PAQE EIGHT ft & 9 tvef ft ft IDEAS OPEN EVENINGS For Useful and Noteworthy Gifts Diamonds and Precious Stones Diamond Set and Quality Watches at all prices New and up-to-date Stone Set and Novelty Jewelry Gold, Sterling and Rolled Gold Bracelets Pearls are now the leading fashion note, we have a beautiful range from 50c up Gold and Gold-filled Dress Sets for Gentlemen's Evening Clothes Hand Carved Ivory, Souvenirs and Novelties Waterman and Sheaffer Fountain Pens and Pencils your name engraved free in gold letters Clocks of quality and high repute the newest and smartest designs. Electric Timepieces. Musical Alarms Leather Goods, Baggage and Wardrobe Trunks Moose, Elk and Seal Indian Slippers Le Mair's Day and Night Marine Glasses, Binnoculars and Telescopes Barometers for home and boat Beading Glasses Brussells Sprouts or Asparagus Tips (Potatoes) ,.; , it . gashed Potato or Baked Potato;,, ' ' ' (Dessert) ! .r English Christmas Plum Pudding and Hard Sauce or Hot Mince Pie or Ice Cream (Fruits) Apples, Oranges, Assorted Nuts Cluster Raision Christmas (Beverages) Tea or Coffee . V. For Your Every Day Requirements New and up-to-date Sterling Silver and Electro-Plate, Community and Rogers' Cutlery Carving Sets and Game Carvers Special Value Pocket Knives, 50c ca. Electric Percolators, Cream, Sugar and Tray, $14.75 Complete 8-Picce Cocktail Sets, special $10.50 Bolls and Electric Razors Pipes and Smoking Accessories Umbrellas, Handbags and Evening Bags Playing Cards and Bridge Sets Book Ends, Bronze Statuary, Picture Frames and Butterfly Pictures Floor Lamps, Table Lamps, Radio Lamps, Bedroom Lamps and Shades Cloisonne, Cinnibar and Soap'stone Beautiful Sterling Silver and Pyralin Dresser Sets, Manicure Sets, Sewing Baskets BASEMENT STORE For all your household' needs Crockery, Glassware and Hand Cut Crystal. Finest Bone China in Cups and J ancy Pieces, 30 Different Designs in Dinnerware, Brasswarc, Copper, Russian Hand-Painted. Wooden Ware, Smoking Stands & Sets, Umbrella Stands We invite you to shop in comfort in the finest gift shop in the north MAX HEILBRONER DIAMOND SPECIALIST Headquarters For i SANTA CLAUS Thousands of Toys, Christmas Books, Decorations and Novelties REGAL SHOP Any ArtlcIe'Put Away Until Christmas Week BOSTON CAFE We wish our patrons a Hearty and Merry Christmas 4 Tc f Special Christmas Dinner (Relishes) r, J Queen Olives and Celerv & (Salad) Fresh Shrimp Cocktail or Fruit Cock'tail W (Soup) Wf Turkey a la Royale or Cream of Tomato f ; (Fish) If Boiled Spring Salmon with Egg Sauce Nj? .. (Entrees) W Stuffed Young Turkey with Cranberry Sauce SP - ... (Vegetables) OPEN EVENINGS HAS SIX GRANDMOTHERS' MIRROR, Alta., Dec. 22: (CP) The three months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Barritt has some thing to boast about. He has six grandmothers. On his mother's side he has one grandmother; two great grandmothers and one great great grandmother, Mrs. Katherlne Cra mer, of Siebert, Colorado. She is 92 years old. On his father's side he has one grandmother and one great grandmother. He also has one grandfather and two great grand fathers. OLD CUSTOM REVIVED ETON, Eng., Dec. 22: (CP) Reviving an old ceremony that had lapsed for 300 yean, 105 old Etonians, including members of Parliament, planted Irees in Eton College playing grounds the other day. KILLED BY WATER JET LONDON, Dec. 22: (CP) Henry Jennings, 62-year old riveter, was killed when a Jet of water Issuing from a pipe at a pressure of 250 pounds to the Inch struck him. Accidental death was the coroner's verdict. LU - 4J.I - 4! J! .J. J.I mm DISTINCTIVE ECONOMICAL CONVENIENT PREFERRED ATTENTION i I- DEPENDABLE DELIVERY Sptcltlly prtpoid holiday mtiufti Is mtl ll nttdt tnd lull til UtUt. Mtiufiimiyki liltdln (donct lot d t lirtfy on ChilitmM of Nw y'i, of dty pi. ctdltif, . . , iptclil irttlinf lofmi In dtcoif tlvt tfirtlopM. Rtdvctd cibli taltt at Chtltm and Nt w Yaat'i Full Information nj Itajletfrom mny offict of CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS THE DAILY NEWS NEWS OF THE MINES Attention Again Focussed on Rabincs Moving Mill Machinery to Big 3Iissouri Welldun Closes ( For Winter I Highly satisfactory smelter returns on a recent ore shipment from the Silver Pick property near Smithers, reference to which was made in the Daily News last week, has again served to draw attention to the Babine district. This was the third shipment from that property to show eminently satisfactory values The Silver Pick, formerly known as the Little Joe, was bon- . . ded from Tom King and Martin, iCain in the early fall by H. H. I Metzgar, A. Berg and J. J. Herman Who went to work taking out ore for shipment. Returns from a ship-1 ment of ten and a half tons netted , $1280.74 after paying treatment charges of SS6.54 and charges totalling $257.07. freight SIBBALD, Alta., Dec. 22: (CP) Financial difficulties of the Clif ton Bank School District have been solved. With only five pupils in the district, all members of two families, the school was closed. But teaching goes. on just the same. School Is held in tbs two homes week about. In, each home, a special room has been made over for the teacher, Miss Muriel Firth. AIDS INTERNATIONAL AMITY 1LKLEY, Eng., Dec. 22: (CP) II. P. Price, head of a large tailoring; firm, has donated $100,000 to the Royal Institute of International Affairs to establish a chair of International economics, WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront The Canadian Pacific Railway is ,oo kin s forward to a busier tour- 1st season than ever to Alaska The Consolidated Mining & ..Mr Thr nr k cnnt.i Smelting Co. has just 'about com- sailings frcm Vancouver pleted the construction of a privatej to Skagway in addition to two road from Joker Flats, where the special cruises by the Princess present mine camp is situated, to Charlotte. The steamers to ba used uig Missouri, on completion or will, as usual, be the Princesses which heavy mill machinery now Louise. Charlotte and Alice, It is standing at Joker Flats will be announced. taken to the mine for installation. . The chamber cn the mill level, 250 , Union steamer Catala, Capt. feet long by 12 feet wide, will be John Muir, arrived In port at used for the storagj of the mill 8:45 this morning from Stewart, machinery until the mill drift and Anyox and other northern points A a mi i . A - J. Mat t A r cui-oui are commciea. me tunnel i"1" m at dig Missouri is now being driven at a rate of fifteen feet per day to serve the underground mill. A large quantity of balls to be used in the Big Missouri mill recently was de livered at Stewart. The Welldun Mining & Milling Co., closed down operations for the season at the end of last week. The Welldun Co. started operations the latter part of April and, with the exception of two shutdowns caused by flootl conditions in Glacier Creek, operated the mine and mill continuously. The greater part of the ore milled this year was ex- xacted in the old Dunwell workings from No. 3 level while a considerable amount of ore from the Ben All unit at the mine was also milled with good 'results. In addition to milling ore from its own operations, the Welldun treated several ship ments of custom ore from neigh boring properties including the Lakevlew, Kansas and Cantu. It Is planned to resume operations at the mill In the Spring. Sister of Ocean Falls Man Passes Miss Florence Johnson, who passed away In Vancouver last week, is survived by a brother, at 12 noon for Van couver and waypolnts. Having been delayed by stress of stormy weather in Alaskan waters, C. P. R. steamer Princess Louis, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived in port at midnlnhi Uit nizht frcm Skagtvay and other northern points and sailed at 2 a.m. for Vancouver. The vessel .completing her third, special sailing owing to the tie-up of American steamers had on board some two hundred passengers. Four took passage from her here for the south. Motorshlp Bellingham, bringing rive carloads of frozen fish for transhipment East over Canadian National Railways, is due in port mis aiternoon from Ketchikan. No less than fifty native people of Kltkatla are in town today aboard four boats to do Christmas shopping. They arrived last night and plan on returning home tomorrow. The four boats are Mat-hew Hill's Kwfnltsa; Norman Lewis Canadian Girl; Henry Brown's Norma G., and, William Rldlev's : Kingwass. Henry Johnson, at Ocean Falls. She a ton, and ' containing I "! -,1c v. . ... !tnt? rm's k books and aioKj icaiw uci 1UUU111, IWU Sisters 1 ui. , and another brother. Miss Johnson as 27 years of age. STEAL SAFE WEIGHING TON NYLSTROOM. South Africa, Dec. 22: Burglars stole a safe weighing $300 in cash. tin 8b ! ppPlirTMaii HCr'O POINTS Hn if nt Jfffe I IJjir CANADA AND l.WtEkT. tf' other valu- num a ism age nere, removing it to a waiting truck. Annual Regiment Turkey Shoot Now Completed ' The 102nd Battalion has com pleted its annual turkey shoot oni the local Canadian National Recreation Association range with .22 rifles. The winners in .the ranks are Private Alec. McFarlane and Prl-vate M. Van Cootcn. The winner among the officers and warrant officers is Malcolm Lamb, Regl, mental Quartermaster Sergeant. Some very keen shooting was done and very high scores were made, there being several ties which had to be shot off. In the case of the Warrant Officers many targets were used and numerous possibles made before the wlnnei was finally decided. An interesting shoot occurred when the officers of the Battalion fired against a team, composed of ex-offlcers vho are associate members of the mess. Two courses were fired, one with service re volvers and one with .22 Girls Own, Boys Own $3.25 Churns $3.00 Wall 22 it. LAST TIMES tAvT !Complete Madeleine Carroll - in "Secret Agent" At 7:00 & 9:54 - PLUS -, JACK HALEY In "MR. CINDEUEIM- (At 8:39 Once Only) ItLNEAVS lAt 8:23 only, Comin; Wednesday GEORGE O'BRIEN in "O'Malley of the Mounted" PLUS LEO CARRILLO in "The Winning Ticket rifles In both cases the rcstae hi officers were the wmni.-, i. understood the prize will b match by the teams. ""' , ,- .... ---hi, , , Gifts of Distinction The' 'Write" Gift Our selection of fine Writing Paper was never as complete and attractive. An excellent gift that anyone will appreciate, From 25c to $2.50 Kodaks and Snapshot Albums A gift that never grows old. There Is no better way to express a lasting Christmas remembrance than with a modern Kodak or Album. Suitable models for all ages at prices to suit your purse. Waterman Pens and Pencils Another "Life-Time .Gift. Sec and try the nower Water-mans. Stylish and above all permanently u&ful. PENS, from $2.50 to $10.00 PENCILS, from $1.00 to $3.00 Attractively boxed Annuals For Boys and Girls Scout Oxford Annuals Christmas Tree Decorations, Tinsel, Snow, $3.50 $1.50 Orna- ments, Candles, Tree Lights House Decorations, Wreaths, Bells, Streamers, Artificial Flowers Gifts For Every Member of the Family jj Christmas Special All Ladies' Coats Are Selling at Cost! rP.l51n.-1 ..t.,1,.., T. i. 1 . ..... . n 1.')"'u' UI trimmed, in a god variety of styles' and sizes, une of these will make an ideal gift which wil Hong be a reminder. of the giver Crepe de Chcnc Dance Sets Dainty lace trim at Deautiful Satin Pajamas Handsomely trimmed 11 Crepe dc Chcnc Gowns Assorted colors at Velvpsuede lajamastand (Jowns cll $1.50 t0$2.75 $4,95 ' $2.75 ' $2.25 Wc liavc a new shipment of Cushion Forms and Kapok Cushion Filler Toys For the Stockings, from 10c to 25c Phone 9 Store Open Til 110 P.M. Third & Fulton St. j