LAMB and MUTTON Shoulder of Lamb Rolled per lb Loin of Lamb Chops per lb Legs of Lamtf per lb Lamb Stew, 2 lbs. & 1 tin of Peas .Mutton Chops 2 lbs Stew Veal. 2 lbs. & 1 tin of Peas Ayrshire Bacon per lb. TEA JONES Family Market rilONE 957 Specials BEEF Short Ribs of Beef 3 lbs., Hamburger, 3 lbs. is 1 lb. Onions Steak, 2 lbs. & lb. Kidney Pot Roast of Beef 4 ids. Sirloin Steak 3 lbs. Round Steak 3 lbs. Pirme Rib Roll, 4 lbs. & 3 lbs. Green Beans Corn Beef, 4 lbs. is 1 Cabbage Hyde 25c 35c 35c 50c 40ci PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye 7 PINK SEAL Finest Pink. Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Transfer Jasper Coal All Kinds Of Dry Firewood PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue 1 cake Witch Hazel Soap Corned Beef 3 lbs. ! Round Steak 2 lbs Hamburger 2 lbs : . Lamb Chops per lb 90S Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Aug. 13: (CP) Wheat was quoted at $1.01 la on the Vancouver market yesterday. Today's price was $1.03 'A. WEARS OLD GARMENT EDMONTON. Ausr. 13: (CP) A PHONE 951 1 christening robe which has ser ved four generations is being worn by John Michael Neely, two-I month-old Edmontonian. The 77-year-old gown was made In Ports 1 '25C nwath' England, by his great- great granamowier. SELVIG'S MARKET o81 Week-End Specials 20c 25c 25c Nabob Coffee 1-lb. tin Nabob Coffee . 5-lb. tin Nabob Teal-lb. pkg Granulated Sugar 10 lbs :. OpiLlbby's Pork is Beans 3 tins.., , 35C Libby s Roast Beef Ofp Lynn Valley Peaches 2 tins 25cKing 0scar sard'nes 38c 91.90 47c 58c 25c 35c 35c 22c 25c 35c 25c 25c Fruit & Vegetables Phone 765 Free Delivery Buy at Mussallem's QUALITY GROCERIES LOWEST PRICES Mall orders receive prompt and careful attention Confectionery Store In Connection MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 The weather during the pas: week or two has been distinctly unfavorable to gardening except that it has helped' th-2 shade plants such as begonias. With an 'old fashioned August like this it lis hard to know what to grow to get best results. The difficulty is I that we do not know in, advance wnat sort oi August we snau ge. Sometimes we have several weeks of bright sunshine and again we have a soaking time like we have been experiencing this year. hlbited due to the date of the.wajj on? CUT YOUR BLOOMS Here Is a gardener engaged In the seasonable occupation of butting flowers for a neighbor. He knows that the more he cuts the more he gets. 9s show being too late for them. In 2 tins flowering house niants thpre was 5 bars White Pearl Naptha Soap is a poor showing. Only one geran- ium was seen and it was not much of a plant. There must have been dozens of better plants in tne city but the owners did not take the trouble to put them in the show. Among interesting exhibits no FOR SALE SACRIFICING Factory samples. 10- nlprp n.hpttiorf lolrf Cultos ? en. Suites $69.50; 38-Plece Breakfast Room Groups $21.00. Many other bargains,. Terms if desired. Julius Shore Mall Order House. 1402 Beklns Bldg., Vancouver. REWARD OFFERED $50.00 REWARD Will be paid to anyone finding the body of Klyo-hlro Kltazakl who was drowned the evening of July 30th between Klnahan and Digby Islands. (191) PERSONAL j MEN Get vigor at once. New Os-I trek Tonic Tablets contain raw I oyster lnvlgorators and other I stimulants. One dose pep3 up or gans, glands. If not delighted, maker refunds few cents paid. Call or write, Ormes Limited, tf. GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. "TIME THE TOILER" SAY. TIL-LIE - V4HEM ARB VAJB CSOIMS1 VC3 HAVE THAT 6-ot.FcSiME: fU&t 5 SOOM AS GST THIS LETTER. ovr to Mac- Feel) TILUIE Man in the Moon .Prince Rupert people do not seem to have been interested In the comet that recently lost its tall or in the meteoric,- shower that followed. If we could only move that cloud curtain aside we might be more interested In astronomy. Now that Shirley Temple has left British Colurnbia without visiting Prince Rupert, .local picture fans have every reason to be In this wild scramble for armaments evidently Britain is running Hie annual rose and flower j to form and will not be behind show was a big event for many of any other nation when the show-those Interested in gardening. down comes. ". While there was a big showing of I sweet peas and many other vari-j House Agent: "Yes. sir, this Is a eties, there was a noticeable de- house without a flaw." Algle: "Bai I mentioned in the prize lists was a vase of zinnias grown by Robert Gordon in his greenhouse. 'They were very large and Well colored but these flowers are not .suitable to the-Prlnce Rupert clt- !mate and, as a hot house plant; .there are many more beautiful flowers than zinnias that "may be grown. John Shields; who lives .lrpi cottage near the Dyer Apartment? had a fine tub of outdoor carna-Itions In the show. Unfortunately (there was ho class. In which they could be placed. However,- It was; much admired and was a distinct addition to the display. Mr , Shields has in his garden the firmest i crop of peas and scarlet rumu.r beans I have ever seen. They must be nine or ten feet high and covered with pods. The judge of the flower show went down there to see them and was amazed at the fine showing. Another year the Hortlculturai Society will have to Demg eugioie ior Iirst prize be- cause of having one too many hi a vase lor he had worked faith-1 fully, confining his plants to a J single stalk and giving them aU the help possible and was really ' deserving of the prize. I do not claim to be much of a prophet but I think there will be evci keener competition next year thin mere was thls-H. F. P. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT j Senior Matriculation Applications ! Students wishing to take the Senior Matriculation Course at the Prince Rupert High School during the coming school year, are re-' quested to send in their appllca-' tlons prior to August 24th, 1936. A1 minimum of ten applications are! required before arrangements can be made to hold the classes. W. J, ALDER, 190 Commissioner. THE BOSS SAID COULD TAKE My VACATtOM , WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Bit Pink Bun Developing in Mas-sett Inlet rrince Charles in Boeinc Plane Goes South. Reports received at the Dominion Fisheries office in Prince Rupert today give every Indica tion of a heavy run of pink sal mon In Massett Inlet. Twenty-two seiners operating in the Inlet took ninety thousand fish between, them yesterday and the three canneries In operation in the Inlet are being kept very busy putting up the fish On the mainland an exceptionally good run of pinks is beginning to show signs of fall ing off. The sockeye run is virtually over with the boat aver-nsv on the Skeena and Naas crease in the number of roses ex-jove! Then wnat the deuce 'do you Rivers down to ten fish per boat Fishing with sockeye nets is to end on Friday. That, as usual, will mark .the end of packing opera tlons for the yuar In a number of mainland cannerie. Cohoes are showing up in goodly quantities all over the district and there are Indications of a substantial run, A few. hours later than usual, CN.R, steamer Prince Charles, Capt. Dan McKlnnon, arrived in port at i o'clock this afternoon Irom Vancouver via the iQueen Charlotte Islands and will be here until Saturday night when she will sail, on her return south over tnp same route. The vessel had on TRAGEDY ON TRIP (Contlnuea itvta Pe and his r.ioH hnAv. badly gashed ana cut. his neck broken and head nimble and husky for his 60 years had suffered a heart attack or had lost his footing in endeavoring to go to the assistance of Ward when he fell Into the river. Armstrong and Smith stood guard all day over the body while watlng for the coroner to arrive from Happy Camp, a small settlement inhabited mostly by Indians When he finally completed the hazardous Journey at 7 pjn. he pronounced the man dead by accident and It was up to the rest of the party to arrange for burial a j difficult problem in that m".n mountainous country. A crude wooden coffin was made and tlm' for the funeral was, set, but at; the last moment, after hours of phoning, Proctlr's son was located j and he sent a hearse" and coffin from Fort Morgan, 75 miles distant. It was a strange and touching scene tthat burial up in "the wild country" with a' sad group of Indians, who had brought crude bouquets of mountain flowers In tribute to their old friend, and a few Whites. Doc Proctor, close friend of the Wards, upon whose inyltatlon the board a large number of tourist) Armstrongs made the trip, was a passengers. Over sixty transfer jpature lover and poet He wa3 from here tomorrow to make the author of several books of poems', trip to Stewart and Anyox and me of which was "The Rodeo thence to Vancouver on the Prince prompted by his days of bronc Rupert which vessel Is bringing .busting in 1918 with his personal . At. . r i ml-- ...i in' -; A 'iriii Ti norm some iiuy pcr!uiu wuu wm.ijtiiu, ui iwgcja, return south via the Islands on the Charles. The Douglas flying boat, which decide has been undergoing repairs at the whether it holds Its show early local dry dock after'having accom-or late. It must be earlier If it islpanled W. E. Boeing's yacht Ta- to cater to the roses but, If the conlte on a cruise of local waters, sweet peas, eladiola and dahlias hopped off at 5:45 yesterday after are to be the outstanding features, jnoon for Seattle with Pilot Clayton i via: &tiuw Simula ue a wce& laiei.Li. ocuuu uic cuuwuia. . . than it was this year: Prince Rupert rose growers! Three boats sold halibut catches should not be unduly worried at totalling 50,500 pounds at Seattle having lost a good many trees ' yesterday as follows: Atlantic, 31,- thls last winter. Evidently in al- 000 pounds. Booth, 834c and 8c; most all parts of Canada ihne Merit, 8,500, Whiz, Oc and 8V4C was a big mortality among roses. (cod, 1000 pounds, 3c); Lltuya, 10,-so this place was not alone In snn Ran Jnnn sv.r anrf m.p I in Corn Flakes is I I Kellogg's liie orig I inal -unequaled for I I crispness and flavor. I I Lower price, bigger I I value than ever. I 1 having suffered severe losses. Ar.tjl ' , ' it must also be, noted that a go?i a particularly active patrol Is be-many Prince Rupert growers dldilng conducted in Area No. 2 since not lose a single rose. : its closing to halibut fishing' at the A number of people, including nrst of thls weeki patrol is myself, were rather disappointed 'centred south of Cape Spencer at belngruled out by the Judge;here .violations were tlhe,f TJ niLV. ng.:ld to be unusually prevalent af- .v,v ... wiicvuy. iim.,er lCr the l"C closlne ClOMng mill m. i.n 1l 1U. next year. I of the area last C. N. R. TRAINS For the East-Mondays, Wednrsdays and FrU days 6 p.m. From the East-Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays 40:20 p.m. Thurs3Y, August lj, paoi roua SAIL? NHT'fB V Hit Tea for every Taste mm inm AIiAUa Gardening TENDENCY FOR GOOD Continued from Page i order to carrv nut. it duty to the people, it must com! out of its buildings and lu split . . open, was found at 6 o'clock za tlons to meet the people andt j v j-. - - - , i , v n m n . Inn tara rina-nunrillrool thlno fr.r h. . . . une new, iuuiiuufci v ......SH .vi mem. n was in tjj. In the water. First clue to histh the present day attitude to whereabouts came when an old j help people and do good. Indian eulde noticed a Diue jay HanMnor And flitting about creat excitement. It was not Dr. R. G. La rep. nrpiirWi , , r '"Mil oj ,(., niplh PvnroctnI Padre Coleman for hi nnu... known whether Proctor, who WmeSsage. auestg at , 'u"' besides the speaker, were Cyril D Morgan of Vancouver and Dr Neai Carter. Dr. W. C. Asplnall and J D. Vance of Prince Rupert 1 -I :: I 'J L J i LAST TIMIS TONIGHT Last Complete Show, 8:28 JACK HOLT MONA NAURU; in - "Storm Over the Andes" (At 7:00 it 9:44) PLUS - - JACKIE COOPER in - "Tough Guy" COMING FRIDAY SHIRLEY TEMPLE in "Capt. January" AUGUST FURNITURE SALE SPRING FILLED MATTRESS BY SIMMONS Priced $18.00, $20.00, SU.tO $27.50 and $12.50 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Prince Rupert 10 cents To Read a New Book " "MAGNIFICENT HOAX" Oppenhelm "THIRD ACT IN VENICE" Thompson "ETERNAL DEEPS" Bassctt "DEATH O FA OHOST" .....j. Alllngham "JIO TIME MURDERS" . Glvens "EYELESS IN GAZA 4 Huxley "LIMPINO SWAY" II... McCulloch "MEXICAN INTERLUDE" ';Jackson "PERFECT MURDER CASE" ..i Bush "GULLS AOAINSTTHE SKY" ..;,Copeland "GUNNARS DAUGHTER'4 j. Undset "DON JOHN'S MOUNTAIN HOME" Raymond "ADAM AND EVELYN" Hamilton "HIGHLY INFLAMMABLE" .V Saltmarsh "RIVER HOUSE' Wllloughby And Many Others , This Special Rate 10 cents per book per week for this month only.. Commencing September 1st the usual rate of 75c per month will be resumed. Take advantaje of this low rental Immediately and t the full benefit. Come in and choose your favorite books from our Urge selection of popular fiction. USA was aiKrrlZ'lttfjl'.l 0.. -vrL WY555r Rental Library Section By Westover 0S TCK-C 1 1 wwm 4