Today's Weather Three Japanese freighters re expected at bedgewick ay, Queen Charlotte Isl- sds, shortly to load cargoes hemlock timber for the rient, according to word ceived here today from T 1 1 A A. Be isianus. Arrangements re now under way at the J. Morgan Logging Co.'s imp for the loading of the fcsels. Murray McPhail, Seattle bier, representing the ex- Irting In-All interest, arrived at riitiv.j imj uw kill; jm v;- tit trip of the steamer iince Charles. ts. EW TIME MARK SET hdtnburg Clips Her Own Record For Crossing of Atlantic Ocean ANKFqRT-ON-MAIN, Oer- ny. Aug 13: Having clipped one pr and 43 minutes off her for- r Atlantic crossing record, the irman dirigible Hlridcnburg re ined here yesterday afternoon Bm Lakehurst. N J., having made trip in 43 hours and five min f esbytery In Session Here mess at Gathering of United (Church Clergy Yesterday Of Routine Nature frlnce Rupert Presbytery of the I'tcd Church of Canada was in session yesterday at First Uni- Church, business being largely a routine nature In connection I1' the missionary work of the pren m the district. The sessions fned at 9:30 in the morning and punued until late afternoon. supples. Following completion of his mission to Prince Rupert.. Pilot Elliott ; will return to Stewart. Halibut Arrivals Summary M. Cheolin, graduate of Cape Spear, 3,000, com mow. hshal College,' managing dlr- 7.9c and 5.5C. . . Kytclle, 3,000, Atiln, 8c and 5.5c. Cariboo Quartz, 1.72. Dentonla, .i5'2. Dunwell, .03, Minto, .38 V2. Meridian, .08. Morning Star, .013,4. National Silver, .022 Noble Five. .02 V4. Porter Idaho, .04. Premier, 3.00. ' J Reeves McDonald, .06. Reno, 1.23. Relief Arlington. .30. Sahnon Gold, .09. Taylor Bridge, .09. Wayside, .103,i. . ,. United Empire, .03. - - Toronto- Beattle, 1.43. Central Patricia, 4.25. Chibougamau. 1.72. Gods Lake, 1.16. Int Nickel, 53.65. Lee Oold, .11. Little Long Lac, 6.00. McKenzle Red Lake, 2.05. Perron, 1.27. Pickle Crow, 7.10. Red Lake Gold Shore,. 2.16. San Antonio, 1.90, Sherrltt Oordon, 1.66. Slsco, 4.70. Smelters Gold, .10. Sturgeon River, .43. Ventures. 2.15. ' McCleod Cockshutt, 4.40, Oklend. .37. Mosher, .67. Bousquet, ,12 4. Bldgood Kh-kland, 1.65. Gllbec. .05Vb. Jowsey, .15, Moilscn Red Lake, 1.03. May Spiers, .47, Wendlgo, .22. Wlnoga Patricia, .34. EXPULSION OF C0NNELL Price and Swalles Also Thrown Out by Provincial Executive Of C. C. F. VANCOUVER, Aug. 13: (CP) Rev. Robert ConneU, Jack Price and R. B. Swalles, all members of the Legislature, have been ex The reason riven for the ex- Pilot Elilott will take In men andj puisotl was tnaj they had re fused to accept the 1936 convention decisions and had refused to abide by the platform and policy. RETURNS TO BIRTHPLACE 60-mile trip down the Peace Hlver on a raft to recapture his team which had run away' and set out for Fort Vermillion, 350 miles noith of, here, where they had been foaled and bred Fresh fish from Vancouver and fresh meat from jwinnlpeg to Montreal has been transported with eminently satisfactory results in new railway refrigerator car equipment' perfected at the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, according to word received at the station yesterday from Otto .Young, mechanical engineer o the station, who Is now in Montreal, The highly perishable goods, in each case, reached their' destinations in the best of shape despite exceptionally hot weather conditions. The success attending the experimental shipments was so I marked, indeed, that railway officials are said to (company have been much impressed and there is believed to be the possi-bUity that the new freezing equipment will be put Into general use on the lines. Further particulars from Mr. Young are being awaited with in-terest at'trie station5''"" CANDIDATE FOR GRITS j. Howard Forester Government Standard-Bearer in Burrard By-Election comer In the political arena, was last night unanimously nominated as Liberal candidate for Burrard in the forthcoming provincial by- cA.U1.nM ri1n.tir Mil. A Tomorrow's Tides (S.jLM.1. ...... High .11:46 a.m. 18.0 ft. prince Rupert Light rain, calm; r 23:39 203 ft. pjn. barometer, 30.10; temperature, 58; Low i 5:28 a.m. 3.6 It. iea smooth. 17:40 pm. 8.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISI1 COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER L. XXV No. 190. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1936 fRICE: 5 CENTS SEBASTIAN IS Arrangements For bhip- merits Being Perfected At, J. It. Morgan Logins Co.'s Camp on Queen Charlottes. NOW UNDER HEAVY SIEGE XHUkilNli TIMRF.R FROM KM MM Tf) 1A PA N offensive fhree Vessels Coming To Sedgewick Bay To Take Aboard Cargoes re in attenrinnm ujptp nv pn Daker of Anyox, chairman; J Love of Port SlmDson. Iretary, Rev. c. D. Clarke of pe Rupert, Rev. Frank Bush- W of Port Essington, Rev. Peter H'y oi the mission boat Thomas Psy and Rev. Dr. 8. S. Ostcrhout Vancouver, superintendent of "Sons for British Columbia. ' '"BUSHES CHINESE PAPER ANCOUVER, Aug. 13: (CP)- v-nmcse weekly newspaper, d In English p.OOO Chinese residents In Can w'u oegln publishing here month. Keith Zll 8. Wiles, Lon- RECORD IN AIR WORK Pilot Charles Elliott Exceptionally Busy at Stewart STEWART. Aug. 13: Favored by good weather during a recent weekend, Pilot Charles Elliott, of the Pacific Airways had a very busy time flying freight and passengers into the Unuk Valley. When the weather started to show signs of breaking, Pilot Elliott broke all previous records on one day when he made six return trips into the Un uk, carrying three tons of materials, etc., for the Premier mining opera tions In the vicinity of MacKay Lake. Asked concerning this day's work, Pilot Elliott, was .very, disinclined to talk oj It and tne only miormauon available had to come from other sources. In connection with this re cord, which is by no means the first Pilot Elliott has hung up in this district, it seems .that the largest number of return trips previously made was four, and this he had himself established. Prior to that the largest number of trips made into the Unuk was two. The six trips were made in 12 hours' flying time. During the week-end Pilot Elilott transported some five tons into the Unuk, as well as sev eral men, Including Ross Terhune, who has gone in to inspect some ground in which the Consolidated Mining ti Smelting Co. is lnteres ted. Pilot Elliott has still to make some seven trips to the Unuk. af ter which he will proceed to Prince Rupert where he proposes to sub Ject his plane to a thorough over haul. In addition to three trips still to be made for Premier, Pilot Elilott Is reported to be scheduled to take three parties into the Unuk. These include men, supplies, etc., for the Prince Rupert Syndicate, headed by Dr. Carson; the S. B. P. Syndicate, consisting of Storie, Bjork and Prout. Accompanying the S. B. P. Syndicate will be Mrs. Storie, who will hold the record or Deing me first woman to go Into the Unuk for the purpose of assisting with the work to be done. Mrs. bione will cook for her husband and his partners. Those going In for these two syndicates win engage in uu-Ing assessment work. A new and third syndicate will this year enter the Unuk area from this district. Ralph Swartllguer, Bill Pettman and Harold Kay. also all of Premier, will be another syndicate for whom Potato Price Has Doubled In Fortnight VANCOUVER, . ... . op rebels ii i i Aug. 13: The price of potatoes on wholesale row here is up from $20 a ton two weeks ago to $45 per ton today. There Is a distinct shortage and supplies are now being Imported to the TODAY'S STOCKS Courieiy 8. D. Johaiton Oo.) Vancouver B. 0; Nickel, 32. , ' Big Missouri, 54. Bralorne, 7.50. . B. R. Con.. .05 Vi. B. R. X., .12. SHIPMENT IS SUCCESS Practical Use of New Refrigeration Equipment Devised Here Is Established TENDENCY FOR GOOD 'country which started out to balness and the Industries which the Burns Lake-Ralnlne calm 5j pelled irom tne uo-operaiive- ' q. n 1 Comonwealth Federation, British 'JjtCWtirt DnKer Columbia section, it was announced yesterday afternoon by the provincial executive. if f. Ii r t 1 a ll Native Sons Are Loyal to Britain But Want Autonomy 1 VANCOUVER, Aug. 13: The Native Sons of Canada, in convention here, passed a resolution opposing Gyro Club Inspired by Discourse Of appeals to the Privy Council in ' Padre Michael Coleman London.' Further perfection of'. of Toe II. Canada's autonomy is also sought, j Loyalty, to the British sovereign i "There is a tremendous tendency was voted. Heating Plant To Be Put In Canadian Legion in Session Employment of Veterans And Other Matters Discussed The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League took place last evening with President VV. M. Brown in the chair. Applications for regular member ship from Daniel Roche and Ernest Valpy were approved. Letters from Dominion headquarters of the Legion were read. These outlined the results of the conferences between ex-service men's organizations and the gov ernment in cpnnec'lorvwlUv the .question of unemployment among I veterans. The great assistance offered by the Legion was fully appreciated by the government and 'the reasonableness of the requests showed that the veterans still had the spirit of service to their country very much at heart. President Brown appointed a committee consisting of Jack Preece, S, A. Bird and James Watt to assist him in carrying out the recommendation of the meeting to VANCOUVER, Aug. 13: J. How- excavate a proper basement, this ard Forester, manager of Hugh M. toeing necessary prior to the instal- Fraser & Co. Ltd., local brokerage j latlon of a central heating plant, and financial house, and a new-, The co-operation of the branch wlll be fully extended to the Women's Auxiliary in connection with the annual bazaar to be held In October, Delegates to the Trades election. Mayor G. G. McGeer M. and Labor Council were also as-P., whose resignation caused the sured of the support of the Legion vacancy, was In attendance at the for the Labor Day sports, convention and gave a vigorous! : speech in support of Mr. Forester. Mr. Forester will oppose Dr. Lyle j Telford, the C. C. F , candidate, and a Conservative candidate who has yet not been, nominated but who is generally expected to be Dr. j Frank T. Patterson. I Mr. Forester Is also a barrister. Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, calm, 58. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 58. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 53. TRAGEDY ON TRIP Brother of Local Lady Was n .. i t : it'i,li. cIm I' for good among people today," as je'rted Padre Michael Coleman, or ?anizer of Toe H. for Western Can-ida, is an address before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon yesterday. "Everywhere there Is the urge to help people to, find God and good. The church Is widening lout and becoming more vital to the people because t is beginning to realize the necessity of doing some-King real to cater to present day ieeds." Padre Coleman, who Is no stran-jer to Prince Rupert, gave a highly .nteresting and Inspiring talk In typical raconteur style. More specifically he dealt with some of the n?wer forms of social service work which are beln gadopted in England to assist the youth and the unemployed. Throughout his remarks could be discerned an under-! 1 tone of the equality and brotherhood of men after the artificial distinctions of class, position or possessions had been removed. i The noted padre described in a picturesque way the functions and; activities of the Duke of York's camp3 and the St. Francis homes; in England and also a new type of ecclesiastical woik beinz carried on A, from Tower Hill jn London. Duke of York's Camps The Duke of York's camps were being operated primarily for the a pleasure excursion but wnicn church In the past had not reached I turned out to be a tjagic fcxeur-1 adequately. Regular noonday ser- jslon when "Doc" John E. Proctor, i vices were held each week-day and. their guide and host, fell to his they had begun to attract persons . .aeain 'rio'ith irom frnm a a wuiiv-"Wv hlrtv-foot breclrjlce.' yicviF'vt. irom an smions o: me in ousiness Tide of Battle in Spain in Their Favor Conditions in Madrid Are Serious IRUN, Spain, Aug. 13: (CD-Rebel artillery in the San Sebas-tian-Irun area launched a general offensive yesterday to destroy government control of the northeastern seaboard as insurgent chiefs announced that the government had abandoned the Bay of Biscay city in face of rebel onslaughts. San Sebastian was bombed today by five rebel planes, heavy damage being inflicted in the desperate offensive for possession of the seaside resort city. Conditions in Madrid became serious as the water supply gave out .and numerous cases of tetanus were reported to the authorities. LOYALISTS EXECUTED RABAT, French Morocco, Aug. 13: (CP) Execution of forty officers and men attached to the Madrid government's air '. force after they were captured in the storming of San Rafael Es'pinar was announced by the rebels by radio. Soldiers of General Mola, rebel commander, lined up the men and shot them down; said ( the broadcast. ' i BRIDGE IN TWOYJiARS J. T. Taylor Predicts Rapid Construction of Great First Narrows Span VANCOUVER, Aug. 13: Speak- purpose of bringing together youths Ing' at a West Vancouver Day ban-between the ages of 17 and 21 fromlqiret in connection with the Van-various environments, ranging 'couver Jubilee celebration, A. J. T. from Sandhurst Royal Military Col- Taylor, promoter of the First Nar-lege, "the cream of English educa-'row bridge, predicted that, within tional institutions," to the boys of two years, the great new bridge the docks. The breaking down of will have been opened to traffic, social barriers thus accomplished, ' had been valuable to both sides CCfotno1 Pllfc In alike. Padre Coleman told many in- UUoldlllCU Vsllld 111 terestirig incidents in these camps i ry D 1 D 1 oik of which he had been himself, DCCr 1 clnOr mclWl In charge of. j The St. Francis Homes had been I Aj a rjsuit fracas ta a founded with a view to providing beef parlor ,Mt nlght when John lodgings for "tramps" and, if they Barseth sustained cuts over and desired, to provide them with acti- under eye whicn necessitated vities as a result of which they his removal to the Prince Rupert might take up useful work and re-; General Hospital wiliere six habilitate themselves, Some of the stitches had to be put In, Anton organizers donned the habits of Urvik appeared In city police Franciscan monks and moved court this morning on a charge1 .... o fVi. 'among the men of the roads vlr-'of assault, occasioning actual - " 1 r hi i m i vinn rnom inrac Duncan Armstrong, brother of Mrs. J. E Jack of this city, and Mrs. Armstronz. returned a few The new ecclesiastical work be- bodily harm. Urvlk pleaded not guUty and was remanded until lng conducted from Tower Hill In, this afternoon. London was also the subject of ln- I days ago to their home In Canoga j terestlng description. The object trip into the Klamatn Kiverjweuare oi a type or people in mm-. Uytifi Wocrh f. A A M I VUV11 Passes Away FrprWink W. Wpsrh. ... mm ww- JYlOVed l6 KaSlO' A Hollywood paper tells of the!and industry. One of the outcomes an ex-alderman, mana- trageay as iouows: had been the placing of chaplains eer 01 tne rioneer The tragedy occured when the Waller Wright is Transferred To fishing party, made up of tic rtranrh in Knotrnav nutrirt Ward on mercantile vessels. Laundry and one of New Church Work prin,,p T?nprt's hpftt. Armstrones. trongs. Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. Verne vemen continuing along the line of the , '",,, 'j1 MM . Mr. and Mrs. John E. Smith and Doc Proctor, had hiked eight cdleman asserted " " that the church teemed ' pioneer citizens, wuuer wngni, manager oi wie Bam fnr snmfi. V , . . . 4. H,!, nffn ; Stewart branch of the Dank of ZZ , 7nd the mentwas DeBmnins 10 reailze inai In. ' Vaa Vytl"110. M ! Montreal, Mont.!, who who had ha(t Just rpinmort returned lln? J?.. 'Rontinued on pw Four. , noon at 2:30 in the A rttall ,to 6 their varbui PEACE RIVER, Alta.. Aug. 13: 1 from his holidays, has been notified s flrst mishap of the dy ICP) Braving black files and mos-jlhat he is to be transferred to Kas-oame when Mr Warci, while wad- PAYS FOR TROUSERS oHnMOOO nouhds, 7c and quitoes, T, Tetrick. Peace River lo in about six weeKs from now. m water, slipped aivd In- EDMONTON, Aug. 13 5.5c to 8c and 5.8c American None. r.mariian Fenella, 8,000. Boothl 7c anci ,.8c. i Prince Rupert General : Hospital at the age of (cp - 4fi vears. He had under- ""'"""" - -,- . , l...... , u mul. r,i, j n ,n il ' . V ... iransier man, maae a sutcrasiui ; . ijurea nis snouaaer. niu ucvcsji- jviciKira xvumey, k, was uuuwh io t n-one ail ODeimlOn On BAR SILVER 'fated the party going back to the ground and cut recently when cf111.fiv trp : 1ir- 11 10 out i ,.,V,I1 Iho Rmllhs xtilVfift on o mnforlst. tnnVpH Vilm off his Ocltuiuajr. NEW YORK, (CP; Har itdvr rtnrl fh rupturn nf ffUldP hlrvrlp Trii rtrlwr of ihp rat was unchanged at 443,ic ner ounce When he failed to appear by failed to leave his name, but he lour Cmiaren. on the New York "metal- market nine o'clock at night, searching did leave $1 to repair Ramey's t today, (Continued on fago Four) ' . . trousers torn In the fall. vived by his widow and .