Tuesday i I sr December 22, 1936 aMcwrrr-.-; THE DAILY NEWS PAGE' QEVEN U . 1 CJOl (WW K) Hie KrttUh Kmpirt-, OIL S.uU, Turner Valley ha. ,low ,,ee crude n field ,,f ,aior k.L an uinenru- FREE fflflP Of TURflER VflLLEV f 'ill- 'nr irl ttln. It is a pleasure at this Holiday Season t.Q wish you all A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR May 1937 bring you happiness and a full measure of prosperity. Elite Beauty Parlor Mrs. Sutherland "TILLIE THE TOILER0 1 VflOH, BURV & COfflPRDV LTD. Memberi Vancouve? Stoclc Exchange 808 w. PENDER ST. VANCOUVER, B.C. A UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. 8teamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.8. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJW, Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.8. CARD EN A FRIDAY, 10:30 IVM. Due Vahiouver, Monday am. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and ttckets lrom A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Ruport Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 Only i vVU To Give Him . The Gift He'd Choose Himself So few men have enough Shirts, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Underwear, Pajamas; that we print this advertisement as a hint to the Olft-Mlnded, For men covet shirts ike ours sftperbly tailored and styled, all blessed with perfect collars, every shirt pre-shrunk. Our Ties and Handkerchiefs,, like the good companions they, are, echo the patterns of our shirts. And for comfort where comfort counts most, men have never found anything quite to equal "Arrow" Pajamas and Grads. More Days h j i " STEWART Rev. Evan Baker oT Anyox was here the latter part of last weelc and, conducted services at Stewart, Premier and Big Missouri. Thfe death wcuned last Monday of the Inftant daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ro.se of PremlVr The funeral took in Stewart. place on Tuesday Mrs. Lance Potterton and family left last Thursday for Ocean Falls, Pfovln-aal Contsable Potterton having been transferred to that point, - ' , - Mrs, P. S. Jack is now much Improved following;, a recent Berlins illness". . The village commissioners have authorized the cleTk to make arrangements with the Northern British Columbia Power Co. for extra street illumination during tne Cnrlstmas holiday season. There will be festoons of colored lights on Fifth Street. PRINCE GEORGE In the course of his crusade to the Pacific Coast to aglgtate for the provision of a Pacific outlet for George at the first of last week. Donald McMillan of the Royal Bank of Canada staff In Victoria is spending the Christmas and New Year holiday season in Prince George with hLs parents, Mr. anu Mrs Allan McMillan. Anton Kosdodin Gkwnoff, whr. died suddenly on his farm in the Plnevlew district, wa3 laid to rest In Prince George last Wednesday with Archdeacon Pollings! officiating. 4 We have a host of other Gift Suggestions including Sox, Shoes, Suspenders, Scarfs, Sweaters, Spats, Sweatshirts, Shorts, Smoking Jackets, Studs Suits, Belts. Bath Itobes. Book Covers, Buckles, Hats, Caps, Coats, Cuff Links, Gloves, Garters, Dressing Gowns, Jackets and Many More. Drop in and we will be pleased to assist you in selecting a suitable gift for your requirements. Listen in at noon to our radio program, for helpful suggestions. Hemcmher only two more days. I LAMBIE& STONE E "Clothes of Distinction" VX.feh. k. H..v.. n SMITHERS and highly successful Although there was no trouble In the district Immediately adjacent to Smlthers, alternate cold and mild weather causing numerous creeks to freeze and back up re sulted In considerable road troubles In the Bulkley and Nechako Valleys during the past week. Th-3 water running over the roads made them Impassable for traffic at .".ome points. The Quick District Women's Institute held a very successful sale of wotk and bean supper recently. Smlthers observed&the birthday of King George VI by closing last Monday. NEW HAZELTON In the Hazelton' Community Hall the schools of Hazelton held the annual concert and community Christmas tree. There was a large attendance of children and parents alike. Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth! Queen is Favorite ! im febN ail 't was a visitor in Hazelton at the.M first of last week in connection f with his Presbyterian Church or-; ganlzatlcn work. j w HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast League j Portland 0, Vancouver 1 (dver-if time). LONDON. De;. 22: (CP) Arsen-il fcctba'l club picks them young Louis Delaney, 15-year o?d Scottish boy discovered by Gunner scouts', has Joined the club's staff as office boyt. unable ,to play untr he in 17, Season's Greetings from 65 Taxi And Messenjer Service Stand: Empress llolel hilt Stuart Al French John Saunders No Objections, But Continued irom Page 1 In raffles Mrs. J. S. Gray of Sml-' Elizabeth's crown got of Quick a sweater. Conductor J. E. Paschal represented the Smlthers district last Thursday at the unveiling in Prince Rupert of the Sir Heftry Thornton n&morlal plaque. Special Christmas services were Coast held Sunday in the Smlthers Unl- the Peace River coun- ted Church with Rev. W. B. Mcln- Silver foxes appear to be a drug on the local fur market this winter with cross foxes bringing low prices of less than $20 per pelt. Weasel are In demand but the ?atch is composed of rather small skins. Reports from the Hazelton Hospital are to the effect that Indian Asent G. C. Mortimer, who" has een seriously ill, continues to Tiake favorable progress toward recovery. such things as the spring house-waning in Buckingham Palace. Menus hive gene "to the loyal fehcTs' cither in Queen Mary's own hand-j writing, or with her alterations noted on something "the chets "had: suggested. Sire always has run her iwti house. AIT these things and many more JUlzabcth has watched and thrif tily stowed away 'tor tnture refer ence, or adapted to her own "smaller 'made Rhft Is Liid tr. have been an she now will have under her sAiper-But. the most beautiful gem, In in her mother- Macgre-j iV)od. she has been a wonderful : mother to her two little Princesses Elizabeth, who is now 10 and is nnxt in line to the throne, and little" Marfearet Rose, aged sfc. She th it these two lassies are the most 20 ' beloved small folk in Britain. u One thlnfe the Duchess could not c: nceal, however. She often has effaced herself in public so that her IStMe Elizabeth could take the try, Page Rldeout of Peace River-tosh officiating. The congregations Taelight. ' ' The mother was btiiMihg spent a couple of days in Prince were large. flltl1 onppri irrpsnectlve of w! .at might happen to herself. Arrd a proud and happy smile always lighted the Duchess face when cowds showed their love fox the Princess. Try a Dally News classified ad-rtlsement for best results. : MM (Continired from Tage fourl taJles League. Scoring was very ' slow at the Start of the game but, I optionally fond of Elizabsthand towards the end' Of the hallMorris, the two have been together-much. tombinlng with, Beale,' ran m ft The Queen Mother has, through polnts betweenthem to sew p th th; years. Imparted a wealth ot fof the AlJ stars 20 to 5 knowledge to the younge woman. , vny,,, fnr th ah star The annual Catholic bazaar was y Quite apart from official duties, were. Wilson, Morris an& Beal? neia m simmers on saiuraay &r- siaaibeth has seen the 'ever em- while for the fci-h School ternoon and proveq to be a well cleat Queen take full charge ol patronized affair. Add squac' Davis, Blaine and Ellison wert the pick of the bunch. Individual scoring: Senior Game All Stars-AlacPhee (k), Morgan Dooilnato 1 5). Styles (8), Llnd.?i' 12), ' Atrnftrong 18) SattVerbaiv 5); total. 42. Regiment Johnson (8), Win?' ham 5j, Mlrrlson (7), Mlt'criiV (81, Allen 10)i total, 38. tntermetliate Scythians--Beyrfon l(i3oustor (4k Monteano (6), Murray (3) apt pupil and should make a fine 'Campbell t2), Glllis 8, Currlf ":iurneau uz). latal 0Q nrnnnwr fnr the p-rpat households All Stars Patoer t3), SuehVr U), Brown 110), Vicreck (2i Cromp (4),- McMsekln, Eby (1) Blake (3), Husiy 'm total, 30. Girls High School Ellison, Davit (S Blaln, Arney, Robertson 2), Eby, McLean; total. 5. All Stars Wilson. Ratchfo'rd (3) Morris K12), Beale (4), Smith U) Dickens, E. Dickens; a Personal Toucn With i HAND MADE GIFT Of,'. Distinction Mrs. J. Clark Fancy Work Palmistry 3Uite J First FloOr Federal Block Wrathall's Photo Finishing Local View Christmas Cards) Local Calendars and Scenic Views of Northern B.C. Most appropriate gifts and advertise your town. Things You Will Need Christmas Day For Your Christmas Tree We have a fine assortment of Christmas Tree Lights and Bulbs. Sets complete, from $1.25 For Your Christmas Baking Pudding Dishes, Co6kie" Cutters ' and -Presses, For Your Christmas Table Table Centres, Nut Crackers and Picks, Dishes of all kinds, Tumblers and Stemmed Glasses - get them at GORDON'S HARDWARE TO MOVE VAiE (U y43 W ' JP5k ) COOK1WS 1 THIMK U HE OTHETi)Fl CCULD (JIMS VOD JSm!(-XATS MICE OR ?AT HOMEy j Ts OOWT BWBOJ IM ItARS J I I CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Quality Products at Economy i Prices Prompt Service We put up and deliver to any address Xmas Hampers for your hieftds. ' Made up to any amount you ask for. Ask us. 1 tin Peek Frean Cake, Xmas, 1 lb. Malkfn's Tea, both in neat box, fa ideal as gift for MIXED PEEL Whole or cut, per lb SHELLED WALNUTS Pieces, per lb SHELLED WALNUTS Halves, per lb SHELLED BRAZILS per lb MINCE MEAT Happyvale quart bottle MINCE MEAT Bulk 2 lbs. .'. MARSHMALLOWS 3-lb. tin CRANBERRIES Cape Cod 3 lbs .......... BRUSSEL SPROUTS "2 lbs : SWEET POTATOES ' 4 lbs XMAS HOLLY per lb. TURKEYS Order your early. Per lb. 28c, 30c, 35c GRAPEFRUIT California, 6 for GRAPEFRUIT Florida large, 2 for . LEMONS Sunkist per doz. MUjSSALLEM'S COFFEE $1.45 Fresh ground, per lb. .... MUSSALLEM'S TEA Fine quality, per lb 25c 27c 37c 42c 39c 25c 99c 99c 25c 25c 47c turkey 25c 25c 29c 30c 45 c Lettuce,- Cauliflower, Celery, Tomatoes MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 11 1 R3KV mm FOR SALE FOUND FOR SALE General Electric hand cleaner, 1935 mbdel. Like "new. Phone Mrs. Pullen, Black 272. (tf) Furniture for sale including piano on view Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 21, 22 and 23, 3 tb 6 p.m. at 400 Fourth Avenue West. Phone .233. (,299) IF Charge of 25c is not paid pair of child's hlvte mitts by Christmas Eve, they will be turned over to the' Salvation Army. tf. PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville. Vancouver MEN Get vigor at once. New Os- trex Tonic Tablets contain raw 6yster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted, aker refunds few cents paid. wAU.br write, Ormes Limited, v LANII ACT Nutlet Of liilrntlon to Apply to I.rae Liind . In the Prlnc Rupert ImoA Recording District ot 4, Conet Laud DUtrloV und Jtu&'t proximately one mile la Southerly direction along the coait Utie 'of rtlnocM Royal Islnrul from R-c Fern' Point ald RH Fern Point belpjt ftpprxiaitely lotir miles in Werterj fUKbtlon from Barnard Cove. Tnte Notice that Hans Hansen 'it frthce 'Ruixit, U.C.. ocsopfttin Fi;. lckor tntmidj to vtity for a lase "f , the folloln4? described land. Con tnettclng at a pout planted at hi; r water iuurlt ua wiu abirellne In t middle o! - bay boUig apprtlmatey one mile Swth of htd Frn Vox-' ttbrtca thTie ch&lni North-Eaat; their fifteen chatta Kt theuce Ilv chal'f BsWtl tbnc llftecn chains. Wet ' thence- Northerly to the nearest pcih. wt toW water thenoe tollCwln( watt-r to i iioint opposite ttvt inltiu poii aiid containing five acrea, more or lest. HANS HANSEN fl Mm .WW