We loan you free a complete Home Permanent Wave Machine for 3 months. All you need do is send $3.00 to cover the cost of shipping and the oil for 6 complete Permanents. Will not harm the finest hair. Any one can guarantee a perfect wave with this machine. No electricity or experience needed. When you have used these supplies more oil can be obtained from us at fifty, cents a BEDS Of KITCHEN SINGER MUSICAL Flute, RADIOS, BARBER NATIONAL FURNITURE Phone Green 421 The Fish which made "Rupert Young People's j Society Meets Thanksgiving Social in Tartars Of First United Church A good sized group of young I people attended the Thanksgiving ! social, held last night by the non- denominational Young People's Society of this city in the social parlors of First United Church. With Miss Ruby Krikevsky in charge, an enjoyable time was had ! by all in playing games apd ama-jteur dramatics. Community singing, followed by a delicious lunch served by members ,of the executive, brought the evening to a close. Rev. O. H, Moody of Stewart and Mrs. Moody and son were pessen- going through to Vancouver. I'i. v Hi all sizes RANGES SEWING MACHINE INSTRUMENTS, Tenor Banjo, good make; "B" Etc. GRAMOPHONES CHAIR in good condition CASH REGISTER ELIO EXCHANGE Third Avenue Prince Rupert Famous Brand SMOKED LACK COD Prepared Daily By . Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront . Tuesday, October u paow rem DAILY NEWS 1931 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest -Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Marvel Wave Factory 1183 East 41st. Ave. Vancouver, B.C. THE VERY LATEST IN FINE FURS AT GOLDBLOOM'S Everyone leoks well in furs. They cive a fecline of sunerioritv that cannot be achieved in any other way. Goldbloom's furs look j rich, stylish, superior. Look them over and try them on before I deciding to buy. Used Goods Bought Sold or Exchanged HEATERS Capella is Year's Heaviest Halibut Producer Here Light Week At Seattle For Landings. Up to the end of last week the Capella, Capt. Dan Larsen, had landed the most halibut of any Individual boat at Prince Rupert during the 1936 season. It had also brought in the greatest number of catches narriely thirteen for a total poundage of 202,500 pounds. The next greatest producer was the Dovre B. Capt. Tony Martlnusen, with 198,000 pounds in eleven trips. The Cape Beale, Capt. Edgar Ar-nett, had brought in a total of 193,000 pounds in six trips to rank third in volume of fish landed. The Toodle had made eleven returns to port with an aggregate poundage of 107,500 pounds. For he American fleet the Tahoma had landed the largest amount of halibut at Prince Rupert-159,000 pounds in eight trips. The Atlas was second with 141,000 pounds In five trips and the Betty third with 134,500 pounds In nine trips. The Visitor had. landed the greatest number of trips for! the American fleet eleven for a total of 73,500 pounds. The Betty and 'Frisco had each landed nine, catches for totals of 134,500 : pounds and 99,100 pounds respectively. Halibut landings at Seattle last week were rather lighter than usual at a total of 412,000 pounds. Wednesday had the highest price average when, three boats landed a total of 75,500 pounds at an average price of slightly Jess than 11 Vic. Tuesday had. the lowest daily price average of 10V:c on total landings of 70,000 pounds frprn three boats. Sari Juan, with 133.000 pounds, was the heaviest purchaser of the week, Sebastian-Stuart being second with 118,000 pounds. Washington, Whiz and Booth followed in the order mentioned. On Saturday three boats sold a total of 101,000 pounds of halibut at Seattle as follows: Seymour, 40,000, SebasttanlOVzC and 10c; Grant. .40,000, WaWfei ton, 10s,bC and 10c; Freya, 'ilOOtf, Booth, ,U3bC and 10c. , Yesterday, five boats landed 141,000 pourao halibufat Seattle at prices rSjnfclni from lOVic and. 10c to U3,& Mi nrt i syapi. sSutrpand sailed at 10:30, for gtew- art,. Anyox and "other northern points whence she returned here this morning at 9 o'clock, sailing at 1:30 this afternoon southbound. On a regularly scheduled voyage to Alaska, C. P. R. steamer Louise, Capt. S.. K. Gray, arrived in port at 8 o'clock yesterday mornlne from JONES Family Market PHONE 957 PHONE 951 Specials BEEF Sirloin Steak 50c 3 lbs. Round Steak 3 lbs. v,.. 40 c Pot Roast 35c 4 lbs ; Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. & 25c 5 lbs. Spuds Hamburger, 3 lbs. & 25c 2 lbs. Onions T-Bone Roast of Beef 18c per lb. Rump Roast of Beef 5 lbs. &75c 1 Cabbage , LAMB AND MUTTON Shoulder of Mutton 75c 6 lbs Mutton Chops 50c 3 lbs Rolled Shoulder of Lamb 20c per lb Lamb Stew,J2 lbs. it 25c 1 tin of Peas . VEaL Veal Chops 50c 3 lbs ; Rolled Shoulder Veal 4 lbs LI..' 50c Veal Stew;-2 ibs. & 25c 1 tin of peai Veal Steakli per lb. JL1...'. . 20c Helps Prevent Many Colds Especially designed aid for nose and upper throat, where VICKS .... II most colds start. I u. II JUST A M OSOfl UF IaCH NOSTIII VlCKS VATRO NOL TRANSIENTS ARE DENIED Will be No Relief for Them In B.C. Until Federal Government Assumes Cost, Says Pearson VICTORIA. Oct. 13: (CP) Bri tish Columbia will continue to re fuse relief to lnter-provlnclal tran sients at least until the federal government Is ready to assume the cost, Hon.. George Pearson, minis- ter of labor, said in a statement Saturday. He was commenting on the case of single jobless men In Vancouver who are asking relief, Mr. Pearson advised the men to go back to the prairies where there was a possibility of placement on arms Vancouver and sailed at 9 a.m. for 3kagway and waypolnts. The ves- el had on board fifty passengers of j .vnom six aisemDaricea nere. wine .eft here for the north aboard her. William Maddock returned to his duties on the Seattle waterfront yesterday as manager of the Seattle .Fish Exchange after a two weeks' Illness. The Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug Daly, which has been engaged In a salmon packing charter from! Queen Charlotte Islands to Namu cannery, returned to port last evening, the work being completed. The; Algle, which had been engaged In the same work, Is now packing herring from Fitzhugh Sound to Hecate on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, . ;- Synopsis of Land, Act ntt emptiomi VrACANT, nreserted. sumyei Crown Isnda mtT M Drt-smoted b British . Subjects ' Over : 18 ' years of 8o. and by .liens n deoltrlnr intention to become British subjects,, conditions! upon residence, occupation and Improvement. Pull Information concerning Pre-emptions la liven In BuUetln No. I. Land Serin. "How to Pre-empt Land." coplet of hleh can be obtained free of charge by addressing the Department of Lands. Victoria, B.C.; Bureau of Provincial Information. Victoria, or any Government Agent. Records will b granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes within reasonable distance of road, school and marketing facilities and which Is not tlmberland. I.e., carrying over 8.000 board feet per acre east of the Coast Range and 1.000 feet per acre west of that Range. Applications for pre-emptions are to be addressed to the Land Commissioner of the Land Recording Division in which the land applied for Is situated, on printed forms obtained from the Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements made to value of tit per acre, Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Orant can be received. Pre-emptions carrying part time conditions of occupation are also granted. PURCHASE OR LEASE Applications are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purposes. Minimum prlc of first-class (arable) land Is 15 per acre, and second-class (grating) land, S3.M per acre. Purther Information la given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Series, "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." As a partial relief measure, reverted, lands may be acquired by purchase In tea equal 'instalments, with the first payment suspended for two years, provided tases are paid when due and Improvements are made during the first two years or not less thsn 10 of the appraised value. Mill, factory or Industrial sites on timber land, not esceedlng 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment ef stumpage. Unsurveyed areas, not esceedlng 10 acres, may be leased as homesltes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtained after residence and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed. Por grating and Industrial purposes areas not esceedlng (40 acres may be leased by one person or a company. Under th. Orating Act th. Province Is divided Into grating districts and th. range administered under grating regulations amended from time ta tlm. to meet varying conditions. Annual grating permits are Issued based on certain monthly rates per head of stock. Priority In grating privileges la given U resident stock owners. Btock-owners may form associations for rsnge msnagement. Pre. or partially free permits available for eettlfra, campers and travellers,, at) ts Ua btad. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE To insure comfort and restful 3leep, sleep on a Slumber King Spring and Intierspring Mattress wldch bears Simmons fumous bedding name. IIS 327 Third Ave. Phone 775 Thanksgiving Day Dance Enjoyable About 150 Tersons In Attendance At Affair Staged Last Night By Moose Lodge About 150 persons were present at an enjoyable Thanksgiving Day dance staged last night by the Moose Lodge. Dancing was In pro gress from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m. with music by the Premier Orchestra. Qlllis Royer was master of ceremonies. At midnight delicious refreshments were served with J. W. Collier and Leslie Parks in charge in the kitchen. The committee In charge of the dance consisted of Albert Stiles, Gillis Royer, William Grey, Louis Shiblg and A. K. Nelson. George Maddrell, who has been acting as manager at Stewart for the Northern British Columbia Power Co. during the absence of W. D. Smith on the Vlmy Pil grimage, returned to the city on the Catala this morning from the north. r saavavaEgfVK"!?'1 saavaaafl ' Q O much depends upon good eye- J sic light that you are wise to Edison Mazda Lamps and .obtain the best light possible. FOR BETTER LIGHT EDISONMAZDA NMJ CANADIAN GENERAL READ Bulkley Valley Weather is Bad Harvesting Held up and Roads Made Almost Impassable SMITHERS, Oct. 13: The rains of the last few days have not only delayed harvesting operations in the Bulkley Valley to the dlscom- jfiture of many local farmers who have not yet got their grain ana timothy seed through the mill, but It has gone a long way to put the local roads and streets into a very bad condition with "pot holes" too numerous to dodge with a motor car. The weather has now settled down again and Is fine and bright and steps are being taken immediately to make the streets more comfortable for motorists. TERRACE BEAUTIFUL NOW TERRACE, Oct. 13: After several days of very mild weather with heavy rain, the sun is. shining again here. These days are perhaps the most lovely of all I the summer, Cottonwood and pop I lar trees are dressed in gold. choose BETTER SIGHT USE IK ELECTRIC CO.. Limitad the New Books Recent Additions to Our Ever Popular Rental LIBRARY "Sing Sister Sing" uaum "Drums Along the Mohawk" . . . .Edmonds "The Last Empress' ...k ..Vare "Limping Sway" McCulloch "I Am the Fox" Von Etten , (A,M- $10,000 Prize Novel) "The Long Night" Lytle "Whiteoaks Harvest" de La Roche "Far Borest" Brett Young "Case of the Missing Corpse" Sanger "The Sunstone" de Vere Stacpoole "The Need We Have" Qibbs ;;The Island of Sheep" ..... .'. ... ."Buchan "After All" Clarence Dav "White Banners" ... Douglas "Stormalong Gert" . Thnnnd "The Fort in the Jungle" .... Wwn "Fair Company" ;Leslie and many others that . you can enlnv Vi, t. t jj j continuously. Join at once and we vow W,JL u l aMn nleasant,y by reading new books. Oniv 75c for oni fiitlmei book as qulckiy as WntsliSSrV Greta Garbo Buvs Swedish Farm omc STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct it reta Garbo, famous slT? screen actress, has Durrh,'r farm home, with . I toom Thanksgiving services were h.u yesterday morning and eventa. St. Paul's Lutheran church 2 good sized congregations. Rev L r Jensen preached appropriate T r' mons. LAST TIMES TONIGIlf Last Complete Show. 9;n Sylvia Sidney "FURY" With SPENCER TRACY (At 7:31 & 9:45) NEWS - COMEDY Coming Wednesday ON THE SCREEN "Shadow of Doubt" With Virginia Bruce Plus Wm. Boyd In "Heart of the West- ON THEISTAOE Something New;! "The Cnnitolians" It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are always right with the market and we sell for less. Mall or phone your order and save FREE OIFT COUPONS' for a Din-Her Set and RoEers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FK0.M HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, BC Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 5S8 Hyde Transfer Jasper Telkwa and Black Diamond COAL Dry Vood PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue 1 I