Bruggy, who teaches school at Stewart, was a passen ;ger aboard the Catala this morn ing going through to Vancouver t Pacific to spend the Christmas K d the ohrlstmas and New ind' New Year holidays with her Year holidfay season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bruggy, Try ihis KING OF SOUPS CREAM OF OYSTER Selected Pacific Oysters and Pure, Rich Fraser Valley Cream make this a luxury soup at a popular price. Your grocer hit this treat in tore . . Ak him for AYLMER Ctni!Wn Cannen (WMUnl) Uul. Vlraxitw, B. C. Cream of Oyster Soup listen to this - - "Christopher Robin Had wneezles And sneezles. They bundled him Into His bed. They gave him what goes With a cold in the nose And some more for a cold In the head." And, of course, Christopher Rp j bin's bedroom has to be kept warm. His hot water bag has to be filled often. And there's a lot of extra fuss in the home when colds begin to go around. You need a good fire nearly all the time. It Is then you appreciate the lasting qualities of Albert & Mc-Caffery's coal, the best available for the last twenty years. It Is the best available today, and besides, itj gives you the most heat for the least money. Phone 116 or 117 to Albert & McCaffcry and order Nanalmo-Welllngton for furnace and heater; Alberta SooV less for the kitchen range. You deserve the bestl m- Why not enjoy this Christmas without cooking all day? Have the family dinner at THE KNOX HOTEL It. BRASELL "Banquets a Specialty" Phone 71 N. M Mayfair Gift Shop Pre - Xmas Sale FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18th, 9 A.M. Novelty Fancy Hand-Embroidered Kimonas, all colors and Cl QC all sizes; Pre-Christmas Special . pTteJ Heavy Silk Crepe de Chine Nightdresses, regular value $4.95 (SO QJv Pre-Christmas Special A9UO Novelty Crepe de Chine Dansettes in novelty Christmas Boxes O-j AA regular values to $2.95; Pre-Christmas Special JJAW Rayon Nightdresses, regular values to $2.50 0j AA Pre-Christmas Special 1,vv Crepe de Chine Pajamas, regular value to $4.95 J ; CO QE Pre-Christmas Special VtJtf Rayon Pajamas, regular values to $2.95 j Q Pre-Christmas Special ..; VX?a Novelty Bedroom Slippers, Cuban heels, red, black, green and C-f AA blue; Pre-Christmas Special JXV V TOYS Novelty Dolls, Teddies, Cars, Trucks, Dogs and loads more. Just what you want to get for the kids. ltf Pre-Christmas Special Mirrors, Trays and Frames, Pictures, regular values to $1.25 Qp Pre-Christmas Special Do Your Stopping For Your Christmas Shopping at the ' May fair Gift Shop' Corner Third Avenue and Fifth Street, Prince Rupert "HOW MANY CANDIES ARE IN THE JAR?" Sec Our Window For Further Details 'Ill Announcing: 35 Taxi (Ross Mazzel) DAY and NIGHT SERVICE Stand, opposite Royal Hotel Third Avenue DON'T BE LATE Order Your Xmas SUIT or COAT today from House of Stone or House of Hobberlin clothes Large selection, fit guaranteed. LING - The Tailor 817 Second' Ave. Phone 619 COAL TP PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: S8 and 558 HOTEL NEW ROYAL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A. HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 T.O. Bn 196 Delicious, Fresh COTTAGE CHEESE VALENTIN DAIRY PnONE 657 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SPj . SEAL TO brasell rancy I Red iS&sgg&J s Sockeye s I PINK. SEAL I sfe? pLnl; M njfi Salmon packed by the only Salmon VJi Canning Company with an all M the year round payroll in fe Prince Rupert. I j Hyde Transfer Cedar Mill Ends 111 $d m ' cord 1 ' I PHONE 580 3 Office . 315 Second Avenue s t i I i t t t i im m '.-3. 'v.