nesday October 13, ,1938 Bufld B.C Payrolls" Friend If British ilumbia It JMMItATE. I use Paellc Milt for rice puddings, and all light cakes, tea and coffee. It i.,ao o 1nv1v rlrh fl.ivnr tn B" " (U J everything." Mrs. D., whose letter we quote, writes she is also influenced by the fact that every, cupful of Pacific MHk used helps British Columbia and she has a husband and two sons working here. Pacific Milk i IRRADIATED OF COURSE DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In H-Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY rUONE 657 LOCAL NEWS NOTES I Canadian Legion B. E. S. L half-i yearly meeting, Friday, 8 p.m. Election of officers. (24i) On the stage of the Capitol ,iicuirc nexi Wednesday and i Thursday you meet "The Caplto- nuns ' cnmithiMi .and blood Entertainment, totrw . , , ij Axel Enockson, a fisherman at Dodge Cove. Dichv -iUr this year grew an eight-pound watermelon. He Is anxious to know If anyone else has tried It and if they have had any success. Mrs, Frank Morris and little granddaughter, Owen Alger, left on last evening's train for Usk. Mrs. Morris will be awav fnr a week visiting with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alger, Dr. Ralph Woodworth. Vancouver medical man. wns a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday mornine through, to Juneau enroute to Tul?j sequan wnere he will practice as resident physician and surgeon. BARTLETT JA , PEARS f Another fruit for health .Uniform in.iizc and high quality excellent taole appearance, with pure sugar syrup. Royal City Pears are known for their superior flavor. J 1 rJEEP DRAUGHT STEADY SHIPS f " Cranvlllt 8um tumour 2ti() Vincout BRITAIN BECKONS YOViJttiOutuvm In i joyous Britain keyej to the warm tempo of prosperity, happiness and hospitality greets the traveller. From the moment your ship becomes part of the Autumn colour pageant on the glorious St. Lawrence, life takes on new test. Rates are most reasonable. Accommodation perfectly suited to your needs is available . . . on the deep draught, comfortable, steady ships, of the Canadian icryicc fleet. LOW COST RETURN FARES Cabin from $238.00 - Tourist from $198.00 Third Class $146.50 Enquire for particulars of our Special Christmas Sailings. AiH yMV f.jef n( nt I no nt am you btlltr) or ft Canadian Pacific F Vaneouvtf via Ocean Falls and Way Ports I' RQ m.i . m . iincess Aaeiaioe ' every rnaay ui-iu y .m. Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Louise," Oct. 4th, 16th. SS. "Princess Norah," Oct. 25th, Nov. 3rd, 19th. Ktchlkan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway JS. '-'Princess Louise," Oct. 12th. 8S. "Princess Norah," Oct. 21st, 30th, Nov. 15th, 29th. Fnr tn(nnii.. n ,4 Inn . L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Frlnce Rupert, B.O. Alex MacKenzle, following his recent serious illness, isnow able m oe aDout again. Tomorrow. Wednesday. Ladles' Music Club Tea Musicals' Rt An. dJW's Cathedral Hall. Program a.JU snarp. Adm. 25c. (240) H. F. Pullen sailed Sundav eve ning on the Catala for a Wo weeks' trip to Stewart, Anyox and Aiice. Arm. Howard W. Chamhera. mnnatrpr of Klemtu cannery, arrived In the cuy irom down the coast on, the aiaia aunday evening. R. Strachan. who has been in the fisheries patrol service at Klemtu, returned to the city from down the coast on the Catala Sundav eve ning. Inspector John A. Fraser. pro vincial police, returned to the city on the Princess Louise yesterday morning from a brief trip to Vic toria on official duties. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Vandersluys, who have been on a holiday trip to California, returned to the city from the south on the Princess Louise yesterday morning. George Murray and M. Mont gomery, who have been engaged in fisheries patrol work in the Namu district, returned to the city from down coast on the Catala Sundav night. James McOlashan of Terrace ar rived In the city on Saturday night's train for a brief visit to town. He will be returning to the interior on tomorrow evening's train. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Bryant and Mrs. F. N, Good returned to the slty on Saturday niehfs train from the interior. Mr. Bryant made a hunting trip to the Burns 'Lake district while Mrs. Bryant and Mrs. Good were visiting at Smi thers. Lieut. Col. J. a. Wright of Van couyer will address public meet togs in the Baptist Church on Wednesday and Thursday evenlnci under the auspices of the British- Israel Association. Dont fall" to hear these le:tures of great Interest to all. Collection to defray expenses. (34i Miss Bessie Carmichael of Queen Charlotte City, who has been a Datlent at the Prince Rupert. General Hospital, was able to leave the institution last Satur day and is now resting up at the home of Mrs. John Johanssen, Seventh Avenue. With Miss Edna Beaven. Miss Carmichael arrived ten days ago from the Queen Charlotte Islands They will be returning to their home on the Isl ands on the Prince John at the end of next week. I Announcements Ladles' Music Club Tea Muslcale, Oct. 14. Canadian Legion Bazaar, Octo ber 15. . .Anglican Tea at MrsT.Wlnslow's. October 16. J Hyggas Bazaar, October 23. Elks' Dance, Boston Hali, 23. Baptist bazaar carnival. Oct. 24. . "" " Luther League Carnival Tea, Oct. 29. Gyro Hoedown, Moose Hall, October 30, Hlli 60 Tea, October 31. Presbyterian bazaar, November S. O. N. Bazaar, Moose Hall, No- vember 13. L. O. B. A. Bazaar, November 19 C. C. F. Bazaar, December 2. St. Peter's Church Bazaar, Dec. ember 3.. . O.rangt Hogmanay panct, Dec ember 31 DAILY HJWil FAQM THK3S RHEUMATISM SPREAD TO AIJJER JOINTS Obtained. Relief by, Vhf Kreschen Salts Here Is a sad story of suffering, but It has a happy endipg. This woman was attacked by severe rheumatism which spread to all her joints. But Kruschen brought relief as she describes below: "I feel it my duty'fo tell you how Kruschen Salts brought me relief from a severe attack of rheumatism. I had rheumatism in mv lees and knees, later spreading to every. joint in my body. This lasted over period of 13 weeks. I was then ordered to bed with acute rheuma tism. I was recommended to trv Kruschen and' before finishing the second bottle I was able to perform my normal duties." (Mrs.) I. D. Rheumatic conditions are fre. quentiy due fo an excess of uric acid In the body. Two of the Ingre dients of Kruschen Salts have the power of dissolving uric acid. Other ingredients in these Salts assist Nature to expel the dissolved uric acid .through the natural channels. H. L. Pierce sailed this after noon on the Catala for George L. Rorie left on last eve ning's train for a business trip lo Vancouver. Mrs. E. M. Lemon, who has been spending the past eight months in Vancouver, returned to the cltv from the south on the Catala Sunday evening. Capt W. P. Armour, is back on tonight's train from a or ef business trio to Prince George. William Lamble sailed this after. noon on the Catala for a ten day trip to Vancouver, combining busU ness with pleasure. Alex McRae. who was taken suddenly 111 last week, Is now making a good recovery although further rest at home will be required. Mrs. F. C. Freeman and Mrs. C. B. Flewin of Port Simpson, "after a week-end visit to town, sailed by the Catala Sunday ereninar on their return home. A. L. Stewart, manager of Bute- dale cannery, and Archie Scott. bookkeeper, and Mrs. Scott will rail .this evening on the Catala from. Butedale for Vancouver. FOR SALE FOR SALE Buy the best. Bunsen Oil Burner. Phone Black 461. FOR SALE 9-piece Walnut Din ing Room suite, good condition Phone Blue 450. (241) FURNITURE Factory, samples must BCnlgh-grade 'pieces, guaranteed the rnost sensational bargain ever offered in Western Canada $160.00; 10 -piece' Chesterfield . Groups $05.00; genuine Walnut Cedar Chests $14.50. Terms if desired, Free storage. Write today. Julius Store Mail Order ; House, 801 Beklns B14g!, FOR RENT THREE-Room modern apartment, close In, harbor 7iew, L. C, Eby, 4th Ave. East. (240) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pactfh Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. OVER 900 have joined our group forming to provide each member with $1000 protection for loss of life , from any cause, up to 60 years of age accepted without medical examination, estimated cost $10 to $12 per year, write for our "Over the Top" drive offer and particulars, Western Mutual Benefit Ass'n, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) MEN Get vigor at once. New Os trex Tonic Tablets contain raw ioyiter invlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up or gans, glands. If not delighted, maker refunds few cents paid Call or write, Ormes limited, tf. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy j W. Fosgren. Surf InletJ Mrs. O.; V. Hanley and daughter, Holland Rock; Mrs, John Milton, jir. Law-; yer Island; R. El'Valpy and fam-i lly, Inverness; Mr. and Mrs. Rob-; ert Gillespie and Mrs. Chris Nell-' Ton, city; William Jones, Port Es-' sington; Thomas H. Bubb, Pert! Edward; Mrs. M. Rock, Vandcr-hoof; F. M. Hall, Terrace; Mrs. H. Gray, Alyansh; C. Miller, Porcher Island. Royal James McGlashan, Terrace; H. C. Halllday, CXR.; A. McRae. tt. Hanson, A. Iverson and O. Polum-bo, city. Prince Rupert M. W. Taylor. Lyon Llehtstone.. W. A. Gorman and J. McKasue. Vancouver; A. C. Ballard, Sunny-side; James H. Blake. Victoria! oeorge Little, Terrace: A. Watt. C.N.R.; H. W. Chambers, Klemtu. Central Alex Murray, Harry Miller. E. Butler, John Smith. James Hart, O. C. Austad. J. A. Kinz and An gus Macdonald, city; F. M. Mayer and O. Hunt, CN.R.; Mrs. M. Rock, Vanderhoof; Alfred Hadland, Oona River. Knox M. L. Clark, Georgetown; Frank Wolfe, H. Enocksen and O. C. Austad, city; Nelson Wolfe. Unltv. Sask.; E. Edwards, Port Hardy; Robert Hudson, Namu; P. Langkit, Campbell River; J. Stottard, Rivers Inlet. Thomas A. Kelley. well known Queen Charlotte Island logging op erator, after a brief visit to his camp at Atll Inlet, arrived in the city from the Queen Charlotte lsl-J ands at the end of the week and left on last evening's train for the Vanderhoof district where he will make a short stay before Droceed- ing to Vancouver. THRIFT Quality Foods BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. .' f w TOMATO JUICE Libby's Picnic size, 2 for. ROMAN MEAL per pkg. .-. JOHNSON'S FLUID BEEF per bottle '. JAP RICE 2 ins. CHEESE Kraft or Chateau .j lb 1 lb CRABMEAT Queen Char lotte Island, 2-lb. tin SPICES All Varieties per tin 85c CORN FLAKES Kellogg's Qp Ov rr nicer PLUM JAM Nabob, Pure OQg OtU 4-1h Mn TOMATO CATSUP -Libby's f fjn Tall size, 2 for 176 PEACHES Columbia Sn No. 2 tins, each ROYAL CITY White Corn per tin 13c 12c Tomatoes-2V2's 9 2 tins Choice Peas Sieve 5 OCTn 2 tins. Pumpkin 2's Qp i per tin ?V 30c 91c lie ISc 29c 22c 7c PANCAKE SPECIAL 1 pkg. Aunt Jemlma .P. C. Flour 1 bot. Pure Maple Syrup 9Cn both for BAKEASY Try this perfect shortening, per lb JELLO per pkg BLUE RIBBON TEA per lb HILLS CQFFEEr-Worth the difference, per b SLICED BACON-Swlft's Diamond "A," per lb. GOLDEN SYRUP 2-lb. tin Mb. tin 15c 6c 45c 48c 28c 17c FRUITS and VEGETABLES ..38c Cranberries, per lb. ..: .25c Bananas, 3 lbs. 25c Arizona Grapefruit, nice size, Juicy, 3 for .19e Tokay Grapes, per lb. ... 12c Mcintosh Red Apples, fancy 4 lbs. . 4- .wm.jat Cabbage, Uprlver, per fy. -...5 Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 (wt Deliver HjTO HELP PREVENT! TO HELP END A H HI MANY COLDS I COLD QUICKER H M rnm-iHvi'jf.ifi!ii;MrriTgiiig k run details in each Vicks packogsj SOAP SPECIALS Helena Rubenstein Soaps ACNE SOAP Regular $U0 QQ BLEACHING SOAP Regular $L65 fil Special COMPLEXION SOAP Regular 55c A4n Special I'JLC EGG COMPLEXION SOAP Regular 81.10 G(n Special ,..... " GLYCERINE PUMICE SOAP 4 (in per cake... WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP- 4 Ap per cake ; ; . ... . 3for 25c ROSE HARMONY SOAP V ffp large cake XuC Ormes Ltd. , IZhe Pioneer Druqgtsts Tht RexmU Btw Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 pjn. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m 1 p m. till 9 y.m. Vou can book HOW for the li L OLD COlfDTRV Kincs coRonflTion flEHT mfiv It U not too early to make fall and winter reservations for travel abroad. Going T79-M now you avoid the nnticl- paled heavy London-bound movement next spring. We are agents for nil lines. Come in and select 'desired X'V accommodation on the steamer of your own choosing. Optional Routing via the Panama Canal, ij desired. For Information, Call or Write: CITY TlipKET OFFICE ,528 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. Union Steamships, Limited ' Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.8. CATALA EVERT TUESDAY, 1:30 PJVl Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn. T.S.8. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJW. Du Vacsouver, Monday ajn. ROUND TRIP FARE leavinr Sunday 8:00 PJVI. calling Pt, Simpson, Stewart, Anyox, Naaa River returning Tuesday, $14.40 Further Information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Aye. Phone 568 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos . phates. Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth. 1 1